An Incipitarium of Funeral Orations and a Smattering of Other Panegyrical Literature from the Italian Renaissance (ca. 1350-1550) BY JOHN M. MCMANAMON, S.J. CONTENTS 1. Orations with Incipits 2. Orations needing an Incipit 1 Introduction The Incipitarium below primarily derives from a reading of Paul Oskar Kristeller’s Iter Italicum for manuscripts and the various printed catalogues for incunabula and early printed editions. I began collecting this data years ago for a book on Italian Renaissance funeral oratory, and I wish to use the internet to share the data with scholars and all interested persons, especially those who may be considering critical editions of a given oration. Years ago, in a review of my Funeral Oratory, Dr. Hermann Goldbrunner suggested that its appendix would have been more valuable, had I supplied the incipits for the orations. He was quite justified in that observation, and I would like now to supply the incipits that I have determined and the manuscripts that conserve each oration. My hope is that the posting of this list will encourage other scholars to contribute relevant data. If any scholar would like to send me information, I will update the listing regularly and acknowledge all contributions therein. I have focused my energies on determining the incipit of each oration and the manuscripts conserving the oration. Other data are supplied less systematically (dates of birth and death for author and subject, bibliography on an oration). For example, given the organization of Kristeller’s massive catalogue by library and fondo, I have not included the Iter references because they are easily located in the printed or CD editions of his work. I have tried to include cross-references to the splendid volumes edited by Ludwig Bertalot and Ursula Jaitner-Hahner, Initia humanistica Latina. In a final checking of the data, I have used the Google search engine. Nonetheless, I am sure that mistakes remain, and I apologize for those. Each entry has eight categories: (1) author (generally with variant forms of the name); (2) subject (with variant forms); (3) title; (4) place of delivery; (5) date of delivery; (6) manuscripts (alphabetically by library and fondo); (7) printed editions; (8) cataloguing and bibliography. This listing intersects with other excellent work by scholars. For the earlier funeral sermons and orations, one should consult Rudolf Schneyer’s Repertorium and David D’Avray’s fine scholarship. For the later period and areas outside of Italy, one should consult the exhaustive work of Rudolf Lenz and his team of scholars who have catalogued and studied Leichenpredigten. There are an ever growing number of bibliographical works on more specialized topics published in print or on-line, exemplified by the superb register of Constance sermons edited by Chris Nighman and Philip Stump. John M. McManamon, S.J. [email protected] Citation: John M. McManamon, S.J., An Incipitarium of Funeral Orations and a Smattering of Other Panegyrical Literature from the Italian Renaissance (ca. 1350-1550) URL: http://www.luc.edu/media/lucedu/history/pdfs/Incipit_Catalogue.pdf, accessed 9 March 2016. 2 Abbreviations BAV Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana Bibl. Bibliotheca, Biblioteca, Bibliothèque, Bibliothek, etc. (Library) BMC A Catalogue of Books Printed in the Fifteenth Century Now in the British Museum. 12 vols. R. Proctor and A. W. Pollard, eds. London: Trustees of the British Museum, 1908-. cart. cartaceus (paper) cod(d). codex / codices Copinger W. A. Copinger. Supplement to Hain’s Repertorium Bibliographicum. Part 2, Additions. 2 vols. London: Henry Sotheran and Co., 1898-1906. DBI Dizionario biografico degli Italiani. Rome: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, 1960ff. excerpt. excerpta (excerpts) expl. explicit (the concluding words of a text) fol(s). folio(s) fragm. fragmentum (fragment) GW Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke. Leipzig: K. Hiersemann, 1925ff. Hain Ludovicus Hain. Repertorium Bibliographicum. Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta, 1826-38. IERS Indice delle edizioni romane a stampa (1467-1500). Vol. 1.2 of Scrittura, biblioteche, e stampa a Roma nel Quattrocento. P. Casciano, G. Castoldi, M. P. Critelli, G. Curcio, P. Farenga, and A. Modigliani, eds. Littera Antiqua 1.2. Vatican City: Scuola Vaticana di Paleografia, Diplomatica, e Archivistica, 1980. IGI Indice generale degli incunaboli delle biblioteche d’Italia. 