282 • OBITUARYNOTICES OBITITARY NOTICES. MR. MON.TEITH OGILVIE. As one by one the names of deceased Members are erased from our list, we cannot but feel keenly' when men of exceptional talent are removed from the Institute by death. Mr. Monteith Ogilvie, whose accomplishinents were of the most varied kind, was Hon. Surgeon to the Oxford Eye Hospital. As a horticulturist he was a renowned orchid grower, and his collection at Oxford was one of the finest in England. In 1910 he was awarded a gold medal by the Royal Oxford Horticultural Society, and in 1912 he won the 100 Guinea Cup at the International Exhibition. To .enumerate all the prizes and first class certificates bestowed upon him between the years 1905 and 1916 would take up more space than is available. But it is perhaps by Mr. Ogilvie's ornithological work that he has been most widely known. He was President of the Ornithological Section of the Ashmolean Natural History Society at Oxford until 1916, and the Society was indebted to him for a series of lectures on birds generally illustrated by diagrams and skins. The following tribute is from an Oxford paper : " It can truly be said that by his premature death British ornithology has been robbed of one of its most earnest and conscientious workers." THE REV. WILLIAM SYMONDS,M.A. The Rev. William Symonds, who was a Member of the Council of the Suffolk Institute of Archmology and Natural History, and much respected by all who knew flim , passed away on Monday, July 1st, 1918, at 10, Angel Hill, Bury St. Edmunds. He was a son of the late Sir Thomas Symonds, c.c.s. and " took the Bachelor of Arts degree when at Magdalen College, Oxford, - in 1881., and became M.A. in 1884. He was ordained deacon in 1882, and admitted to the priesthood in 1883. He was curate of St. jaines's, Accring- ton, from 1882 to 1884 •,vicar of Clandown; Somersetshire, from 1884 to 1886 ; curate of St. Andrew's, Well Street, from 1887 to 1888 ; vicar of Frocester, Gloucestershire, from 1888 to 1900 ; vicar of. Sherstone with Pinkney rectory, from 1900 to 1905 ; missioner of St. Andrew, Sarum, from 1905 to 1909 ; curate of Horsley (in charge of Chavenage, Gloucestershire) from 1909 to 1910 ; and assistant missioner South of St. Andrew, Sarum, from 1910 to 1913, in which year he became curate of St. James's, Bury St. Edmund's, and in the following year the Bishop of Suffolk appointed him to" be one of his five honorary chaplains." GENERAL INDEX TO VOL. XVI. A Ardleigh, 176, 228 Armiger, Jn., 39 A Gentleman's Religion, 146 Arminger, Thos., 213 Abbey6.te Street, Bury St. Ed- Armygerd, Robt., 91 munds, .192, 193 Arneste, Robt., 42 Abbot's Bridge, Bury-St. Edmunds, Arnold, Jn., 40 ; Ric., 43 ; 193, 195 Awoode, Jn., 39 Abgriffithe, Wm., 94 Asby, Thos., 42 Abingdon', 248 Ashwell, Jn., 38 Acheulean flint industry, 117 Askewe, Robt., 95 Acheulean station found by Miss Aspall Hall in Debenham, 196, 209 Nina F. Layard, 118 Assemblies at Eye, -Scole,and Adair, Sir Shafto, Bart., 184 Debenham, 162 Adams, Jn., 216 AsshbY, 41 Addam, Thos., 217 , Atholl, Amelia Sophia, Marchioness Adgore, Gregory, 78 of, 233 Age, Thos., 40 . Arkyn, Ric., 212 • Akenham, 67 Atlantis, submerged -land of , 50 Alcherd, Jn., 94 Aukerboul Lodge, 157 Alden, Jn., 212 Aylmer, Robt., dancing-master, of Alderton, 82, 92 Sudbury, 205 Aldham, 218 ; Jn., 212 Aunger, Jn., 90 Alheard, bishop of Elmham, 30 Aurignacian race, 124 Aldrich, Mary, 