Archaeology Report Number CB570R v.1.0 Land at Lodge Road, Lingwood, Norwich Grid reference TG 3688 0886 Broadland District Council planning reference 20150754 Norfolk County Council Environment Service reference CNF45639 Programme of Archaeological Mitigatory Work – Phase 1 Evaluation by Trial Trenching 12 to 14 February 2019 Norfolk Historic Environment Record event number ENF145785 OASIS ID: chrisbir1-342785 Prepared for Brineflow Properties & Handling Ltd South Denes Road Great Yarmouth Norfolk NR30 3QD © Chris Birks February 2019 All rights reserved OASIS - Online Access to the Index of Archaeological Investigations Project Programme of Archaeological Mitigatory Work – Phase 1 Evaluation by Trial Trenching at ‘Land at Lodge Road, Lingwood, Norfolk’ Grid reference TG 3688 0886 (centred at) Planning reference Broadland District Council planning reference 20150754 NCC ES reference CNF45639 NHER event ENF145785 OASIS ID chrisbir1-342785 NMS accession Awaited Fieldwork dates 12 to 14 February 2019 Title Report on a Programme of Archaeological Mitigatory Work – Phase 1 Evaluation by Trial Trenching at ‘Land at Lodge Road, Lingwood, Norfolk’ Author(s) Chris Birks, [email protected], 01603-737804/07963-969623 Derivation Initial draft CB570 v.1.0 Origination Date 16 February 2019 Sequence Report CB570R v.1.0 Lingwood Version 1.0 Status Draft copy Reviser(s) n/a Date of revision n/a Summary of n/a Changes Sections revised n/a Circulation NCC ES, Client ( as proof of production, not to be issued elsewhere) Required Action Please respond to author with comments/approval File Name/Location C:\Users\Chris\Desktop\Chris Business\Year 15 Apr2018 to Apr2019\Waiting for ES/Lingwood\Report CB570R v.1.0 Lingwood.docx Approval Required Comments Draft report submitted to NCC ES for consideration and copy provided to Client as proof of production, not to be issued elsewhere. NCC ES – Norfolk County Council Environment Service NHER – Norfolk Historic Environment Record NMS – Norfolk Museums Service OASIS - Online Access to the Index of Archaeological Investigations Disclaimer This document has been prepared for the titled project or named part thereof and should not be relied upon or used for any other project without an independent check being carried out as to its suitability and prior written authority of Chris Birks being obtained. Chris Birks accepts no responsibility or liability for the consequences of this document being used for a purpose other than the purposes for which it was commissioned. Any person/party using or relying on the document for such other purposes agrees and will by such use or reliance be taken to confirm their agreement to indemnify Chris Birks for all loss or damage resulting therefrom. Chris Birks accepts no responsibility or liability for this document to any party other than the person/party by whom it was commissioned. Chris Birks 4 Well Green Row Frettenham Norfolk NR12 7GL t: 01603 737804 m: 07963 969623 e: [email protected] w: www.chrisbirksarchaeology.co.uk Programme of Archaeological Mitigatory Work at ‘Land at Lodge Road, Lingwood, Norfolk’ Prepared for Brineflow Properties and Handling Ltd Report number CB570R v.1.0 Contents Section Page Summary 1 1.0 Introduction 1, 2 2.0 Project Background 2 3.0 Archaeological and Historical Background 2, 3 4.0 Geology and Topography 3 5.0 Trial Trenching Results 3 - 7 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Trench 1 5.3 Trench 2 5.4 Trench 3 6.0 The Finds 7 7.0 Conclusions and Discussion 7, 8 Acknowledgements Bibliography Appendix 1 Context Summary Appendix 2 OASIS Record Figure 1 Site location plan Figure 2 Site plan Figure 3 Trench 1 drawings Figure 2 Trench 2 and 3 drawings Plate 1. General view of Trench 1, looking south Plate 2. Feature [103], looking west Plate 3. Features [105] and [107], looking west Plate 4. General view of Trench 2, looking east Plate 5. General view of Trench 3, looking northwest Programme of Archaeological Mitigatory Work at ‘Land at Lodge Road, Lingwood, Norfolk’ Prepared for Brineflow Properties and Handling Ltd Report number CB570R v.1.0 Summary An Evaluation by Trial Trenching was carried out at ‘Land at Lodge Road, Lingwood, Norfolk’ (Norfolk Historic Environment Record ENF145785) prior to proposed residential and commercial development and to aid decisions regarding further mitigation. The undated possible remains of a ring ditch and a linear feature of possible late-medieval/Post-medieval date that correspond to anomalies recorded during a previous geophysical survey were recorded. 