A R C H IV ES SOCIÉTÉ DES NATIONS LEAGUE OF NATIONS. REGISTRY No r e f u g e e s 7187 -G E N E R A I . 8 0 Transmis ;i Transmis à Referred to Referred to Referred to $ ~ A f . $ I U *3. <\ SS i i , j a Ÿooùcxü v k k @kAcaxi J/J /lnoy v f k t A i A (/ / j . ¥ . 2 ÿ V u. /<-::( Æ, J_ ■^kJsd-MuvA^t Dossier précédent I *-7 , .IL a x A j ^ L '< r . 6 .? . Ji/'v A • Last Dossier I (rvj CtXx/j^V< Dossier suivant ^ Next Dossier I No‘-|^!V C . C/V\&JvA^ I/L<a V- ^ . X -3 Dossiers connexes : See also : 3>-ivx jk t A v ' ( 'c t t lj 3t> -F-T) rflMA* '^ L ls 3< jkuREAOÏ iKTE^TJ.TW i Liste des Pièces Contenues. List of Contents. A c la s s e r ( S u r - h é J]A\Jj£ Ifrini* 4 C ^ n - I » ï Û - t/ . 'x v . / <■ I H<« t,Zfy( I s » ; > *: ^ r -H. JotuUuCsLl P u.a f;... !,|l.?3. Ef.-a/L.. I f f * L u . > v c < ' , A / /Û ' •^VzUVv^V ù j / j ' —■ , A 7' 3 y ~ J (*W t Z o . r ^ f / H v U v ^ i A » C& rjjtÀoÉi fiU^A/c. ^ flAcvX-vt ^l'cX- Mvk? cx^A/tTa^i ($■ l ; A' S ^ S y i f l t j i . ^ ^ fVôluW.À^ pIm^UL... /^-"t-< V<t i / ( f, 4 i/aw|r. J U s u 'e . <■?,/ M Æ-m . T f V. u î U— ~fU JToMtrhJL C«MK^(|xnSviY/,6 lu t h £ * id-c< v-'. ^ilfllîd[A\C‘.tccrb.U'i'(u X oM h /l/t- ^ ^ u /z ^ v l U M s UUl. C n rv^S d HlÂ.— ■■•trx ïd Pour la suite voir feuille No Continued on Sheet No S/% 7 " C?H. ■ i 1 Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom International headquarters., 12 Rue du Vie u x College, geneva National headquarters, U. S. Se ction, 532- 17th Street. N.W., Washington, D.C. INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT HANNAH CLOTHIER H DOROTHY DETZER JANE ADDAMS \ A 1 * > l ’4 OOPY November 1, 1933 PEG"' Secretary General .« NATIONAL SECTIONS League of Nations | Geneva, Switzerland Vi — BULGARIA My dear Mr. Secretary: CANADA CZECHO-SLOVAKIA At the last meeting of the National Board of the DENMARK FINLAND Women's International League, United States Section, I was requested to forward to you a resolution which now appears to GERMANY he somewhat untimely. Nevertheless I am forwarding it to you GREAT BRITAIN so that we may he on record as favoring such a commission. HOLLAND RESOLVED, That we urge the creation of an international HUNGARY commission of the League of Nations to deal with the problem IRELAND of the political, religious, and racial refugees of all nationalities; NEW ZEALAND RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution he sent NORWAY to the Secretary General of the League of Nations. SWEDEN SWITZERLAND Respectfully yours, united states D< rothy D LITHUANIA Executive Luxembourg Palestine PHILIPPINE ISLANDS ROUMANIA SOUTH AFRICA URUGUAY YUGO-SLAVIA p 20A/7187/686 Geneva, November 15th, 1933. Madam, I have the honour to acknowledge, with thanks, the receipt of your le tte r of November 1st, 1933, in which you were good enough to forward to me the text of a resolution relative to the problem of refugees adopted by the National Board of the Women’s International League, United States Section. I have the hohour to be, Ivladam, Your obedient Servant, \h-r ili Secretary-General, L'.iss Detzer Hive Secretary, ',/omen’s International League for Peace and Freedom, 532, 17thlYin Street,uweev, N.W.,in.w. Washington, D.C., U.S.A. ^ 4-"7 U ! 2 / £ £ 4 ^ Tel.gr.m._A„.mblg B.ir.,1 / / 7 / ^lBphona.278B Belfaih / W)» Pvr@liv)levian (Ebttrri) in ^Ir^litni) j7T^ V V Rev. W. A.Watson.MA..O.O. Church House. Belfast. ■ .. v V ^ \ \ - " " \ \ . - 19th July, 1935. Sir: At a Meeting of the Mission Board, representative of our whole Church, I was instructed to forward you the enclosed resolution, and to request you to be kind enough to forward the copy enclosed to the Nansen Refugee Committee. I am, Sir, Sincerely Yours, d. To Secretary General of the League of Nations, Palais de Nations, Geneva. a e n d s . - 3 ' Resolution j ^ v i r t u e of its conneotlon with Manchuria vzhere for more than 60 years the Irish Presbyterian Church has conducted missionary work, the Mission Board of the Church at its meeting in Belfast on 17th July, 1935, ventures to draw the attention of the Secretary General of the League of Nations to the plight of the White Russians in Harbin. From the recent investigations of Dame Rachel Crowdy we understand that more than 20,000 of this pitiable community are on the verge of starvation. Since White Russians are without a country of their own, and in the stress of local conditions at Harbin are finding it increasingly difficult to earn a living wage, we suggest that, if possible, the Nansen Refugee Committee should be invited to take action in this urgent matter, for example, along such lines as the following:- (a) Further investigation of the facts brought to light by Dame Rachel Crowdy. (b) Assistance for those agencies that are considered satisfactory, at present working on behalf of the young. (c) A strong effort of a permanent nature to save from extinction this large body of friendless Europeans in Asia, whose sufferings are due to political causes for which they are not responsible. 