![The West Coast Directory for 1883-84[-1886-87.]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
THE i "A. c. T." Specialties. MARK YOUR LINEN l And save yourself trouble and annoyance throughout the year. The Name printed below shows but one style from many thousands ; b»ut if it pleases you, send your Name and ask it to be done as Pattern 23. Any Name, Is 6d. Post, 2d extra. Or, on Finished Brass with Polished il. (C. PomsDii. Handle, 2s 8d post free. The Stamping, which is simply done, equals ordinary printing for distinctness. Every Linen Marker is sent in neat box, with pad, ink, and full instruction* for use* BUY ONE ! It Will weU repay itself. The "A.C.T." Popular Brand of Indiarubbep Stamps, For all Commercial Purposes. In any Style and in any Language, Monograms and Initials, 1/ ; Names, 1/6 ; Name and one-line Address, 2/ : two-line, 2/6. Ovals, 3/6, 4/6, and upwards, according to size. All fitted in neat box, with pad, and bottle <tf ink. Post 2d and 3d, Send for Lists. Correspondence receives daily attention^ THE SELF-INKIKG PRESS FOR AMATEUR PRINTERS. Octavo, £2 10/ ; Quarto, £5 ; Foolscap size, £7 10/. Comjlete Outfits, including 8vo. Machine, £3 10/ : £4 10/ ; £5 10/ ; £7 10/ ; dBlO 10/. „ 4to. „ £8 8/; £10 10/; £12 12/ £15 15/. Foolscap Machine, £10 10/; £12 12/; £15 15/ ; £21. Writefor particulars, or if in Glasgow or Edinburgh, do not fail to call and See it CHIEF WHOLESALE DEPOT FOR ALL FAC-SIMILE PRINTING PROCESSES. clostyle, The Cj - 8vo, 21s ; - I 4to, 27s 6d ; - - F'eap, 31s 6d, The Trypograph, - „ 25» ; - „ 35»; ' - „ 45s. Quick Copier, - - ; - - The „ 5s 6d ; | ,^ 7s 6d „ 10s 6d, Copier Sheets (no washing), *---... per dozen, 2s, 4s, 5». PRINT YOUR CORRESPONDENCE with the aid of a TYPE WRITER; Prices, £2, £3 Ss, and upwards. Ill and 113 UNION STREET, GLASGOW, And at 18c George St., Edinburgh. A- C- THOMSON 9 PrOPREETOR. STAND—494, EDINBURGH INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, ^^ TEMPERANCE HOTEL, 33 ARGYLE STREET, WEST BAY, —H H-t- -M- H-l- -1-1- H-l- +-1- H-1- -1-t- -1— The View from this Hotel "is Magnificent. Families frequenting the " Waverley " "will find every Home Comfort. NEIL M'CALLUM. ST BLAME'S HOTEL, KILCHATTAN BAY. (Island of Bute.) THIS New and Commodious Hotel is beautifully situated on the shore of a romantic Bay. Steamers connected with the Caledonian and Glasgow and South-Western Railways touch daily at the Pier. An Excursion Steamer every day to Arran. Brakes go and return thrice daily from Rothesay in con_ nection with the Columba and other Steamers. W. BALLOCH, Proprietoe. ifii w lii w Famifo Brenb, Biscuit, m\h Fastnj Bafter, 13 HIGH ST, & 14 MONTAGUE ST, ROTHESAY. :o- — Hot Pies every Saturday Evening. Marriage and Birthday Cakes made to Order. Confections. MARTIN'S BUTE TEMPERANCE HOTEL, FKONTING THE PIER, Watergate and West Princes St. Copner, Rothesay. We// Aired Beds and Moderate Charges. ALL SORTS OF '^TO LET" TICKETS TO BE HAD AT COe "West Coast 3ourual" X)frice8. WAOTlilER & JEWltLER, -SWART STR&ET:^, MILLPORT, 35^ A.1 IT SO? HE E T, -LA. R O- S. TEIPERAIGE HOTEL, < --ppOE^QSlTE THE PIER, ,; , , ^""' -m: I'LL 'IPO :kt: ROYAL GEORGE HOTEL, ON THE PIER, Wines, Spirits, and Malt Lii^uofS^of %]ie^Best Quality. Xiberal discduut tfor family «ordfe|s. , mm TliESlAFH AND WIST HISIMroCimONIGLE. Has ^ wide citculattoR in and b^ond