University of South Carolina Scholar Commons Archaeology and Anthropology, South Carolina Research Manuscript Series Institute of 11-1982 Preliminary Archeological Investigations at the Callawassie Island Burial Mound (38BU19), Beaufort County, South Carolina Mark J. Brooks University of South Carolina - Columbia, [email protected] Larry Lepionka Ted A. Rathbun John Goldsborough Jr. Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarcommons.sc.edu/archanth_books Part of the Anthropology Commons Recommended Citation Brooks, Mark J.; Lepionka, Larry; Rathbun, Ted A.; and Goldsborough, John Jr., "Preliminary Archeological Investigations at the Callawassie Island Burial Mound (38BU19), Beaufort County, South Carolina" (1982). Research Manuscript Series. 177. https://scholarcommons.sc.edu/archanth_books/177 This Book is brought to you by the Archaeology and Anthropology, South Carolina Institute of at Scholar Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Research Manuscript Series by an authorized administrator of Scholar Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Preliminary Archeological Investigations at the Callawassie Island Burial Mound (38BU19), Beaufort County, South Carolina Keywords Excavations, Indians of North America, Burial Mounds, Callawassie Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina, Archeology Disciplines Anthropology Publisher The outhS Carolina Institute of Archeology and Anthropology--University of South Carolina Comments In USC online Library catalog at: http://www.sc.edu/library/ This book is available at Scholar Commons: https://scholarcommons.sc.edu/archanth_books/177 PRELIMINARY ARCHEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS AT THE CALLAWASSIE ISLAND BURIAL MOUND (J8BU19), BEAUFORT COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA by Mark J. Brooks Larry Lepionka Ted A. Rathbun John GoLdsborough, Jr. Research Manuscript Series 185 with appendices by Janice G. Brown Cynthia A. AuLback-Bmith and Wade T. Batson, Jr. CaroLyn Rock Ted A. Rathbun Prepared by the Institute of ArcheoLogy and AnthropoLogy University of South CaroLina CoLumbia, South CaroLina November, 1982 PRELIMINIdri ARCHEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS AT THE CALLAWASSIE ISLAND BURIAL MOUND (38BU19) ~ BEAUFOHr COUNTY ~ SOUTH CAROLINA by Mark J. Bl'Ooks Larrzoy Lepionka . Ted A. Rathbun John GoLdsborough, Jr. Researoh Manusol'ipt Sel'ies 185 with appendioes by Janioe G. Brown Cynthia A. AuLbaok-Smith and Wade T. Batson~ Jp. Cazootyn·Rook Ted A. Rathbun Prepazoed by the Institute of Al'oheotogy and Anthropotogy University of South Cal'OLina . Cotumbia~ South Carolina November~ 1982 The Univepsity of South CapoLina offeps equaL oppoptunity in its empLoyment~ admissions and edueationaL aetivities~ in aeeo~anee with TitLe IX~ seetion 504 of the RehabiLitation Aet of 1973 and othep eiviL pights Laws. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TABLE OF CONTENTS. iii LIST OF FIGURES. v LIST OF TABLES • • • vi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. vii CHAPTER I - INTRODUCTION • 1 Baokgr'ound. 1 Resear'oh Goats. 5 Or'ganization of This Repor't 5 CHAPTER II - FIELD INVESTIGATIONS AT J8BU19. 7 Intr'odU<Jtion. 7 Site Desor'iption. 7 Data Reoover' Methods. 9 Pr'epar'ation for' Site Testing • 9 Exoavation Teohniques. 10 One by One Meter' Units. 10 Two by Two Meter' Units - Tr'enohes A and B 10 Featuroes. 12 CHAPTER III - Ar'oheotogioat Site Data. lJ Intr'oduotion. lJ Str'atigr'aphio Data. lJ One by One Meter' Units lJ Tr'enohes A and B 14 Ar'tifaotuat Data. 17 Cer'amio Data 17 Lithio Data. 27 Other' Ar'tifaots. J5 Featuroe Data. J6 Featuroe 1. J6 Featuroe 2. J8 Featuroe J. J9 Featur'e 4. J9 Featuroe 5. J9 Featuroe 6. J9 Featuroe 7. J9 Featuroe 8. 40 Featuroe 9. 40 Featuroe 10 • 41 Featuroe 11 41 Featur'e 12 • 41 iii TABLE OF CONTINUED (Cont.) Page SpeoiaL AnaLyses. ••••• ·. ...... 43 Intpoduotion •••••••••••••• 43 PaLynoLogioaL Data •••••••••••••••••••• 44 EthnobotanioaL Data • ••••••• ·.. 45 FaunaL Data. •••••••••••••••••••• 45 Human OsteoLogioaL Data. •••• ••••••••• 46 Human CoppoLite Data ••••••• ..... 47 Radiametpio Deter.minations •••••••••••••• 48 CHAPTER IV - CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ·. .. ... 49 Reseapoh ConoLusions • •••••••••• ·.... 49 Human OsteoLogioaL and BupiaL Reseapoh .... 49 Subsistenoe-SettLement Reseapoh. 54 Subsistenoe Patte:r>n ••••••••••••••••• 54 SettLement Patte:r>n. ••••••••••••••••• 55 S'UlfIlTIaray •• •• •••••••••••• ·. 56 Reoammendations fop Futu:r>e Reseapoh at 38BU19 • · ... ... 58 REFERENCES. .. .. .. ......... 