,e~ STEUE THE TEEN AND TWENTIES NEWSPAPER 15 CErulS WIDWOOD VOL,2 ,N0. 17 FORMS NEW GROUP Volume 2 ANIIAlS Number 17 WAll OUT Melbourne show ends in havoc n. W.ls ............. MIiie their second show In MtlbourM last week. lt -.was discovered that the group's drummer had not shown up. He had !Men left back at the April 26 hot~I and the Group refused to perform without him. Da.-e Dee and Co. bad walked otr durinr the ftnt show after trouble wllh on••'-~ equipment. On bolb OCCM1on1 the audience wu furious. Slow hand­ claps and tootstampln1 b:-ou1ht rears of • riot. After the nrst rus;h t of the Animals show ln Men,oume, crlUcism new left, right and centre. The show l!.Setr was described. as the poorest Mow seen in Au.stralla for years. The audiences were as cold as Ned Kelly"s grave and impaUent to say the least. Eric Burden and lbe Ani mal5 wett by far the Mst act on 1967 1~ show. Eric hlmst.lf pro,·ed that he Is one of the tltst artb~;"n~~~ ::1 11!~«:.et~~:>'i_.oved Ones, with the Mixtures close4riet~~:int~o English acts t Psul and Barry Ryan, and Dave Dee, Dozy, et.c.l proved only, that lhere hre groups m Australia who are a lol bettf'r.== =~~--, L y nn e Rand~ll lto be guest s1ar orlU 1e<_110 appear on six ., hrok e her arm al a Davy Jones at a mnJor TV progriun.s n-tordlnc IIUll.ion at charity concert. durinv the next five CBS atudloa In Hollr• weck5. ,.-ood lul week, As a result of the She was unable to Injury Lyn.'MI Is su1n1 These appearances retum to Los An&:el es ICBS. She was sched· are now ln doubt. Dave Dee, Doq. BecQ. llttck and Tlch t' .. • . ,,,.,-,-, . ~ . • . • --. ·-: C ·_ :.·.•. • • •' ~ ::·.~ •~ '~; !16. SHOWaOTOS-6RlORE ,vnnE, "llffbD!ll111ows . ~ ~njid. ...... - :_ . .. WEr.lNESDA V, APRIL 26 , \Q67 - PAGE 3 PAGE 2- ,\EONESo:.~ ~PR,_ .=.o -'o~ 80· -0RDON AND THE ANIMALS·DAVE DEE. D0 GO-SET NATIONAL aos ·-~.!.."'- AND Melbourne -TCP40 10· ' ~ aos OJ 1.( I J P•nny Lane/ Str11 wberry Fields Fore't'er ........................ ... ..... Beatles NO-GO BAN ON BENT BEAKS m ~~-Brisbane 2.( 5) Som• thing Stupid Nancy and Frank Sinatra "' No-Go's to all the radio station pro­ ll. All bu1 SA gram managers· ror banning the fabulous 3.{ 2) G.orgy Girl ...... Seekers record by the Bent Breaks "Caught Re:ct --- 4 .( 7) Wh11t 's Wrong With The Way I Li¥e ........ ... ............ ........ Twilights Hande~-- from air play. All l can sa_y 1s Melbourne ~ these people must have pretty rotten nunds _ .. ,n• 5 .( 4) Ruby Tuesday/ Let 's Spend The Night - if they consider this record indecent. Toget her .. ..... Rolling Stones Bent Breaks Fan Foreve r. :< 6 .( 13) Johnny Young, E.P . ............ Johnny Young - 7 .( Q) Re le11e Me ........ Engelbert Humperd1nck NO-GO MONKEES 8.( 8) Return Of The Red Baron Roval Guardsmen No-Go's to n, Monkees whom J think 9.{ 3) I'm A S.liHer . .... Monkees stink - they are ugly, and over publicised and have no talent at all - ueh 11 No-Go, ~ JO.( 11) There's A Kind Of Hush Herman·s Her.nits No-Go, No-Go - I hate ·em. Why must 11 .( 61 Snoopy .., _ The Red Ba ron Royal Guardsmen we put up with seeing and heartnc them? 12 .( 12) C' tdlcated To The One I Lo't'e Mamas & Papas Eril. 0 13.( 10) Pamel11 Pamela . Wayne Fontana 10 AU blll WA ;,:;: 14 .( 14) On A Carou.el .... ........... Hollies 1 All IMII V GO-GO R.J.S.S. 15.(lQ) There's A Kind Of Go-Go IU.S.S. - they're still tht' greatest Hush . New Vaudeville Band e~r. but No-Go's by the mllllun to Go-Set for not keepina: us in touch with what t.'ley're )> 16.( 15 ) Pffk-A-8 00 ........ New Vaudeville Band l All N I SA doing since Andy left. It's a wonder no-one 17.(-) A Littl• Bit Me, A Littl• Bit You Monkees I AD ...IT el.Se bas p rotested yet. What about another 18 .( 16) De troit City ........................ Tom Jones f All ftlWA artJcJc on them Go-Set? After all it's only z 19.( 18) Colo, My World . .......... Petula Clark t NSW, Q, SA. W/\ fair to give readen; what they want. 20.( 21 ) Undecided .. ...... Mas1ers Apprentices t V.NSW Q. S.t, Sincerely, Sut Oem p11te.r. 0 21.( 17) Same Old Song .. ............. Ray Brown t SSW, Q, " 'A, T 22.(-) Going Home/ I Do r: 't Care .... Normie Rowe I V, NSW , W/\ GO-GO " THE SCORPIONS" 13.( 23) Something About Yo u ............ Vibrants JV, Q. Ro\ Go-Go to the lab Scorpions, who played 24.( 20 ) Mathew And Son .... Cat Stevens t NSW, q. SA. T at Boronla with Colin Cook. Scorpions are --i I NS" '· Q, Iii\ originally from Moe, with a gas sound. We 25 .(-) Who'll Be Th• One ................ Easybeats think they are great and hope to see mrire 26.( 25) Green Green Guss Of Home .... Tom Jcnes :0 V, Nl'>W. Q of them. 0 17.(30) Mo't'in' Man ................... Buddy England S V, Q, Si\ Boronia Mob. 28.( 23) I'm A Man .... ........ Spencer Davis Group l V, Q . SA, W/\ I 29.(28) So Good . ................. Roy Orbison 4 \ ', Q . SA. T TOPS AROUND 30 (31 ) Kind Of A Drag ................ Buckinghams I NS" '• Q, T AUSTRALIA 31 .(32) Come On O...er To Our Place Bev Harrell J SSW, Q. SA. T 32 .( 33) No One Really Lons A s \', Q. " '" Clown . Robbie Snowden 3UZ TOP 15 33.( 29) Gi mme' Some Lo't'i n .... Spencer Davi s Group IJ NSW, SA, T ~ 34.( 39) Gi't'e It To Me . ............ Troggs % NSW. SA I r£NNY LANE The Bno\k,11 I SSW. SA , WA C 35.(37) You Got What It Takes .... Dave Clark Five ; ~~l~~R~BO\TT VOU BA~ V=~ -----------! 36.(-l Sund11y For TH ............ Peter & Gordon I ss"·· SA t SOMJITJIIW snrFID N~•"'J ~nd ......,_k StN&lr& i PENN\' UNt: r I NS""· T 37 .{ 22) lndescrib• bly Blue/ Fools Fall ) THER£11 A KIND OF 11~:::....,.s llemuu. 2 SOME:THI N S'TV l'ID In Love . ... Elvis Presley t"tank and Nanc,>• i;,.-., l LETS SPENO TIIE NIGHT l ALL MY LOVI:,/' 1F; r 1 Johnny Y, 38.( 27) Happy Jade . .... Who 13 Q . " '/\, T TOCll.TllER R,>lhni .'$1<- ~ GEORCV GIRi. Tiw S- •Ir. )> 39.( - ) LoH Lilc e Ours ........ .... .... Loved Ones 1 SO ONE RE11LLY LOVE:s A Ct.OWN ) !'VE DEES A II.AU BAY OOY l'aul J,, RobbrSnowdm ' HUBY TIJESDAY RolUnc Sn 40.( 35) ~Jilci Hoelcy . ... ............ P. J. Proby S V, T I SNOOP'\' y nu: Rim BARON 1 ON A C-A ROtlSEL TIit' II It 1be R<,,-al Quardtmrn a WHAT All I DOINll HERE w1n1 YOU? Sn ltM z 1: fa~~~ER~tE Enctlhf11L:=pe~~ t-•;c()MD TO WATOi: •M1Mi. The Moocher'" - tlw QwlllMQ, 11 11 PAMELA PAMELA Wl)'ne l"Orll&No 1: ~~~t'~ALLV LOVES A CLOV.~ 1 0 1111s WF:t:K . Th•• Of AUii.nil.i'• bll lftl M>d \INI loCVo m,,ke IJie ,..llQIIAI chart Nurmle I~ UND!:CIDED a.bal.o:ra Apprenll"l'I Robby s ........ 1to-. UM1Euybeat1 andtbll~One\ Ofl.MW\J>llnQfl t UCC'.fll,hl.l.,..undo\lbledlJ ll DEDICATED TO T HE ONF. l LOVE: lL Ttl£ s,un: OLD SONG ib.J e,.. lhe £My-:... thef •re n"mber ll thll ..,_,11 in A..,.rka ...:1 t tlll r11tns. n. .....on Mamu and Pai- 12 IS THIS WHAT I G ET FOR LOVIN' ror !heir •- -,,11 1, c,rw word onrmo.1111 •htch i. Mdlr IM:klnll: In mott o! YOU BABY W..,tanno, t'ai1IJ .,.., klral acu Tbl,t, LO wh)' 11>e see GeH w1:1 lk> weu 111 Ensland. nwr ,-.,. wnue1 b<;Kh :: :~~YAJO:ELIEVl'.R Jimm.Jwll::::: \l WHAT'S WRO NC: 11.' ITII TI{£ WAY 1ldn <>f th,m new dll,C ""New Yotll Mlllll'ljl l)lsqter IM! M ... weu N lhe ,.... 11-. fo r I l.1VE The Twll•~ nm, J 1: n,n.r n... 8ft Oea. lndcleo•Ur •"' ou• 11011 l"~l • YOCal fTOllP bvt ha"i' U IUVF'.R 0££P MOUNT~~~ 1\1 ..sdo,d i;vl ta.,, and colm Pe~,.... l fom,u!y W(\h s- and Tbe Doardl on dNIN IQ !!!?~ \lwlr H1 n,.,,, lffi~ only the Lond Ona 4 Ll•tfflmt £nc: B"rdonll and pert.pt lhal much 2UW TOP 15 I~ TIIE TRAP Ron Goodwin's • ~ ,u,d,>rn1t.rd G""'P 71w 'Df,ab /IIH a11u ..· n (he ..., JICI lel'I ro /\\Ulralt. 0rt1111&11ty b U.. II.er ----------- JJ Ol!T TIIIS V, Y.t:K: NUhTIII<- cai.. LoTln' Sp<N>N ul. Wol'IU 01' ......... ......... ,,, l'apu, nw... Wun1 u,. Nu,y Cumlntt HClffl<- Ruy Orbl)<III. IINl Go,,. On. SonrlJ .. Cbo,r; . .... lwn A Dael I.lad OU,. Paul J- 4BC TOP 15 I PENNY LANE , 0,,&UN : GEOROY CIHL. Sftken1 l RL"'TlJR N 0 1' TI!£ RED BARON. ~ r.,,.rd,,mrn 4 U N A CAHO\/l>£L. n.,, llolhn ~ l'AMU-i\ I'll.MF.I.A. W1yne l'ontana ,, HEU:11.s.F. Ml:. t'.nplbfn 11\U'llprrdlnck 0 JJ l SNO(W\ \'• HF.0 ll/lHO N, lhJ).
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