1 3. .:f Mr. Wright. WELLINGTON CITY EMPOWERING AND AMENDMENT. [LOCAL BILL._] ANALYSIS. Title. 1. Short Title. 10. Extension of time within which Council's 2. Definitions. authority to borrow moneys conferred by 3. Council may appropriate land usable for any ratepayers may be exercised. public work to any other public work. 11. Council authorized to permit encroachment of 4, Power to impose construction of drains on ' Show Building on right-of-way adjacent to 01'1-ners subdividing land. Westland Road. 5. Extension of time for completion of Evans 12. Amendment of paragraph (e) of section 6 of Bay reclamation. the Wellington City Empowering and 6. Power to close portion of Evans Bay Road and Amendrnent Act, 1924. vest same in the Hataitai Land Co., Ltd. 13. Alternative method of disposal of proceeds of 7. Declaring certain ways to be public streets. sale of the Mangahao Endowment of the 8. Special orders relating to loans to be Corporation. unassailable. 14. Power to transfer portion of Keringa Street 9. Council authorized to establish air-port at and portion of Town Belt to Fire Board. Lyall Bay, and to make by-laws for the Schedules. control thereof, and to raise money for mich piirpose. A BILL INTITULED AN AcT to authorize the Corporation to alter the Purpose of Land Title. appropriated to Public Works ; to require Owners subdividing Lands to construct Drains ; to extend the Time for the Construction 5 of the City's Evans Bay Reclamation ; to close Portion of Evans Bay Road and vest Same in the Hataitai Land Company, Limited; to declare certain Ways to be Public Streets ; to provide that Special Orders raising Special Loans shall be unassailable on the Passing thereof ; to authorize the Council to establish an Air-port 10 at Lyall Bay ; to extend the Time for raising certain Special Loans ; to authorize the Council to permit Encroachment of Show Buildings on Right-of-way adjacent to Westland Road ; to amend the Wellington City Empowering and Amendment Act, 1924 ; to authorize an Alternative Method of Disposal of Proceeds of Sale of 15 the Mangahao Endowment of the Corporation ; and to empower the Corporation to transfer to the Wellington Fire Board Portion of Keringa Street and Portion of Town Belt. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of New Zealand in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as 20 follows :- 1. This Act may be cited as the Wellington City Empowering and Short Title. Amendment Act, 1929. No. 38--1. 2 Wellington City Empoivering and Amendment. Definitions. 2. In this Act, if not inconsistent with the context,- " City " means the City of Wellington: " Corporation " means the Corporation of the Mayor, Councillors, and Citizens of the City of Wellington: " Council " means the Wellington City Council. 5 Council may 3. (1) The Council may from time to time, by resolution, declare appropriate land that any land taken or appropriated for any specific public work and not usable for any public work to any required for the purpose for which it was taken shall be used for the other public work. purpose of any other public work which the Corporation is authorized to carry out. 10 (2) On proof of the passing of any such resolution the District Land Registrar at Wellington shall, on the application of the Council, note on the certificate of title to the land affected by any such resolution the public work for which the Council desires to use such land. Power to impose 4. (1) The Wellington City Council may, in consenting to ally 15 construction of drains on owners subdivision of land under the provisions of the Wellington City Em- subdividing land. powering Act, 1917, or under section three hundred and thirty-five of the Municipal Corporations Act, 1920, impose such conditions as to the construction by the owner of the land of public and private drains for the disposal of sewage and storm-water from the said land as such Council 20 thinks fit. (2) For the purposes of the enactments specifically mentioned in subsection one of this section any division of land to which the said statutory provisions relate, whether into two or more allotments, shall be deemed to be a subdivision of that land for the purposes of sale if at 25 least one of the allotments is intended for disposal by way of sale. Extension of time 5. Subsection one of section seven of the Wellington City for completion of Evans Bay Reclamation and Empowering Act, 1906, as finally amended by section Reclamation. eleven of the Wellington City Empowering and Amendment Act, 1924, is hereby further amended by omitting the word " twenty-four," and 30 substituting the word " twenty-nine." Power to close 6. The portion of Evans Bay Road described in the First Schedule portion of Evans Bay Road and vest hereto is hereby closed and vested in the Hataitai Land Company, same in the Hataitai Limited, in pursuance of an agreement made between the said company Land Co.,Ltd. and the Corporation for the exchange of this land for certain other 35 adjacent land already transferred to the Corporation for the purpose of widening Evans Bay Road. Declaring certain 7. (1) The portion of Palliser Road lying between Shannon Street ways to be public streets. and the Town Belt now used by the public as a highway is hereby declared to be street, and vested in the Corporation accordingly. 