Ewg's Unacceptable List

Ewg's Unacceptable List

EWG’S UNACCEPTABLE LIST: Personal Care Products EWG VERIFIEDTM products cannot contain any of the ingredients outlined in this document. EWG’s Unacceptable List 4/14/20 Substance/Ingredient Alternative name CAS Unacceptable reason (+/-) 2-(2,4- (+/-) 2-(2,4- 112281-77-3 Europe prohibits this ingredient in DICHLOROPHENYL)-3-(1H- Dichlorophenyl)-3- cosmetics. 1,2,4-TRIAZOL-1-YL)PROPYL- (1h-1,2,4-Triazol-1- 1,1,2,2- Yl)propyl-1,1,2,2- TETRAFLUOROETHYLETHER Tetrafluoroethyleth er (1_,4_,4A_,5_,8_,8A_)- (1_,4_,4a_,5_,8_,8a_ 465-73-6 Banned in Canadian cosmetics. 1,2,3,4,10,10-HEXACHLORO- )-1,2,3,4,10,10- 1,4,4A,5,8,8A-HEXAHYDRO- hexachloro- 1,4:5,8- 1,4,4a,5,8,8a- DIMETHANONAPHFTHALEN hexahydro-1,4:5,8- E dimethanonaphftha lene (1,1'-BIPHENYL)-4,4'-DIOL, 4,4'-Dihydroxy- 13049-13-3 The European Union lists this ingredient as 3,3',5,5'-TETRACHLORO- 3,3',5,5'- an endocrine disruptor (Category 1) tetrachlorobiphenyl (1,4'-BIPIPERIDINE)-4'- (1,4'-Bipiperidine)- 302-41-0 Europe prohibits this ingredient in CARBOXAMIDE, 1'-(3-CYANO- 4'-Carboxamide, 1'- cosmetics. 3,3-DIPHENYLPROPYL)- (3-Cyano-3,3- Diphenylpropyl)- (2-ethylhexyl)(hydrogenated (2- 308074-31-9 Some quaternary ammonium compounds tallow alkyl)dimethyl, Me Ethylhexyl)(Hydrog trigger asthma and may be toxic to human sulfates enated Tallow reproductive systems. Alkyl)dimethyl, Me Sulfates (3-CHLOROPHENYL)-(4- (3-chlorophenyl)-(4- 66938-41-8 Europe prohibits this ingredient in METHOXY-3- methoxy-3- cosmetics. NITROPHENYL)METHANONE nitrophenyl)methan one (4-HYDRAZINOPHENYL)-N- (4- 81880-96-8 Europe prohibits this ingredient in METHYLMETHANESULFONA hydrazinophenyl)-N- cosmetics. MIDE HYDROCHLORIDE methylmethanesulf onamide hydrochloride (6-(4-HYDROXY-3-(2- (6-(4-hydroxy-3-(2- 108225-03-2 Europe prohibits this ingredient in METHOXYPHENYLAZO)-2- methoxyphenylazo)- cosmetics. SULFONATO-7- 2-sulfonato-7- NAPHTHYLAMINO)-1,3,5- naphthylamino)- TRIAZIN-2,4- 1,3,5-triazin-2,4- DIYL)BIS[(AMINO-1- diyl)bis[(amino-1- METHYLETHYL)AMMONIUM] methylethyl)ammo FORMATE nium] formate (6-ALPHA)-PREGN-4-ENE- Medroxyprogestero The International Agency for Research on 3,20-DIONE, 17-(ACETYLOXY)- ne acetate Cancer lists this chemical as a Possible 6-METHYL- Human Carcinogen (Group 2B). Page 1 of 258 EWG’s Unacceptable List 4/14/20 Substance/Ingredient Alternative name CAS Unacceptable reason (Œ±) (±) 119738-06-6 Europe prohibits this ingredient in TETRAHYDROFURFURYL (R)- Tetrahydrofurfuryl cosmetics. 2-[4-(6- (r)-2-[4-(6- CHLOROQUINOXALIN-2- Chloroquinoxalin-2- YLOXY)PHENYLOXY]PROPIO Yloxy)phenyloxy]pr NATE opionate (Œ±) (œ±) 119738-06-6 The Global Harmonized System of chemical TETRAHYDROFURFURYL (R)- Tetrahydrofurfuryl hazards lists this chemical as 'Suspected of 2-[4-(6- (r)-2-[4-(6- causing genetic defects' (H341) CHLOROQUINOXALIN-2- Chloroquinoxalin-2- YLOXY)PHENYLOXY]PROPIO Yloxy)phenyloxy]pr NATE opionate (R)-_- (R)-_- 25383-07-7 Europe prohibits this ingredient in PHENYLETHYLAMMONIUM (- phenylethylammoni cosmetics. )-(1R, 2S)-(1,2- um (-)-(1R, 2S)-(1,2- EPOXYPROPYL)PHOSPHON epoxypropyl)phosp ATE MONOHYDRATE honate monohydrate (R)-5-BROMO-3-(1-METHYL-2- (R)-5-bromo-3-(1- 143322-57-0 Europe prohibits this ingredient in PYRROLIDINYL METHYL)-1H- methyl-2- cosmetics. INDOLE