aiirlipBtprManchester — A City ol Village Charm Hrralft Saturday, Feb. 14,1987 30 Cents KIDNAPPERS: DEAL OFF Hostages’ fate still unknown BEIRUT, Lebanon (A P) — Kid­ nappers bolding three Americans and an Indian said in a statement released Saturday that a possible deal to trade them for 400 Arab prisoners in Israel was off. A handwritten statement signed by Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine said the proposed swap had been suspended because of the U.S. failure to respond to its demands. The statement was delivered before dawn to the office of a Western news agency in Beirut along with a picture of American hostage Robert Polhill, S3, of New York City. “ This issue will now remain suspended because of the American administration’s insistance on ex­ posing the lives of the hostages to grave danger and the unknown fate awaiting them, and because of its failure to respond to our just demands,” the statement said. However, it did not renew pre­ vious threats to kill the hostages. Polhill is held along with three other professors of Beirut Univer­ sity College: 39-year-old Jesse Turner of Bojse, Idaho; Alann Steen, 47, of Boston; and Mithilesh- war Singh, 60, and Indian with resident alien in the United States. The four were kidnapped Jan. 24 from the college campus in Moslem west Beirut where they taught. The captors had threatened to kill them at midnight Monday unless Israel freed 400 Arab prisoners it holds, but at the deadline they released a statement saying they -i-,' had postponed the killings until Israel made clear its intentions about the prisoners. AP photo CHILLINQ RECOVERY — Unidentified rescuers wrap biankets around David There have been unconfirmed Bast after he and another coilege student were pulied from icy Lake Michigan near Hoiiand, Mich., by patrons at a nearby restaurant. Story on page 3. Pteaae turn to page 3 r Party puts Joe in the pink --------- ----------------- MAGAZINE PULLOUT SECTION Surprise fetes retiring businessman ... page 5 SNAFU by Bnict Bmlll* Deer glands, oysters w ont South Windsor changes feed romance, experts say tack on street closing By Marcia Dunn By John F. Kirch options would be in the best interest of the The Associated Pr«ss and Altx Glrelll town of South Windsor.” Manclwsttr Herald Manchester residents — Including the Casanova may have downed citizens’ groups TRAFFIC and the North hundreds of oysters and passionate Closing off Slater Street at the Manchester Manchester Property Owners Association — kings may have sworn by chocolate town line would be a disaster and hurt the have pressed both Manchester and South and champagne, but experts say traffic flow on South Windsor streets, an Windsor to close Slater Street. If it remains modern-day romantics had better attorney representing South Windsor said open, the groups have said, many cars would not count on mythicized aphrodisi­ Friday. use Tolland ’Turnpike to get to Slater Street acs this Valentine’s Day. Slater Street, which would be a main route once the mall opens, ’fhe additional traffic While there’s no harm in trying for traffic through northern Manchester after would ruin the rural character of the North fancy love potions, there’s simply ,the proposed Mall at Buckland Hills is built, is End neighborhood, they said. no scientific evidence to back them a major collector road between Tolland Allen Lutz, the head of TRAFFIC, which up, according to experts. Turnpike and South Windsor, said attorney stands for ‘”rown Residents And Friends For “ Hee, hee, hee, the only aphrodi­ Ralph G. Elliot. If it were clo s ^ off, “ it would Infrastructure Control,” said Friday night siac needed is between your two not be positive to the traffic flow in South that he would be surprised if South Windsor ears,” says Dr. Ruth Westheimer, Windsor,” he said. keeps Slater Street open. author and celebrated sex “ Major problems would be caused by “ Technically, If South Windsor elects not to therapist. dead-ending Slater Street in either Manches­ dead-end it, they would have to invest a lot of Connecticiit Weather “ Now I ’m not saying that some ter or South Windsor,” said Elliot, who was money to improve other roads,” he said. ‘ ’This strawberries d ip p ^ in whipped retained by the town of South Windsor as a is just a gut feeling, but they may be adopting cream or some champagne or some special counsel to fight the proposed mall. that position as leverage to lobby the state for good chocolate can’t be pleasura­ Elliot’s remarks indicate that South Wind­ more funds to improve their roads.” Central, Eaitem Interior and Sontbweet Interior: ble,’’ she said. sor officials may be reversing their position on State Rep. John J. Woodcock, D-South Partly sunny and cold today with highs near 25. Wind The lowly oyster, everyone’s the Slater Street issue. Until recently it Windsor, has proposed a bill in the General light west. Variable cloudiness and continued