MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES PROGRAM Standard Operating Procedures SOP #: MDNR-FSS-209 EFFECTIVE DATE: 9/1/98 SOP TITLE: Taxonomic Levels for Macroinvertebrate Identifications WRITTEN BY: Randy Sarver, Environmental Specialist IV, Field Services Section, ESP APPROVED BY: James H. Long, Director, ESP SUMMARY OF REVISIONS: Changes to the format, and new taxa and associated information added. APPLICABILITY: Applies to Field Services Section personnel who perform community level surveys of aquatic macroinvertebrates in wadeable streams of Missouri DISTRIBUTION: Program Director, ESP; Supervisor, FSS, ESP; ESP Library RECERTIFICATION RECORD: Date Reviewed Initials MDNR-FSS-209 Page2of30 1.0 General Overview 1.1. The level of taxonomic identification for aquatic macroinvertebrates in this Standard Operating Procedure was established by researching current taxonomic literature. It is designed to enable an experienced aquatic biologist to identify organisms from aquatic surveys to a consistent and reliable level. The criteria used to set the level of taxonomy beyond the genus level are the systematic treatment of the genus by a professional taxonomist and the availability of a published key. 1.2. The consistency in macroinvertebrate identification allowed by this document is important regardless of whether one person is conducting an aquatic survey over a period of time or multiple investigators wish to compare results. It is especially important to provide guidance on the level of taxonomic identification when calculating metrics that depend upon the number of taxa. 1.3.Taxonomy is a changing and imperfect science and, therefore, this document will be revised on the same triennial basis as the Missouri Water Quality Standards. 1.4.Appendix A of this document contains a list of aquatic taxa by name as well as entries for taxa codes, reference documents, biotic indices, and functional feeding groups. 1.5.Appendix B of this document contains a bibliography useful in identifying aquatic organisms. 2.0 Taxa Code 2.1. The taxa codes that are used in Appendix A have been assigned from the Benthos Coding List developed by the Missouri Department of Conservation. 3.0 Reference 3.1. References can be found in Appendix B, the Taxonomic Bibliography. The number of the reference in the bibliography corresponds to the value found in the reference columns on the pages in Appendix A. 4.0 Biotic Index Value 4.1. Biotic Index Values, noted in Appendix A, are under development for Missouri. Temporary values, ranging from 0 to 10, have been assigned using: Lenat, D. R. 1993. A Biotic Index for the Southeastern United States: derivation and list of tolerance values with criteria for assigning water quality ratings. J. N. Amer. Benthol. Soc. 12(3): 279-290. Huggins, D. G. & M. F. Moffett. 1988. Proposed Biotic and Habitat Indices for use in Kansas Streams. Report No. 35 of the Kansas Biological Survey, Lawrence, Kansas. 128 pp. Bode, R. W., M. A. Novak & L. E. Abele. 1991. Quality Assurance Work Plan for Biological Stream Monitoring in New York State. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany, New York. 79 pp. MDNR-FSS-209 Page3of30 No letter following value = Lenat; (K) following value = Huggins and Moffett and; (B) following value = Bode et al. 5.0 Functional Feeding Group 5.1. Functional feeding groups, noted in Appendix A, for aquatic invertebrates were determined using Merritt & Cummins 1996. Functional group designations and their abbreviations are: Shredders = Sh; Collector/gatherers = Co; Collector/filterers = Fi; Scrapers = Sc; Macrophyte Piercers = Mp; Predators = Pr; Herbivores = He; Parasites = Pa; and Unknown = Unk. MDNR-FSS-209 Taxa Reference Biotic Functional Page 4 of 30 Code Index Feeding Value Group APPENDIX A Arthropoda Arachnoidea Acari 9025 4 5.7 Pa,Pr Crustacea Isopoda Asellidae Lirceus 0380 15,19 7.7 Co Caecidotea(epigean) 0400 15,19 8(B) Co Caecidotea(hypogean) 0400 15,19 8(B) Co Amphipoda Hyalellidae Hyalella azteca (Saussure) 0511 15 7.9 Co Gammaridae Gammarus 0520 15,17 6.9 Co Allocrangonyx 0540 15,17 Co Crangonyctidae Crangonyx 0550 15,17 8 Co Synurella 0560 15,17 Co Stygonectes 0579 15,17 Co Stygobromus 0580 15,17 Co Bacturus 0590 15,17 Co Mysidacea Palaemonidae Palaemonetes kadiakensis Rathbun 0651 3 Co Macrobrachium ohione (Smith) 0671 3 Co Decapoda Cambaridae Cambarellus pueur Hobbs 0711 16,18 Co Cambarellus shufeldtii (Faxon) 0712 16,18 Co MDNR-FSS-209 Taxa Reference Biotic Functional Page 5 of 30 Code Index Feeding Value Group Cambarus diogenes diogenes Girard 0721 16,18 Co Cambarus hubbsi Creaser 0722 16,18 Co Cambarus hubrichti Hobbs 0723 16,18 Co Cambarus maculatus Hobbs & Pflieger 0724 16,18 Co Cambarus setosus Faxon 0725 16,18 Co Fallicambarus fodiens (Cottle) 0731 16,18 Co Faxonella clypeata (Hay) 0741 16,18 Co Orconectes 0750 16,18 2.7 Co Orconectes eupunctus Williams 0751 16,18 Co Orconectes harrisonii (Faxon) 0752 16,18 Co Orconectes hylas (Faxon) 0753 16,18 Co Orconectes immunis (Hagen) 0754 16,18 Co Orconectes lancifer (Hagen) 0755 16,18 Co Orconectes longidigitus (Faxon) 0756 16,18 Co Orconectes luteus (Creaser) 0757 16,18 Co Orconectes macrus Williams 0758 16,18 Co Orconectes marchandi Hobbs 0759 16,18 Co Orconectes medius (Faxon) 0760 16,18 Co Orconectes meeki (Faxon) 0761 16,18 Co Orconectes naias (Faxon) 0762 16,18 Co Orconectes neglectus chaenodactylus Williams 0763 16,18 Co Orconectes neglectus neglectus (Faxon) 0764 16,18 Co Orconectes ozarkae Williams 0765 16,18 Co Orconectes palmeri palmeri (Faxon) 0766 16,18 Co Orconectes peruncus (Creaser) 0767 16,18 Co Orconectes punctimanus (Creaser) 0769 16,18 Co Orconectes quadruncus (Creaser) 0771 16,18 Co Orconectes rusticus (Girard) 0772 16,18 Co Orconectes virilis (Hagen) 0773 16,18 Co Orconectes williamsi Fitzpatrick 0774 16,18 Co Procambarus acutus acutus (Girard) 0781 16,18 Co Procambarus clarkii (Girard) 0782 16,18 Co Procambarus gracilis (Bundy) 0783 16,18 Co Procambarus liberorum Fitzpatrick 0784 16,18 Co Procambarus viaeviridus (Faxon) 0785 16,18 Co Insecta Ephemeroptera Amelitidae Ameletus lineatus Traver 1011 40 2.1 Sc,Co Ameletus ludens Needham 1012 40 0(B) Sc,Co Siphlonuridae Siphlonurus 1020 41 2.6 Co,Sc,Pr Baetidae 1028 41 5(K) Co MDNR-FSS-209 Taxa Reference Biotic Functional Page 6 of 30 Code Index Feeding Value Group Acentrella 1030 41,48,53 4(B) Co Acerpenna 1040 