VOL. 119 - NO. 40 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, OCTOBER 2, 2015 $.35 A COPY Columbus Day Cocktail Reception & Parade Honoring The Friends of Christopher Columbus Park Friday, October 9 & Sunday, October 11, 2015 be The Friends of Christopher Columbus Park. The Friends are the 2015 recipient of the Committee’s Michael A. Nazzaro Community Service Award. Mike Nazzaro was born and raised in the North End. He was a small business owner and served as our State Represen- tative. During his tenure, Mike protected the neighbor- hood from the era’s urban de- velopment push and helped make the neighborhood the vibrant community it is today. The Committee is recognizing The Friends for that same com- mitment and dedication to our community and our great city. The North End Columbus Day The reception will feature “The Friends have been excel- Celebration Committee is host- music, prizes, refreshments and lent caretakers of our beloved day, October 11th, beginning at floats and many of other ing an evening of celebration cocktails. Tickets may be pur- Christopher Columbus Park,” City Hall Plaza at 1:00 pm. The participants. Best viewing is and commemoration on Friday, chased by contacting Therese at said Committee Chairman Louis parade will make its way on Hanover and Endicott Streets October 9th at the Living Room 617-504-3284. Strazzullo. “Their partnership through downtown Boston and in the North End. on Atlantic Avenue, Boston. This year’s honored guests will with the city and their steward- the waterfront, the Christopher “The parade is a great oppor- ship has made Columbus Park Columbus Park and into the tunity to cheer on the members a waterfront oasis for our neigh- North End. The parade will in- of our armed forces and the borhood and another jewel in clude Boston Police and Fire brave men and women who the City’s park system. We are honor guard, military personnel serve and protect us here at News Briefs happy to honor The Friends with and vehicles, marching bands, home,” said Parade Coordinator by Sal Giarratani Mike’s Award to say thank you drum & bugle corps, antique Matthew Bamonte. “It is a won- for their years of commitment!” cars, North End feast floats, derful day of neighborhood cel- The Bi-Annual Columbus Day neighborhood groups, flag ebration, heritage and fun for The New Hillary Looks Scarier Parade will take place on Sun- throwers from Sulmona Italy, the whole family.” Watching Hillary Clinton in her appearance on Meet the Press on Sunday, August 20th, I didn’t even rec- ognize her. She was bouncing all over the studio, State Health Officials Announce could hardly sit still, laughed inappropriately and looked like a stranger to me. Whoever it was, how First EEE-positive Mosquito of the Season could that woman be Hillary? All this new found af- fect bothered me. After 40 years working in the men- Residents Urged to Take Personal Precautions tal health field, I have seen all those symptoms be- The Massachusetts Depart- Dr. Catherine Brown. “Resi- AVOID MOSQUITO BITES fore. Usually after a bad reaction to some new meds. ment of Public Health (DPH) dents need to continue to Apply Insect Repellent Then a few days later, I read something about new announced that Eastern Equine take steps to protect themselves when Outdoors. Use a repellent revelations coming out about how bad Hillary’s physi- Encephalitis (EEE) virus has against mosquito bites: use with DEET (N, N-diethyl-m- cal health really is. On the Jeff Kuhner Show, I heard been detected in a mosquito in insect repellant, cover up, and toluamide), permethrin, Jeff actually say she looked like a sick old woman. Massachusetts for the first time avoid outdoor activities at picaridin (KBR 3023), oil of Being younger by less than six months than Hillary, this year. Testing was completed dusk and after nightfall when lemon eucalyptus [p-methane 3, I didn’t like the old woman reference. at the Massachusetts State Pub- mosquitoes are at their most 8-diol (PMD)] or IR3535 accord- Listen, I don’t like Hillary, nor would I ever vote for lic Health Laboratory. active.” ing to the instructions on the her. My concerns following her Sunday morning TV The mosquito samples were There have been no human product label. DEET products interview makes me wonder if she is less healthy than collected on September 25th in cases of EEE so far this year. should not be used on infants what she says is. Bill Clinton has not aged well and the town of Northbridge in There were no cases of EEE ac- under two months of age and says he has had major medical problems. Hillary al- Worcester County. This finding quired by a Massachusetts resi- should be used in concentra- ways looks good compared to him, but lately not so. raises the risk level in the town dent in 2014, and one identified tions of 30% or less on older Who