www.ukrweekly.com I w\h published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association! - s. in at ;o- o-co Ukrainian Weekly 41 `^i`: " Vol. LI No. 5 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY. JANUARY 30.1983 іі.іТІІІ-– ^^ С6ПВ? r- РЩї Preliminary talks on UCCA begin British actor establishes NEW YORK - Preliminary talks Ukrainian Churches wiii be invited to between representatives of the executive attend the meetings. Chornovil defense committee committee of the Committee 10. A prerequisite to these talks is that NEW YORK - An English actor has for Law and Order in the the composition of the Secretariat of the organized a committee in defense of UCCA and representatives of the exe­ World Congress of Free Ukrainians imprisoned Ukrainian dissident journa­ cutive board of the UCCA took place at must be left intact. The U.S. representa­ list Vyacheslav Chornovil, currently in the Ukrainian Institute of America on tives elected at the third WCFU congress the third year of a five-year labor-camp Saturday, January IS. must remain representatives, sentence. --jf-rrAt the meeting rules of procedure tatives. David Markham, whose committee were presented in written form by the 11. The first joint action of the two to free Vladimir Bukovsky dissolved in Committee foV Law and Order sides must be to examine the UCCA By­ triumph in 1976, launched the British `^n the UCCA^ which outlined the laws; by-laws committees must be Committee for the Defense of Chor­ procedural propositions for further chosen for this рифове. novil on January 12, the Day of Soli­ negotiations. These points, which were 12. Talks between the representatives darity with Ukrainian Political Pri­ passed at the meeting of the executive of the UCCA and the Committee for soners and the anniversary date of Mr. committee of the Committee for Law Law and Order in the UCCA must Chornovil's 1972 arrest. and Order in the UCCA on January 10, conclude within six months of their Other committee members include are as follows: inception. From this point on, all Bohdan Nahaylo and Phillip White- agreements as to the discussions must head, a member of Parliament. be in writing. Mr. Chornovil, 46, was arrested in 1967 and sentenced to three years in a 1. Negotiations will be conducted by labor camp for compiling a set of representatives of the executives of the documents cataloguing violations of Vyacheslav Chornovil UCCA and the Committee for Law and At the meeting on Saturday, January Soviet judicial procedure during the Order in the UCCA. 15, the executives of the UCCA stated trials of Ukrainian dissidents. The book years in a labor camp. Shortly there­ 2. The number of persons participat­ that points 1, 8, 9, 10 and 11 must be was published in the West in 1968 as after, he began a hunger strike to protest ing in the negotiations will be agreed discussed at their own next meeting and "The Chornovil Papers," and earned his imprisonment on a fabricated upon by both sides. that they will then reply to the issues him the first London Sunday Times charge. 3. Both sides will decide how often raised. The points in dispute included Tomalin Award for journalism in 1975. these meetings will take place. those touching upon the persons who In its inaugural news release, the 4. Both sides will agree upon the comprise the WCFU Secretariat, the In 1972, he was arrested again and committee appealed to British jour­ location of these meetings. participation of the representatives of charged with "anti-Soviet agitation and nalists to "take up the case of their 5. The agenda of each meeting will be the three Ukrainian Churches, the propaganda." He was sentenced to six professional colleague." years in a labor camp to be followed by given to both sides in writing before the acknowledgement of the Committee for "That such things happen to a journa­ actual meeting. Law and Order as an equal partner in three years' internal exile. In 1979, he joined the Ukrainian Helsinki Group. list in a country that claims to be a 6. The minutes of the meetings will be the discussions, the formation of a joint leader in world socialism should serve recorded by taperecorders and secre­ by-laws committee and the withholding In March 1980, while in exile, Mr. as a warning that no journalists, any­ taries. of polemics in the press during the Chornovil was arrested, charged with where, are immune from state repres­ 7. After each meeting, the press will discussions. "attempted rape," and sentenced to five sion," said the release. \ be informed that such a meeting took The representatives of both sides place. The text of the press releases will scheduled another meeting for February be agreed upon by both sides. 