Index Abra aequalis 53, 56, 57, 58 A. pigmentata 143 acritarchs 337-8 Asabellides oculata 30 Adriatic ascidians 122, 123, 124 biofacies ash beds 398, 399, 401 benthic 67-70, 100-1 Aspidorhynchus 402 benthic mortality study 119-27 Astarte castanea 30 planktonic 101-4 Asteracanthus 369 characteristics 66-7 Asterias forbesi 30 dissolved organic matter 110-15 Asthenocormus 369 eutrophication 12, 27 Astropecten spp. 122, 124 oxygenation 96-8 A. auranciacus 124 mathematical modelling 98-100 Atchafalaya River suspended matter 108-10 nutrient loading 43-4 aeolian sediment 303 salinity stratification effects 29, 38-41 aerobic defined 3-4, 5, 6, 201,214, 390, 392 Aulacomya ater 140 algal blooms Aulacomyella 403,408 causes 3, 13, 181,390 Australobuehia 403 Jurassic 392 azoic defined 3--4, 210 Recent 29, 67, 98, 102 alginite 315, 318, 341 bacteria Amazon delta 223 gliding 143 Ammonia spp. mat formation 4, 132-3, 211-12 A. parkinsoniana 72 role in chemical reduction 373 A. sarmientoi 72 Balanoglossus spp. 56, 57, 58 ammonites and oxygenation 300, 402-3,403-9 Baltic Sea ammonium and eutrophication 85, 86, 111 model for cycl0thems 264, 266 Amparete arctica 30 recent eutrophication 27, 28 Ampelisca spp. bassanite 111 A. abdita 53, 57 Bedford Shale 237, 242 A. araucana 143, 150 Beggiatoa 133, 149 A. agassizi 53, 56, 57, 58 Belemnopsis 369, 403 amphipods 53, 56, 59, 121 Belemnoteuthis 369, 403,408 Amphistegina lessonii 72, 73 Belt Sea 27, 28 Amphiura chiajei 122 Benea Sandstone 247 Anadara montereyana 190 Benguela Shelf anaerobic defined 3-4, 5, 201,210, 214, 390, 392 organic carbon flux studies anchovy 131 methods 172 Anningella 297 results 175-8 Anomiajurensis 386, 388 results discussed 178-82 Anopaea 403,408 upwelling 14, 172, 180-2 anoxic defined 4-5,210, 390 benthic-pelagic coupling 180-2 Antarctic studies see Nordenskjld Formation benthic studies Antrim Shale 234 palaeocommunities apatite 111,267 black shales of Jurassic 299-302 Aporrhais pespelecani 122 Kimmeridgian 383, 384, 385,386, 387,388, 389 Appalachian foreland basin Nordenskjld Formation 403-11 black shale sequence 234-9 Oxford Clay 370-2 disconformity classification 239-42 Sergipe Basin 432, 438,444 erosion processes 248-52 Recent communities lag classification 242-8 Adriatic 67-70 sequence stratigraphy 253 Gulf of Mexico 30-2, 53-60, 75-6 Aquaspirilium magnetotacticum 192 New York Bight 30 aragonite 375-6 Paria Gulf 71-3 Arca noae 122 Peru/Chile Shelf 136-48 Arctotis 403,409 Berea Sandstone 237 Arenaeus mexicanus 148 Bermuda 12 Argopecten purpuratus 132, 139, 140 BerriaseUa 409 Aricidea spp. 53, 57, 146 biofacies recognition 461 462 INDEX oxygen-related 201-2, 213-5, 383,391 Brora Shale 293, 304 Jurassic black shales 299-306 Buchia 403,408 biomarker ratios Bulimina spp., 76, 79 Cotinguiba Formation 438 B. marginata 66, 69, 77 Posidonia Shales 322-4 Buliminella spp. 66, 76 Riachuelo Formation 432 bullions 262, 269 bioturbation burrowing see bioturbation development of stratigraphy 202-3 Byfjord 28 organizational significance 204-5 palaeoenvironment analysis California coastal studies 150, 190, 193, 222-3,358 Permian 279, 282, 283 Calliactis parasitica 122 Jurassic 370, 385 Callianassa garthi 131 Cretaceous 401,409 Callinectes arcuatus 148 role in slumping 252 Camponectes auritus 386, 387, 389 X-radiography 223 Canadaway Formation 238 bituminite 315,318, 341 Canajohaie Shale 236 bivalves and oxygenation Cancer spp. Jurassic 297, 298 C. coronatus 143, 149 Kimmeridgian 382, 385-6, 388, 392-3 C. porteri 143, 149 Oxford Clay 370 C. setosus 140 Posidonia Shales 316 Cancris 66, 79 Cretaceous 403 Capitella spp. 223. 