Are All These “Extras” of Northbridge to low. This is a case in 2013. The first identifi- children. Oil of lemon eucalyp- routine risk level change and cations of EEE in mosquitoes tus should not be used on chil- Running for President? does not include a recommen- have historically occurred in dren under three years of age. There are far too many Republicans still running dation to avoid evening outdoor July and early August. Be Aware of Peak Mosquito for the GOP nomination. Scott Walker just walked events at this time; but personal EEE is a rare but serious and Hours. The hours from dusk to off the set and I think it is time for others to follow. protection from mosquitoes potentially fatal disease that can dawn are peak biting times for Rick Santorum, Lindsay Graham, Rand Paul, Mike remains a high priority. affect people of all ages. EEE is many mosquitoes. Consider re- Huckabee, and Ted Cruz? Why are these five still “While this is very late for our generally spread to humans scheduling outdoor activities running? first confirmation of EEE in through the bite of an infected that occur during evening or The field needs to be trimmed so that these de- Massachusetts, it is a reminder mosquito. People have an im- early morning. bates mean something. I love listening to Donald that we remain in season portant role to play in protect- Clothing Can Help Reduce (Continued on Page 13) for possible transmission of ing themselves and their loved Mosquito Bites. Wearing long- mosquito-borne illnesses,” said ones from illnesses caused by State Public Health Veterinarian mosquitoes. (Continued on Page 13) THE POST-GAZETTE SATELLITE OFFICE HAS MOVED TO VENTURE REALTY, 343 CHELSEA STREET, DAY SQUARE, EAST BOSTON 02128 This office is open on Tuesdays from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM and Thursdays from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PMPM, for the convenience of our East Boston and North Shore clients and contributors Call 617-227-8929 for more information Page 2 POST-GAZETTE, OCTOBER 2, 2015 Res Publica by David Trumbull Study Finds Uber, Lyft, Shouldn’t Be Subject to Same THE SACRIFICIAL ALTAR Restrictions That Have Harmed Taxis The practice of sacrificing to Libri X” (the Ten Books of Rather than apply rules that regulations that apply to every God before an altar is one of Architecture), in which he have led to higher costs and other form of transportation great antiquity, and probably detailed the orders of architec- lower quality in the taxi indus- in our state.” But many Boston started prior to the time of Noah. ture and set down rules for try, Massachusetts should strive taxi companies carry only the In the case of other personali- temple design. He also directed to balance adequate customer minimum bodily injury cover- ties out of the past, Homer that altars should never be set protections with the flexibility age ($20,000 per person and (about 1100 B.C.) tells of the higher than the statues of the transportation network compa- $40,000 per accident). Greek leaders sacrificing before gods before which they were nies (“TNCs”) like Uber and Lyft. A 2013 Globe spotlight an altar prior to the start of the placed. They need to do business in the series exposed the Boston taxi Trojan War, while others tell of Another interesting point is Commonwealth, according to a industry as rife with oligop- Romulus and of Alexander the that in time all of these ancient new policy brief published by the olistic practices, worker exploi- Great engaging in similar prac- altars also became places of Pioneer Institute. tation and resistance to adopt tices. We also note that the root refuge. The refugee who prayed In “An Uncertain Future changes urged by customers. of the word altar goes back to before such an altar was con- for Ridesharing Services,” Pio- As a result, taxi ridership in the Latin “ara, altare, altus,” and sidered to have placed himself neer Institute’s Research and Boston is down by 22 percent “altaria”, meaning height. under the protection of the god Operations Association, Matt this year alone. In the base of the sacrificial or goddess to whom the altar Blackbourn notes that three Rather than maintaining a altar, the altus was of greater was consecrated. Any violence bills are currently pending in the system that insulates taxis from height than the area. The former toward the unfortunate refugee, Massachusetts Legislature that innovating, the Pioneer Institute was erected in honor of supe- ally contained a depression, even to slaves and criminals, would create a regulatory struc- report suggests that the legisla- rior gods, and the latter to in- pan, or brazier, upon which was under such circumstances, was ture for TNCs; two attempt to ture should re-examine existing ferior gods.
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