,.'OURGLASS o4I!<~~!!E!!!~G1~----."'-Ii.---<I>~;':~:~~£iJ"~;g(~-~,,,.:~~"?¢4$~".~-----3E~!!!?!2!!!!Z!~-> Vol. 13, No. 28248 HOURGLASS Tuesday, Derembe~ 2, 1975 i: ';,': .' ~'~ * * * * * * * * ;', * '" * ;'; * Russia Accused of '" Kwai Weather * * * * Yesterday * ford Holds Talles With Mao Tse-Tung Co'onizing Africa ~~ ~: WASHINGTON (UPI) -- 'The U.S. ie Hlgh Temp. -- 86° ~': PEKING, (UPI) -- Chairman Mao Tse-Tung, reported looking sur­ Ambassador to the United Nations, "il: Low Temp. -- 77° prisingly fit, hosted President Ford in his forbidden city home Danlel P. MOjmihan, said today the "il:* ,': Ralnfall --.05 today and held nearly two hours of talks officially described as Soviet Union is trying "to colo­ ;': Monthly Total -- .05 ,': "significant and earnest •.• in a friendly atmosphere." nize Africa" and is using military * ,,: The meeting ran one hour and 50 minutes -- an unusually long force where necessary. ;': Tomorrow ,': meetlng for the aillng, 81-year-old Mao and nearly twice the time In a speech to the fourth ,,: * Partly ( )tidy with widely he spent with President Richard M. Nixon durin~ his 1972 visit. nationwide "Pacem In Terris" -­ * scatterc,", showers. 'I: Hours after the event, the Chinese issued a statement approved Peace on Earth -- conference, * ,'.. by the White House whlch said: Moynihan said the Russians already High Tide .,..- 1657 6.1 "After shaking hands with each of the Amerlcan guests, Chairman * -- ,t*.. have been partially successful in * Low Tlde -,.. lQ34 -.,. 0.5 Mao had earnest and slgnificant discusslons with President Ford their effort. :': Sunrlse -- 0649 Sunset -- 1828 * on wide-ranglng lssues in a friendly atmosphere." But he said they are hindered ..': ,,: ,,: :: ;': ,,: ,,: * * * ~.. i: •• There was no elaboration on specific topics discussed, but the by "opposition from another Commu­ * * * * * very length of the meetlng lndicated China wants to maintain strong nist power" and by the fact the and dlplomatically cordial ties wlth Washington in spite of its United States will call attention King Car'os opposltion to U.S.-Soviet detente. to any open military operations. Diplomats said the terms "wide-ranging" and "significant" "At this moment, for example, legins Cltoosing Staff indicated Mao and Ford probably included detente, Korea and the the Soviets in effect have landed MADRID (UP!) -- Th'e powerful problem of U.S. support for the Nationalist government in Taiwan Cuban troops on the southwest Council of the Realm today gave in thelr late afternoon discussion. coast of Africa, even as they are King Juan Carlos the names of Deputy White House Secretary William Greener called the consolidatin~ military facilities three candidates from which he Chlnese statement "a fair descriptlon" of the talks. on the northeast coast of that was to choose a new president of U.S. officlals made clear long ago Ford would not have come to continent," Moynihan said. the Cortes (Parliament), sources Chlna had a vlsit with Mao -- the ultimate diplomatic compliment "It is fair to assume thev close to the government said. Chlna can pay -- not been proMised. mean to colonize Africa." They said an announcement of But the tlmlng of the visit was kept a mystery until the Moynihan said such things as Juan Carlos' choice was imminent Presldent, Mrs. Ford, daughter Susan and Ford's advlsers sped off the Soviet-backed military inter­ and would most likely be Torcuato to Mao's residence in Peking's forbidden city in the afternoon. ventlon in Angola illustrate a FernandeZ-Miranda, a 60-year-old The len~th and cordiality of central fact of detente -- that law professor and right-wing the meetlng seemed to underscore Moscow will step up its ideological politician. China's aim of treatlng Ford Train Hi;ac" struggles even as it seeks to The departure of Carlos Arias personally wlth warmth while avoid nuclear war with the United Navarro as Prlme Minister was scolding the United States for in Netlter'ands States. all but official and a big cabinet its detente policy. GRONINGEN, THE NETHERLANDS overhaul was about to be made, the (UPI) -- Masked gunmen believed sources said. to be Indonesian separatists Kenned, Warns of The president of the Cortes Lisbon Quiets Down seized a train in northeast also heads the Council of the Holland today, took the passen­ New Arms Race Realm. Officials said that once After Rebellion gers hostage and demanded a bus WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Sen. a new Cortes president was sworn LISBON (UPI) -- The govern­ and a plane to go to an unknown Edward M. Kennedy charged today in -- perhaps as soon as Wednes­ ment today officially lifted the destination, authorities said. that President Ford has exercised day -- the formalities of picking four-hour curfew and other A state police aircraft "little leadership" in trying to a Chief of Government could begin. regulations imposed on the Lisbon circling over the train reported halt a potentially-dangerous new The current 16 members of the region because of last week's "a body was seen thrown from the arms race with the Soviet Union. council met in secret for six abortive leftist military train," a spokesman for the town Kennedy said a U.S.