Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-49923-2 - Broken Bones: The Radiologic Atlas of Fractures and Dislocations: Second Edition Felix S. Chew, Catherine Maldjian and Hyojeong Mulcahy Index More information Index abductor aponeurosis, 17 maisonneuve, 268 h y p e r fl exion injury Bennett fracture, 24 – 5 , 35 , 59 acetabular fractures medial malleolar, 262 , 264 C5-C6, 146 – 7 BHAGL (bony humeral avulsion anterior column, 189 – 90 child, 370 femur, medial condyle, 227 of the glenohumeral anterior column posterior open ankle dislocation, 268 fi ngers ligaments), 97 hemi-transverse, 195 – 7 pilon, 252 – 6 dorsal lip, 11 , 12 bilateral jumped facets anterior wall, 197 Tillaux dorsal PIP dislocation, 9 C5-C6, 150 – 1 both column, 192 adult, 267 gamekeeper thumb, 16 , 17 bilateral sacral wing posterior column, 193 juvenile, 370 index MCP ulnar fractures, 178 posterior column posterior trimalleolar, 265 collateral, 18 bilateral subtrochanteric femur wall, 194 ankylosing spondylitis mallet fi n g e r , 3 – 4 fractures, 217 posterior hip dislocation with with fracture C5, 153 – 4 PIP collateral ligament, 12 bisphosphonate-related comminuted posterior with fracture T7, 165 v o l a r p l a t e , 9 – 1 0 insuffi ciency femur wall, 199 – 200 anterior hip dislocation foot, multiple forefoot fracture, 220 posterior hip dislocation with inferior, 205 – 6 fracture-dislocations, 373 blast injury roof fracture, 200 – 1 superior, 207 – 8 knee, patella, 231 hand, 19 , 390 T-type, 191 anterior knee dislocation, 234 leg hand and wrist, 391 transverse and posterior anterior shoulder dislocation, anterior tibial spine knee, 392 wall, 194 100 – 1 , 103 fracture, 236 , 365 body of sternum fracture, 124 – 5 acetabulum pedis, 286 with coracoid fracture, 101 – 2 combined ACL-PCL bony humeral avulsion of the Achilles avulsion fracture, 283 arcuate sign (fi bular styloid fractures, 237 glenohumeral ligaments acromioclavicular joint injury avulsion fracture), 238 epiphyseal tibia, 366 (BHAGL), 97 Type I, 114 atlanto-occipital dissociation, fi bular styloid, 238 both bones forearm fractures, 73 Type II, 114 128 – 30 , 131 metacarpals, fi rst MCP child, 346 Type III, 115 child, 352 dislocation, 19 boxer’s fractures, 22 Type IV, 115 avascular necrosis, 360 p e l v i s brain injury Type V, 116 avulsion fracture/injury anterior iliac crest, atlanto-occipital acromion fracture, 121 ankle, lateral malleolar, 260 – 1 child, 357 dissociation, 129 airgun pellet injury, knee, 390 a r m anterior Inferior Iliac spine, odontoid fracture, Type a m p u t a t i o n bony humeral avulsion child, 357 II-A, 135 – 6 empty toe, 315 of the glenohumeral anterior superior iliac spine, buckle fracture of distal radius, fi ngers, 3 , 16 ligaments, 97 child, 358 child, 344 forearm, 74 lesser tuberosity of the shoulder, anterior shoulder burst fracture, spinal cord mangled foot, 316 humerus, 99 dislocation, 103 complete injury, 160 partial CMC amputation, 33 medial epicondyle tarsal bones h y p e r fl exion fracture- Anderson and D’Alonso humerus, 351 Achilles fracture, 283 dislocation T9-T10, 162 classifi cation, 136 carpal bones dorsal talus, 275 L1, 173 Type I, 131 , 136 , 354 lunate dislocation, medial subtalar L2 and multiple transverse Type II, 136 posterior, 56 dislocation, 277 process fractures, 174 – 5 Type II-A, 135 – 6 medial cuneiform, 291 navicular fracture, 