September 14, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5701 objection, referred to the Committee Mr. NORWOOD, for 5 minutes, today. to our Commander-in-Chief, President George on Armed Services and the Committee Mr. WELDON of Florida, for 5 minutes, W. Bush. Every Member of Congress is com- on International Relations and ordered today. pletely unified in our support for President to be printed. (The following Members (at their own Bush to do whatever is necessary to rescue To the Congress of the United States: request) to revise and extend their re- the wounded and attend to the victims and Pursuant to section 201 of the Na- marks and include extraneous mate- their families, and to identify those responsible tional Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1621), rial:) for this atrocity, hunt them down, and bring I hereby report that I have exercised Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas, for 5 min- them to justice. my authority to declare a national utes, today. These attacks are an act of war against the emergency by reason of the terrorist Ms. KAPTUR, for 5 minutes, today. people of the United States. We will eradicate attacks at the World Trade Center, Mr. LARSON of Connecticut, for 5 these terrorists wherever they may be and New York, New York, and the Pen- minutes, today. punish anyone who harbored them, anyone tagon, and the continuing and imme- Mr. DEAL of Georgia, for 5 minutes, who gave them a nickel, and anyone who diate threat of further attacks on the today. gave them comfort and aid. Members of Congress are furious and out- United States. A copy of my proclama- f raged, but we will be thoughtful and delibera- tion is attached. SENATE JOINT RESOLUTIONS tive in our response. Above all, we will support Further, I have authorized, pursuant Joint resolutions of the Senate of the our Commander-in-Chief. to section 12302 of title 10, United following titles were taken from the As Congress and our President decide how States Code, the Secretary of Defense, Speaker’s table and, under the rule, re- America should respond, we must be sure to and the Secretary of Transportation ferred as follows: remember Benjamin Franklin’s warning that with respect to the Coast Guard when S.J. Res. 19. Joint resolution providing for those who ‘‘give up essential liberty to obtain it is not operating as a service within the reappointment of Anne d’Harnoncourt as a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty the Department of the Navy, to order a citizen regent of the Board of Regents of nor safety.’’ to active duty units and individual the Smithsonian Institution; to the Com- f members not assigned to units of the mittee on House Administration. Ready Reserve to perform such mis- S.J. Res. 20. Joint resolution providing for ADJOURNMENT sions the Secretary of Defense may de- the reappointment of Roger W. Sant as a cit- Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, I move that termine necessary. The deployment of izen regent of the Board of Regents of the the House do now adjourn. United States forces to conduct oper- Smithsonian Institution; to the Committee The motion was agreed to; accord- on House Administration. ational missions in connection with ingly (at 1 o’clock and 59 minutes the World Trade Center and Pentagon f a.m.), under its previous order, the attacks necessitates this action. A ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED House adjourned until Monday, Sep- copy of my Executive Order imple- Mr. Trandahl, Clerk of the House, re- tember 17, 2001, at noon. menting this action is attached. ported and found truly enrolled bills of f GEORGE W. BUSH. the House of the following titles, which OATH FOR ACCESS TO CLASSIFIED THE WHITE HOUSE, September 14, 2001. were thereupon signed by the Speaker: INFORMATION f H.R. 2133. An act to establish a commission Under clause 13 of rule XXIII, the fol- LEAVE OF ABSENCE for the purpose of encouraging and providing lowing Members executed the oath for for the commemoration of the 50th anniver- access to classified information: By unanimous consent, leave of ab- sary of the Supreme Court decision in Brown Neil Abercrombie, Anı´bal Acevedo- sence was granted to: v. Board of Education. Vila´ , Garry L. Ackerman, Robert B. Mr. FARR of California (at the re- H.R. 2882. An act to provide for the expe- dited payment of certain benefits for a pub- Aderholt, W. Todd Akin, Thomas H. quest of Mr. GEPHARDT) for today and lic safety officer who was killed or suffered a Allen, Robert E. Andrews, Richard K. September 15 on account of personal catastrophic injury as a direct and proxi- Armey, Joe Baca, Spencer Bachus, family business. mate result of a personal injury sustained in Brian Baird, Richard H. Baker, John Ms. KILPATRICK (at the request of Mr. the line of duty in connection with the ter- Elias E. Baldacci, Tammy Baldwin, GEPHARDT) for today on account of offi- rorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Cass Ballenger, James A. Barcia, Bob cial business in the district. H.R. 2888. 