/13 02 2012 / 09 volume 67 ELEGANTLY WAISTED chelsea neufeld’s fashion frenzy culture page 13 TOP COP ASSESSING keith Mccaskill’s legacy news page 3 DONE WITH THE SICKNESS Madchild returns with dope sick WHAT BIG BUSINESS arts page 9 IS DOING TO NORTH AMERICAN SOCIETY: AN INTERVIEW WITH JOEL BAKAN news page 2 02 The UniTer September 13, 2012 www.UniTer.ca Looking for Listings? Cover image How is construction on cAmPUs & COMMUnItY LISTInGs AnD CHElSEA NEuFELD What it’s like walking through VoLUnteeR oPPoRtUnItIES page 4 spence street impacting photo by dylan Hewlett the West End at night mUsIc page 10 the community? FILm & LIt page 15 local fashion maven Chelsea Neufeld GALLeRIES & mUseUms page 15 is set to launch WAiSTEd, her second .cAmPUs page5 comments page7 tHeAtRe, DAnce & COMEDY page 15 online vintage clothing store AWARDs & FInAncIAL AID page 15 See story on page 13. Big business too big? UNITER STAFF Joel Bakan talks corporations and their unique status in western society ManaGinG eDitor Aaron Epp » [email protected] Harrison sampHir BUSiness ManaGer online editor Geoffrey Brown » [email protected] PrODUcTiOn ManaGer Ayame ulrich [email protected] To Joel Bakan, corporations are the economic » and social trademarks of contemporary North cOPy anD styLe eDitor American society— and they’re occupying a Britt Embry » [email protected] very powerful role. Photo eDitor Ahead of his talk at a Uniter Speaker Series dylan Hewlett » [email protected] event on Wednesday, Sept. 19, the UBC law pro- fessor, author, filmmaker and oft jazz musician newS assiGnMenT eDitor discussed his recent works and what led him to Ethan Cabel » [email protected] the critical examination of big business. newS PrODUcTiOn eDitor “I got the idea back in the late 1990s,” he Matt preprost » [email protected] recalls. It was a time when a “number of things were converging globally... the corporation (has) arts eDitor Nicholas Friesen [email protected] now become a key institution in North Amer- » ica.” cULTURE eDitor In Bakan’s 2004 work The Corporation: The dunja Kovacevic » [email protected] Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power , the cOMMents eDitor author took on the task of investigating large- Katerina Tefft » [email protected] scale enterprise as extra judicial, meaning it functions in such a way that constantly serves its Listings cO-OrDinator own interests— and those of its shareholders— Ken prue » [email protected] SuppliEd ahead of ethical and legal concerns. CAMPUS BEAT REPOrTER children under siege: children are simply pawns in the corporate machine and ways to creating wealth, says UBc law Amy Groening » [email protected] professor and author Joel Bakan. “thirty years ago, it BEAT REPOrTer Carson Hammond [email protected] was rare to find mental for corporations and their actual institutional wealth,” he says. “They are targets for consumer » disorders among children and makeup.” goods, video gaming, social media... (and) also BEAT REPOrTer Alex paterson [email protected] psychotropic drugs to treat Bakan’s first book received critical praise, was an opportunity for pharmaceutical companies. » translated into multiple languages and became “Thirty years ago, it was rare to find men- ARTS REPOrTer them. How did we get there? an award-winning documentary that appeared tal disorders among children and psychotropic Kaeleigh Ayre » [email protected] Part of the answer is that at the Sundance Film Festival. drugs to treat them. How did we get there? Part Yet, among the text’s heavier subject mat- of the answer is that pharmaceutical companies OnLine eDiTOr pharmaceutical companies ter lay conclusions that point to a future with have made a major push in terms of their mar- Harrison Samphir » [email protected] have made a major push in greater regulation and accountability, buttressed keting and science to tap into the potential of terms of their marketing by the solidarity of democratic citizens. selling drugs to kids.” CONTRIBUTORS: “I grant people the agency to be informed Such alarming circumstances may rattle the and science to tap into the about the world around them, in the context of proverbial cage of mainstream economic ortho- potential of selling drugs to a large propaganda machine to disinform them. doxy, but Bakan sees cooperation and collective clara Buelow, Danelle cloutier, kids.” My work is driven by a hope for citizens to cre- participation as the keys to change. John herbert cunningham, ate a fair and just society. “There are no magic bullets and no easy Matthew Dyck, caroline Fisher, — JOeL Bakan, Law PrOFessor, aUThOr, FiLMMaker “The conclusions in (The Corporation) are: we routes, but we have different paths and they are can change this.” the responsibility of social critics to flesh out. John Gaudes, Thomas Guenther, “Health, worker safety and other provisions These themes— ones that are markedly anti- “Part of my goal is to reveal how to move