THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 1036.4 LA JOLLA. CALIFORNIA 1ST OF MICMAC NAMES OF PLACES, RIVERS, ETC, IN NOVA SCOTIA. Compiled by ELIZABETH FRAME. '^ ARY LIST OF MICMAC NAMES OP PLACES, RIVERS, ETC., IN NOVA SCOTIA. Compiled by ELIZABETH FRAME. CAMBRIDGE: JOHN WILSON AND SON. Snibrrsitg $rrss. 1892. *F NOTE. The following list of Micraac names of places, rivers, etc., in Nova Scotia and neighborhood was compiled, at my request, by Miss Elizabeth Frame, of Shubenacadie, for the library of the Massachusetts Historical Society, and was duly presented at the meeting on June 9, 1892. She was aided in her labors by a Micmac Indian, as well as by the published works of Mr. Gesner and Dr. Rand. It is now printed at the expense of a gentleman of Cambridge, who is interested in Indian philology. S. A. G. Boston, August 20, 1892. ; LIST OF MICMAC NAMES OP PLACES. RIVERS, ETC. Ababe, a boundary. Banoodpskek, opening out through Abaktooe, the great auk. rocks, as Penobscot. Abe, a bow for an arrow. Banooskek, entrance into Bras d'Or Agamok, white ash. Lake. Agoomakun, Apple River, Cum- BanoskSk, a water passage between berland County. two lakes. Agoomakunuk, Sand River, Cum- Ba'pkokt&'k, Argyle. berland County. Bapkook, the birch bark will ea- Ah-raah-gops-ke-geek, tumbling sily peeL St. Peter's over rocks ; Tangier River. Baslooaakade, island, Ajedk'chemin, a blackberry. near Prince Edward Island. Akkada, abundance of things Bookt, the head of a bay. plenty of ground-nuts ; hence Booktawi'chk, rum, from Acudie (French). Booktaoo, fire; hence fire-water; Akum, a snow-shoe, raquette. alcohol. Amlamekw', a mackerel. Booktoulaygun, fireworks; Toney Anesaak, Salmon River. River. Ansaakw, New Harbor. Booktowaagfin, Mill Creek on the Apcheechkumoochwaakade, River Hebert in Cuml>erland Co. Duck land. Hence the French Boouamookwdde, Salmon River, name Canard River. Yarmouth. Apsiboogwechk', Fort le Bear. BSstoon, America. Aseedik, Lunenburg. BSstoonkawaach, an American. Asooemanbkse, a creeping black- BSstoonkawoolkw, an American berry vine. vessel. Aspatogon, a headland on the Brooksake, Charlottetown Harbor, Atlantic. Prince Edward Island. Baktaba', a bay. Cajj-booginek, winding through Banook, the first lake as you ascend the wilderness; River John. a river. CalugSt, Carraget Harbor. ;;; : : ; LIST OF M1CMAC NAMES OP PLACES, RIVERS, ETC Cansoke, facing the frowning cliff Inskooom adeedich, Lakeland, N.S. Canso. Caskumpec, flowing through the Kabein, the border of a lake. Port Hood. sand ; Cascumpec, P. E. Island. Kagweamkek, Caydybunnygek, clam diggings; Kakagwek, a place of dried meat Boot Island, Hortou. now Hantsport, in Hants Co. Chebookt, Halifax, from tlkche- Kakwfileegigiin, a snow-bank. bookt, the largest harbor or bay. Kaleboo, caribou. Cheema, to paddle a canoe. Kaleboode, a shovel. Hence Kalg- Chegaoo, bass, a fish. boo, caribou, the shoveller, be- ChegQmakfin, a rattle, an Indian cause they shovel up the snow tambourine. with their broad feet in digging Chijikwtook', Cornwallis River. down for the moss on which they Chikchowwegiin§chwa'-w6ao- feed. wgk', a iose. Katkooch' and Katkoolch', Brook- ChikchowwegunejuL roseberries lyn, Queens