the County, and possesses over tliirty Agencies, extendiag from Stornoway in the North to Glasgow in the S(m|h. In. SuDiiaeir. tha- TELEGRAPH ia laig«ly purchased' by tourists, many*^^hoiisa|ids o| whlpmipaspi^^nually through Oban AMEE BLACK, PUBLISHER, 83 4a5.GEQBtlE-STREi:T, QfiAN. SOMETH^IMG^ NEW. THE NEW BLEND OF FINEST OLD WHISKIES, "Til 111 or iiiiii," At 19/6 per Gallon, or 3/2 per Bottle, CAN ONLY BE HAD FROM JOHN MACFARLANE, &:E>xiEixrr nsd:ERa:E3:A.3srT, 13 TOWER STREET, & 26 CASTLEHILL ST. EOT BTES i^ Y. FINE OLD ""WH ISK I ES, 14/6' and 17/- per Gallon, 2/6 and 2/10 per Bottle. BASS a'nId' stout, In Bottle, in Splendid Condition, 2/6 per doz. DBA UGHT BEER and STO UT UNEQ TJALLED, L. M I LLOY, lOiioieEii 111 45 MONTiVGUE ST., GLASGOW & AYRSHIRE COAL 30 BISHOP ST., DEPOT, ROTHESAY. Only the Best Lanaekshire and Ayrshire Coal will be supplied, and no effort will be spared to give satisfaction in attending to Orders. The arrival of consignments will be duly advertised, and, where desired, orders supplied direct from the boats at a considerable reduction in price. Orders receive immediate attention. " Licensed Grocer, corner of gallowgate & 1 ar gyle street, rothesay. ryRK Old Established SHOP for the BElST OF EVEllYTIIING in Groceries, Provi- I siONs. Wines, Spiuits MaIt Liqitors, and /Ekated Watkrs. aT'Srm ^^^-^ ^.-^ special VaUies at 2/ and -2/8 per joaud, and an Exceedingly JaL ^^ c::?8U ^"iiie tea at 3/. ' (~^ \/y^ A Specially Very Fine and Mellow-Flavoured. 1 f\ ll 1 S l-C V DAIRY PRODUCE, &c. Orders Promptly Delivered by Fan on both Shores. Established over Twenty "Years. Gliomas Jllitcfiefr auD 8011, L ^ I E. H c. K o J V/INDOW-BLIND & BEDDING MANUFAOTUEERS, 81 VICTORIA STREET, ROTHESAY. Jobbing Carefully and Speedily Attended to. :e)j^ Cargoes contracted for with Builders, Plasterers, Contractors, Farmers, &c. Note. —Supply always in Store. Shipped per Steamer when wanted. JJ. M U N R O , FAMILY GROCER, TEA MERCHANT, & ITALIAN WAREHOUSEMAN, Opposite the Pier. Patronised by tbe Best Fa'TiiH-^s in Bnto< Li.:.T or 1 ,;....,, o.-..^ ^. .,,..... ...,.j ..^..^ ..^.=..--,i u ion r. JOHN C. SHARP. DRAPER, ROTHESAY. ^ ^ DRESS AND MANTLE MASER, 20 liridge Street, Rothesay, Trimmings, Fumisliings, etc., kept in Stock, ROBERT MACFIE, FAMILY GROCER, TEA AND WINE MERCHANT, GEELONG BUILDINGS, 10 ARGYLE STREET, Foot of Ch^pelhiil Ro^d, ROT EC E S A ^. FAMILIES Supplied with British anl Foreign Spirits, Euiiiburgb Ales, Bass' and Allsopp's Pjile Ales, Reid's London, aad Guinness' Dublin Porter, All Orders Promptly I^xecuted. IWI MILLINER, ^ 79 MONTAGUE STREET, ROTHESAY. flowers, Ribbons, Velvets, Buttons, Sta^ys, Feathers, Laces, "Wools, TrliRming^j Scarfs, Collars, Cuffs, Gloye?, Ladies' Uucl§yclothing, etc, TlMPE2ANoT HOTEL FRONTING THE BAY. ISLE OF BUTE BOUQUET, (The Queen of Pertumes) The MYSTERY BOUQUET. HICKS & SON, Established 1826. VICTORIA STREET & GUILDFORD SQUARE, ROTHESAY, Sole Proprietors. Williafn B. Montgomerie, FAMILY BREAD MMMM 4 ill 4 iiifM 4 liHli. CONFECTIONER, etc., 10 Kast ]Jrmces 8trect Jiotljesai). A// Orders Punctually Attended io. Established, 1830. ROTHESAY LIV"ERY POSTING & CARRIAGli-HIRING STABLES, STORE LANE (off Watergate Street), EOTHESAY. MOODIE & WALLACE, Proprietors. Superior Hearse and Mourning Coach —C/iargres Moderate. Orders Panctiially Attended to. iiiiiii