Index A acral arteriovenous hemangioma (cirsoid aneurysm) 256–7 ABCD (A:asymmetry; B:border; C:colour; D:diameter) acral lentiginous melanoma (ALM) 189, 194–6 rule 189 acral pseudolymphomatous angiokeratoma of children Abrikossoff granular cell tumor 354 (APACHE) 269 acantholytic acanthoma 26–7 acroangiodermatitis Mali (pseudo‐Kaposi’s sarcoma) 276–7 acantholytic (angiosarcoma‐like) squamous cell acroasphyctic digitorum angiokeratoma (Mibelli) 267, 269 carcinoma 316–17 acrochordon 209–10 acantholytic SCC (epithelioma spinocellulare segregans of acrokeratosis verruciformis (Hopf) 37–8 Delacretaz) 74–6 acrolentiginous melanoma 206 acantholytic solar keratosis 16 acrospiroma, “eccrine” (misnomer) 97–8 acanthomas actinic solar keratoses 15–18 non‐viral 19–31 “activated” acral (lentiginous) melanocytic nevus 161–2 acantholytic acanthoma 26–7 activated (irritated) seborrheic keratosis 7 callus, factitial acanthoma 20–1 adenoid‐cystic basal cell carcinoma 62–3 knuckle pads (chewing pads) 21–2 adenoma sebaceum associated with Pringle–Bourneville large cell acanthoma 23–4 disease 319–21 pale (clear) cell acanthoma 22 adipophilin 117 porokeratoma (porokeratosis Mibelli) 30–1 adnexal structures 85–144 solar lentigo 19–20 hair follicle differentiation 119–43 warty dyskeratoma 27 benign neoplasms 121–40 viral 31–9 pilar sheath acanthoma 121–2 acrokeratosis verruciformis (Hopf) 37 pilomatricoma (calcifying epithelioma bowenoid papulosis 35–6 Malherbe) 137–8 molluscum contagiosum 38–9 proliferating trichilemmal (pilar) tumor (PTT) verruca vulgaris/variants 31–4 (proliferating trichilemmal cyst) 138–40 acanthosis nigricans 14–15 trichadenoma (Nikolowski) 136–7 acanthotic seborrheic keratosis 4 trichilemmoma (tricholemmoma) 122–3 accessory nipple 218 trichoblastoma (trichoblastic fibroma; immature accessory tragus 217 trichoepithelioma) 127–31 acquired fibrokeratoma 216 trichoepithelioma (sclerosing epithelial acquired immunodeficiency syndrome/human hamartoma) 131–3 immunodeficiency virus (AIDS/HIV) 273, trichoepithelioma (superficial 299, 303 trichoblastoma) 125–6 acquired melanocytic nevi, common 155–71 trichofolliculoma (folliculosebaceous cystic compound nevus 157–8 hamartoma) 133–5 dermal nevus, with maturation 158–60 tumor of the follicular infundibulum “activated” acral (lentiginous) melanocytic nevus 162–3 (infundibuloma) 124–5 ancient nevus 170–1 malignant neoplasms 140–3 balloon cell nevus 161 malignant pilomatricoma (pilomatrical combined nevus 167 carcinoma) 140–1 eczematoid melanocytic (Meyerson’s) nevus 165–6 trichilemmal carcinoma 141–2 genital melanocytic nevus COPYRIGHTED162–3 trichoblastic MATERIAL carcinoma 142–3 halo nevus (leukoderma centrifugum acquisitum; nevi, hyperplasia, and hamartomas 119–21 Sutton nevus) 163–4 conical infundibular acanthoma (giant dilated pore Miescher’s nevus (dermal nevus) 160 of Winer) 120–1 nevus in pregnancy 168–9 pilosebaceous mesenchyme, benign neoplasms, osteo‐nevus of Nanta 166 trichodiscoma (follicular fibroma; recurrent (persistent) melanocytic nevus fibrofolliculoma; perifollicular (pseudomelanoma) 167–8 fibroma) 143 junctional nevus 156 sebaceous differentiation 110–19 melanosis neviformis (pigmented hairy benign neoplasms 114–18 epidermal nevus) 155 Muir–Torre syndrome 115–16 Atlas of Dermatopathology: Tumors, Nevi, and Cysts, First Edition. Günter Burg, Heinz Kutzner, Werner Kempf, Josef Feit, and Bruce R. Smoller. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2019 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 491 0004177441.INDD 491 8/9/2018 9:36:10 PM 492 INDEX adnexal structures (cont’d) angiohistiocytoma, multinucleate 318–19 sebaceous adenoma (NOT adenoma angioimmunoblastic T‐cell lymphoma 441–3 sebaceum) 114–15 angiokeratomas 264–9 sebaceous epithelioma (sebaceoma) 116–18 verrucous hemangioma (venous malformation) 265–9 hyperplasias and hamartomas 111–14 variant ectopic (heterotopic) sebaceous glands (Fordyce acral pseudolymphomatous angiokeratoma of glands) 111–12 children (APACHE) 269 (senile) sebaceous gland hyperplasia 112–13 angiokeratoma acroasphyctic digitorum variant: pilo‐sebaceous hamartoma 114 (Mibelli) 267, 269 malignant neoplasms 118–19 angiokeratoma circumscriptum naeviformis 267, 269 sebaceous carcinoma 118–19 Fordyce angiokeratoma 267, 269 sweat gland differentiation 86–110 multiple “pinpoint” angiokeratomas (angiokeratoma malignant adnexal neoplasms 105–10 corporis diffusum; Fabry’s disease) 267, 269 apocrine differentiation 108–10 solitary angiokeratoma 267–8 apocrine (hidr‐) adenocarcinoma (mucinous) 108–10 angioleiomyoma (angiomyoma; vascular leiomyoma) 294–5 eccrine differentiation 105–8 angiolipoleiomyoma (angiomyolipoma) 322 eccrine (mucinous) carcinoma 107–8 angiolipoma 321 microcystic adnexal carcinoma (syringomatous angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia (ALHE) carcinoma; sclerosing sweat duct (epithelioid hemangioma) 278–9 carcinoma) 105–6 angioma of oral mucosa 205, 206 porocarcinoma (malignant poroma) 106–7 angioma serpiginosum 250–1 nevi, hyperplasias and benign adnexal neoplasms angiomyolipoma (angiolipoleiomyoma) 322 (BAN) 86–105 angiomyoma (angioleiomyoma; vascular apocrine differentiation 93–105 leiomyoma) 294–5 anogenital mammary‐like gland 101–2 angiomyxoma 322–3 apocrine nevus 93–4 angiosarcoma, radiation‐induced 312 cylindroma (turban tumor) 100–1 anogenital and clonal Bowen’s disease 52 “eccrine” (misnomer) acrospiroma (nodular clear anogenital mammary‐like gland 101–2 cell hidradenoma; solid cystic anogenital pigmented and clonal Bowen’s disease 52 hidradenoma) 97–8 Antoni type B neuroid tissue 350 hydradenoma papilliferum (apocrine papillary APACHE (acral pseudolymphomatous angiokeratoma of cystadenoma) 102–3 children) 269 mixed tumor of the skin (chondroid syringoma) 94–5 apocrine cystadenoma 480–1 spiradenoma 99–100 apocrine (hidr‐) adenocarcinoma (mucinous) 108–10 syringocystadenoma papilliferum 103–5 apocrine nevus 93–4 tubular adenomas 95–7 apocrine papillary cystadenoma (hidradenoma eccrine differentiation 86–92 papilliferum) 102–3 eccrine syringofibroadenoma (Mascaro tumor) 87–8 appendages see adnexal structures poroma 89 APUDoma, cutaneous 360–2 variants arteriovenous malformations 256–9 common solid poroma 89 Asian people, Kimura’s disease 325 dermal duct tumor 89, 92 ATLL (adult T‐cell leukemia/lymphoma) 467–8 hidroacanthoma simplex 89, 90–1 atrophic solar keratosis 16 sweat gland nevus 86–7 atypical (dysplastic) melanocytic (Clark’s) nevus (B‐K mole syringoma (eruptive hidradenoma) 