Co., Nova Scotia. also the name of an orange. Keask&noo'gwSjit, a mighty chop- Cbipchowwe'eli', a robin. per, a fabulous being who cuts trees hear the chop- Cwesomallygeek, llardwood down ; you Ridge, Cumberland. ping, the workman is invisible, but the tree falls. EbSdek, Bedeque, P. E. Island. KSbamkeak', Bathurst, on the Bay Elmunakuncheech, Little Sevogal of Chaleur. River. Kebapskitk, the stream that con- Elsetkook', Bear River in Nova nects two lakes. Scotia. The six lakes on the Liverpool t Emsuk, Port Jolli. River, as you go up stream Eppayguit, anchored on the wave 1. Panook. Prince Edward Island. 2. K6doosk6k'. Eskumaaga, to eat raw flesh ; hence 3. Pushtigook'. the name of the eskimo Indians, 4. Kgjimkoojik. eaters of raw flesh. 5. Imutkaak. Eskumunaak', Mount Skumun&k. 6. Toobeadoogook. Eskumunaak, Point Skimenack, in Lakes on Salmon River, east New Brunswick. of Halifax: Eakwftdek', Murray Harbor, P.E. I. 1. TJsoogomnsoogwgdamk'. EspakuniegSk, high laud. Green 2. Milpaachk. Hill, l'ictou County. 3. TJtkoskwaachk. 4. Kloocheowpaach. GaspK-ch, Gaspe* ; far into the wa- 5. NSmchenokpaachk. ter. 6. Noogoomkiibaak. Glooacap, a manitou who dwelt in 7. Mtab£s-waakade (where the Bay of Kundy, at Blonudon. mud-catfish abound). Goolwagfipskooch, Port George. On Port Medway River are Gul-wahgahgek, the home of the 1. Banook. s<ru.-cow Quaco, New Brunswick. 2. M&ligeak'. ; LIST OP MICMAC NAMES OP PLACES, RIVERS, ETC. 9 1 Kebbek, narrows ; Quebec. Kitpoo-aykaddy, a place of eagles, Kegumoosk, Little River, a branch near the river Shubenacadie, now <>f the Restigouche. known as the Eagles' Nest. Kekwajoo, a badger. Kloopskeaakade, Bird Island. Keuomee, Sandy Point, now Econ- Kobet, a leaver. omy, in Colchester County. KobetSk', Aylesford Bog. Kcsapskul, Apesookaam Luke. Koo'koogwes', an owl. Kesegoo, an aged man. Kocktunijenagwanak', Cape Dol- Kesegooaakw, an aged porpoise or phin. seal. Koolpesoo'n, an anchor. Kesegoo'e, an aged bird. Koolpijooik, Petpiswick Harbor. Kesegooeeskw, an aged woman. Koospem, a lake. Kesegook, an aged porcupine. Kow-week, porcupine quills. Kesegoo'msk, an aged l>eaver. Ktadoosok, Saguenay liiver. Kesegoo'stim, an aged dog. Kiilokwejook Mary Joseph, below Kesegoo'tkw, an aged cow, moose, Halifax. horse. KulumooejemanSkse, bilberry. Keskaak, the wood is broad. Kweb&k, the head of the tide, now Keskoospaak, Little River. Bedford. Keskfitkwgk', the river is broad. Kwemoodeech, Boil's Harbor. KesokiidSk', the neighborhood of KwgsomSlegek', a hard-wood Archibald's Mills at Truro. Point, uow Fort Lawrence. Kesooakowdstoogwgk', Middle Kwesow-waak a cape oi" land. River, Pictou. Kesooskwdstoogwek, Little Biv- Logiimkeegun, Shelburne. er, a branch oi Sheet Harbor Luntook', deer. River. Liiakiich, Manadoo in Cape Breton. Keapabegea'chk, Big Kespebac- Lustegooch, Restigouche River. dak'. Keespoogwitk, Land's End, Yar- mouth. Maakan, Maccan River in Cumber- Klkcheboogwek, Cavendish, land County. Prince Edward Lsland. Mabou, a river in Cape Breton. Kitpoo, an eagle. Madawaak, a point where two riv- Ki tpooaakade, Cape Shubenacadie. ers come together. 