6 vols. Rome: La Libreria dello Stato, 1943-81. impr. impressus (printed) inc. incipit (the opening words of a text) Isaac Frank Isaac, An Index to the Early Printed Books in the British Museum, part 2, MDI-MDXX, section 2, Italy; section 3, Switzerland and Eastern Europe. London: Berhard Quaritch, 1938. Mazzatinti Giuseppe Mazzatinti et al. Inventari dei manoscritti delle biblioteche d’Italia. Forlì: L. Bernardini, 1891-1911; Florence: Olschki, 1912-. mbr. membranaceus (parchment) RIS Rerum Italicarum Scriptores. Ludovico Antonio Muratori, ed. Milan: ex typographia Societatis Palatinae, 1723-51; n.s., Città di Castello and Bologna: S. Lapi, 1900ff. s.a. sine anno (Year of publication unknown) s.l. sine loco (Place of publication unknown) s.t. sine typographo (Publisher unknown) 3 1. Orations with Incipits 4 Absorpta est mors in victoria (1 Cor. 15:54) Praestantissimi domini et patres almi honore Dum veris lacrimis ora rigabam 1. Author: Flem(m)ing, Richard, bishop of Lincoln in 1420 (ca. 1360/85-1431) 2. Subject: Zabarella, Francesco, Cardinal 3. Title: “Oratio funebris facta in exsequiis Francisci Zabarellae, cardinalis Florentini in Concilio Constantiensi.” 4. Place: Constance 5. Date: 2 October 1417 6. Manuscripts: Cologne, Stadtarchiv, cod. GB.quarto.268 (formerly Alfter 146), 15-17. Leipzig, Universitätsbibliothek, cod. 179, fols. 122-23v. Lübeck, Bibl. der Hansestadt, cod. Theol. lat. 155, fols. 280-84v. Merseburg, Archiv des Domkapitels, cod. 39, fols. 209-12v. Munich, Universitätsbibliothek, cod. Folio 84, fols. 110v, 112-15v (“Henry Fleming”). Trier, Stadtbibliothek, cod. 743/1424 (“Collatio in exsequiis Francisci Zabarella”). Vienna, Öst. Nationalbibliothek, cod. Lat. 4922, fols. 264v-69. 7. Printed editions: Hermann von der Hardt, ed., Magnum oecumenicum Constantiense concilium (Frankfurt and Leipzig: C. Genschius, 1696-1742), 1, part 2:546-52. Chris L. Nighman, “Reform and Humanism in the Sermons of Richard Fleming at the Council of Constance (1417),” Diss. University of Toronto, 2000, 405-26. 8. Cataloguing / Bibliography: Ludwig Bertalot and Ursula Jaitner-Hahner, Initia humanistica Latina: Initienverzeichnis lateinischer Prosa und Poesie aus der Zeit des 14. Bis 16. Jahrhunderts (Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 1985-2004), 2.1:296 (no. 5456), under “Dum” Chris L. Nighman and Phillip Stump, “A Bibliographical Register of the Sermons and Other Orations Delivered at the Council of Constance (1414-1418) (Main Sermon Register),” 37, available on-line at: http://www.bibsocamer.org/BibSite/Nighman-Stump/index.html. 5 Admetus Thessaliae rex teste Valerio 1. Author: Bucci, Gabriele, O.E.S.A. (ca. 1430-ca. 1497) 2. Subject: Ternavasius, Manfrinus (de Carmagnola) / Ternavasio, Manfrino 3. Title: “Pro ... Manfrino Ternauasio de Carmagnola sermo LXVII.” 4. Place: Carmagnola? 5. Date: Unknown 6. Manuscripts: 7. Printed editions: Faustino Curlo, ed., Il Memoriale Quadripartitum di Fra Gabriele Bucci da Carmagnola, Biblioteca della Società Storica Subalpina 63 (Pinerolo: G. Brignolo, 1911), 301-2. 8. Cataloguing / Bibliography: 6 Admirabili divinae artis opificio si 1. Author: Benignus Salviatus, Georgius / Benigno Salviati, Giorgio, O.F.M. / Dragišiæ, Juraj (d. 1520) 2. Subject: Georgio, Iunius de / Georgi, Zorzi 3. Title: Oratio funebris pro Iunio Georgio habita 4. Place: Dubrovnik (St. Francis) 5. Date: “XIII cal. martias” 1499, 17 February 6. Manuscripts: Dubrovnik, Bibl. Samostana Male Braæe, cod. 231. 7. Printed editions: [Florence?: s.t., after 17 February 1500?], GW 3844. 8. Cataloguing / Bibliography GW 3844. 7 Admirabilis ac pene divina maiorum 1. Author: Grana, Laurentius / Lorenzo (ca. 1494-1539) 2. Subject: Clement VII, Pope (Medici, Giulio de’) 3. Title: “ ... Oratio in funere Clementis VII.” 4. Place: Rome 5. Date: 1534 (after 25 September) 6. Manuscripts: London, Robinson Trust, cod. 5263 (formerly) – now New York, Columbia University Library, cod. X.936.09/C.15 (membr.). 7. Printed editions: G. C. Amaduzzi, and G. L. Biaconi, eds., Anecdota litteraria (Rome: A. Fulgonius, 1773-83), 4:261-84. 8. Cataloguing / Bibliography: 8 Admonet nos beatus apostolus reverendissimi 1. Author: Palmerius, Nicolaus / Palm(i)eri, Niccolò, O.E.S.A. bishop of Catanzaro, then of Orte and Cività Castellana (d. 1467) 2. Subject: Nicholas V, Pope (Parentucelli, Tommaso) 3. Title: “Oratio funebris ... in funere Nicolai papae quinti prima die exsequiarum.” 4. Place: Rome 5. Date: 1455 6. Manuscripts: Florence, Bibl. Nazionale Centrale, cod. Magl. VIII.1434, fols. 1-10v. Milan, Bibl. Ambrosiana, cod. C 145 inf., fols. 280-85v. Vatican City, BAV, cod. Vat. lat. 5815, fols. 3-12v. 7. Printed editions: Mario Mastrocola, Note storiche circa le diocesi di Civita C. Orte e Gallese, Parte 3, I vescovi della unione delle diocesi alla fine del Concilio di Trento (1437-1564) (Civita Castellana: Pian Paradisi, 1972), 173-78. 8. Cataloguing / Bibliography: Bertalot and Jaitner-Hahner, Initia, 2.1:41 (no. 802). Concetta Bianca, “Sermoni ed orazioni di Niccolò Palmieri,” in Niccolò Palmieri umanista e vescovo di Orte dal 1455 al 1467 (Atti delle giornate di studio per la storia della Tuscia, Orte, 11 ottobre 1992), Abbondio
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