9”x6” ISEAS-001-BM582 Region, Nation and Homeland FA Index Note: Page numbers followed by “n” refer to endnotes. A Agbayani, Rene, 76 Abas, Datucan, 11n13, 46n23 Agta/Aeta/Adang, 166, 175 Abbas, Macapanton, 23–24, 47n34 Agtas-Pugots, 165–66 brothers, 21 Aguinaldo, Emilio, 53n105 Abdulhaqq, Nu’ain Bin, 5, 37–38, 40, Agusan, 44n10 55n130 Agyao, Manuel S., 96n141 Abdul Karim Sidr, 47n34 AHJAG. See Ad-Hoc Joint Action Abdurajak, Janjalani, 146n101 Group (AHJAG) Abubakar clan, 26 Aijaz, Ahmad, 132 Abo, Noraida, 149n151 Alibon, Ali, 25 Abra province, 61, 88n31, 90n60, Alim, Guiamel, 148n144 152–53, 159–60, 163, 171–73, 180 Aliping, Nicasio M., 96n141 Abubakar, Sultan Amilkadra, 47n34 Alipui, Nicholas K., 148n147 Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG), 110, 116–17, Alliance of Highland Students, 158 142n63, 146n101 Alonto, Abul Khayr, 20–21, 23–25, 28, ADDA. See Anti-Dam Democratic 49n60 Alliance (ADDA) Alonto, Domocao, 47n34 Ad-Hoc Joint Action Group (AHJAG), Alonto, Madki, 25 142n63 Al Qaeda, 146n99 AFP. See Armed Forces of the AMANPHIL. See Asian Muslim Action Philippines (AFP) Network in the Philippines AFP Ceasefire Committee. See Armed (AMANPHIL) Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Ambuklao-Binga Dam, 65, 68 Ceasefire Committee Amburayan, 152 227 ISEAS-001-BM582_Index.indd 227 6-1-2020 11:44:14 AM FA ISEAS-001-BM582 Region, Nation and Homeland 9”x6” 228 Region, Nation and Homeland Amiril, Norma Mohammad, 147n127 on decision to secede, 76 ancestral domain, 9, 103–9 on formation of the CPA, 75 Bangsamoro homeland, 106 on historical migrations from Final Peace Agreement of 1996, 104 Taiwan, 167–68, 193n65 ILO, 103 on Igorot vs. Cordillera, 161, 162–63 MOA-AD, 105 on traditional peace pacts, 169–71, non-Moro IPs, 107, 108 194n78 2001 Agreement in Tripoli, 102, Ayoub, Mahmoud M., 113 106–7 United Nations, 103 B Apayao, 153, 155–56, 160–61, 171–72, Badjao, 132 176, 192n55 Bago, 152, 160, 165–66, 176 Aplya tribe, 160, 192n55 Baguilat, Teodoro “Teddy” Brawner, Aquino, Benigno, 7, 34, 41, 96n137, 107 83, 96n141, 190n14 Aquino, Corazon C., 28, 33, 76–80, Baguio City, 65, 155–57, 162, 190n27, 82–84, 153, 172, 192n53 191n29 Aquino, Honorato, 195n86 Baguio Colleges Foundation, 188 ARMAS. See Artista at Manunulat ng Bahatan, Fernando D., 76 Sambayanan (ARMAS) Bahatan, Marcelina, 187 Armed Forces of the Philippines Balangao, 166 (AFP), 28, 187 Balbalasang National Park in Kalinga- Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Apayao, 65 Ceasefire Committee, 79 Balweg, Conrado, 76, 77, 79, 81, 90n60, ARMM. See Autonomous Region in 93n90, 93n102, 163, 179, 194n74 Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) Conrado Balweg Camp, 187 Arquiza, Mucha-Shim Quiling, 128–29, “Banbantay Cordillera”, 162 131–32, 147n135, 149n157 Banaue, 160 Arroyo, Gloria Macapagal, 81, 105 Bangued, 152 Artista at Manunulat ng Sambayanan Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in (ARMAS), 73 Muslim Mindanaao (BARMM), ASG. See Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) 43, 196n102, 201, 56n137 Asian Muslim Action Network in Bangsamoro Development Agency the Philippines (AMANPHIL), (BDA), 127 147n135 Bangsamoro Free Elections Movement, Aurora province, 193n67 149n151 Autonomous Region in