226. 228 Recent carbon preference index (CPI) 322 Adriatic 124 carbonates Mexican Gulf 30, 53, 59 deposition 111,316, 319 Peru/Chile Shelf 131,139, 141, 144, 145 dissolution 234, 250-1 Black Sea Carboniferous studies model for Posidonia Shales 358-60 cyclothemic sedimentation 263 recent eutrophication 12, 27, 28, 171 development 259 black shales 16-17, 221 environment of deposition 263-7 Antarctic 397-402 model for deposition 267-9 England sediment sequences 260-2 biofacies 299-302, 383, 391 Cardium spp. 122, 124, 125 depositional model 302-6, 383 C. echinatum 122 palaeoecology 298-9, 393 C. edule 125 stratigraphy 291-8 Carpathian Flysch Belt 449 France 420, 421 Cassidulina laevigata 79 Germany see Posidonia Shale Catskill complex 221,227, 228, 235, 240, 250 Greenland see Ravnefjeld Fm. Cayton Formation 365 USA Centrefield Mudstone 236 Devonian 227-8, 234-9 Ceratium tripos blooms 29 Carboniferous cyclothems 260-2, 263-9 Cerianthus membranaceus 122, 124 Palaeozoic Appalachian Basin 234-9 Cerratulidae 146 Black Ven Marls 292, 297 Cervimunida johni 143 Blanfordiceras 409 Chaetopterus variopedatus 123 blooms see algal blooms Chaetozone 136, 139 Blue Lias 291,292, 297 Chagrin Shale 237 Bochianites 409 channel fills 389 Bolivina spp. 66, 76, 79 Chattanooga Shale 233,234, 235 B. lowmanni 66, 72-3, 77 chemosymbiosis 212-13,298, 390 bone lag 247 Cherokee Group 261 Bora wind 126 Cherry Valley Limestone 236 Bositra 297, 370 chert 249, 253,449 B. buchi 316 Chesapeake Bay eutrophication study 27, 83, 126 Botryococcus 342 Chile Shelf bottom currents 181,249, 267, 302-3 characteristics 131-3 see also upwelling E1 Nio impact 148-5 ! Boulonnais 384 benthic community studies 133-6 Boyle Dolomite 247 macro-organisms 136--43 brachiopods 211,403 micro-organisms 143-8 Brachymylus 369 chlorine levels 111 Brazil see Sergipe Basin chlorophyll concentrations Brazos River 50 Benguela Shelf 172, 174 Britain see England also Scotland Chesapeake Bay 87, 88 INDEX 463 Gulf of Mexico 43 black shales 239-42 chlorophytes 88 Oxford Clay 366-8 Chondrites 241,370, 401,409, 419 diatom blooms 3, 87, 102, 104, 390 Chonetes 261 diatom[te 449 chrysophytes 88 Dicroloma 370 Cibides spp. 79 dinocysts 337 C. ungerianus 72, 73 dinoflagellate blooms 13, 29, 87, 102, 104, 390 Ciona intestinalis 123, 125 Diplocraterion parallelum 389 cladocerans 102 disconformities and discontinuities Clayton Formation 208 black shales 239-42 Cleveland Shale 237,240 lag-associated 242-8 Clinton Shale 236 see also diastems Cliona celata 123 dissolution of carbonates 234, 250-1 coals 260-1 dissolved organic matter (DOM) 110-15 coccolith limestone 381-2 Donax peruvianus 131 coccolithophorid blooms 390, 392 Douglas Group 261 coinstone nodules 292 Duffin Formation 236 coleoids 402 Dumbleton Fish Bed 297, 300 collinite 341 Dunans Shale 294 conodont rich debris 247,261-2 dysaerobic copepods 31, 102, 103 defined 3-4, 187, 201,210, 390, 392 coprolites 402 zone model 189-91 Corbula gibba 125 dysoxic defined 5 Corbulomima spp. 370 C. suprajurensis 382, 386, 387, 388 Echinarachnius parma 30 Cornbrash Formation 365 echinoderms and