-Soviet arms and one half hours Monday night r2bellion. of Beilen, 75 mlles northeast of limitation agreement should be to draw up a candidate list for Limited martlal law was Amsterdam, near where the concluded promptly, rather than Juan Carlos. Officials said they clamped on the capital seven Groningen-to-Amsterdam traln was after the U.S. presidential elec­ expected the acting president of days ago while police conducted stopped. tions next year. the group, Manuel Lora Tamayo, to a manhunt for officers who led the Later a pollce helicopter Speaklng at the fourth "Pacem officially present the list to rebellion. Four more offlcers reported "a second man was tossed in Terris" -- Peace on Earth -­ the King. were picked up today. out of the train," the spokesman conference in Washington, the But sources close to the Socialist Leader Mario Soares said. The report did not indi­ Massachusetts Democrat said the government said this morning, the accused the Communlsts of being cate whether the man was alive. Soviet Union is now deploying a names had already beE'n communi­ impllcated in the uprising. He A state railway company new generation of large missiles cated to Juan Carlos. demanded the party issue a formal spokesman sald the train engineer with multiple warheads and the The Spanish news agency condemnation of the rebels as was wounded by the 'gunmen, who United States is about to start Europa Press distributed what it the price of ltS continuation in also shot at another train. testing a "revolutionary new said was the possitle trio of the coalltlon government. ~They shoot at anything weapon," the Cruise missile. names passed on to the King. "There are two conditlons I moving in the vicinity," the Kennedy noted the two nuclear They were Fernandez Miranda, have put to the Presldent," he Beilen spokesman said. superpowers will start meeting former Labor Minister Licinio de told a local intervlewer. "The He said the latest estimate again Wednesday In an effort to La Fuente and Emilio Lamo de first is that the Communist party by the railway company put the break the deadlock that has stalled Espinosa, president of the solem~ly repudiate the coup of number of passenEers aboard the the Strategic Arms Limitations government-controlled bank union. Nov. 25. The second is that if train at about 120. One passen­ Talks. Monday night, the Council of that party is disposed to parti­ ger escaped and safely reached a He said if no agreemenT can be the Realm wound up at 11:15 pm, clpate in the government it farm, he said. reached on limits for the Cruise its first meetlng under the 11- cannot have two policies, one for "There appear to be five or missile and the Sovlet backfire day-old reign of Juan Carlos,_ inside the government and one for six gunmen," he sald. bomber, there should at least be Inti Financial Report outside it." The gunmen released a child an agreement on the arms limits Soares sald the Communists and two women and gave the women set by Presldent Ford and Soviet DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGES bore a heavy responsibillty for a note for authorities demanding Leader Leonid I. Brezhnev at a bus to Schlpol Airport near Vladivostok summlt last year with 30 Industrlals 843.20 off 13.14 the rebellion despite thelr offlclal denials of being Amsterdam. The spokesman said an understandlng that fUrther 20 Transports - 167.85 off 1.64 lnvolved an d t h at they h ave the note demanded that "at negotlations will follow immediate­ 15 Utilities 83.63 off 0.26 recelve. d a severe d efeat b ecause Schipol an aircraft should be ly. 65 Stocks - 257.72 off 3.18 of its failure. kept re2dy to take them to a "Yet there has been little The Sociallst leader made his destination which they did not leadership [Tom any part of the Volume: 17,930,000 shares, attack in a speclal edltion of mention." administration In seeking real the newspaper Jornal Novo as the A railway company spokesman restraints on the pace of our arms Price of a common share: government pressed forward with said the gunmen apparently were buildup," he sald. Lost forty-seven cents lts campaign to shatter the on the train. Without a prompt agreement, Communist infrastructure in the In the 'lap-ue, a justice Kennedy said, the Salt Treatv Silver $4.13 military, mass media, government ministry spokesman said Minlster negotiations may be totally over­ Gold $139.55 and labor unions. Andreas Van Agt immediately went whelmed by new and complex issues. to the government's crlsis center.
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