Muslim Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Forces Mindanao (ARMM), 14, 16, 43, (BIAF), 34, 41, 111 52n82, 180 Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters Aydinan, Abrino, 161–63, 167, 186–87, (BIFF), 41, 117, 145n99 191n45, 198n118 Bangsamoro Juridical Entity (BJE), 105, and CPLA, 78, 81, 94n106, 176 140n38, 196n102 on CPP, 91n66, 186 Bangsa Moro Liberation Organization on CPP-NPA narratives on ethnicity, (BMLO), 24–25 91n66 Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL), 43, and CRCC, 82 109, 188 ISEAS-001-BM582_Index.indd 228 6-1-2020 11:44:14 AM 9”x6” ISEAS-001-BM582 Region, Nation and Homeland FA Index 229 Bangsamoro people BIBAK, 156–57, 173 class divides, 131–32, 202 BIBAKA, 171, 173–74, 176 folk beliefs, 130–31 BIBKA, 156–57, 171, 173 homeland, 22, 27, 108 BJE. See Bangsamoro Juridical Entity homeland discourse compared to (BJE) CPLA, 176–77, 179 BMILO. See Bangsa Muslimin Islamic humanitarian and economic needs, Liberation Organization (BMILO) 105 BMLO. See Bangsa Moro Liberation as indigenous peoples, 104–7, Organization (BMLO) 122–23 bodong, 69, 78, 168–71, 179, 194n76, as Muslims, 114–17, 119–23 203 as myth, 201 Bogabong, Hadji Abdul Hamid, 19 name, 26, 137n22 BOL. See Bangsamoro Organic Law as nation, 100, 102, 152 (BOL) as national minorities, 101–3 Bon-as (CPLA commander), 81 population, 117–18 Bonifacio, Andres, 158 self-determination, 102 Bontoc/Bontok, 68, 152–53, 155, settler communities, 124 160–61, 165–66, 171, 177, 196n95, sultanates, 131, 138n27 196n97, 196n100 territory, 105–6 Buat, Musib, 21, 47n34 traditional elites, 19–20 Buendia, Rizal G., 92n105, 175 2008 MOA-AD and 2012 FAB, 124 bugis, 203 women and gender relations, Bugkalot, 193n67 126–30, 202 Bukidnon, 44n10 Bangsamoro Women Solidarity Forum, Bulangaos, 165 128 Bulut-Begtang, Eleanor, 96n141 Bangsa Muslimin Islamic Liberation Bush, George W., 110, 133 Organization (BMILO), 25 Butbut tribe, 92n84 Bangued town, Abra, 152 BARMM. See Bangsamoro C Autonomous Region in Muslim CAB. See Comprehensive Agreement Mindanaao (BARMM) on the Bangsamoro (CAB) Barry, Coeli, 128 Cadastral Act of 1910, 15 Barton, Roy Franklin, 58 Cagayan Valley/province, 153, 173–74, Basatan, Roy, 63 193n68 Basilan, 25, 117, 146n101 Camp John Hay, 65, 89n35 Batanes, 193n64 Canoy, Ruben, 17, 23, 26, 29, 32, 51n73 BDA. See Bangsamoro Development CAR. See Cordillera Administrative Agency (BDA) Region (CAR) Benguet, 64, 65, 87n12, 152–53, 156, Caraballo mountains, 153, 165, 176 161, 171, 185, 191n37, 192n55 Cariño, Joji, 139n32, 183, 197n109 Bernos, Maria Jocelyn V., 96n141 Cariño, Mateo, 88n35 BIAF. See Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Carpizo, Farouk, 47n34 Forces (BIAF) Casambre, Athena Lydia, 83–4, 207n4 ISEAS-001-BM582_Index.indd 229 6-1-2020 11:44:14 AM FA ISEAS-001-BM582 Region, Nation and Homeland 9”x6” 230 Region, Nation and Homeland CBAd. See Cordillera Bodong Cordillera Administrative Region Administration (CBAd) (CAR), 80, 172, 192n55, 194n78 CEB. See Cordillera Executive Board Cordillera Bodong Administration (CEB) (CBAd/CBA), 7, 11n18, 78–80, Cellophil Resources Corporation, 67, 170, 194n75 70, 74, 77, 159, 170 Cordillera Career Development Che Man, W.K., 22, 27, 29–30 College, 188 Chico River Dam/Basin Development Cordillera Day, 159, 206 Program, 67–68, 170, 