July 22, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5343 provides long-term loans to small busi- his exhilarating call of ‘‘The Come- and the park district and give back to nesses that are unable to secure financ- back’’ game, and his word the community the gifts and knowl- ing through conventional channels. ‘‘fandemonium’’ will forever echo in edge accumulated through my About 80 percent of small-business the ears of loyal Bills fans everywhere. lifetime...I teach crochet in the owners who apply for a non-SBA loan Van earned a place on the wall of park district and to youngsters as well get rejected. It is SBA’s 7(a) program fame at Ralph Wilson Stadium and was as tutor science and math in my that gets them the money they need to the first local broadcaster to be hon- church...enriching the lives of succeed. In my district alone, more ored with the Pete Rozelle Radio-Tele- many...it’s what I can do and these than $2 billion in capital has been pro- vision Award from the Pro Football programs help me do it. .’’ vided to small businesses since 1990. Hall of Fame in 2004. Let’s celebrate the Older Americans Not only does 7(a) lending directly I ask my colleagues to join me in re- Act by passing a strong reauthoriza- support American jobs, it also operates membering Van Miller’s place in sports tion bill for millions of people like Pa- at zero cost to taxpayers. We cannot history and to recognize the cultural tricia. let this successful program lapse. At contributions, memories, and joy he f the current rate of lending, this pro- brought to so many western New IRAN gram could be forced to shut down as Yorkers. soon as next week. f (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN asked and was I urge the Speaker to act on this crit- given permission to address the House PULSE OF TEXAS: THOMAS ical issue before the August recess and for 1 minute and to revise and extend DAVIS—HOUSTON, TEXAS make sure that our small businesses her remarks.) thrive. (Mr. POE of Texas asked and was Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, f given permission to address the House we repeatedly hear supporters of this for 1 minute.) weak and dangerous Iran nuclear deal STURGIS 75TH ANNIVERSARY Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, the throw out this false dichotomy: It is ei- (Mr. WALBERG asked and was given President has announced he has ther this deal or war. permission to address the House for 1 reached a nuclear deal with Iran. Some The reality of the situation is this: If minute.) of my Texas constituents have con- Congress does not reject this naive Iran Mr. WALBERG. Mr. Speaker, I rise tacted me because they are worried nuclear deal, then we won’t be faced to recognize the upcoming Sturgis Mo- about this dangerous and irresponsible with the deal or war. We will be faced torcycle Rally, which will be cele- ‘‘deal.’’ with this deal and war. brating its 75th anniversary this year. Thomas Davis of Houston wrote, ‘‘We Why do I say this? Other countries in Each August, freedom-loving bikers, must not finance terrorism or in any the region are going to want what we racers, and motorcycle enthusiasts way support Iran’s gaining nuclear have conceded to Iran, especially be- gather in Sturgis, South Dakota, to weapons.’’ cause we inexplicably agreed to a lift- celebrate this annual event. Thomas is rightfully concerned. ing of the arms embargo and a lifting From the first Black Hills Motor Since Iran will soon receive billions of of the sanctions against the regime’s Classic rally in 1938, Sturgis has ex- dollars, they can continue to sponsor ballistic missile program. panded from a single race to a their terrorist groups worldwide. Also, So what have we guaranteed with weeklong event attended by hundreds the deal legitimizes Iran’s nuclear this unverifiable deal? There is a con- of thousands of people from across the weapon program development in 10 ventional and nuclear arms race al- U.S. and the globe. This year, orga- years. ready set in motion in the region, and nizers are anticipating well over 1 mil- Thomas continues, ‘‘I also urge you Iran will be nuclear in just about a dec- lion people will descend upon the small to disregard the U.N.’s premature ac- ade’s time. town of 6,600. ceptance, as they do not accept some- The only rational decision, Mr. As co-chair of the Congressional Mo- thing for us or authorize spending of Speaker, is to vote against this deal if torcycle Caucus, I want to offer my our funds. If their action does give Iran we truly want to avoid war. best wishes to the attendees of this funds from an account we supplement, f year’s event. We hope for good weather, then defund that account.’’ IMMIGRATION REFORM safety, and another successful week Wise words from citizen Thomas celebrating motorcycles and the free- Davis. Giving the U.N. the first say on (Mr. GALLEGO asked and was given dom to ride. the nuclear deal and not Congress was permission to address the House for 1 f misguided. The U.N. vote of approval minute.) will not intimidate me into voting for Mr. GALLEGO. Mr. Speaker, what HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY this deal. happened in San Francisco was a hor- OF VAN MILLER This deal will make the world less rible tragedy, and my thoughts and (Mr. HIGGINS asked and was given safe, less free, and make Iran a world prayers go out to Kathryn Steinle’s permission to address the House for 1 nuclear weapon power. Isn’t that love- family. minute.) ly. As the authorities in San Francisco Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, I rise to And that is just the way it is. seek justice for Kate, we should not, honor the life and legacy of Van Miller, f however, allow demagogues like Don- the radio voice of the Buffalo Bills, ald Trump to demonize entire commu- who passed away last Friday at the age OLDER AMERICANS ACT nities because of the actions of a single of 87. (Ms. SCHAKOWSKY asked and was person. It is disappointing and alarm- For decades, thousands of Bills fans given permission to address the House ing that the House Republican leader- welcomed Van into their homes. Every for 1 minute.) ship is following Donald Trump’s lead Sunday they muted their televisions so Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Mr. Speaker, on on immigration. that they could watch the game with July 14, the Older Americans Act The bill before the House this week Van giving the play-by-play on the turned 50 years old. My constituent Pa- would withhold funds that are meant radio. He epitomized what it means to tricia, from Chicago, is one of millions to enhance public safety, support com- be a Buffalo Bills fan because he was who rely on the Older Americans Act. munity policing, and assist crime vic- one of us, a native western New York- And here is what she wrote to me: tims, effectively putting our commu- er. ‘‘I suffer from three chronic illnesses. nities at higher risk. Van joined the Bills for the team’s Meals on Wheels allows me to have nu- Mr. Speaker, this is nothing but an inaugural season in 1960, and his voice tritious meals despite a difficult medi- effort to cover for the House Repub- became synonymous with some of the cine regime...while not as active as lican leadership’s failure to bring a most exciting moments in Buffalo I used to be it allows me dignity in comprehensive immigration reform bill sports history. His play-by-play of four these difficult days...it allows me to the floor that would actually fix our consecutive Super Bowl appearances, to volunteer both through my church broken immigration system. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:38 Jul 23, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K22JY7.014 H22JYPT1 smartinez on DSK4TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H5344 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 22, 2015 But like Donald Trump, the House funds from jurisdictions who have Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New Republican leadership seemingly can’t adopted local trust policies will not York. Mr. Speaker, only one of the top help themselves when it comes to make our communities safer or fix our ten exporting countries in the world painting millions of law-abiding and broken immigration system. It will does not have an export-import agency hard-working immigrants as nothing only make it more difficult for local that helps them finance new export but criminals. police to provide public safety to their deals, just one, and that country is the Mr. Speaker, the safety of our com- communities. United States of America. That is be- munities should not be a political Unfortunately, Mr. Speaker, this cause this Congress has failed to do pawn. What the House Republican lead- doesn’t come as a surprise. This is the what every Congress since FDR has ership is doing is irresponsible. Local same Republican-led Congress that done, and that is reauthorize the Ex- law enforcement knows how to keep nearly shut down the Department of port-Import Bank. communities safe. Let them do their Homeland Security, compromising the Today, Mr. Speaker, an American ex- job. safety of our communities. porter is forced to compete against China, South Korea, Germany, France, f I have consistently said that we need to focus on passing comprehensive im- Italy, and Japan with one hand tied be- FAKE OBAMACARE PAYMENTS migration reform, yet time and time hind its back.
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