40 (2) The land described in the Second Schedule hereto, being the way leading from Tennis-court Road to the Khandallah Railway-station is hereby declared to be street, and vested in the Corporation accordingly. Special orders 8. No special order passed by the Council for the purpose of raising relat,ing to loans to be unassailable. loans shall after the passing thereof be quashed by any proceedings 45 in any Court or otherwise. Council authorized 9. (1) The Council may, with the consent of the Minister of to establish air-port at Lyall Bay, and Defence, appropriate and use any of the land described in the Third to make by-laws for Schedule hereto for an air-port and for any other purposes connected the control thereof, with aviation. 60 and to raise money for such purpose. (2) The Council may for such purposes construct, erect, and purchase such works, buildings, plant, appliances, machinery, and fittings as it shall think ft. If Wellington Citq Empomeging and kmendment. 3 (3) The Council may make such charges as it thinks fit for the use of such land and for admission thereto. (4) (i) The Council may, with the consent of the said Minister, make such by-laws as it in its absolute discretion thinks fit for the 5 administration of the said land or the safety of the public. (ii) All such by-laws shall be made under the provisions of the Municipal Corporations Act, 1920, and all the provisions of that Act relating to by-laws shall apply to such by-laws. (5) (i) All land appropriated under the provisions of subsection one 10 hereof shall vest in the Mayor, Councillors, and Citizens of the City of Wellington for the purposes mentioned in subsection one of this section. (ii) A certificate under the hand of the Minister of Defence that any part of the said land has been so appropriated, accompanied by a plan signed by the said Minister showing the area of land affected, shall 15 be sufficient authority to the District Land Registrar at Wellington for the issue of a certificate of title to the Corporation for such land subject to the said trusts. (6) The said Council may borrow by way of special loan, by special order, and without taking the steps described in sections nine to thirteen 20 of the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, for the purposes of this section such sum or sums, not exceeding in the aggregate teventy thousand pounds, as the said Council thinks fit. 10. Section fourteen of the Wellington City Empowering and Extension of time Amendment Act, 1924, is hereby amended by repealing the words Council'swithin authoritywhich 26 " within ten years after the taking of the poll aforesaid," and sub- to borrow moneys stituting therefor the words " within fifteen years after the taking of :5:*Xy be the poll aforesaid." exercised. 11. Whereas the Wellington Show Association, Incorporated, in Council authorized erecting the building on the Town Belt pursuant to the Wellington to permitencroachment of 30 City Exhibition Grounds Act, 1927, without authority of law constructed Show Building on portion of the building on the right-of-way giving access to the play-- *ihata-e°oy ground south of the said building : Now, therefore, the Council is hereby Westland Road. authorized to permit such encroachment for such period and on such terms as the Council in its absolute discretion thinks fri. 35 12. Paragraph (e) of section six of the Wellington City Empowering Amendment of and Amendment Act, 1924, is hereby amended by repealing the words sectionparagraph 6 of (6)the of therein, " constructing and paving any such widening," and inserting Wellington City - Empowering and in lieu thereof the words constructing and paving any such new street, Amendment Act, widening." 1924. 40 13. (1) The Council is hereby empowered, in lieu of investing the Alternative method of disposal of purchase-moneys referred to in section four of the Wellington City proceeds of sale of Ma,ngahao Endowment Sale Empowering Act, 1924 (hereinafter termed the Mangahao Endowment of the the said Act), as provided by such section, to use the said purchase- Corporation.
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