289 Type II-B, 136 trapezium, 37 peroneal sleeve, 274 calcaneal Type II-C, 136 t r a p e z o i d , 3 9 talus, 276 fracture-dislocation, 281 – 2 Type III, 136 , 137 – 8 triquetrum, 44 toes, great toe IP, 312 calcaneal tuberosity fracture, 284 ankle fracture-dislocation, cervical spine u l n a , s t y l o i d , 6 2 , 6 8 calcaneus anterior process 252 – 69 clay shoveler fracture fracture, 283 distal fi bular shaft , 259 C7, 152 Bankart fracture, 105 – 7 capitellum fracture, 87 – 8 lateral ankle sprain, 256 hyperextension injury reverse, 109 carpal bone fracture-dislocation lateral malleolar, 257 – 8 C2, 143 basicervical femoral neck comminuted trapezium, 36 lateral malleolar hyperextension teardrop fracture, 212 – 13 complex carpal, 59 avulsion, 260 – 1 fracture C2, 141 – 2 battered child, 362 complex carpal dislocation, 60 393 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-49923-2 - Broken Bones: The Radiologic Atlas of Fractures and Dislocations: Second Edition Felix S. Chew, Catherine Maldjian and Hyojeong Mulcahy Index More information Index carpal bone fracture-dislocation c h a u ff eur fracture, 62 compression fractures-injuries dorsal PIP dislocation, 9 (cont.) children’s fractures, 340 – 73 intra-articular calcaneal dorsal second CMC fi rst CMC, 35 anterior iliac crest centrolateral depression dislocation, 29 h a m a t e b o d y , 4 0 – 1 avulsion, 357 type, 279 – 80 h o o k o f h a m a t e , 4 2 anterior inferior iliac spine tongue type, 280 – 1 e ff usions, joint lateral perilunate avulsion, 357 osteoporosis, 170 , 171 , 172 in ankle, 256 dislocation, 55 anterior superior iliac spine p e l v i s in elbow, 80 , 81 , 87 , 88 lunate dislocation, 52 avulsion, 358 anterior compression in elbow, child, 348 lunate dislocation, anterior tibial tubercle, 365 injury, 182 – 3 in knee, 233 , 236 , 237 , 238 , posterior, 56 atlanto-occipital lateral compression 240 , 242 , 244 , 245 pisiform, 43 dissociation, 352 injury, 185 – 6 child, 364 , 366 scaphoid, 47 battered child, 362 windswept from lateral elbow and arm, 80 – 99 comminuted, 47 both bones forearm, 346 compression injury, 186 bony humeral avulsion occult scaphoid, 48 buckle of distal radius, 344 spine of the glenohumeral proximal pole, 46 clavicle, 351 T12, 161 ligaments, 97 rotary subluxation, 49 distal radius wedge injury, 124 capitellum fracture, 87 – 8 tubercle, 45 Salter Type I, 342 tarsal bones, intra-articular complex posterior elbow waist, 45 Salter Type II, 343 calcaneal dislocation, 85 scaphotrapezial epiphyseal tibia, 366 centrolateral depression distal humerus fracture, 89 dislocation, 37 – 8 femoral neck, Salter type, 279 – 80 elbow fracture-dislocation, 87 transscaphoid midcarpal Type I, 360 tongue type, 280 – 1 glenohumeral dislocation, 51 fi ft h metatarsal base, 371 – 2 thoracic and fracture-dislocation, 96 transscaphoid perilunate greenstick, of forearm, 346 lumbosacral spine greater tuberosity of the dislocation, 50 intercondylar femur, 363 multiple vertebral humerus fracture, 97 – 8 transscaphoid trans-radial ischial tuberosity bodies, 171 humeral shaft fracture, 91 – 2 styloid perilunate avulsion, 358 – 9 osteoporotic, 171 , 172 lesser tuberosity of the dislocation, 53 J e ff erson C1, 353 superior endplate humerus fracture, 99 transscaphoid transcapitate juvenile Tillaux ankle, 370 T12, 170 olecranon fracture, 83 midcarpal lateral