chantel henderson, Laina are incidental to its operation,” says Bakan. globalization— persist in Bakan’s latest book, forward,” he concludes, and to pass on a very hughes, alex needham, Jesse “One of the things that always struck me was Childhood Under Siege: How Big Business Targets important lesson: “citizenship is an obligation.” rodgers, chloe ross-rogerson, what a bizarre institution corporations actually Children, published in August 2011. wayne Vernon, Michael welch are. They are deemed ‘persons’ with the same In it, Bakan demystifies the popular belief Hear Joel Bakan speak on Wednesday, Sept. 19 natural rights, but the owners have limited lia- that corporations are entirely beneficial job cre- in Eckhardt-Gramatté Hall at the University of bility. ators, and suggests that only one force, the profit Winnipeg (515 Portage Ave.) at 7:30 p.m. The lec- “There is a disconnect,” he continues, motive, truly guides them. ture, sponsored by The Uniter Speaker Series, is The Uniter is the official student newspaper of the “between the public face that has been created “Children are an opportunity for creating free and open to the public. University of winnipeg and is published by Mouseland Press inc. Mouseland Press inc. is a membership based organization in which students and community members are invited to participate. For more information on how to become a member go to www. BY AlEx PaterSoN uniter.ca, or call the office at 786-9790. The Uniter is a Q: What do you think of the spence street member of the canadian University Press and campus construction? are you excited for the resuLts? Plus Media Services. SUBMiSSiOn OF ARTicLeS, LeTTERS, GRAPhicS AND PhOTOS ARE WELcOMe. articles must be submitted in text (.rtf) or Microsoft word (.doc) format to editor@ rebecca froese, student, teshia rhine, student, uniter.ca, or the relevant section editor. Deadline for environmental science environmental science submissions is 6:00 p.m. Thursday, one week before “it is pretty entertaining. “i was pretty sad THE publication. Deadline for advertisements is noon Friday, i've been spending my break to see all the trees six days prior to publication. The Uniter reserves the right to refuse to print submitted material. The between classes here watch- knocked down. We Uniter will not print submissions that are homophobic, ing it. We just watched one of don't have enough UNITER misogynistic, racist, or libellous. we also reserve the the last sections get knocked trees on (campus) right to edit for length and/or style. down.” already, and now we is looking for contributors. lost more.” CONtACt US » interested in getting involved General Inquiries: 204.786.9790 Advertising: 204.786.9790 at the paper? Email Aaron at editors: 204.786.9497 [email protected] for details. Fax: 204.783.7080 e-mail: [email protected] Web: www.uniter.ca WEBSITE: april keenan, u of W physi- Brian proctor, u of W LOCAtION » cal plant service Worker faculty of education www.uniter.ca room ORM14 instructor University of Winnipeg “i guess it is change for FACEBOOK: 515 portage Avenue the better. i used to go to “it seems bare now. www.tinyurl.com/Theuniter Winnipeg, manitoba r3b 2e9 daycare there when i was a it is going to be really little girl. They used to tell windy in the winter. i TWITTER: us there was an owl in the hated to see the trees @Theuniter tower— probably to scare go down at the front, Mouseland Press Board of directors: us to keep us out of the but i guess that's Ben wickstrom (interim chair), Peter ives, elevator.” progress. i hope they robert Galston, Sara McGregor, Justin leave the tower for Leblanc, Lindsey wiebe, Melissa Martin, nostalgia.” emily Guttormson, chris hunter and Shannon Sampert. For inquiries e-mail: [email protected] News 03 www.UniTer.ca September 13, 2012 The UniTer news local Chief concerns news Briefs Soon-to-be-retired wPS chief of Police Mccaskill looks back on term, critics weigh in compiled by Danelle cloutier royaL aLBert reopening deLayed The reopening of the royal albert arms hotel has been pushed back to late September or early October, the winnipeg Free Press reported. The bar slated its grand reopening for Sept. 7, but permit issues and outstanding work on their sprinkler system have delayed the opening. The albert closed in May 2011 after a water-line break flooded the base- ment. Because the break was located on private property, city crews could help control the leak but the owners of the albert were left responsible for the repairs. The owners claimed the city broke a valve on an aban- doned pipe. rent controL guideLines updated rent increases will be limited to one per cent for most units in 2013, the province announced. The guideline applies to most apartments, single rooms, houses and duplexes, person- al-care homes, non-profit housing with subsidized rent and buildings that are less than 20 years old.
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