f ,.;; .,, "IN MEMORIAM" Today's issue of "Bursts and Duds" is dedicated to the memory of the men of all wars. Brt in particular, to the men of World War II who today rest under the shadow of small white crosses, and stars of Bethlehem, on home soil, in the isles of the Pacific, acros; thf Atlantic and in those unmarked places within the seas. On Memorial Day, May 30, the first after the war, we all will have the opportunity to revere the memory of those who became the -sacrificed, that the cause of democracy might prevail. Under God, the cause of these nations was saved, but at great cost, the live; of young men, who like ourselves willed to live. '(hat price demands greater and better living of all who today share the life the HONORED DEAD would have desired to continue with us. Let us, therefore, on that day, reverently bow our heads in thanksgiving to Al­ mighty God, and in reverence to the memory of all those who died for the cause of the world's freedom today. A. A. Tinklenberg, Lt. Commander, USNR., Chaplain. D731B871946-05-23 PAGE TWO BURSTS and DUDS THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1946 BURSTS and DUDS off in a background of glowing sun­ BIBLES FOR JAPAN Published Semi-Monthly at the sets, we will find only the fulfillment NAVAL .j\MMUNITION DEPOT of .hopes and dreams born in the "Send us Bibles," the Japanese CR/ANE, INDIANA east. Christians are pleading to the world, In the Interest of Navy, Marine, and Civilian Let us, then, keep our mental eyes Personnel, and in compliance with See. turned toward the east, ever bearing now that the nightmare spell of Jap­ Nav. !tr. EXOS: AO (Pub) WBW, bmcd, 28 May, 1946 in mind the old saying, "When the anism has been broken and they can THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1946 sun shines in our faces, the shadows speak. Their appeal is addressed to VOL. 4 NO. 8 are all behind us." America, for it was with American money that the now damaged Japan "ETERNAL VIGILANCE" THE KEY TO SUCCESS Bible House was built in 1933, and coMJANDING OFFICER it was with American dollars that its Cap~ain L. L. Hunter Some people work all their lives, work was supported until, in 1941, the Tokyo Government ,fearful of an EXE(:UTIVE OFFICER grow old, and die without ever get­ influence that gave its people a Commanlder Albert L. Gebelin ting the things they plan to get. They are the self-satisfied ones-­ sense of fellowship with the Christ­ PUBLIC RELATIONS DIRECTOR the fellows who TAKE but never ian world, forbade. Paul F. Ryan GIVE- who never try to do a job Now that the warmakers have fal­ EDITOR just a little bit better than common. len, Tagawa, and other Japanese ''Pere" Turner The world pays willingly for the Christians who, thJ:ough the study of OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER amount and kind of work that we do. the Bible have caught a vision of Pfc. l\il. L. Hilton, USMC If we do a better than ordinary job, universal brotherhood, are striving DEPOT TELEPHONE 2272 she pays us well, but if we do our to make t hat vision real. work carelessly and sloppily, we are Bursta and Duds is a member of SEA­ They have asked for 100,000 ( Ship's Editot ial Association). Republica­ paid in kind. Bibles and 2,500,000 New Testa­ tion of creditfd material prohibited without p~rmission of SEA. Knowing this, some succeed where ments printed in Japanese. The others fail. Artd the reason why Army Command has assured ship­ MENTAL ATTITUDE some do achieve this greater success, ping space for the Bibles, and the and better pay, is because they American Bible Society has under­ Did you Iever stop to think that learned to do their work a little bit taken to supply them, if $600,000 our menta[ attitude either works better than just average or common. ( Continued on Page 3) with us or {lgainst us, but regardless of whether !with or against, it works "Pere" Tur~er all the timr. It is either a strong ally or a d,readful enemy, but each DEPOT DOINGS of us has t'e power to choose which The statue of Commodore Crane, and coffee. Although the affair was it shall be. the Naval officer for whom the De­ in the nature of a farwell for many, If we ar,z content to take things pot is named, has all enjoyed it immensely. as they con!ie, and, not "getting the been moved from its original loca­ • breaks," complain or lose sight of a tion across from · Just received a nice letter from future goal, then our attitude is th e Dispensary Joe DeSobe, the long, lanky, good­ working agiinst