oxygenation 30, 121,123 Cossura chilensis 146 Eh and oxygen status 6 Cotinguiba Formation E1 Nio environmental impact 131,132, 148-51 geochemistry 435-8 deep water micropalaeontology 438-9, 444 benthos 141-3 stratigraphy 428-9 oxygen 141, 142 Cretaceous studies temperature 141 Niobrara Formation 205-6 shallow water Sergipe Basin benthos 137, 138, 139 Cotinguiba Formation 435-9 oxygen 136, 137, 138 Riachuelo Formation 429-35 temperature 136, 137, 138 Vocontian Basin 415-16 Elefsis Bay 12, 126 glauconite occurrence 416-18 Emerita analoga 131 palaeoenvironment interpretation 419-21 England Crurithyris 261 Jurassic black shales crustaceans and oxygen stress 7 biofacies 299-302 Adriatic 121, 123 depositional model 302-6 New York Bight 30 palaeoecology 298-9 Peru/Chile shelf 131,139, 141,144, 145, 148 stratigraphy 291-8 cryptophytes 88 Oxford Clay Cucumaria planei 123 diagenesis 373-6 cyanobacteria 87-8, 342 facies descriptions 365 cyclothems palaeoenvironment interpretation 368-72 causes 263 sedimentation rates 366-8, 372 development 259 stratigraphy 293, 297,364-5 environment of deposition 263-7 Engraulis ringens 131 model for deposition 267-9 Entolium corneolum 388 sediment sequences 260-2 epeiric sea model 2, 16-18,266 Cylindroteuthis 369 Epistominella spp. 66, 77, 79 Cymatiosphaera 339 E. vitrea 77 Epizoanthus erinaceus 122, 123, 124 Dasybranchus caducus 122, 125 erosion events density stratification see halocline, pycnocline, causes 248-9,252 thermocline effects desmocollinite 341 chemical 250-1 detergent and eutrophication 97, 98 mechanical 249-50 Devonian studies 221,227, 228,235, 240, 250 lag deposits 242-8 diagenesis 197,373-6 recognition 233-4 diastems Essequibo River 70 464 INDEX estuarine salinity stratification model 15 chemistry 421-2 Eunice aphoditois 122, 125 defined 415 Euphylax spp. occurrence 416-18 E. dovii 148, 149 palaeoenvironment 419-21 E. robustus 148, 149 Gobius niger 121,122 euryoxic defined 6 Golfingia elongata 122 euxinic defined 5 Goniadella gracilis 30 exaerobic Goniomya 297,300 characterization 210-12 Grammatodon 370, 372 defined 4, 390 Greenland Permian Basin studies palaeoenvironments 266, 301-2 macrofossils 278-9 zone model 189, 190, 191 organic matter measurements 280 Exshaw Shale 237,247 palaeoenvironment 284-9 palynomorphs 281-2 faecal pellets sedimentology 276-8 identification 226-30, 250 setting 275-6 use 224-6 sulphide levels 282-4 fertilizers and eutrophication 97, 98 greigite 197 fish and oxygenation Grey Shales Formation 292, 297 palaeoenvironments 369, 402 Gryphaea 368 Recent environments 7, 121, 122, 131 Gulf of Mexico hypoxia Foldvik Creek Group 275 benthic community 30-2, 75-6 foraminifera and oxygenation current dynamics 12, 27, 28-9, 74 benthic Louisiana Shelf 30-2, 36-8 Adriatic 67-70 morphological effects 28-9 Gulf of Mexico 75-6 nutrient loading 43-4 modelling of habitat 76-9 organic matter effects 41-3 palaeoenvironments 370, 432, 438, 444 salinity effects 38-41 Gulf of Paria 71-3 wind effects 38 planktonic 432,438,444 Texas Shelf 49-50 France oxygen levels 53, 60-3 Kimmeridgian facies 381,384 salinity effects 53, 60-3 Vocontian Basin 415-16 species composition 53-60 galuconite occurrence 416-18 temperature effects 51-3, 60-3 palaeoenvironment interpretation 419-2 l Gunflint Chert 192 Fursenkoina spp.
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