pyrrolidinyl methyl)- 1H-indole (S)-2,3-DIHYDRO-1H-INDOLE- (S)-2,3-dihydro-1H- 79815-20-6 Europe prohibits this ingredient in 2-CARBOXYLIC ACID indole-2-carboxylic cosmetics. acid (Z)-2-hydroxy-3-[(1-oxo-9- (z)-2-Hydroxy-3-[(1- 19467-38-0 Some quaternary ammonium compounds octadecenyl)oxy]propyltrimet Oxo-9- trigger asthma and may be toxic to human hylammonium chloride Octadecenyl)oxy]p reproductive systems. ropyltrimethylamm onium Chloride 1-(1- 1-(1- 65322-65-8 Europe prohibits this ingredient in NAPHTHYLMETHYL)QUINOLI naphthylmethyl)qui cosmetics. NIUM CHLORIDE nolinium chloride 1-(4-CHLOROPHENYL)-4,4- 1-(4-chlorophenyl)- 107534-96-3 Europe prohibits this ingredient in DIMETHYL-3-(1,2,4-TRIAZOL-1- 4,4-dimethyl-3- cosmetics. YLMETHYL)PENTAN-3-OL (1,2,4-triazol-1- ylmethyl)pentan-3- ol 1-Acetoxy-2- EWG Verified doesn't allow hair dye Methoxynaphthalene ingredients restricted in Europe. 1-ADAMANTANAMINE, Amantadine 665-66-7 California Prop65 lists this chemical as HYDROCHLORIDE hydrochloride known to cause developmental toxicity. 1-ALPHA-H,5-ALPHA-H- 1-Alpha-H,5-Alpha- 5796-31-6 Europe prohibits this ingredient in TROPANE-2-BETA- H-Tropane-2-Beta- cosmetics. CARBOXYLIC ACID, 3-BETA- Carboxylic Acid, 3- HYDROXY-, Beta-Hydroxy-, HYDROCHLORIDE Hydrochloride Page 2 of 258 EWG’s Unacceptable List 4/14/20 Substance/Ingredient Alternative name CAS Unacceptable reason 1-ALPHA-H,5-ALPHA-H- Cocaine 50-36-2 California Prop65 lists this chemical as TROPANE-2-BETA- known to cause developmental toxicity. CARBOXYLIC ACID, 3-BETA- HYDROXY-, METHYL ESTER, BENZOATE 1-ALPHA-H,5-ALPHA-H- 1-Alpha-H,5-Alpha- 53-21-4 Europe prohibits this ingredient in TROPANE-2-BETA- H-Tropane-2-Beta- cosmetics. CARBOXYLIC ACID, 3-BETA- Carboxylic Acid, 3- HYDROXY-, METHYL ESTER, Beta-Hydroxy-, BENZOATE Methyl Ester,benzoate 1-ALPHA-H,5-ALPHA-H- 1-alpha-H,5-alpha-H- 50-36-2 Europe prohibits this ingredient in TROPANE-2-BETA- Tropane-2-beta- cosmetics. CARBOXYLIC ACID, 3-BETA- carboxylic acid, 3- HYDROXY-, METHYL ESTER, beta-hydroxy-, BENZOATE methyl ester, benzoate 1-ALPHA-H,5-ALPHA-H- 1-Alpha-H,5-Alpha- 53-21-4 Europe prohibits this ingredient in TROPANE-2-BETA- H-Tropane-2-Beta- cosmetics. CARBOXYLIC ACID, 3-BETA- Carboxylic Acid, 3- HYDROXY-, METHYL Beta-Hydroxy-, ESTER,BENZOATE Methyl Ester,benzoate 1-ALPHA-H,5-ALPHA-H- 1-Alpha-H,5-Alpha- 86-13-5 Banned in Canadian cosmetics. TROPANE, 3-ALPHA- H-Tropane, 3-Alpha- (DIPHENYLMETHOXY)- (diphenylmethoxy)- 1-Beta-Hydroxyethyl-2,4- 14572-93-1 Europe bans this ingredient in cosmetics. Diaminobenzene 1-BROMO-3,4,5- 1-bromo-3,4,5- 138526-69-9 Europe prohibits this ingredient in TRIFLUOROBENZENE trifluorobenzene cosmetics. 1-BROMOPROPANE 1-Bromopropane (1- 106-94-5 California Prop65 lists this chemical as BP) known to cause developmental toxicity. 1-BROMOPROPANE 1-Bromopropane 106-94-5 Europe prohibits this ingredient in cosmetics. 1-BUTANAMINE, N-BUTYL-N- 1-BUTANAMINE, N- 924-16-3 Banned in Canadian cosmetics. NITROSO- BUTYL-N-NITROSO- 1-BUTANAMINE, N-BUTYL-N- N-Nitrosodi-n- The International Agency for Research on NITROSO- butylamine Cancer lists this chemical as a Possible Human Carcinogen (Group 2B). 1-BUTANAMINE, N-BUTYL-N- N-Nitroso-di-n- 924-16-3 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency NITROSO- butylamine has identified this chemical as a probable human carcinogen (B2). 