' ' 1 " ; ' V .." v , . - - .! .....'; ,.i.:.vo. f i .""; J ;,,.t j.v .1-- '' " 1975 16, 1354 ; PRICE AF. 6 VOL- - XIV. NO. 38 KABUL,' TUESDAY,, MAY 6, (SAUR S.H.) 80,000 TONS CHEMICAL Geneva: " ;.; ; Soviet film week FERTILISER TO BE Waldheim warns against nuclear race begins at Kabul ' GENEVA, May 9, (Renter). ; lew states The United States, j more countries had launched nuc-Unit- " ! Nations Secretarv-Genera- l the Soviet Unioir and Britain are lear power programmes, Mrs. Nendari v DISTRIBUTED IN 1354 Kurt ' Waldheim, warned yester members of the pact' But Trance Thorsson. Under-Secretar- y of .;- -- r, S r.,-..- .'.-- ) .M day that many more countries and Cmnr are not, nor is India a State in the Swedish Foreign Mi- KABUL, Mayff, (Bakhtar). KABUL, May 6, (Bakhtar). In pursuance of would arm themselves with ato nuclear device a year ago and ! nistry, said. With the screening of the movie the policy of the revolutionary state in retard to mic weapons unless the objectives lays the' pact discriminates ag-- . "Significant nuclear installa- depicting scenes 6f the state visit wo- of the 1970 Nuclear alnst non-nucle- states.1 j tions will spread an over the by and Prime Minister agricultural development,' - ensuring; welfare President and - ' Treaty were implemented. " Recent events have demonstra- j rld. The fissionable material pro- Mohammad Daoud to the Soviet of the farming community this , year 80 thousand tons He issued his warning at the ted that the nuclear age leads j duced in reactors can also be Union the Soviet film week be- of chemical fertiliser will be distributed on favourable of inevitably world where j for the manufacture of ex- " start a conference of nearly towards a used gan yesterday here to mark tb ' , Thorsson terms to farmers in the country. ? t 60 countries to review the results Aft increasing number of states ; plosive devices," Mrs. 30th. anniversary efvtle and ef V la accordance with the prog- - Urea is now produced domesti- - so far of the treaty, intended to win have the knowledge and tech- - i said.., '....., the World' War 1L.:. ? ;; .1 J : man-- . ramme prepared by the Ministry cally at Mazare Sharif Plant but' stop nuclear weapons spreading. , nlcal resources necessary to of Agriculture the Afghan Chemi- despite the rising price of diam- Waldheim said more than 9& ufacture nuclear explosives. DAMASCUS, May 6, (AFP). The films were watched at the cal Fertiliser' Company this year onium phosphate fertiliser which states were now parties to the )"Many win also have the raw ! Saudi Oil Minister Sheikh Kabul Nendari by some cabinet will distribute 53.3Q0 tons urea is imported there will be no chan- treaty. It bmsjyicjear ; powers materials and facilities needed j Ahmed Zaki Yamani met Syri- members, uome high ranking civil, ' i here and 26,700 tons of diamonium ge in prices charged for jt. from'passmg atomic . weapons to n( this context, ,, , an President Hafez Assad and military officials, and mem- ' phosphate fertiliser. This is 17,-00- 0 The difference in cost is subsi- other countries, which in turn ple-- "1"The conference should thus j yesterday In what was believed bers of the diplomatic. missions. mediation lrr a ; tons more than the quantity dised by the state , in a bid to dge not to manufacture them proceed in the. clear and evident td be further' The programme was inaugura- - Iraqi-Syria- n over of fertiliser distributed last year. promote welfare of the farmers, with a view to its ultimate accep- realisation that the alternative to j bftter dispute ted with speeches by President .' - gi-- ; Last year the Company and give added impetus to agri- tance by all", YTaldheim said. the implementation of the abj- the use of waters from the of the Cultural Affairs Depart- ' lJ ' Ul buted 63,000 tons ' of chemical cultural productivity. Three of the world's .six nuc--; actives of the ant Enprates river. ment of the Ministry of. informa- fertiliser under very favourable Treaty is a wold whee nuclea Sheikh Yamni,- - who arrived tion and Culture and Deputy Ch- ' 'night, terms to enhance productivity, weapons are ever more plentiful unexpectedly; Sunday ief of Mission of the USSR.. , and to raise farmers' income. King Hussein raps Israel's than they are today and where said later he hoped' for a defi- - ' cont- - The fact that agricultural pro- they are owned by the many and ; nitive settlement. Many " necessary, he ad-- Egypt, Hungary ductivity, including production nit by tne lew. , acts would be -- ot fruits, rose by 3.2 per cent. "secure frontiers policy" .These are sobering featu i ded.' the ' ';" r - Euphrates Dam Mhii-- and that farmers and fruit grow- p XALLAHASSE res of today's situation." 