UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 80 Date 12/06/2006 Time 2:11:33PM S-0882-0003-02-00001 Expanded Number S-0882-0003-02-00001 Items-in-USSR - Nikita Khrushchev Date Created 13/08/1962 Record Type Archival Item Container S-0882-0003: Correspondence Files of the Secretary-General: U Thant: with Heads of State, Governments, Permanent Representatives and Observers to the United Nations Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit UNITED NATIONS Press Services Office of Public Information United Nations, N.Y. (For use of information media -- not an official record) Press Release SG/1289 15 August 1962 ACTING SECRETARY-GENERAL U THMT EXPRESSES CONGRATULATIONS ON COSMONAUTS1 ACHIEVEMENT Following is the text of a message, dated 15 August, sent by Acting Secretary- General U Thant to Nikita S. Khrushchev, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Moscow: SINCERE CONGRATULATIONS TO COSMONAUTS NIKOLAYEV AND POPOVICH ON THEIR HISTORIC FEAT, AND TO THE SOVIET SCIENTISTS AND TECHNOLOGISTS WHO MADE THIS ACHIEVEMENT POSSIBLE. THIS IS YET ANOTHER MILESTONE IN MAN'S GENIUS IN CONQUERING SPACE, WHICH I HOPE WILL BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ALL MANKIND. y, "TV BUN? S NEWYORK 75/71 13 I400EDST ETAT FRIOKITE HIS EXCEttENGY MR, N1KJTA S« KHRUSHCHEV CHAIRMAN OF THE COUNCIL OF HIHISTEHS OF THE USSR MOSCOW IBSSR) SINCERE CONGRATULATIONS TO COSMONAUTS MIKOLAYEV AND POPOVICH ON THEIR HISTORIC FEATj AND TO THE SOVIET SCIENTISTS AND TECHNOLO- GISTS $HO MADE THIS ACHIEVEMENT POSSIBLE* THIS IS YET ANOTHER MILESTONE W MAN'S GEK'IUS PS/S3/21 IN CONQUERING SPACED WHICH I HOPE HILL BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT?" _ ; ' to OF ALL MANKIND, ^ & " "i •-• _J ' ' .: > -7 ° U THANT - S ^ § ACTING SECRETARY-GENERAL S IM ^ '"..'^ * • '--^f eoi, NIL •^ *•' « ftft OP $iB CDU^C'JL 0? C V/S SOB IS wuICH Z HI Chef 248 EST 11,20 ACTION UNATION 420544 MT4S XSSS MGSCOU 172 5 J650 URSSGOVT ETATPRIORITE PC GOSPODINU U TANU ,1.0. GENERALNOGO SEKRETARIA OON NEWYORK BLAGODARIU VAS 2A P02DRAVLENITA SOVETSKIH LETCHIKOV A KOSMOKAVTOV , UCKENYH I INJENERNO - TEHNICHESKIH RABOTNIKOV , OSUSCESTVIVSHIH PESVYI V ISTORII MNOGOS^ETOYI QRUPPOVOI POLET V KOSMICHESKOE PROSTRANSTVO , MY RASSMATRIVAEM ETOT PODVIG SOVETSKIH KOSMONAVTOV V DELE MIRNOGO OSVOENIIA KOSMOSA ? KAK KRUPNOE DOSTIJENIE VSEGO CHELOVECHE-STVA * N . HRUSCEV MOSKVA , KREML *'4" SENTIABRIA i962 GODA UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION MR , U THANT j ACTING SECRETARY - GENERAL OF THE UNITED NATIONS NEWYORK I SHOULD LIKE TO THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONGRATULATING THE SOVIET PILOTS - COSMONAUTS , SCIENTISTS AND THE STAFF OF ENGINEERS AND TECHNICIANS , ¥HO HAVE CARRIED OUT THE MANY DAYS ' GROUP FLIGHT INTO OUTER SPACE f WHICH IS THE FIRST ONE ALL OVER HISTORY . WE CONSIDER THIS FEAT OF THE SOVIET COSMONAUTS , AIMED AT A PEACEFUL MASTERING OF OUTER SPACE , TO BE A MOXXXX MAJOR ACHIEVEMENT OF ALL MANKIND . N , KHRUSHCHOV KREMLIN , MOSCOW "4" SEPTEMBER , 1962 COL 4 1962 4 rCnO ~o t CJ1 • ,-• . j ~ i r' i -..? U'^r:- • U-../T * Buasian CASLE Itete: IT t $&?« A, C&gj^Jto, Mifii0t@r for Fsa&iiga Mi^ia?s of the " Iffr-ft-f feting Seeyeta3^*€tea@ral of the tMted Satiosu* J lafosia you t&at the 6ovea?saaeBt of ib® Ifed^n of Soviet Socialist dbs^aiji jSteatol^* f<&8&y®vi£!