25. By that time, the executive board of 8. During the discussions, the Ukrai­ the UCCA will have prepared its re­ star, dies nian press will hold off on any polemics sponse to the suggestions of the execu­ Pat Bilon, by either side. tive committee of the Committee for YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio - Pat Bilon, 9. Representatives from all three Law and Order in the UCCA. known to millions as the real E.T. for his performance in the movie's title role, died here in his home town at 1 a.m. Thursday. January 27. He was 35. Remember the past - Mr. Bilon, who had his spleen re­ moved last year, died of a blood dis­ order. He had taken ill on Tuesday, consider the future January 25, while in Cleveland to tape NEW YEAR APPEAL OF THE the "Dave Patter; in Show."Notfeeling, ^ UNA SUPREME EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE well, Mr. Bilon never taped the show Ш and traveled home to Youngstowh. The^. TH With the beginning of the new year, 1983, we heartily greet and extend our next day he was taken to a local hospital Щ Q best wishes to all the members of the Ukrainian National Association and to and placed in the intensive-care unit. JJJJJ all of our brothers and sisters in Ukraine as well as in the free world. Mr. Bilon, the human inside the SI.5 is - This year we mark the 50th anniversary of the harshest and crudest million E.T. costume, was to play tffj щ; genocide in world history, a holocaust perpetrated upon the Ukrainian nation title role also in Steven Spielberg's^ by the Communist regime. It is the 50th anniversary of the man-made Great sequel to the original movie. Filming 6f Famine of 1933 in which over 7 million children, women and men perished. the movie was scheduled to begin fcttt We call upon all our members, their branches and their district committees 1984. !` u g in the United States and Canada to actively join in and organize community A third-generation Ukrainian Amt'^^ and area commemorations of this terrible crime against humanity. We espe­ rican, Mr. Bilon was born Michael .^ cially call upon our Ukrainian communities to remind and to inform Ame­ Patrick Bilon in Youngstown on August ' ricans and Canadians in their communities of the Great Famine of 50 years 29, 1947. At a height of 2 feet 10 inches, '" '! ago. he was one of the smallest adult male In 1983, in addition to marking the 50th anniversary of the Great Famine, dwarfs in the country, yet he never the Ukrainian National Association will observe three important events in its considered himself handicapped. (Continued on page 14) He was active in Ukrainian commu- Pat Bilon (Continutd on page 14) 2_ THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JANUARY 30,1983 ' No. 5 Dissident profile College wants Kandyba to lecture PARIS — A French university has produced any results. recently undertaken efforts to win the Mr. Kandyba, 52, a lawyer, is a Mykola Plakhotniuk: release of jailed Ukrainian dissident member of the Ukrainian Helsinki Ivan Kandyba, reported the Associated Group. He spent 15years, from 1961 to Press on January 12. 1976, in Soviet prisons for his part in the victim of frame-up The University of Dijon in eastern formation of the unofficial Ukrainian France, with the aid of a local chapter of Workers and Peasants Union. JERSEY CITY, N.J. - When Amnesty International, has invited Mr. g Mykola Plakhotniuk, 47, was arrested Kandyba to be a lecturer at a philo­ He was arrested again in 1982 and in 1972 during the massive KGB sophy of law course it is planning this sentenced to 10 years in a labor camp to crackdown on the Ukrainian intelli­ year. be followed by five years'internal exile. gentsia, it was expected that, like An Amnesty International spokes­ Mr. Kandyba is currently detained in many of the dissidents arrested in the man said the efforts so far have not the Perm region of the Russian SFSR. mid-1960s and early '70s, he would be sentenced to a labor-camp term and later exiled, forbidden to return Lithuanian priest arrested to Ukraine. Instead. Dr. Plakhotniuk, a physi­ NEWYORK — According to uncon­ murdered in Lithuania, including the cian who was accused of "anti-Soviet firmed reports from Lithuania, a 28- Rev. Bronius Laurinavicius, a member agitation and propaganda" under year-old Roman Catholic priest has of the Lithuanian Helsinki Group, who Article 62 of the Ukrainian Criminal recently been arrested by Soviet autho­ was pushed in front of a speeding truck Code, was banished to the night­ rities. by four men in November 1981. Autho­ marish world of the Soviet mental The Rev. Ricardas Cerniauskas had rities labelled the incident an accident, wards for an unspecified length of previously been detained for six days in but Lithuanian sources have implicated time.
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