us. If, on the _oth.:_r and now faces natured Navy Chief who used to re­ hand, we qegin each day with our th e Administra­ cord so many of the things that faces toward the cradle of the rising tion B u i 1 d i n g. "Happened In Crane," with his cam­ sun; if we ,resolve, come what may, Now, when they era. Joe, who sent his greetings to to meet the day's events with a stout get the 5-inch all his former Depot friends, is now heart, a ha~py smile, and confidence guns in place on located in Chicago, where, according in our ability to reach the mountain the lawn, the De­ to his letter, he has recently met a top, no mat~er what sort of obstacle pot will take on more of the appear­ number of other ex-Craneites, in­ may bar dur paths, then we are ance of a military station. We un­ cluing his former buddy, Bill Brun­ using our J ttitudes as friends and derstand that the guns- one in ton, Han-y Briscoe, Brown, Bal­ helpers. I front of the Ad. Bldg., and the oth@r hatchet, and others who were once well known here. It takes J lot of nerve, sometimes, on the base where the statue former­ to face thJ east, to keep our eyes ly stood- are to be "set" in the • and our tJioughts centered on the near future. "Bud" South. and ex-Sgt. McCoy eternal dawin of something new and • are mighty busy men these days, great. It i;s far easier to face the Area 5 employees "threw" a swell with phmning a "horse show" in ad­ west, to ~onder and muse over party yesterday for those who are dition to their other activities. The events that are past, but we should leaving the Depot on account of the "Old Sarg" says they intend to make remember t]lat new hopes have never force reduction. The menu consist­ June 30 a "Red-Letter Day" in yet come 011t of the past. There, set ed of "hot dogs," doughnuts, pie Crane's history. THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1946 BURSTS and DUDS !'AGE THREE Bibles For Japan Employees Will Work May Thirty-First (Continued from Page 2) can be raised for the purpose. According to a recent AlNav, De­ Depot officials have approved the pot personnel will work Friday, May solicitation of contributions to this I,, 31, even though the day falls be­ fund here. Several activities, in­ tween the Memorial Day holiday and cluding Ar ea 2, Bldg. 39, Navy Con­ a non-work day. structtion, Accounting, Electric Shop Commanding officers are author­ and Heavy Equipment have already ized to grant leaves with pay if ac­ sent their collections to Bursts and crued, or leave without pay if re­ Duds but the response has not been quested by those who wish to take what it should be and those who May 31 off, providing their absence have not yet given are asked to do so will not hinder regular operations of at once. Surely everyone realizes the station. that there must be mo1·e than an in­ ternational political reorganization Depot To Admit Visitors if we are to have world peace. There must be a spiritual awakening as On Decoration Day well, and this can best be brought During the past week Charles about through the distribution of W orstall and the Grounds' crews Bibles and Testaments. have been clearing and beautifying the 28 cemeteries located within the Depot in preparation for a host of $120,000 Contract Ens. Alice L. Warren Let At Depot expected visito1·s on Decoration Day. As in other years, relatives and Depot Loses More friends of those who sleep in any of . The Johnson, Drake and Piper Capable Officers the cemeteries within the reservation Construction Company of Minne­ will be admitted to the Depot. Ma­ apolis has been awarded a $120,000 Three more popular Depot officers rine guards, on duty at the various contract for the construction of who have been given their discharges gates, will escort them to the cem­ earth barricades and other improve­ on points within recent weeks, are eteries where their loved ones lie. ments at the Depot, according to Ens. Alice L. Warren, of the Indus­ A delegation of Legionnaires from Comdr. J. T. Davis, officer in charge trial Relations Department; Lt. Geo. of construction. the American Legion Post at Crane Hamilton, of the Ordnance Depart­ plans to visit the cemeteries during The contract has been approved ment; and Lt. E. S. Griffith, former the day to place flags and other mili­ by the Bureau of Yards and Docks Naval Barracks education and trans­ tary decorations on the graves of in Washington and work will start as portation officer, who served two war veterans.
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