cold favorite aphrodisiac, is said to be appeared that South Windsor favored a Assemhiy that would give South Windsor $14.8 tonight and Sunday. Lows 5 to 15. Highs in the mid-20s. sorely lacMng in passion-provoking dead-end Slater Street because the proposed million in state funds to pay for road powers. mall would increase traffic on South Windsor improvements. Woodcock said money would West Coastal and East Coastal: Partly sunny and “ From a chemical standpoint, roads. be allocated for Buckland Road, Sullivan cold today with highs in the upper 20s. Wind light west. there’s no reason why oysters But South Windsor has delayed making a Avenue, Ellington, Oakland, (Thapel, Pleasant Variable cloudiness and continued cold tonight and should be any more aphrodisiac decision on Slater Street since last June, when Valley and Wheeler roads. Avery, Clark and Sunday. Lows 10 to 15. Highs in the mid-20s. than toothpaste,” said Marian the State Traffic Commission granted the Smith streets would also receive state funds. Childs, associate professor of medi­ Norihwest Hills: Partly sunny and cold today with snap up the majority of antlers and of aphrodisiac or mental power, Homart Development Corp., the mall devel­ “ If the Buckland Hills mall goes forward cine and nutrition at the University highs around 20. Variable cloudiness and continued grind them into an aphrodisiac and those things are hard to get,” oper, a traffic permit needed for the proposed and the road improvements aren’t made in of Washington. “ People continue to cold tonight and Sunday. Lows around zero. Highs 15 to powder. he said. “ The tomato was called a 785,000-square-foot mall. South Windsor, you’re going to have a joke about it even though they know Like most local folks, Carol passion fruit... until it became very In approving the permit, the STC required catastrophe in this town,” Woodcock said. He 20. nothing is there.’’ Dahlen, marketing director for the commonplace.’’ that the Chicago-based Homart pay for said traffic would cause problems for As long as men and women have Jackson Hole Chamber of Com­ Still'a delicacy to most people are dead-ending Slater Street if South Windsor neighboring towns, too, because the scope of longed for love, they have yearned merce, doesn’t put much stock in oysters, which Parks recommends requested it. No request has been made. the proposed mall is regional. for ways to ease passion’s process. elk antlers’ desire-inducing “ raw, as in nature.” ^u th Windsor ‘Town Manager Richard Woodcock’s bill goes before the Legisla­ Lottery Winners ’The search for culinary delights abilities. “ You’re left after dining on Sartor, in a letter received Friday by ture’s ’Transportation Committee ’Tuesday. has led from the mundane to the Nevertheless, she said, laughing, oysters with a very light feeling. Manchester Town Manager Robert Weiss, mad: garlic, honey, artichokes, In a related matter, attorney Elliot said that “ I ’ve always wanted to try it." You have energies to pursue other said South Windsor has made “ no decisions South Windsor is reviewing its options in A e figs, pomegranates, caviar, herbal Connecticut daily Friday: 454. Play Four: 4224. The difficulty in obtaining elk endeavors,” Parks said. regarding Slater Street as yet.” fight against the mall. ConnecUcut Lotto Friday: 14. 15. 22, 24, 21. 25. teas, bird’s nest soup and even deer antlers probably explains much of Chocolate, however, may be Sartor, who was responding to a letter from musk glands. South Windsor is suing the State Traffic their appeal, according to Fred downright counterproductive. Weiss, said that South Windsor has hired a Commission, claiming that the three-member Today, aphrodisiacs abound. In Parks, an Allentown, Pa., restaura­ “ I really wonder whether giving consultant for a transportation study and panel did not take South Windsor roads into Jackson Hole, Wyo., for instance, teur and author of ‘“rhe Celebrated chocolate for Valentine’s Day is would be willing to meet Weiss and diset'os hundreds gather every May to bid consideration when it granted Homart the Index Oysterhouse Cookbook.” really the best type of gift if one Slater Street “ when we have determined wha' traffic permit. on antlers shed by elk. South “ Most things considered delica­ wants to pursue any type of intense Korean businessmen regularly cies are associated with some type romantic affair.” AP photo Advice___ ___ 18 Manchester Has It ___14-15 Business _ . 10-11 Ohitiierl— 5 20-year-old David Bast (top) and Brent Rasmussen, 21, Bigger mall needs permit Churches . 10-17 Opinion_____________12-13 Condoms, cards mark holiday call for help after an ice ridge they were on collapsed, Oasslflod . .42-48 Senior Citizens. .20 sending them tumbling into Lake Michigan near Holland, The developer of the proposed Mall at chance to voice further opposition to the mall.
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