1.0 Introduction 1.1 An Archaeological Evaluation by Trial Trenching as part of a Programme of Archaeological Mitigatory Work at ‘Land at Lodge Road, Lingwood, Norfolk’ (grid reference TG 3688 0886, centred at, Fig. 1) has been requested by the Norfolk County Council Historic Environment Service (reference CNF45639) in association with National Planning Policy Framework, The Department of Communities and Local Government (2012). A phase of evaluation by trial trenching was required to aid decisions regarding further mitigation. Figure 1 Site Location 1 Programme of Archaeological Mitigatory Work at ‘Land at Lodge Road, Lingwood, Norfolk’ Prepared for Brineflow Properties and Handling Ltd Report number CB570R v.1.0 1.1 Archaeological works fully adhered to Standards for Development-led Archaeological Projects in Norfolk (Robertson et al 2018) and all relevant national legislation, standards and guidance. Works were carried out according to Written Scheme of Investigation, CB570 v.1.1, approved by the Norfolk County Council Environment Service in accordance with Standard and guidance for commissioning work or providing consultancy advice on archaeology and the historic environment by the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (2014). 1.2 Report, CB570R v.1.0, describes the results and a copy has been submitted to the Norfolk County Council Environment Service for consideration. 2.0 Project Background 2.1 The Brief states that the proposed development site is located in an area where artefacts of prehistoric Roman and later date have previously been recorded. An archaeological geophysical survey carried out at the proposed development site identified magnetic anomalies probably relating to previously unrecorded archaeological features. A semi-circular anomaly in the central southern part of the site could potentially relate to a prehistoric ring ditch feature with a diameter of c. 25m. Consequently, there is potential for heritage assets with archaeological interest (buried archaeological remains) to be present at the site and for their significance to be affected by the proposed development. 2.2 Planning Permission has been or may be granted subject to a condition for a Programme of Archaeological Mitigation Work. Phase 1 Archaeological Evaluation by Trial Trenching is required to determine the presence/absence, date, extent, state of preservation and significance of any archaeological layers or subsoil archaeological features. This evaluation may indicate a need for a further phase of Archaeological Excavation and/or Works under Archaeological Supervision and Control (also referred to as ‘Archaeological Monitoring’ or ‘Archaeological Watching Brief’) during the development if features of importance are found and these cannot be preserved in situ. 3.0 Archaeological & Historical Background 3.1 Details relating to the archaeological and historical background of the site can be seen in an archaeological desk-based impact assessment carried out by Archaeological Solutions in 2015 (Cussans 2015). It identified that the assessment site is located within an area of moderate archaeological activity with evidence of prehistoric, Roman, Anglo-Saxon, medieval and Post- medieval activity surrounding the site. A possible late Iron Age/Roman rural occupation site has been identified to the south of the railway line; however no direct evidence for archaeological activity beyond arable cultivation has been found within or adjacent to the site. Based on the known archaeological evidence the likelihood for archaeological remains to be present at the site appears to be minimal (Cussans 2015). However, given that finds of prehistoric Roman and later date have been recorded in this area and an archaeological geophysical survey identified magnetic anomalies probably relating to previously unrecorded archaeological features (Blagg-Newsome and Bescoby 2017, ENF141673), there is potential for archaeological remains to survive including a possible prehistoric ring ditch feature. 3.2 A search of entries in the Norfolk Historic Environment Record (NHER) within a study area comprising a 1km radius of the site was received on 12 February 2019 and produced 72 records. A summary of the archaeological and historical background of the site including records within the immediate vicinity of the site is provided in this report. Further details of these and all other entries can be seen at the Historic Environment Record office by prior arrangement. 3.3 Prehistoric finds include those of unspecified prehistoric date (NHER 36647, 36613, 39847, 49869, 60804), Neolithic (NHER 18299, 20246, 20247, 40021, 49800), Bronze Age (NHER 20249, 39625, 49800) and Iron Age (NHER 18299, 20246, 20249, 29175, 29176, 39625, 40674). There is strong evidence for Late Iron Age/Roman settlement and a great many Roman (NHER 17259, 18298, 18299, 18300, 18302, 20246, 20247, 20249, 24348, 29175, 29176, 36647, 37673, 38153, 39625, 39731, 40021, 40674, 49800, 49869, 52738, 56989) finds have
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