& ^tjassaSos? ISa-fcssaorfilnaay of tte Ifoioa of Se-slet 0ocsaaHst Bepu1)31es in th® States of Jtortca to eig^ -Kb® 3tofee3?mtiosffil Coffee jftgsreement of 1962 ana. to m&ke a deelaaratioia e» tselsalf of the Otewg^eaafc of USSE 1» i*ith the slgrjiug of t^at j%f@emeot. Cteriglsal autliorisation frill sutoitted ixt due eoarse* Hoseoii 17 «&$& 2; it mi* w&raiiiif is?tyii&««E AKATOtllft Ji6E&H4E»SYK .^HTAtftB AM H TAKJE .-59 ' SYtttl Sfif 8W SSSR A. ttl* IT 8 *My Jfrqti ' S. IChrushcbeVj foi K thestfc:, SewstaGey^SesttSpal,, tfo&teS your cor&LsX eosagmtulafeioiaa oa th© latest succeee of Soviet science @&& teebaology in the peacsfui compast °$ outer space - the joint of astrom^fes ?. Ijto^s^ and V. fereehtevm. fife© §ovi<st %tlon its aeMeveaeats ia tUe ^jtjsloratloa aai conquest of space to the t2F©@swe-'IJoiis«( of veelS scisace aad otsituye;, and dedieates tib^a to the service of torn gtrogr&ss towswto the trlUK^fe of tlae @?eat eaiase of fmasiated from Kuseian ff. IvHHIBHCHEV. OF WaO&SSBa OF 38B OSSB, TOUC 1SI2S GSOBWIH, H 1HICS YOB SHE ROPE ©? VJHICH WOULD PIS' AH El® TO fTOCLEAR !EE3TS. IT 'TO IB THAT ABS £01 OB^AIBIIKI FOH S&SSOJ! HB VOQ 1BAS Ol1 VXSHB SAKH& ZHf MOSCOW OF M OH OF m BSCTJGIEF OF AS BSSSSKJ TSSSB, OF SISHESS OF A 1JOH-AGGIS1SSIOH fSSSI S01^9?BKi ^SJSH OF THE WAiSAw PAC'i1. op IHE OF 1 Sijl &£*>*-} ft* ORCA POSN 2 UMATION 222422 RC22 MWR264 XSSS MOSCOU 189/186 20 1805 URSSGOVT ETATPKIORITE PC HIS EXCELLENCY U THANT SECRETARY GENERAL UNITED NATIONS ORGANISATION MEWYORK UVAJAEHYI G-N TAN, IA POLUCHIL VASHE POSLANIE DQBROI VOLI, V KOTOROM VYRAJAETSIA NAEEJDA, CHTO PEREGOVORY V MOSKVE PO VOPROSU 0 PREKRASCENII ISPYTANII IADSRNOGO ORUJIIA BUDUT USPESVJNYMI, SOVETSKOE PRAV1TELSTVO, KAK VY, KONECHNO, PAGE2 ZNAETE, V TECHSKIE MNOGT.fi LET PRILAGAET USI.L1IA K TOMU, CHTOPY DOSTIGMUT TAKQGO MEJDUNAJiOBNOGO SOGLASHENIIA, KOTOROE POLOJILO EY KONEC ISPYTANIIAM ZAEpa^OGO ORUJIIA, "" " MAM -PREBSTAVLIAETSIA, CHTO TEPER SLOJILIS ELAGOPRIIATWYE USLOVIIA ELIA DOSTIJENIIA TAKOGO SOGLASHENIIA. POETOMU MY TOJE NADEEMSIA NA USPESHNOE 2AVEJISHENIE PSOISHODIASCEGO V MOSKVE OEMENA MNEN1IAMI PAGES PAGES MEJDU PREDSTAVITELIAM.I SSSR, SSHA I VELIKOBRITANII PC VOPROSAM, SVXAZANNYM S.PREKRASCENIEM IADERNYH ISPYTANII, I DRUGItf VOPROSAM, PRE.BSTAVLIAIUSCIM V2AIMNYI INTERES. SOVETSKOE PRAV1TELSTVO SCHITAET,'CHTO ODNOVREMENNO S ZAKLIUCHENIEM SOGLASKENIIA 0 ZAPRESCENII IA.0ERMYH ISPYTANII SLEEOVALO BY SDELAT I DRUCOI VAJKYI SHAG V MAPRAVLENII. OSLABLENIIA MEJDUNARODNOI NAPRIAJENNOSTI I .^.; '"' - --, J> ::...: H PAGE4 . , 'UKREPLENIIA MIRA - PODP1SAT PAKT 0 NENAPADENI1 MEJDU GOSUDARSTVAMIAUCHASTNIRAMI NATO I STRANAMI, VHODIASCIWI V VARSHAVSKJ-I DOGOlfOR, ; . : •3 OVAJENIEM N. KHRU^HCHOV PREDSEDATEL SOTCTA i • MINISTROV SSSR | '. 20 IIUUA iS"63 GODA G. MOSKVA . , • • \ COL 20 SENT UQ5A EST JR RCP ; UNATION 222422 Reaction to and Implications of the Moscow Talks •with Special Reference to the Role of the UN I. Initial World Reaction There is evidence of growing support among governments for the partial test ban treaty, and of hope that it will lead to further East- West accommodations. Positive statements indicating willingness to sign have been made by the governments of Australia, Brazil,t Canada, Ceylon, f- Chile, Denmark, Greece, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Philippines, Hew Zealand and the United Arab Republic. The Treaty, Tass reported, was welcomed by the Warsaw Pact countries and Cuba. The