1-CHLORO-2,3- 1-chloro-2,3- 106-89-8 Banned in Canadian cosmetics. EPOXYPROPANE epoxypropane 1-CHLORO-2,3- Epichlorohydrin (1- 106-89-8 The European Union lists this ingredient as EPOXYPROPANE chloro-2,3- an endocrine disruptor (Category 1) epoxypropane) 1-CHLORO-2,3- Epichlorohydrin 106-89-8 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EPOXYPROPANE has identified this chemical as a probable human carcinogen (B2). Page 3 of 258 EWG’s Unacceptable List 4/14/20 Substance/Ingredient Alternative name CAS Unacceptable reason 1-CHLORO-4- 1-chloro-4- 100-00-5 California Prop65 lists this chemical as NITROBENZENE nitrobenzene known to cause cancer. 1-CYCLOHEXENE, 4-VINYL- 4-Vinylcyclohexene The International Agency for Research on Cancer lists this chemical as a Possible Human Carcinogen (Group 2B). 1-CYCLOPROPYL-6,7- 1-cyclopropyl-6,7- 93107-30-3 The Global Harmonized System of chemical DIFLUORO-1,4-DIHYDRO-4- difluoro-1,4-dihydro- hazards lists this chemical as 'Suspected of OXOQUINOLINE-3- 4-oxoquinoline-3- damaging fertility or the unborn child' CARBOXYLIC ACID carboxylic acid (H361) 1-ETHYL-1- 1-ethyl-1- 65756-41-4 Europe prohibits this ingredient in METHYLMORPHOLINIUM methylmorpholiniu cosmetics. BROMIDE m bromide 1-ETHYL-1- 1-ethyl-1- 69227-51-6 Europe prohibits this ingredient in METHYLPYRROLIDINIUM methylpyrrolidiniu cosmetics. BROMIDE m bromide 1-Methyl-2,4,5- 1124-09-0 Europe bans this ingredient in cosmetics. Trihydroxybenzene And Its Salts 1-METHYL-3-NITRO-1- 1-methyl-3-nitro-1- 70-25-7 Europe prohibits this ingredient in NITROSOGUANIDINE nitrosoguanidine cosmetics. 1-METHYL-3-NITRO-1- N-Methyl-N´-nitro- The International Agency for Research on NITROSOGUANIDINE N-nitrosoguanidine Cancer lists this chemical as a Probable (MNNG) Human Carcinogen (Group 2A). 1-METHYL-3-NITRO-1- N-Methyl-N'-nitro-N- 70-25-7 The U.S. National Toxicology Program has NITROSOGUANIDINE nitrosoguanidine identified this chemical as reasonably anticipated human carcinogen. 1-NAPHTHALENEHEPTANOIC Pravastatin sodium 81131-70-6 California Prop65 lists this chemical as ACID, 1,2,6,7,8,8A- known to cause developmental toxicity. HEXAHYDRO-2-METHYL-8-(2- METHYL-1-OXOBUTOXY)- BETA, 1-NAPHTHALENESULFONIC 3-Hydroxy-4-[(2- 16279-54-2 Europe bans this ingredient in hair dyes. ACID, 3-HYDROXY-4-((2- Hydroxynaphthyl)a HYDROXY-1- zo]-7- NAPHTHALENYL)AZO)-7- Nitronaphthalene-1- NITRO- sulphonic Acid And Its Salts 1-NAPHTHALENESULFONIC 1- 16279-54-2 Europe prohibits this ingredient in ACID, 3-HYDROXY-4-((2- Naphthalenesulfoni cosmetics. HYDROXY-1- c Acid, 3-Hydroxy- NAPHTHALENYL)AZO)-7- 4-((2-Hydroxy-1- NITRO- Naphthalenyl)azo)- 7-Nitro- 1-NAPHTHALENESULFONIC 1- 573-58-0 Europe prohibits this ingredient in ACID, 3,3'-(4,4'- Naphthalenesulfoni cosmetics. BIPHENYLENEBIS(AZO))BIS( c Acid, 3,3'-(4,4'- 4-AMINO-, DISODIUM SALT Biphenylenebis(Azo ))bis(4-Amino-, Disodium Salt Page 4 of 258 EWG’s Unacceptable List 4/14/20 Substance/Ingredient Alternative name CAS Unacceptable reason 1-NAPHTHOL 1-Naphthol 90-15-3 EWG Verified doesn't allow hair dye ingredients restricted in Europe. 1-NAPHTHYLAMINE 1-naphthylamine 134-32-7 California Prop65 lists this chemical as known to cause cancer.

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