172 Cordillera Executive Board (CEB), 80 Christianity, 3, 58, 59, 64, 154 Cordillera movement Christians for National Liberation autonomy laws/bills, 82, 96n141 (CNL), 73 Cordillera Bodong Association, 78 Clapp, Hilary, 154 CPDF-CPLA killings, 79, 81 CNL. See Christians for National evolution of regional consciousness, Liberation (CNL) 60, 62–63, 70–71, 162, 177–78, Cole, Faye Cooper, 166, 167, 172 199–200 Commander Toothpick, 43n1 failed autonomy, 80–81, 82–86, Commission on Mindanao and Sulu, 17 188–89, 202–3 Communist Party of the Philippines ili autonomy vs regional autonomy, (CPP), 2–3, 9, 66, 67, 69–79, 83–85, 180–81, 203 117, 159, 162 opposition to Chico River dam, Communist Party of the Philippines- 68–72, 74 New People’s Army (CPP-NPA), opposition to Cellophil Resources, 2–3, 182, 184, 187 71–72, 74, 77, 90n60 AFP counter-insurgency operations peace pacts (bodong) as resistance against, 67, 84 tool, 70, 169–71 Anti-Dam Democratic Alliance privileging of “Cordillera” over (ADDA), 72 “Igorot” as movement identity, beginnings in the Cordillera, 66–68, 159, 161–63 70 regional autonomy as boycott of snap election, 12n19 constitutionalized, 180 charges against CPLA, 76, 78, return to locality, 203–205 93n102 student activism, 66–67, 156–59 Cordillera People’s Guerrilla Forces Cordillera Studies Center/Conference, (CPGF), 74 188, 193n62, 194n70 expansion in the Cordillera, 71, 74 Creative Writing workshop, 188 ideology, 2–3, 169, 198n116 Cordillera people(s), internal party debates, 71–72, 84–85, BIBAK as lingering cultural identity, 91n66 205 orthodoxy and hybridity in census data, 58–62, 88n21, 192n55, discourse, 184–86 195n89 Comprehensive Agreement on the challenges of modernity, 63–65, Bangsamoro (CAB), 13, 108, 124, 88n22, 88n30 132, 134, 148n146, 202 CPLA’s expanded scope of, 165–70, Cooper Act, 15 174–176 ISEAS-001-BM582_Index.indd 230 6-1-2020 11:44:14 AM 9”x6” ISEAS-001-BM582 Region, Nation and Homeland FA Index 231 cultural identity production through Cordillera People’s Forum, 162 technology, 204–5 Cordillera People’s Guerrilla Forces as defined by the CPP-NPA, 164–65 (CPGF), 74 as defined by the CPDF, 164–65 Cordillera People’s Liberation Army differentiation among, 169 (CPLA), ethnography, 58 compared to Moro discourse, 176– historical trading ties with lowland, 77, 179, 200 174 Cordillera Bodong Administration, ili as political unit, 177–78 78, 81, 93n105, 170 as national minority, 158 “Cordillera Nation” as ‘Bodong’ on Negritos as original dwellers, 78–79, 168–71, 173, 174–76, 179, 167–68 186, 194n74–75 peace pact institution, 178, 194n76 Cordillera people, scope of, 164–68 religious conversion, 58, 61, 86n3 disunity within, 80–81 social classes, 72, 91n67 formation, 76, 77 traditional hunting grounds, 174 ideology, 9, 77–78, 165 Taiwan origins, 167–68, 193n65 “indigenous socialism”, 76, 169, 186 Cordillera Peoples Alliance (CPA), integration of guerrillas into AFP, 74–75, 159, 162, 185, 96n139, 79, 81, 94n119, 187 191n29, 198n113 joint position paper with CBA and on Cordillera autonomy, 80, 84, 85, MNS, 7, 164 96n139 leadership and composition, 77, Cordillera Bodong Association, 78 95n121 Cordillera People’s Liberation Army, peace negotiations, 75–76, 78, 79–81 80 reasons
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