2011/7187/686 Geneva, July 28th, 1935. Sir, I have the honour to acknowledge the reoeipt of your letter, date! July 19th, ani to inform you that, aooorilne -lth your request, oopy of the resolution you «ere good enough to transmit has been for»arde4 to tho Hansen International Office for Refugees. I have the honour to be, Your obedient Servant (pjM- Deputy Secretary General in charge of the Section of International Bureaux. Rev. W.A. Watson, General Secretary of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, Church House, BELFAST. L. LE AL Ut! OF ftiAfi v N b r é g i s RECE-'V^ [23^193$ j — -----------------.....j Geneva, July 25th, 1935. Dear Aajor Johnson, Enclosed, I am forwarding you, for your information, copies of two letters received from the Confe­ rence of Missionary Societies and the Presbyterian Chureh in Ireland respectively. Sincerely yours ilaJor Johnson, Secretary General of the Nansen International Office for Refugees, 10, rue Général Dufour, GISHEVA. a * * y i,c e in V ^ W a t io n a l NANSEN n a n s e n international o f f ic e POUR LES RÉFUG IÉS " T ’N Â T IO rls 'l FOR REFUGEES i;. -iieTRY I fj Sous l'autorité de .la- ;■ " 7 " Z T ^ I Under the authority of th e /^ ,^ SOCIÉTÉ DES NATIONS : "1 I LEAGUE OF NATIONS / ^-'ZÀUai935 Réf. n. 2 0 B /16309/16809a ig „__j3E...t.«*-r,30th J u l y 1935. Dear Miss Kallia, I beg to acknowledge, with thanks, the receipt of your letter of July 25th., enclosing copies of letters from the Conference of Mission­ ary Societies and the Presbyterian Church in Ire- Should you have received a copy of Dame Rachel Crowdy's report on the plight of the White Russians in Harbin - mentioned in the Resolution accompanying the letter of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland - I should be grateful if you would kind­ ly let me have a copy. Miss A. Hallsten Kallia, League of Nations Geneva . The Save the Children Fund GORDON SQUARE, LONDON, W.C.i h (lie Compliments o f the General Secretary V o l u m e x v i SEPTEMBER 1936 FOURPENCE 7A 7 o The Official Organ of the Save the C.hi Id ten bund cniil of the Declaration, oj Geneva REFUGEES — Their Enduring Misery Task before this month's League Assembly EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD WORLD'S MALCOLM SARGEN1 HOTHENSTEIN BRAYBROOKE THE SAVE THE CHILDREN FUND, 20 GORDON SQUARE, LO N D O N , W.C.I . • T H E WORLD’S CHILDREN Se p t e m b e r , 1936 DUCHESS OF YORK AT HEBBURN Stone-laying for New Nursery School New Departure by Save the Children Fund HE LAYING by Her Royal Highness the the school, presented the Duchess with a cheque, Duchess of York of the foundation stone of which she handed to the Chairman of the Council, T the new Nursery School which is being built expressing the wish that it should be used to provide under the auspices of the Save the Children Fund at a sun-ray lamp and a weighing machine for the Hebburn-on-Tyne, on July 28, was an event of high school. importance in the history of the Fund. Subsequently, there were presentations to Her Not only did the occasion afford another instance Royal Highness, and among those presented was of the interest which members of the Royal House Mrs. Gladys Skelton, member of the Council of the take in the work of the Fund—dating in the case of Save the Children Fund, who had travelled from the Duke and Duchess of York from 1920—but London to represent headquarters at the ceremony. it marked a new departure in policy in regard to the Keen interest in the nursery school movement was building of these emergency nursery schools for shown by the Duchess when she discussed the new the children of the unemployed.
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