41,48,52 3.7 Co Apobaetis 1046 41,48 6(K) Baetis 1050 41,48 6(B) Co Barbaetis 1048 41,48,52 Co Callibaetis 1070 41,48 9.3 Co Camelobaetis 1067 41,48,52 Unk Centroptilum 1080 41,48 6.3 Co Cloeon 1085 41,48 7.4 Co Diphetor 1090 41,48,52 Unk Fallceon 1094 41,48,52 6(K) Unk Heterocloeon 1100 41,48,52 2(B) Sc Labiobaetis 1097 41,48,52 6(K) Unk Paracloeodes 1108 41,48,52 5(K) Sc Procloeon 1115 41,48,52 6.3 Co Pseudocentroptiloides 1112 41,48,52 Co Isonychidae Isonychia 1120 41,42 3.8 Fi Isonychia bicolor (Walker) 1123 44 2(B) Fi Isonychia sayi Burks 1124 44 Fi Isonychia sicca Burks 1125 44 3.7(K)Fi Isonychia rufa McDunnough 1128 44 3.7(K)Fi Heptageniidae 1138 41 5(K) Pr Anepeorus 1280 41 Pr Epeorus 1140 41 1.2 Co Heptagenia 1150 41 2.8 Sc,Co Nixe 1158 41 2(B) Sc,Co Leucrocuta 1180 41 0 Sc,Co Macdunnoa 1190 41 4.6(K)Sc,Co Rhithrogena 1220 41 0.4 Co Stenacron 1240 41 7.1 Co Stenonema 1260 41 3.4(Avg) Sc,Co Stenonema bednariki McCafferty 1261 47 Sc,Co Stenonema exiguum Traver 1262 39 5(B) Sc,Co Stenonema femoratum (Say) 1263 39 7.5 Sc,Co Stenonema integrum (McDunnough) 1264 39 5.5 Sc,Co Stenonema luteum (Clemens) 1271 39 Sc,Co Stenonema mediopunctatum (McDunnough) 1267 39 1.7 Sc,Co Stenonema modestum (Banks) 1266 39 5.8 Sc,Co Stenonema pulchellum (Walsh) 1268 39 3(B) Sc,Co Stenonema terminatum (Walsh) 1269 39 4.5 Sc,Co Stenonema vicarium (Walker) 1270 39 1 Sc,Co Ephemerellidae Attenella attenuata (McDunnough) 1291 34 1(B) Co Timpanoga 1300 41 2(B) Co Timpanoga lita (Burks) 1301 41,46 0 Co Timpanoga provonshali McCafferty 1303 41,46 Co MDNR-FSS-209 Taxa Reference Biotic Functional Page 7 of 30 Code Index Feeding Value Group Timpanoga simplex (McDunnough) 1302 41,46 3.9 Co Ephemerella 1320 41 1.7(Avg) Co,Sc Ephemeralla argo Burks 1321 38 Co,Sc Ephemerella aurivillii Bengtsson 1322 38 0(B) Co,Sc Ephemerella catawba Traver 1327 38 4 Co,Sc Ephemerella dorothea Needham 1323 38 1(B) Co,Sc Ephemerella excrucians Walsh 1326 38 1(B) Co,Sc Ephemerella invaria (Walker) 1324 38 2.2 Co,Sc Ephemerella needhami McDunnough 1328 38 0 Co,Sc Ephemerella subvaria McDunnough 1329 38 1(B) Co,Sc Eurylophella 1340 41 3(Avg) Co Eurylophella aestiva (MCDunnough) 1341 37 Co Eurylophella bicolor (Clemens) 1342 37 5.1 Co Eurylophella enoensis 1350 37 Co Eurylophella funeralis (McDunnough) 1345 37 2.3 Sh Eurylophella versimilis (McDunnough) 1349 37 0.3 Co Serratella 1360 41 1.9(Avg) Co Serratella deficiens (Morgan) 1361 36 2.7 Co Serratella frisoni (McDunnough) 1362 36 Co Serratella serratoides (McDunnough) 1366 36 1.5 Co Serratella sordida (McDunnough) 1367 36 2(B) Co Tricorythidae Tricorythodes 1390 41 5.4 Co Neoephemeridae Neoephemera 1410 41 Co Caenidae Amercaenis 1450 41,51 Fi Brachycercus 1430 41 3.5 Co Caenis 1440 41 7.6 Co,Sc Caenis anceps Traver 1441 50 Co,Sc Caenis amica Hagen 1442 50 8(K) Co,Sc Caenis hilaris (Say) 1443 50 4.6(K) Co,Sc Caenis macafferti Provonsha 1446 50 Co,Sc Caenis latipennis Banks 1444 50 7.3 Co,Sc Caenis punctata McDunnough 1445 50 3.7(K) Co,Sc Caenis tardata McDunnough 1447 50 Co,Sc Baetiscidae Baetisca lacustris McDunnough 1471 49 4(B) Co,Sc Baetisca obesa (Say) 1472 49 4(B) Co,Sc Leptophlebiidae

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