S5386 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 11, 2003 (c) EFFECT ON ENTITLEMENT.—Nothing in from oral and pharyngeal cancers each The Samuel D. Harris National Mu- this Act shall be construed to change the year. seum of Dentistry has been endorsed by total acreage of land to which Newtok is en- The report called for the develop- the American Dental Association, the titled under ANCSA. ment of a National Oral Health Plan, American Association of Dental (d) EFFECT ON NEWTOK LANDS.—The Newtok Lands shall be included in the and recommended that actions be Schools, Oral Health America, the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge as of taken to ‘‘change perceptions regard- Pierre Fauchard Academy, the Amer- the date of acceptance of the conveyance of ing oral health and disease so that oral ican College of Dentists, the Inter- those lands from Newtok, except that resi- health becomes an accepted component national College of Dentists, and the dents of the Village of Newtok, Alaska, shall of general health.’’ By designating an American Academy of the History of retain access rights to subsistence resources official national museum and learning Dentistry. I ask unanimous consent on those public lands as guaranteed under center dedicated to dentistry, this leg- ANILCA section 811 (16 U.S.C. 3121), and to that the text of a letter from the subsistence uses, such as traditional subsist- islation takes an important step to- American Dental Association in sup- ence fishing, hunting and gathering, con- ward the achievement of this goal. port of this legislation be printed in sistent with ANILCA section 803 (16 U.S.C. The Dr. Samuel D. Harris National the RECORD. 3113). museum of Dentistry is the largest and I urge my colleagues to support this (e) ADJUSTMENT TO CALISTA CORPORATION most comprehensive museum of den- legislation. ANCSA ENTITLEMENT FOR RELINQUISHED tistry in this country, and, indeed, the There being no objection, the letter NEWTOK SELECTIONS.—To the extent that world. An affiliate of the Smithsonian was ordered to be printed in the Calista subsurface rights are affected by this Act, Calista shall be entitled to an equiva- Institution, the Museum sits on the RECORD, as follows: lent acreage of in-lieu subsurface entitle- grounds of the Baltimore College of AMERICAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION ment for the Newtok selections relinquished Dental Surgery, founded in 1840 as the Washington, DC, March 12, 2003. in the exchange as set forth in subsection world’s first dental college. Many of Hon. PAUL SARBANES, 3(a) of this Act. This additional entitlement the museum’s permanent exhibits come U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. shall come from subsurface lands already se- DEAR SENATOR SARBANES: On behalf of the directly from the College’s vast histor- 147,000 members of the American Dental As- lected by Calista, but which have not been ical collections. Housed in a building conveyed. If Calista does not have sufficient sociation, we write to express our strong subsurface selections to accommodate this that served as the University of Mary- support for your resolution to recognize the additional entitlement, Calista Corporation land Dental Department from 1904 to Dr. Samuel D. Harris National Museum of is hereby authorized to make an additional 1929, the Museum is located directly Dentistry, located in Baltimore, Maryland, in lieu selection for the deficient acreage. adjacent to historic Davidge Hall, the as the official national museum of dentistry (f) ADJUSTMENT TO EXCHANGE.—If requested Western Hemisphere’s oldest medical in the United States. by Newtok, the Secretary is authorized to building in continuous use. As the most comprehensive dental museum consider and make adjustments to the origi- in the world, it is a national and inter- In 1992, a retired pediatric dentist, national resource whose primary mission is nal exchange to meet the purposes of this Dr. Samuel D. Harris of Detroit, con- Act, subject to all the same terms and condi- to educate people, especially children, about tions of this Act. tributed $1 million of his personal the history of dentistry and the importance funds toward the development of the of good oral hygiene. The museum uses By Mr. SARBANES (for himself Museum. He has since made further state-of-the-art, interactive exhibitions and and Ms. MIKULSKI): considerable gifts to the Museum’s en- expert presentations to deliver the message S.J. Res. 12. A joint resolution recog- dowment, reaffirming his belief that that oral health is important to achieve nizing the Dr. Samuel D. Harris Na- education is the hallmark of preven- overall health. Currently, the museum is dis- tional Museum of Dentistry located at playing an exhibit entitled, ‘‘The Future is tive oral care. The Museum’s name Now! African Americans in Dentistry.’’ 