247 Austin, Roger, 7 . Aldred, Robt., 91 Autbertus, Bishop of Cambray, 260 Aldryche, Jn., 42 ; Robt., 42 Ayles, Rev. Dr., 230 Aleyn, Jn., 93 ; Ric., 37 Ayloff, Robt., 217 Aleyne, Robt., 38, 92 M Aylsham, Ric., 42 Alen, Thos., 38, 92, 97 Aysshedowne, Jn., 92 Allen, Ric:, 216 ; Romilly, 180 Ayssheley, Hen., 94 ; Jn., 4 ; Alshorp, 236 Ric., 94 ; Walter, 94 Alverd, Agnes, 80 ; Thos., 80 Azilian people, 130 Alyn, Wm., 216 Alyngton, Robt., 213 Alysham, Alexander, 43 - Amen, Ra., 63 Babington, Catalogue of Birds of Ameros, Jn , 216 Suffolk, 222 Ancient Domestic Architecture, 190 Bache, Ric., 37 Ancient Flint Implements of Suffolk Bache, Rob., 38 by J. Reid Moir, 99 Backhouse, Flower, 232 , Andreuse, Robt., 42 Backhouse, Sir Wm., 232 Andrew,, Jn , 83 ; Robt., 96 Bacon, Anne, 22, 23 ; Robt., 22, Andrews, Damaris, 250 ; Thomas, 23 ; Sir Edm., Knt., 23 ; Robt., 250 41 ; Sir Edward,242 Androws, Wm., 39 Baconsthorpe, 136 Anglo-Saxon Relics, lecture by Miss Badmondisfield Hall, 251 Nina Layard, 278 Baggard, Jn , 37 . Anglo-Saxon urns found near Lack- Bagot, Sir Edward, 236 ford by Horace R. Barlier, 181 Baker, Abigail, 242, 243 ; C. H. Annot, Thos., 39 Collins, author of " Lely and the Antwerp picture gallery, 152 Stuart Portrait Painters," 241 ; Appylby, Jn., 213 Collins, 234 ; Edni., 211 ; Joan, Arber, Professor, his life of Wm. 87 • Jn., 85, 217 ; Robt., 87, Roy; 73 211 ;' Samuel, 242, 243 ; Wm., Arbury, 236 211 284 , GENERAL INDEX TO VOL. XVI. Bakkeler, Wm., 96 ings of, 239 ; Mary, her burial Baldwin, Bishop, 30 ; Wm., 43 place, 240 Balery, Hen, 92 Beatniffe's lottery, 162 Balhed, Thos, 91 - Kath., 7 . Balle, Edm., 214 ; Jn., 213 Beaupre, Edm., 7 ; Margt. de, 7 Ball, Wm., 216 Nic. de, 7. Balley, Wm., 212 Beaupre, Hall, in Outwell, 7 Ballie, Jn., 216 Beccles, 73 Ballingdon, 244 Becon, Robt., 215. Baly, Jn., 94 Roff, 92 ; Thos., 40 Bede's reference to synod at Hert-- Banks, Ric., 218 ford, 30 Barfoote, Jn., 215 Bedingfield, Chas,, 23 ; Elizh., 82- ;, Barfott, Margt., 95 Eva, 12, 14, 18 ; Sir Hen., 12, Barker, Jn., 40 ; Robt., 40, 211 ; . 14 ; Humph., 18 ; Joan, 6 ; Rog., 214 ; Thos., 37 ; Walt., Kath, 7, 12 ; Nich., 17 ; Philip,. 216 ; Thos., 94 ; Wm., 157 6, 7 ; Thos., 6 ; Wm., 82 Barham, 29 Bedingfield arms, 14 ; family, 6 Barley, Thos., 97 hall, 196 Barlow,•Jerome, 72 Bedmore, Roffe, 211 Barnard, Robt., 40 Beeton, Elizh., 248 ; Samuel, 24 g Barnardiston, Lady Jane, 45 ; Befyld, Jn , 39 Major-Genl., 44 ; ' Martha, 46 ; Beggaten, Thos., 43 • Nathl., 46.; Pelatiah, 46 ; Sir Belayse, Henry, Earl of Faucon- Nathl., 45 ; Sir Thos., 46 ; berg, 234 Sophia., 44 ; Thos., 45 ; Walter Belle, Wm., 38 47 Belton, 36 Barnardiston Vaults in Keddington Bemond, Robt., 212 ; Thos., 214 44 Church, Bemys, Thos.,,216 Barnby, 41 Bendie, Otwell, 217 ; GO., 22 ;: Jn., 91, 97 ; Robt., 91 ; Mary, 22 Thos., 39 Bendysh, MistreSs, 217 Barnham, 246 Benefeld, Robt., 215 52 Barque of Isis, Bennet, Isabella, Duchess of 248 Ifarrett, Nathaniel, Graftdn, 234 ; Jn., 90, 212 ; Ric., Barron, Thos., 93' • 212, 213 ; Thos., 94, 213 Barrow, 229, 230 ; Extracts from kegisters, 242 Bennys, Jn., 95 ; Thoi, 95 Barrow, Jn., 215 Benton, Andrew, 40 Barton, Ric., 213 . Benweil, Rev. P., 173 Baryforthe, Ralf, 40 Beodericworth, 73 Bateman, Lady, 138 Berdworth, Laur., 217 Bates, Ric., 43 Bere, Thos., 40 Bath, 236 Bergholt, 176 Battely, John, Archdeacon of Berkeley, Earl of, 235 Canterbury, 233 Berry, Thos., 25 Bawdesey, 93 • Bestiaries, 60 Baxter, Wm., 216 Botany, Robt., 40 ; Thos., 39 Baynes, Chas., 247 Bettis, Jn., 216 ; Wm.,.215 Bayly, Wm., 92 Betts, Edward, 92 ; Robt., 218 Beadle, Mary, 240 Wm., 42 . Beale, Bartholomew, 232, 239 ; Bewper, Edm., 7 ; Master, 7 Charles, 230, 243 ; Chas., En- Bickerton, 11 graving of, 239 ; Charles, his Bildeston, 154 note book, 232 ; Mary, Descrip- Bird, Martha, 48 ; Mirabel, 250 ;. tion of her appearance in auto- William, 250 portraits, 238 ; Mary, El:Tray- Birch, 221 ; Mrs., 247 GENERAL INDEX TO VOL, XVI. 285 Birds :-Auke, Little, 226 ; Bewicks mouse, British, 171 ; Merganser, 220 ; Bittern, 222 ; Blackbird, Red-breasted, 220, 221 • Merlin, 173 ; Blackcap, 172 ; Blue-Tit- 177 ; Missel-thrush, 172, 177 ; ' mouse, British, 171 ; Blue- Moorhen, 228 ; Nightingale, throat, red-spotted, 174 ; Bramb- 173 ; Nightjar, 175 ; Nuthatch, ling, 169 ; Bullfinch, British, 171 ; Owl, barn 176, little 176, 169 ; Bunting,. Cirl 170, Orto- long-eared 176, scops 176, short: lan 170, Reed 170, Snow 170 ; eared 176, snowy 176 , tawny Bustard, Little, 222 ; Buzzard, 176 • Oyster-catcher, 225 ; 177 ; Buzzard, rough - legged, Partridge,' Red-legged, 228 ; 177 ; Chaffinch, 169 ; Chiff- Petrel, Leach's, 227, Storm, chaff, 172 ; Chough, 168 ;' Coal- 227 ; Phalarope, Grey, 222, red- Titmouse, British, 171 ; Voot, necked 222 ; Pheasant, 228 ; 228 ; Cormorant, 177 ; Corn- Pigeon, Wood, 228 ; Pintail, Bunting, 169, 228 ; Crake, 219 ; Pipit, meadow 170, rock Spotted, 228 ; Creeper, British 170, tree 170 ; Plover, Golden tree, 170 ; Crossbill, 169 224, Grey, 224, Kentish 225, Crow, carrion, 168 ; Crow, Ringed 224 ; Pochard, 220 ; hooded, 168 ; Cuckoo, 175 ; Puffin, 227 ; Quail, 228 ; Raven, 224 ; Curlew, Stone, 222' 168 ; Razorbill, 226 ; Red- throated 227, Grt. Northern 227 ; breast, British, 173 ; Redpole, Red-throated, 227 ; Duck, long- lesser, 169 ; Redshank, spotted, tailed, 220, tufted 220, wild 219 ; 223 ; Redstart, 173, black 173 ; Eagle, white-tailed, 67, 177 ; Redwing, 173 ; Ring-Ousel, 173 ; Eider Duck, 220 ; Falcon pere- Rook, 168 • Ruff, 223 ; Sand- grine, 177 ; Fieldfare, 173 ; grouse, Pallas, 228 ; Sander- Flycatcher, pied 174, spotted ling, 223, Common 224, Curlew 174 ;" Fulmar, 227 ; Gadwall, 223, Green 224 ; Sandpiper, 219 ; Gannet, 177 ; Garganey, Purple 223, Wood 224 • Scaup, 219 ; Godwit, Bar-tailed, 224 ; 220 ; Scoter, Common 220, Vel- ' Gold Crest, 171 ; Golden-eye, vet, 220 ; Sedge-warbler, 172 ; 220, 221 ; Goldfinch, 169 ; Goo- Shag, 177 ; Sheld-duck, common, sander, 220 ; Goose, Barnacle, 178 ; Shelduck, 221 ; Shoveler, 178, bean 178, brent 178, grey 219 ; Shrike, Grey 171, red- lag 178, pink-footed 178 white- backed, 171 ; Siskin, 169 ; Skua, fronted 178 ; Grebe, eared 227, Buffon's 226, Great 226, Porn- Great Crested 227, Little 227, atorhine,226, Richardson's 226 ; Red-necked 227, Slavonian 227 ; Smew, 221 ; Common, 223 Greenfinch, 169 ; Greenshank,224; Snipe, Great 223, Jack 223, Red- finch, 169 ; Greenshank, 224 ; breasted, 224 • Song-Thrush, Guillemot Common, 226 ; Gull, British, 173 ; Spoonbill,' 222 ; black-headed 225, Common 225, Starling, 169 ; Stock-dove, 228 ; Glaucus 225, Herring 225, Stonechat, 174 ; Stint, Little, Little225 ; Harrier, hen, 177 ; 223, Ternrnincks 223 ; Swallow, Harrier, marsh, 176 ; Hawfinch, 174 ; Swan 220, Bewick's 178, Hawfinch, 169 ; Hawk, sparrow, mute 178, whooper 178 ; .
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