CITY PLAN COMMISSION MEETING 1ST FLOOR CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS MARCH 9, 2017 1:30 P.M. MINUTES The City Plan Commission met at the above place and date. The meeting was called to order at 2:02 p.m. Commissioner Ardovino present and presiding and the following Commissioners answered roll call. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Commissioner Brannon Commissioner Benitez (late arrival) Commissioner Muñoz Commissioner Madrid (late arrival) Commissioner Ardovino Commissioner Bustamante (late arrival) Commissioner Livingston COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: N/A AGENDA Commissioner Muñoz read the rules into the record. Alex Hoffman, Deputy Director for Planning & Inspections, read the revisions to the agenda into the record and noted that there are several revised staff reports. *ACTION: Motion made by Commissioner Livingston, seconded by Commissioner Brannon, and unanimously carried to APPROVE the agenda as amended. AYES: Commissioner Brannon, Benitez, Muñoz, Madrid, Ardovino, Bustamante, and Livingston NAYS: N/A ABSTAIN: N/A ABSENT: N/A NOT PRESENT FOR THE VOTE: N/A Motion passed. I. CALL TO THE PUBLIC – PUBLIC COMMENT This time is reserved for members of the public who would like to address the City Plan Commission on any items that are not on the City Plan Commission Agenda and that are within the jurisdiction of the City Plan Commission. No action shall be taken. NO ACTION WAS TAKEN . CPC MINUTES Page 1 of 14 March 9, 2017 II. CONSENT AGENDA THERE WERE NO ITEMS UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA. III. REGULAR AGENDA - DISCUSSION AND ACTION: Subdivision Applications: SUBDIVISION MAP APPROVAL: NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC AND APPLICANTS: The staff report for an agenda item may include conditions, exceptions, or modifications. The Commission’s motion to approve an item in accordance with the staff report or with all staff comments means that any modifications, waivers, exceptions requested by the applicant and recommended for approval by staff and any staff recommended conditions, have been approved, without necessitating that the Commission restate the modifications, exceptions, waivers, or conditions as part of the motion to approve and that any findings required to be made by the Commission, have been made. If the Commission does not wish to approve an exception or modification, or require a condition, then the Commission’s motion will state which have not been approved, otherwise, the staff report, with all modifications, exceptions and conditions, is approved and the applicant shall comply with all provisions of the staff report. Major Combination: 1. SUSU17-00006: Rio Verde Subdivision – Tracts 20A and 20C1, Block 15, Ysleta Grant, City of El Paso, El Paso County, Texas Location: North of North Loop and East of Lomaland Existing Zoning: A-O (Apartment/Office) Property Owner: Rio Verde Construction, Inc. Representative: CAD Consulting, Co. District: 7 Staff Contact: Vanessa Munoz, (915) 212-1644, [email protected] Vanessa Muñoz, Planner, gave a presentation and noted that the applicant proposes to subdivide 0.9397 acres into one lot and will be constructing apartments. Access to the subdivision is from Lomaland. This development was reviewed under the current subdivision code. The applicant is requesting to waive the construction of any ROW improvements to include the 10’ hike and bike along Lomaland. Staff recommends approval of the waiver request and approval of Rio Verde Subdivision on a major combination basis. Carlos Jimenez with CAD Consulting, Co., concurred with staff’s comments. ACTION: Motion made by Commissioner Brannon, seconded by Commissioner Benitez, and unanimously carried to APPROVE SUSU17-00006. Motion passed. 2. SUSU17-00007: Tierra Del Este Unit Seventy Four – A portion of Section 48, Block 9, Township 2, Texas and Pacific Railway Co. Surveys, City of El Paso, El Paso County, Texas Location: North of Montwood and East John Hayes Existing Zoning: R-5 (Residential) Property Owner: Ranchos Real XV, LLC. Representative: Conde, Inc. CPC MINUTES Page 2 of 14 March 9, 2017 District: 5 Staff Contact: Rocio Alvarado, (915) 212-1612, [email protected] *ACTION: Motion made by Commissioner Livingston, seconded by Commissioner Muñoz, and unanimously carried to POSTPONE SUSU17-00007 FOR TWO (2) WEEKS, TO THE CITY PLAN COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 23, 2017. Motion passed. PUBLIC HEARING Resubdivision Combination: 3. SUSC17-00001: Montecillo Unit Eleven – A replat of a portion of Lot 6 & 7, Block 2, Montecillo Unit Three, Replat B & a portion of Tracts 3 & 3A, John Barker Survey No. 10 & all of Tract 6 & a portion of Tract 7, I.F. Harrison Survey No. 54, City of El Paso, El Paso County, Texas Location: North of I-10 & West of Montecillo Existing Zoning: SCZ (Smart Code) Property Owner: EPT Montecillo Development, LP Representative: Brock & Bustillos, Inc. District: 8 Staff Contact: Alfredo Austin, (915) 212-1604, [email protected] *ACTION: Motion made by Commissioner Livingston, seconded by Commissioner Muñoz, and unanimously carried to POSTPONE SUSC17-00001 FOR TWO (2) WEEKS, TO THE CITY PLAN COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 23, 2017. Motion passed. PUBLIC HEARING ROW Vacation: 4. SURW17-00002: Alberta-Raynolds Alley Vacation – All of the alley between Raynolds St. and Conception St., Block 2, Val Verde Addition, City of El Paso, El Paso County, Texas Location: North of Alameda and East of Raynolds Property Owner: City of El Paso Representative: Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center at El Paso District: 8 Staff Contact: Armida Martinez, (915) 212-1605, [email protected] POSTPONED FROM FEBRUARY 9, AND FEBRUARY 23, 2017 *ACTION: Motion made by Commissioner Livingston, seconded by Commissioner Muñoz, and unanimously carried to POSTPONE SURW17-00002 FOR TWO (2) WEEKS, TO THE CITY PLAN COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 23, 2017. Motion passed. CPC MINUTES Page 3 of 14 March 9, 2017 PUBLIC HEARING Comprehensive Plan Amendment: 5. PLCP16-00004: Multiple properties within the Northwest Upper Valley Plan area; South of Borderland Road, West of the Rio Grande, East of the New Mexico State Line, and North of Country Club Road Existing Zoning: R-1 (Residential), R-2 (Residential), P-R1 (Planned Residential), C-1 (Commercial), R-F (Ranch-Farm) Request: Modify Future Land Use designation from O-3, Agriculture, to G- 4, Suburban (Walkable) Existing Use: Vacant, Residential, Commercial and Agricultural Uses Proposed Use: N/A Property Owners: Multiple owners Representative: Joseph Nester District: 1 Staff Contact: Ryan Kirby, (915) 212-1586, [email protected] 1ST MOTIION: *ACTION: Motion made by Commissioner Livingston, seconded by Commissioner Muñoz, and unanimously carried to HEAR ITEMS 17, 5, AND 11 TOGETHER AND IN THIS ORDER. Motion passed. Ryan Kirby, Planner, gave a presentation and noted that this is a request for an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Designation from O-3 Agriculture to G-4 Suburban (Walkable). The proposed amendment will include multiple areas within the Northwest Upper Valley Plan. The applicant proposes a mix of residential and commercial uses on approximately 120 acres of the amended areas. The remaining areas, not to be included as part of the amended areas are being amended to better align their current uses and requisite zoning to the comprehensive plan. Staff received one phone call in opposition to the proposed changes. The nature of the concern is that they felt the item needed to be postponed to facilitate future discussion. Staff recommends approval of the amendment to the Future Land Use Map contained in the El Paso Comprehensive Plan. Joseph Nester concurred with staff’s comments. Commissioner Ardovino asked if there was anyone in the public who wished to speak in favor or against this request. There was no response. 2ND MOTION: ACTION: Motion made by Commissioner Brannon, seconded by Commissioner Livingston, and carried to POSTPONE PLCP16-00004 FOR TWO (2) WEEKS, TO THE CITY PLAN COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 23, 2017. AYES: Commissioner Brannon, Benitez, Muñoz, Ardovino, Bustamante, and Livingston NAYS: Commissioner Madrid ABSTAIN: N/A ABSENT: N/A NOT PRESENT FOR THE VOTE: N/A Motion passed to postpone. (6-1 vote) . CPC MINUTES Page 4 of 14 March 9, 2017 PUBLIC HEARING Rezoning Application: 6. PZRZ17-00001: All of Tract 5, Block 6, Ysleta Grant, City of El Paso, El Paso County, Texas Location: 8659 Holmsley Trail Existing Zoning: R-F (Ranch and Farm) Request: From R-F (Ranch and Farm) to R-1 (Residential) Existing Use: Vacant Proposed Use: Single-family dwellings Property Owner: Patricia Quinn Representative: Rey Engineering District: 7 Staff Contact: Andrew Salloum, (915) 212-1643, [email protected] Andrew Salloum, Planner, gave a presentation and noted that the applicant is requesting to rezone the subject property from R-F (Ranch and Farm) to R-1 (Residential) in order to allow for residential development. The conceptual site plan shows 23 single-family residential lots. Access to the subject property is provided from Holmsley Trail. Staff received 3 phone calls, 2 letters, and a petition with 31 signatures in opposition to the rezoning request. Before the meeting, staff also received 2 phone calls and 2 emails in opposition. The nature of the opposition was concerns in traffic increase and the desire to keep the ranch and farm zone district. Staff recommends approval of rezoning the subject property from R-F (Ranch and Farm) to R-1 (Residential). Enrique Rey with Rey Engineering concurred with staff’s comments. Commissioner Ardovino asked if there was anyone in the public who wished to speak in favor or against this request. William Montgomery spoke in opposition to the rezoning request. He noted that R-1 (Residential) zoning is not appropriate for this property and wants the R-F (Ranch and Farm) zoning to remain. He expressed concern about the depreciation of his property if the zone is changed to R-1 (Residential). Mario Mendoza spoke in opposition of the rezoning request and wants the R-F (Ranch and Farm) to remain. Olga Mendoza read a letter on behalf of her neighbor opposing the rezoning request expressing her concern in the increase in traffic.
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