'Syrian Florida, April pons and sophitlcated ' ) aircraft, Ir-- denounce Israeli ers had nigner incomes, to an f Mrs.'Inga Thorsson of Sweden, ster Sobhi Kahate and Iraqi 1 6, (Reuter). King Hussein of tnere are no detensible geogra- : extent is related to this measure, unanimously elected President of rigatiwr Minister Mnkarram Jordan yesterday rejected Isra- phic borders," added the King. of talks a source of the Ministry of Agri- four-wee- conference, said Tatibant had four days el's insistence on secure front- ."PoEBcal. and military strate- the acts against Arabs culture 6aid. ''.v '''';'.f many states had chosen not attended by Sheikh Yamani in iers with its Arab neighbours as gy based on geography are a too The chemical fertiliser that will adhere W the treaty. Delega- Saudi' last week; A cmnrmini-- ! out-date- d tft CAIRO, May , (Tasa).-Eg- ypt an concept ,. thing of the past," he asserted. ' would re--; be distributed this year is now tes, must decide why. ; cue said later' they geo-polit- a He also declared, in a speech "The great science of . a and Hangary emphasised that stocked in 76 warehouses in va- Growing requirements for en- port home in anticipation of Uni- aero-poli- - . just. and datable peace in the to students at Florida State has been replaced by j meeting-- ' rious- provinces, and will be dis- ' ergy made ft understandable that new r versity, that Egypt, Syria and . ; Middle East can be ensured pro- tributed through four hundred tics." ,..:,., Jordan were ready to make pea- The King declared that vided aU Israeli troops ore with- sales outlets, conveniently loca . "the ce 'with Israel if it withdrew be- only defence possible is a peace govt. drawn from the Arab, territories, ed..''Li';,t':?; ';:V'-,- f'v Commonwealth heads of the; legiti- hind its 1967 borders and recog ful neighbour , neighbour occupied in. 1967 and Another one hundred sales and no nised the legitimate rights of the be mate national rights af the Arab outlets are opened this year to is going to peaceful if the Palestinian people. "", border being upon is people of Palestine are ensured. make access to chemical fertiliser insisted on I discuss wide ranging issues If Israel's position is that she the neighbour's land." This lis said in an Egyptian-Hungaria- n easier for the farmers. up- will give up only part of our "No-on- e doubts cou- comaranique published The Ministry of Agriculture is y Israel's , territory because she . believes rage.' .'KINGSTON, (Jaknaica), May Neighbouring Guatemala has on the completion of the visit of endeavouring distri- he asserted, "But she must to streamline and take : she must have borders that she courage 6M (AFP). Commonwealth heads threatened to invade the' Hungarian .Foreign Minister bution operations in a way that have the to make peace.' can defend, reasoning King Eg-- . government yesterday sought over, the country, formerly called FPuja ta Egypt no inconvenience is experienced her seems v The said his country, of to me to be hopelessly wrong, ways guaranteeing the tenitor-- British Honduras, it becomes in- Egypt and Hangary, the com- by those who wish to ' purchase ypt and Syria had all agreed to of King Hussein said. make security Belize should Uiat dependent.., munique stresses, denounce Is- and use chemical fertiliser. peace with Israel ..and jna ial of v'. v"In'these days "bHiucIearwea- - ' longer questioned its right tr Central American British colony .British Premier Harold Wilson raeli acts of aggression against -- any UK gua- exist. " become indepesdent. yesterday rated out the Arab states. The sides . voic- rantee Britain had never . given ed thenoelves for. the need of OPEC to discuss territorial, guarantees .to any of the speediest resumption of the BRUSSELS, May 6, (Reuter) ks colonies, he said, and could Geneva peace conference m order .Italy yesterday lifted its ban U.S. Iraq blames! Syria for not start now. ; to finally settle the Middle on negotiations between the alternative to Pia-dlin- ' Bahamas Premier Lyndon East conflict i Common and several Market t suggested a collective Co- Mediterranean states allowing failure of talks, in Riyadh mmonwealth guarantee or for to sign new dollar next June the community a Britain to raise the matter; in the USSR pFayed res- trade deal with Israel and United Nations Security Council. tart negotiations with ; three KUWAIT, May 6, (Reuter).-A- rab ' BAGHDAD, May 6, (Reuter). told a news conference. oil ministers meeting here constructive role Arab countries. Iraq yesterday blamed Syria for Jn Damascus, Syrian President Canada's Premier Pierre Tru--! at the weekend called for, con- Informed sources said Italic what it described as the failure Hafez yesterday recei-- l deau suggested that something Foreign Minister Mariano tinued consultations towards es- week Oil Afcmed an of talks in Riyadh last to ved Saudi Minister might be done through the orga- in d evacuation, Rumor lifted the . month-ol- tablishing of a special monetary resolve their dispute over distri- Zlki Yamani, who arrived Sn-- ; ' nisation of American states.
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