iiiiiiii. Tit, Wim, mi Bfifit Htr-clafit, 59 MONTAGUE STREET, ROTHESAY. iiiiif i'iiiii, BLACKSMIT Horse Slioeiiig and General Smith Work OPPOSITE STEAMBOAT PIER. K. N I c1h~o l s o n . rriHIS HOUSE oceupie® a most Convenient Sitnation, comiDanding a Mag- X nificent View of the Entrance to the Kyles of Bute, Ivoch Striven, and surrounding Scenery. The "Lome" Jias been recently Enlarged, and Elegantly Eurnisbed in the most Modern Style. NATIONAL SECURITY S iVV I N a S BANK, 16 HIGH STREET, ROTHESAY, open Daily from 10 till 3 o'clock, and on Saturday Evenings from 7 till 9. City of Glasgow Life Insurance Company. Eoyal Insurance Company. Standard Plate Glass Insurance Tompany. Scottish Lif6 and Accident Insurance Compy. rmril ^TC\"V.t, ,^^t:TT, r-.^er^x^rrrl:, "rotors—. ^ ESTABLISHED — 18SO. -4-M- ++-(-1-1-+ ++++ ++++ I 1 - I 1^;^ ^— Published every SATURDAY Morning, By A. MacEWING & Co., Campbeltown. Contains- Fullest Reports of Local Prominent Events^ MEETINGS, and MISCELLANEOUS NEWS, , LATEST AGBIOULTUBAL MARKETS. — Ge-neral News.— Tlie PUREST, SWEETEST, and MOST BELiGHyEUL STORIES ARTICLES ON GENERAL OR local SulDJects of Interest. GOSSIP OF THE WEEK, &> c, 6^ a )o( If you want a Paper tbat lias iu it all the News of the District —Something to Amuse and Entertain^ as well as Instruct —The Best and Most Thrilling Stcries—and a variety of interestiiLg and aBd diverting matter—SUBSCRIBE FOR -o~THE "ARGYLLSHIRE HERALD."-o-= Terms of Subscription :- "Quarterly, - Is Id ; Stamped, l8 7|d. - Half- Yearly. 2s iJd ; 3s 3d. - - Yearly, 4s 4d ; „ 6s 6d. Adv.ertisers should see that their AdvertiaemeMis appear in the "Argyll^ r^Jiire Herald^'' the most hiJLuential advertising medmm bi the district. BOOTMAKER, 55 VICTOHIA STREET, ROTHESAY. i^I^HOMPSON'S Goods admittedly combine Eas-e with Elesanck, X Lightness with Durability, and thorough Pr->tectiov from Damp. He attends personally to the Bespoke Trade ;. gets his Lasts made by best Makers ; and in all cases Guarantees a Perfect Fit, irrespective of Peculiar Foot Formation, Every Novelty in the Tmde kept in Stock, or procured on th<3" Shortast Notice. )()(- ^ ^ ^0» .^ BOOT MAKER, 55 VICTORIA STREET, ROTHESAY. THE UNION CLOCK GO'S. WATCH, THE CHEAPEST, THE SIMPLEST, & MOST RELIABLE MACHINE MADE WATCH EVER PRODUCED. Spring f atk, ^icktl Case, antj €nnmtlh^ fiat HORIZONTAL M0A^EM£:NT. Sold Every^where. Only 10s, . 1011 iieiiii«ify BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, LIBRARIAN, & NEWSAGENT, POST OfH€E, lOTHlSlf (:o:) All the Leading PaBLICATIONSon Hand. BOOKBINDING iu all its Branches. A Magnifltent Variety o£ WHITEWOOD GOODS with Local Views Splendid Selection o£ PHOTOGEAPHS of Scottish Scenery. Morning and Evening Papeis Delivered on Arrival of Steamers. H E ATO N'S OF SCOTCH WHISKY. Mild and Mellow. Unsurpassed in Quality. Public Analyst says its "Pure, Wholesome & Good.'* JAMES HEATON, 7'"viCT0RIA STREET, jR O T ii E S ATSr. R EVO LUTI O N CLOTHES WASHING Rubbing, Scrubbing, and Boiling entirely done away with by Heaton's Improved PATENT STEAM WASHING MACHINE. Strong, Durable, and so Simple and Easy that a Boy or Girl can do a Large Day's Washing in a few Hours, Does not injure the Most Delicate Fabric, and Clothes Washed by this Machine last twice as long as those washed in the ordinary way.
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