61 APPENDIX I: CALLAWASSIE ISLAND BURIAL MOUND (38BU19): POLLEN ANALYSIS, by Janioe G. Bpo7JJYl • ••••••• 69 APPENDIX II: CALLAWASSIE ISLAND BURIAL MOUND: PLANT REMAINS, by Cynthia A. AuLbaoh-Srnith and Wade T. Batson, Jp • •• 71 APPENDIX III: THE IDENTIFICATION AND ANALYSIS OF A SAMPLE OF THE FAUNAL REMAINS EXCAVATED FROM THE CALLAWASSIE ISLAND BURIAL MOUND (38BU 19), by CapoLyn Rook ••••• 75 APPENDIX IV: HUMAN REMAINS FROM 38BU19, by Ted A. Rathbun • 101 iv LIST OF FIGURES Page FIGURE 1: Site 38BU19, CaLLawassie IsLand and their reLationship to Port RoyaL Sound ••••• 2 FIGURE 2: Site 38BU19 - Contour map showing Loeations of exeavation units ••••••••••••••• 8 FIGURE 3: Site 38BU19 - after eLearing - view Looking northeast. ••••••••••••••••• 9 FIGURE 4: OVerview of Trenehes A and B, Looking northeast. 15 FIGURE 5: Treneh A, Unit 306N, 308E, profiLes. 16 FIGURE 6: Trenehes A and B profiLes. .... · ... ... 18 FIGURE 7: Treneh A - view Looking northeast. · 22 FIGURE 8: Treneh B - view Looking west ... · 22 FIGURE 9: Non-eeramie artifaets fram 38BU19. · . 34 FIGURE 10: PLan view of Trenehes A and B showing feature Loeations• ••••••• 37 FIGURE 11: Feature 1 (BuriaL) • 38 FIGURE 12: Feature 9 (BuriaL) • 40 FIGURE 13: Fine eo~ marked vesseL, inverted, eontaining the remains of a human fetus •••••••• .. 41 FIGURE 14: Feature 10 - St. Catherines fine eo~ marked vesseL. 42 FIGURE 15: Feature 12 after partiaL reeonstruetion. ••• 42 FIGURE 16: Loeation and orientation of buriaLs reeovered thus far fram the mound • ••••••••••• 50 v LIST OF TABLES Page TABLE 1: 38BU19, Ceromio Data, ControLLed Surfaoe CoLLeotion • · 23 TABLE 2: 38BU19, Ceramio Data, OutLying One by One Meter Units · .. 23 TABLE 3: 38BU19, Ceromio Data, Two by Two Meter Units, Trenoh A. 24 TABLE 4: 38BU19, Ceramio Data, Two by Two Meter Units, Trenoh B. 28 TABLE 5: 38BU19, Lithio Data • ... ... ........ · . 29 vi 1 1 I I ACKNOWLEDGMENTS j The authors would like to extend a very special thanks to Dr. Wilhelm Stein. Chairman. Mr. George Oetterli. President. and Mr. Wolfgang Saenger. Vice President and Broker-in-Charge. of Three Fountainview Corporation. l Hilton Head Island. South Carolina. for sponsoring the on-going archeologi­ cal research on Callawassie Island. Their support. friendship and sincere concern for the archeological resources on Callawassie Island are greatly appreciated. Through the efforts of Mr. Saenger. approximately 140 school children from Hilton Head Island had the opportunity to observe archeology. and archeologists. in action. Investments such as this in the youth of today will insure the future of archeology which. now more than ever before. is dependent upon public support. This support can only come about through an awareness and an appreciation of. and concern for. our cultural heritage. On a more personal level, the Brooks and Lepionka families would like to thank Wolfgang. Waltraut and Winfried Saenger for their "southern" hospitality. Visits to the Saenger home were both enjoyable and memorable. The overall success of this present research is due, in large part, to the many volunteers who gave their time both freely and willingly (more­ or-less). Mrs. Pauline Brooks and Dr. Claude M. "Bud" Cupp volunteered on a full-time basis. Bud commuted daily from Charleston. Dr. Larry Lepionka (U.S.C •• Beaufort), Mrs. Lisa Lepionka, Mr. Dave McCollum (U.S.C •• Beaufort). Mrs. Jan Gentry. and Mrs. Mona Grunden volun­ teered on a part-time basis, often taking time off from work and/or school. Mr. Gordan Haist, Ms. Elly Norton, Ms. Rae Norton and Mr. Emmitt Bufkin each volunteered their services for one day. The one day of assistance provided by Mr. Paul Webb and Mr. Greg Smith (Staff archeologists with Southeastern Wildlife Associates) is also greatly appreciated. Subsequent to fieldwork at the mound. an on-the-ground investigation directed by Lepionka and Goldsborough tentatively verified the existence of a village associated with the mound. This endeavor was undertaken on the afternoon of August 26. 1982. with the volunteer assistence of Mr. Bill Hunt. Mr. Joe Joseph and Mrs. Mona Grunden. Mr. J. P. Cooler. Caretaker, is thanked for the valuable information he provided pertaining to Callawassie Island. For our convenience, Mr. Cooler also kept the island roads maintained and insured the security of the site. Many specialists contributed greatly to the research. Dr. Ted Rathbun (U.S.C., Columbia. Department of Anthropology) conducted the human osteo­ logical analyses. Analyses of the human coprolites was by Mr. Fred Hornick (U.S.C •• Columbia. Department of Biology). Ms. Jan Brown (U.S.C., Colum­ bia. Department of Geology) conducted the palynological analyses. The ethnobotanical analyses were undertaken by Drs. Cynthia A. Aulbach-Smith and Wade T. Batson. Jr. (U.S.C., Columbia, Department of Biology). Ms. Carolyn Rock (University of Florida, Florida State Museum) conducted the vii faunal analyses under the superVlslOn of Dr. Elizabeth Wing. Radiometric analyses were attempted by Dr. Richard Pardi (Queens College, CUNY, Radio­ carbon Laboratory). In addition, Dr. Donald J. Colquhoun (U.S.C., Columbia,
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