2001 Emergency Supplemental Barr, Thomas M. Barrett, Roscoe G. Appropriations Act for Recovery from and f Response to Terrorist Attacks on the United Bartlett, Joe Barton, Charles F. Bass, Xavier Becerra, Ken Bentsen, Doug Be- SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED States. reuter, Shelley Berkley, Howard L. f By unanimous consent, permission to Berman, Marion Berry, Judy Biggert, address the House, following the legis- ADJOURNMENT TO MONDAY, Michael Bilirakis, Sanford D. Bishop, lative program and any special orders SEPTEMBER 17, 2001 Jr., Rod R. Blagojevich, Earl heretofore entered, was granted to: Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- Blumenauer, Roy Blunt, Sherwood L. (The following Members (at the re- mous consent that when the House ad- Boehlert, John A. Boehner, Henry quest of Mr. KLECZKA) to revise and ex- journs today, it adjourn to meet at Bonilla, David E. Bonior, Mary Bono, tend their remarks and include extra- noon on Monday, September 17, 2001. Robert A. Borski, Leonard L. Boswell, neous material:) The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Rick Boucher, Allen Boyd, Kevin Mr. DEFAZIO, for 5 minutes, today. SHIMKUS). Is there objection to the re- Brady, Robert A. Brady, Corrine Mr. SHERMAN, for 5 minutes, today. quest of the gentleman from Ohio? Brown, Sherrod Brown, Henry E. (The following Members (at the re- There was no objection. Brown, Jr., Ed Bryant, Richard Burr, quest of Mr. FOLEY) to revise and ex- f Dan Burton, Steve Buyer, Sonny Cal- tend their remarks and include extra- lahan, Ken Calvert, Dave Camp, Chris neous material:) CORRECTION OF THE CONGRES- Cannon, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Mr. SENSENBRENNER, for 5 minutes, SIONAL RECORD OF SEPTEMBER Capito, Lois Capps, Michael E. today. 12, 2001 Capuano, Benjamin L. Cardin, Brad Mr. HANSEN, for 5 minutes, today. The RECORD of September 11, 2001 Carson, Julia Carson, Michael N. Cas- Mr. EHLERS, for 5 minutes, today. contained a statement by Representa- tle, Steve Chabot, Saxby Chambliss, Mr. KIRK, for 5 minutes, today. tive CULBERSON in which the Govern- Donna M. Christensen, Wm. Lacy Clay, Mr. DOOLITTLE, for 5 minutes, today. ment Printing Office erroneously in- Eva M. Clayton, Bob Clement, James Mr. BURTON of Indiana, for 5 minutes, serted the word ‘‘not’’. The online E. Clyburn, Howard Coble, Mac Collins, today. version of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Larry Combest, Gary A. Condit, John Mr. TANCREDO, for 5 minutes, today. has been corrected and the corrected Cooksey, Jerry F. Costello, Christopher Mr. FOLEY, for 5 minutes, today. statement follows: Cox, William J. Coyne, Robert E. (Bud) Mr. BARRETT of Wisconsin, for 5 min- Mr. CULBERSON. Mr. Speaker, the House Cramer, Jr., Philip P. Crane, Ander utes, today. is meeting today to lend 110 percent support Crenshaw, Joseph Crowley, Barbara VerDate 31-AUG-2001 07:53 Sep 15, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00083 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K14SE7.231 pfrm02 PsN: H14PT1 H5702 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 14, 2001 Cubin, John Abney Culberson, Elijah E. McCarthy, Betty McCollum, Jim A. Waxman, Anthony D. Weiner, Curt Cummings, Randy ‘‘Duke’’ McCrery, James P. McGovern, John Weldon, Dave Weldon, Jerry Weller, Cunningham, Danny K. Davis, Jim McHugh, Scott McInnis, Mike McIn- Robert Wexler, Ed Whitfield, Roger F. Davis, Jo Ann Davis, Susan A. Davis, tyre, Howard P. McKeon, Cynthia A. Wicker, Heather Wilson, Frank R. Thomas M. Davis, Nathan Deal, Peter McKinney, Michael R. McNulty, Mar- Wolf, Lynn C. Woolsey, David Wu, Al- A. DeFazio, Diana DeGette, William D. tin T. Meehan, Carrie P. Meek, Gregory bert Russell Wynn, C.W. Bill Young, Delahunt, Rosa L. DeLauro, Tom W. Meeks, Robert Menendez, John L. Dan Young. DeLay, Jim DeMint, Peter Deutsch, Mica, Juanita Millender-McDonald, f Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Norman D. Dicks, Dan Miller, Gary G. Miller, George Mil- John D. Dingell, Lloyd Doggett, Calvin ler, Patsy T. Mink, John Joseph Moak- EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, M. Dooley, John T. Doolittle, Michael ley, Alan B. Mollohan, Dennis Moore, ETC. F. Doyle, David Dreier, John J. Dun- James P. Moran, Jerry Moran, Con- Under clause 8 of rule XII, executive can, Jr., Jennifer Dunn, Chet Edwards, stance A. Morella, John P. Murtha, Sue communications were taken from the Vernon J. Ehlers, Robert L. Ehrlich, Wilkins Myrick, Jerrold Nadler, Grace Speaker’s table and referred as follows: Jr., Jo Ann Emerson, Eliot L. Engel, F. Napolitano, Richard E. Neal, George 3621. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- Phil English, Anna G. Eshoo, Bob R. Nethercutt, Jr., Robert W. Ney Anne ment of Agriculture, transmitting the an- Etheridge, Lane Evans, Terry Everett, M. Northup, Eleanor Holmes Norton, nual animal welfare enforcement report for Eni F.
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