initial reaction from West Germany and Israel was somewhat restrained. The West German Government called the Treaty "a partial success", while Israel deferred a decision on adherence. President De Gaulle stated that the agreement "appears to us satisfactory, and we even participate in the joy expressed by President Kennedy". He added that France, however, would not be diverted or inconvenienced by the Moscow agreement. The Treaty was only of "limited importance" unless "stretched" to other problems, and France, he said, would seek a disarmament conference of the four nuclear Powers later this year* The only vehement negative reaction has come from the People's Republic of China. Official editorials claimed that the Treaty was "an out-and-out fraud" of the United States aimed at preventing China and "other socialist countries than the Soviet Union from possessing nuclear capability". A test ban would be significant "only when it forms a component part of the programme for general disarmament and the total prohibition of nuclear weapons", (it was reported that the Japanese Communist Party supported Chinese views, while the Indian Communist Party praised the test ban.) II. United States Reaction and Senate Ratification Interest in United States reaction centres on the "advice and consent" which requires two-thirds, or 6? affirmative votes, if all 100 Senators vote. There is evidence of sufficient support developing under the leadership of the President, the Secretaries of State and Defence, the Director of the Disarmament Agency, and the Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission. A Senate resolution for an atmospheric test ban was introduced earlier this year by 34 senators (28 Democrat and 6 Republican), and a poll taken by - 2 - Senator Clark in the spring of this year indicated that 57 senators were ready to support a comprehensive test ban treaty. The Mew York Times stated on 28 July that it was expected that "the Treaty would have the support of perhaps 80 of the 100 senators on the strength of the argument that rejection would be a heavy blow to the prestige of the US as a seeker of the peace." A recent public opinion poll (Washington Post, 8 July) showed that 13% of the public polled favoured a test ban agreement, as against Yl% who indicated some opposition. Among the Republicans who have indicated support are former Presidents Hoover and Eisenhower, and Nixon, McCloy and Wadsworth. Avowed opposition has come from Senator Goldwater and Congressman Hosmer. The Chairmen of the three important Senate Committees - Senators Russell, Stennis and Jackson - reserved judgment until the Administration's testimony. It is noteworthy that during the past year many detailed hearings were held on a comprehensive test ban and those who were prepared to oppose any such ban with less than seven on-site inspections seem to have been caught by surprise by the partial test ban. By the time a new opposition group is formed, the necessary majority is likely to be in the hands of President Kennedy. The issues that may give•the Administration spokesmen the most trouble are the ban's effect on the development of an anti-missile defence; the possibility of clandestine tests in outer space; the disutility of the Treaty as far as China and France are concerned, and the doubts about Soviet motivations.
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