1 This is beyond question the origin of the name of the city of Quebec The French pronounce Quebec not kwe-bek, as the English do, but kSb-b£k, the exact pronunciation of the Indian word. The " Narrows," ahovc Halifax Harbor, aud a narrow place in the Liverpool River just below Milton, are thus named by the Indians. The syllable kfib or kSp, which is the same exactly in meaning, means to stop or impede, to choke up, etc. Many words begin with this syllable; as, kSbejokfcm, to stop a hole ; kSbejokteskum, to shut a door ; kebadagwa'. to bo hoarse, to have the voice impeded ; kebaadoo, to stanch blood ; kebap skitk, the stream is obstructed by rocks ; kebamkoogwgk, the mouth of tlio river is obstructed by sand thrown in by the waves ; kSbe-skoonei, my nose is stopped ; etc. 10 LIST OF MICMAC NAMES OF PLACES, RIVERS, ETC. Maggpskeg6chk', tumbling over Mooinei', a bear-skin. large rooks; Gaspereaux River, Moosegisk', the atmosphere. in Horton, King's County. Mootpoon, an animal's bed. M5je5kteiigiin Lutkaamfin, an Mpog&n, a bed. arrow. Misookweel, the bark for building Makpaak, Malpeque, in P. E. T. a canoe. Makpaachk, first and second lakes 'Mtaban', mud bridge; Wolfville, on Moses River. Nova Scotia. Malipkanch', a hazel-nut. Mtae, a beaver-skin'. Maskwe, general name for bark. Mtoodook, Little River, Mira, Maycobegilk, end of the flowing Cape Breton. (meaning the bound of the rush- MfinagSs&nook', the Magdalen ing water, the tide or bore); Islands. Cobequid, Truro, now Salmon Miina'pskw, a ledge of rocks. River. MtLndoo, Satan. This is the Algon- Great Spirit, Megainaage, Nova Scotia ; land of kiu name for the the Micmacs. but applied to the devil by the Mggwa'jijik, the Red Indians of first Cluistian missionaries. Newfoundland. Mundooapskw, Devil's Rock, now MSgwas-a', Belfast in P. E. Island. Jeddore Rock. Memkaak-kwSsawa', Pandora MunSskoochk', Muddy Creek, Point. Prince Edward Island. MenagwSs', St. John, N. B. MiiukwSn', the rainbow. Menichk, a berry. Musquodoboit, sparkling water, a Menoody, a bay; Minudie, Cum- river in Halifax County. berland County. Meowch', a puss, a cat. Nab&dagwenigun, a basket han- Mgs-adSk, Long Island, Horton, dle. Nova Scotia. Naookteboogooik, big pond. Meseebakilnak', Sambro Cape. Napan, Napan in Cumberland Co. Meapaak, Cape Mispek. Napfiskwa', to string beads. Migoonaasit, the out-spreader; a Nebe, a leaf. peacock. Ngbeltook', Bartibog, name of a Mijeogiin, St. Lawrence River. place. Milasiik, Bridgeport NegwSk, Nogwak Island. Milapskegechk, third lake on Mo- Nelegakfingk, Newport River. lliver. Neliksaak, Arichat. Milchggaach, Meander River in NSmcheboogwgk', Middle River, Newport, Hants County. Cape Breton. Mimkwdkuii, an aconi. Nemtakayak', Nemtage River. Mimkw&nmooBe, the oak. Nepigiguit, on Clialeur Bay. Mfcsegiimisk', Scraggy Lake. Neseamk', Sable River, Nova MiBtoogook, Mistouchc River. Scotia. Moinawa, bear's meat. Nictahk, forks ; Nictau. Moo n&mook, he is from home. Noel, where the ice-cakes float Mooin, n bear. loosely. LIST OP MICMAC NAMES OP PLACES, RIVERS, ETC. 11 Noogoomkeak', Moses River. Pogfimkgk', Pomket Harbor. Noos-abon, the river Nbosaboon. P6nh6Sk, the first lake in a chain. 'Ntooa'gwaktin, Lot 49, Prince PoogfiuikpSchk, Pictou Harbor. Edward Island.
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