31 South Greene Street in Baltimore, honors both his generosity and his mis- The museum is affiliated with the Univer- Maryland, as the official national mu- sion. sity of Maryland at Baltimore, home of the seum of dentistry in the United States; With over 7,000 square feet of exhibit world’s first dental school, founded in 1840. it to the Committee on Rules and Admin- space, the Museum showcases the peo- contains hundreds of interesting and signifi- istration. ple, objects, and events that created cant dental artifacts, not the least of which Mr. SARBANES. Mr. President, and defined the dental profession, in- is George Washington’s dentures. It also today I am introducing legislation, to- cluding one of George Washington’s serves as a national center of learning with an extensive library from which scholars gether with Senator MIKULSKI, to rec- famed ivory dentures. The Museum’s may study the evolution of dental treatment ognize the Dr. Samuel D. Harris Na- vast archives also act as an important and learn of the numerous accomplishments tional Museum of Dentistry, in Balti- resource for research and serious aca- of the dental profession over the years. more, as the official national museum demic study of dentistry’s past, with a The museum is endorsed by the American of dentistry in the United States. unique collection of historical dental Dental Association, National Dental Asso- The principal purpose of this legisla- journals and other one-of-a-kind docu- ciation, American Dental Education Associa- tion is to help educate the public about ments. Included in these collections tion, American College of Dentists, Inter- national College of Dentists, and the Amer- the critical importance of oral health are the first known dental degree and to the overall health of all Americans. ican Academy of the History of Dentistry dental license. among others. Three years ago, United States Sur- While its informative presentation of Thank you for recognizing the museum, geon General David Satcher issued a dentistry’s history constitutes an im- which is truly a national treasure. comprehensive report entitled ‘‘Oral portant part of the Museum’s exhibi- Sincerely, Health in America,’’ which identified tions, its mission extends much fur- T. HOWARD JONES, D.M.D., the problem of dental and oral disease ther, with the ultimate goal of edu- President. as a ‘‘silent epidemic’’ facing the coun- cating the public about the critical im- JAMES B. BRAMSON, D.D.S., Executive Director. try. The report found that tooth decay portance of oral health. The Museum’s is the most common chronic childhood interactive exhibits make it particu- f disease, which often interferes with larly effective in this regard, and over SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS vital functions such as eating, swal- 26,000 students have benefited from the lowing, and speech. Children around Museum’s vigorous educational pro- the country miss an estimated 51 mil- grams since its opening in 1996. SENATE RESOLUTION 121—HON- lion hours of school each year due to By designating the Samuel D. Harris ORING THE LIFE OF WASH- dental illness. Despite Federal law National Museum of Dentistry as the INGTON POST COLUMNIST AND mandating that children eligible for official national museum of dentistry, ATLANTIC MONTHLY EDITOR MI- Medicaid be given access to dental we will not only recognize the critical CHAEL KELLY, AND EXPRESSING services, fewer than one in five of these role that dentists and oral health pro- THE DEEPEST CONDOLENCES OF children actually receive dental care. fessionals have played in the history of THE SENATE TO HIS FAMILY ON In addition, close to one in four Ameri- our Nation’s health care system, but HIS DEATH cans between the ages of 65 and 74 were enhance awareness and understanding Mr. MCCONNELL submitted the fol- found to suffer from periodontal dis- of the importance of dentistry to pub- lowing resolution; which was consid- ease, and over 8,000 men and women die lic health. ered and agreed to: VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:18 Jan 14, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00092 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2003SENATE\S11AP3.PT2 S11AP3 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY April 11, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5387 S. RES. 121 symbolize his or her sacrifice for the cause of Whereas after leaving Charlestown on his Whereas the Senate has learned with sad- freedom; way to Lexington, Paul Revere alerted the ness of the death of columnist and editor Mi- Whereas the placement of a Gold Star on inhabitants of villages and towns along his chael Kelly; top of a Blue Star recognizes that those who route, stopping in Medford (formerly Mystic) Whereas Michael Kelly, a native of Wash- served together and came home, as well as at the home of Isaac Hall, the captain of the ington, D.C., greatly distinguished himself as their families, will always remember the sac- Medford Minutemen during the Revolu- a newspaper reporter, political columnist, rifice of those who died and honor their fami- tionary War, before continuing on through writer, and magazine editor; lies; Arlington (formerly Menotomy) and arriving Whereas Michael Kelly was embedded with Whereas the banners were displayed widely in Lexington around midnight; the Third Infantry Division of the United during the Second World War; Whereas William Dawes and a third rider, States Army in Iraq to record history from Whereas many of the banners displayed Dr.
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