88–9 syndrome) 185–6 adult T‐cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL) 467–8 atypical fibroxanthoma (AFX) and pleomorphic (dermal) AE1/AE3 positive tumor cells 105, 132 sarcoma (PDS) 231–4 AFX (atypical fibroxanthoma) 231–4 atypical lipomatous tumor (ALT) 333, 335 AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) 273 atypical vascular lesion (AVL), radiation‐induced 308–9 AIDS/HIV (acquired immune deficiency syndrome/human immunodeficiency virus) 273, 299, 303 B AJCC staging classification 205 B‐cells ALCL (anaplastic large cell lymphoma) 424–5 centroblastic 391 ALHE (angiolymphoid hyperplasia with centrocytic 391 eosinophilia) 278–9 cutaneous mature B‐cell lymphoid neoplasms Alibert–Bazin see mycosis fungoides, classic Alibert–Bazin type (CBCL) 395–6, 443–60 ALM (acral lentiginous melanoma) 189, 194–6 cutaneous marginal zone B‐cell lymphoma alopecia, syringolymphoid hyperplasia with (syringotropic (MZL; MALT type) 444–9 mycosis fungoides) 414 differential diagnosis: multiple myeloma/ ALT (atypical lipomatous tumor) 333, 335 plasmacytoma 448–9 anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) 424–5 variant: immunocytoma 447–8 “ancient changes” 296 cutaneous spindle B‐cell lymphoma (BCL) 455–7 ancient (melanocytic) nevus 170–1 diffuse large B‐cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) 451–5 angioendotheliomatosis, systemic (intravascular large B‐cell variant: cutaneous diffuse large B‐cell lymphoma lymphoma) 461–2 (leg type) 451–4 angiofibroma (adenoma sebaceum associated with variant: T‐cell‐rich B‐cell lymphoma Pringle–Bourneville disease) 319–21 (DLBCL, NOS) 454–5 0004177441.INDD 492 8/9/2018 9:36:10 PM INDEX 493 extracutaneous B‐cell lymphoma (BCL) with frequent Borrelia burgdorferi 394, 447, 464 skin involvement 457–61 Borst–Jadassohn clonal (intraepidermal) seborrheic Burkitt’s lymphoma (BL) 458–9 keratosis 9, 91–2 lymphomatoid granulomatosis (Liebow) botryomykoma (lobular capillary hemangioma) 270 (LYG) 460–1 bowenoid hypertrophic solar keratosis 18 mantle cell lymphoma 457–8 bowenoid papulosis 35–6 primary cutaneous follicle center lymphoma bowenoid seborrheic keratosis with monster cells 10 (FCL) 449–51 Bowen’s disease (carcinoma in situ) 48–54 cytomorphology, lymphoid skin infiltrates 391, 392–3 variants immunoblastic 391 clear cell Bowen’s disease 50–1 intravascular large B‐cell lymphoma (IV‐LBCL) cutaneous horn (cornu cutaneum) on Bowen’s (systemic angioendotheliomatosis) 461–2 disease 51–2 lymphoplasmacytoid 391 erythroplasia of Queyrat and vulvar intraepithelial pseudolymphoma (PSL) neoplasia 53–4 nodular B‐cell pseudolymphoma 393–6 pigmented (anogenital) and clonal Bowen’s disease 52 cutaneous B‐cell lymphoma (CBCL) pigmented basal cell carcinoma 205, 206 differentiation 395–6 BRAF mutations 189 lymphadenosis cutis benigna breast, ectopic 218 (lymphocytoma cutis) 393 Breslow depth 205 small lymphocytic 391 Brocq’s disease (parapsoriasis en plaques) 411 B‐K mole syndrome (atypical/dysplastic melanocytic Burkitt’s lymphoma (BL) 458–9 (Clark’s) nevus) 185–6 Buschke–Löwenstein tumor (giant condyloma) 41, 47–8 B‐pseudolymphoma (PL) 395–6 bacillary angiomatosis 273–4 C balloon cell melanoma 199–200 café‐au‐lait
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