THE SUNDAY OHEGOXIAX, PORTLAND. ATJGTJST 15, 1020 GREAT MEWS LIVES REMIND US HALL OF FAME JUST AHEAD Six ,W omen Among Those Whose "Names Have Found Places on iHe Bronze Tablets in Our Westminster Abbey; "Nominations May Be Made by thePuhlic : 1 --- I . I.. "I 1 if U ' tlf Vll . 1 II - 111,, A 1 JVia; 'at .Thomas Bailey Aldrlch, John. Hay, born In John Brown, abolition-- ', K. Blarloa Ctawford, Patrick. Henry, orator William Penn, founder j T" born in Portmoath, Salem, Intl., at Scotch tat. Born In Torriaic-to- n. Ame BOTeliJit. and atateaman and of the commonwealth 5 1 rtcin one of the towerls; ' j ancestry, October 8. 9, T s N. II., November 11, Conn., May Born In Baswl dl 1 a of the Ameri-- re " 1836. Author; wrote 1838. He (lured 1SOO. Executed at - Luces, Italy. Son of can revolution, whoae Born In Ens-lan- In. - j .... prominently many ' verse; In Charleston, Vii, De- sculptor Thomai voice did much to 1644 and died - ; ) ! graceful beat of onr treaty nego- the - , there I fic- 2, 1859. Crawford. Died In ateel the determlna- 1T18. LIfe worh j J known for his tiation. He died In cember tion of the colonies ... f 1 ' . 1909. - ' i I tion. Died In 1907. 1905. for freedom. 5 - Edward Everett Hale, born 1822. Son of Nathan Hale. Died In Roxhury, i :A Mass., June 10, 10O9. YOU were asked to name a list of 60 or 100 of the most famous IFAmericans who have lived, wrought and died during the days of these United States, whom would you designate? Among all the American leaders in the various avenues of life, rulers, statesmen, generals, admirals, preachers, teachers, inventors, explor- ers, missionaries, authors, engineers, scientists, musicians, merchants and the like, whom would you select as Samuel I Clemen. Twain!, the candidates most Olark Florida, Mo, 1S3S. fitted by reason of their individual ' born In Greatest achievements in behalf of humanity of American humorist.. Died In for a place in a hall of fame? . 1910. Put on your tninking cap and try It. Write down a list of 50 famous Americans and compare it a little on who already l.v later with those have ben elevated to a place in America's ball of fame.- - For America has a hall of fame. It Abbey !jJ Is no Westminster like that in which England entombs her great leaders and through the years pays tribute to their memories and their valued accomplishments. Instead of a Valhalla for the sacred dead, Amer- ica has reared a shrine dedicated to perpetuate the memory of our great ' J 14 IV Born - France, he came to PhllndelphU tn 1T7 4 - dead, which is coming more and more 5 I J I 1S31. J - r"-- v- --I I after seafnrlna; life. Died In V-- to be looked upon as a national insti- Jajf f AL tution. With each year, and with each f; aBrff succeeding election o" new candi ll l ' JNV" - 1 0 Walt Whitman, poet. Lived for many years fSr. rj 1 ? -- dates, it looms higher in the public ..:.::::;--;- . iT ''"f " with In Camden, N. J. School teacher, - ' iK' ,nsasralrtaWJbmr,nfc. brother "X Imagination of America. " , , - i5h)Sh literary free lanee and poet ? f " 1 Si newipipcrmin. f 0 " ' " " ' 'Jr You probably know of that Ameri f " 1 Klrat contributed to Xw York Mirror and to can hall of fame. It is located in New York city, the metropolis of the new world, overlooking the waters and the very ground upon which the pio- neers came to rear the new democ- racy. This hall of fame grew with the dawn of the twentieth century. It was established in 1900 when it was announced that New York uni- versity had accepted a gift of $100,- - 000 from a friend for the building of a colonnade at New York univer- sity, on University Heights, overlook- rr,m..,-.- rn- -l - , , ing the palisades and the Hudson and tlImn,nn,-ll'B't'"- n. N f , ? ,, , - ,rT Harlem valleys. It was announced rt nnWJ that ISO panels would be provided for J - ' . memorial bronze tablets, 60 to be in- Thomai Paine, author and patriot. Palne'a wrltingra are Iteld to have been .if 1900, provided 60 names ' scribed in much of the Inspiration back of the war of the revolution. Paine came 1 ' j ' ),"'- - IUck"rd Wat.on Glider, port and editor. Born In Bordentown, J., February should be approved by the two bodies to Philadelphia in 1744. Although he v& bitterly opposed for hia re M A "1 ' II ' 8 1S44' "'I - .De In 100. of judges then named, and at the close Hstfous views, he wai deeply revered for hia patriotic writinss. Died in i II of every five years thereafter five ad- New York in 1809. - ,j H P W " s I I born Americans, and the- constitution Lewis Morgan and Simon Newcomb. ditional tablets should be Inscribed, I 43 &.... ... B M S fiiss 411 was so amended. Engineers and architects John WUlia eo that the entire number would be approximately 1,000,000 inhabitants Is G. Porter. Philip Schuyler. Winfield