condylar humerus, 349 T12, 161 open distal humerus dislocation, 57 – 8 medial epicondyle cuboid fracture, 290 fracture-dislocation trapezium avulsion, 37 humerus, 350 – 1 with extrusion, 93 t r a p e z o i d , 3 9 medial femoral condyle, 364 Danis-Weber classifi cation posterior elbow dislocation, 84 triquetrum, 44 medial malleolar ankle, 370 Weber A, 257 , 260 , 268 radial head fracture, 81 – 2 volar perilunate dislocation, 54 metacarpal torus, 341 Weber B, 257 , 258 , 265 , 268 radial neck fracture, 80 central cord syndrome, 143 multiple forefoot, 373 Weber C, 257 , 259 , 266 , 268 surgical neck of humerus cervical spine fracture, 128 – 54 newborn femur fracture from degloving injury fracture, 94 – 5 ankylosing spondylitis with birth trauma, 361 fi n g e r , 3 trans-olecranon anterior elbow fracture C5, 153 – 4 odontoid, Type I, 354 foot, 297 fracture-dislocation, 86 atlanto-axial dissociation and pelvic ring injury, 356 hand, 390 transcondylar humerus odontoid, Type I, 131 plastic bowing deformity internal, 315 fracture, 90 atlanto-occipital o f fi bula, 367 toes, 315 empty toe, 315 dissociation, 128 – 30 of ulna, 345 w r i s t , 5 4 epiphyseal tibia fracture, bilateral jumped facets proximal phalanx, Salter Denis classifi cation, 176 child, 366 C5-C6, 150 – 1 Type II, 340 die-punch distal radial Epstein classifi cation, 205 , 206 clay shoveler C7, 152 radial head subluxation fracture, 69 Essex-Lopresti diff use idiopathic skeletal (nursemaids’ elbow), 347 displaced subcapital femoral fracture-dislocation, 78 hyperostosis, fracture scaphoid, 341 neck fracture, 210 extra-articular distal radius C5-C6, 154 s h a ft of femur, 361 displaced tuberosity of the fracture (Colles hangman, C2, 138 – 9 supracondylar humerus, 348 humerus fracture, 97 fracture), 70 hyperextension injury toddler’s fracture, 367 distal clavicle fracture, 116 – 17 extra-articular fi rst metacarpal C2, 143 triplane tibia, 368 – 9 distal fi bular shaft fracture, 259 fracture, 24 teardrop, 145 – 6 vertebral body, C5-C6, 355 distal humerus fracture, 89 teardrop, C2, 141 – 2 chopart joint fracture- distal radioulnar joint face fractures, 318 – 39 h y p e r fl exion injury dislocation, 285 – 6 subluxation, 71 facial smash, 326 – 7 C5-C6, 146 – 7 clavicle fractures distal radius fracture, 68 frontal sinus, 330 C5-C7, 144 children, 351 Salter Type I, 342 isolated zygomatic arch, 323 J e ff erson fracture, 132 – 4 medial clavicle, 118 Salter Type II, 343 L e F o r t odontoid s h a ft , 118 distraction/shearing injury with Type I, 319 – 20 Type II-A, 135 – 6 clay shoveler fracture C7, 152 bilateral jumped facets Type II, 320 – 1 Type III, 137 – 8 coccyx fracture, 179 – 80 T11-T12, 163 – 4 Type III, 321 – 2 perched facet C6-C7, 149 – 50 Colles fracture (extra-articular dorsal avulsion talus mandible right lateral mass, C2, 140 distal radius fracture), 70 fracture, 275 angle of mandible, 335 unilateral jumped facet combined ACL-PCL avulsion dorsal DIP dislocation, 6 body of mandible, 334 C3-C4, 148 fractures, 237 dorsal fi rst CMC dislocation, 28 condylar, 338 Chance fracture L1, 166 – 8 compartment syndrome, 30 dorsal lip avulsion fracture, 11 coronoid, 336 394 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-49923-2 - Broken Bones: The Radiologic Atlas of Fractures and Dislocations: Second Edition Felix S.
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