Scott Many Interesting- names are to be V complete about the year 2000 A. D. given one elector. PhlllpHenry Sheridan. Zacbary Taylor may and George Henry Thomas. voted on for the first time this year, Physicians surgeons Steadily the moement has pro-Bres- ed Nominations be made by tha and Frank Abbott. public up May 1 elec- Lawyers and juages Thomas Mclntyre having been nominated up to the time William Tilllnghast Bull, John Murray and grown in favor wth each at large to of an Cooley (M. F.), Wil- year. - J. Oliver Ellsworth, the list of nominations closed In May. Carnochan, Charles T. Jackson, William successive election. These selections tion For this year the nomina- liam M. Eva rts. Edward Livingstone, Lem- - Sfcfppen Jr., Lyman Spalding. ! your in- and Sre held each Quinquennial year. tions now are closed, except as each Shaw tM. J. F.), Roger B. Taney and If imagination has not been elector may any Henry fH?i trigued by those names already sub Inventors Stockton Borton. Ottmar Who, to date, have- to under the rules add Wheaton. '- been elected your knowledge Mergenthaler. William Austin Burt, Walter a place in this shrine? If you have name to this preliminary list which he Rulers ana statesmen Charles Francis - "L ii$ III" rt mitted and of Hunt and Robert L. Stevens. Adams, portant out prepared your own list of famous thinks should appear. The standard Samuel Adams (M. J. F.) Thoman American leaders of the Missionaries and explorers Titus Coan for "fame" in the voting is taken from-th- e Benton, James G. Blaine, William Brad- pages of American history Is not en- nd Richard Fourne. Americans, lay it side by side with ford, John C. Calhoun, Chase, addi- Allen, see they compare. New English Dictionary definition Salmon P. tirely exhausted, . perhaps this Soldiers and sailors Ethan John this list and how of the word, viz.: "the condition of DeWltt Clinton. Edward Everett. Albert tional list will afford still more lively Barry. Arthur St. Clair, Paul Revere, Sam are names of the 60 , For here the being much talked about, chiefly fn a Gallatin. James A. Garfield. John Han- mental gymnastics. This Is the list Rice. J. E. B. Stuart and Emory Upton. American men and six American cock. John Hay, Patrick Henry M. J. F-)- . nomlnattonsxonsidered by the New Lawyers and judges L. Q. C. Lamar " good sense; or reputation from great Robert R. Livingston, of . women who have been chosen during James Monroe, Rob university senate and placed and Robert Yates. the elections of 1900, 1905, 1910 and achievements." Electors in, going over ert Morris. William H. Seward, Roger York Rulers and statesmen John Clarke. G ro 1916: the list of candidates mark'M. J. F." Sherman, Edwin McM asters Stanton, Alex- upon the preliminary ballots that are ver Cleveland.. Jefferson Davis. Dekana (most justly famous) alter those ander H. Stephens and Charles Sumner. being sent out to the electors. How wlda. Frederick Douglass, William Penn, Authors Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry in Business men Stephen Girard, Johns many of them do yom recall offhand7. William Pepperell, Carl Schurx. Philip TK"adsworlh Longfellow, Washington Irv-lnf- f, names which they consider fame above the others. In the final elec- Hopkins ,and Cornelius. Vanderbllt. What did they do? Francis Thomas. Samuel Tllden and Rob- Nathaniel Hawthorne. James Russell Musicians, painters, sculptors, etc. Ed- ert Treat. Oliver "M. J. F." may be Bailey Lowell. John Greenleaf Whittier, tion those marked win Booth. Frederick Authors and editors Thomas Business men Thomas Clark Durant, . by Edwin Church, John D. Wendell Holmes, Edgar Allen Poe, James admitted to the Hall of Fame a Singleton Copley. Joseph Jefferson. Fred- Aldrlch, Samuel L. Clemens. Moncure James Harper and Alexander Turney I'enlmore Cooper. William Cullen . Bryant, majority of the ballots cast. Every erick Law Olmstead, Hiram Powers and Conwxy, Francis Marion Crawford, Charles Stewart. Ceorffe Bancroft, John Lothrop Motley and candidate hot so honored must be Theodore Thomas. A. Dana, Stephen Collins Foster, Richard Musicians, painters, iculptors, etc. WIN' W. Daniel Colt Gil man, Joel Chand- Francis Parkman. elected by two-thir- of all the bal- Others of dWUncrjon John Brown. Gilder. Ham R. Barbee, Edward L. Davenport, Kducators Horace Mann and Mark Here. too. are women who been ler Harris. Brpnson Howard, Henry Charles Daslel Decatur Emmett, Edwin Forrest, lots cast. have ' ... many nominated but not as yet elected. How Lea, Francis Lieber. Donald Grant Mitch- George Fuller, W'inslow Homer, George Preachers and theologians Jonathan Thus it has com about that many of you place on your ell, 'Charles Eliot Norton, Thomas Paine.
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