Kobe University Repository : Kernel タイトル Index to Chromosome Numbers of Japanese Asteraceae (1911-1996) Title 著者 Watanane, Kuniaki Author(s) 掲載誌・巻号・ページ 日本植物分類学会会報 = Proceedings of the Japan Soceity of Plant Citation Taxonomitsts,12(2):1-64 刊行日 1997-10-10 Issue date 資源タイプ Journal Article / 学術雑誌論文 Resource Type 版区分 publisher Resource Version 権利 Rights DOI JaLCDOI URL http://www.lib.kobe-u.ac.jp/handle_kernel/90003419 PDF issue: 2021-10-07 ISSN 0911-6052 日本植物分類学会会報 Proceedings Proceedings of the Japan Society of Plant Plant Taxonomists 第~ 112 2:lf!i巻第 ~ 2 号(通巻~ (:ii:lf!i64~)64 号) 平成-¥JlIZ91f.'.lon9年10 月 10 lOB日 VoVol.l. 12,12 , No. No.2, 2, October 10,10 , 1997 目次-1.7j)( Kuniaki Kuniaki Watanabe: Index to Chromosome Numbers of Japanese Asteraceae Asteraceae (1911 (1911-1996)・1996) ....・ ............................................................H ・....・ H ・....・ H ・...・ H ・-…・・ H ・H ・....・ H ・....・ H ・.1 1 日本植物分類学会B *~l!Jm7ttl~f? JAPJAPAN AN SOCIETY OF PLANT TTAXONOMISTS AXONOMISTS Index to Chromosome Numbers of Japanese Asteraceae (1911-1996) Edited by Kuniaki Watanabe Proceedings of the Japan Society of Plant Taxonomists Vol. 12 (2) JAPAN SOCIETY OF P'LANTTAXONOM'ISTS Published by Japan Society of Plant Taxonomists Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Chiba University Yayoicho, Inage-ku, Chiba 263, JAPAN All rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission from the publisher. ©1997 by J~pan.Soclety of Plant Taxonomist ISSN 0911-6052 iii Contents Introduction 1 Index to chromosome numbers of Japanese Asteraceae 3 Tribe Mutisieae 3 Adenocaulon 3 Ainsliaea 3 Leibnitzia 4 Pertya 4 Tribe Cardueae 4 Atractylodes 4 Carduus 4 Cirsium 4 ~~~ 8 Hemistepta 8 Sa~surea 8 Serratula 9 Synurus 9 Tribe Lactuceae 10 Centaurea 10 Crepidiastrum 10 Crepis 11 Hieracium 11 Hololeion 11 Hypochaeris 11 lxeris 11 Lactuca 13 Lapsana 14 Leontodon 14 Paraixeris 14 Picris 14 Prenanthes 14 Scorzonera 14 Sonchus 15 Taraxacum 15 Youngia 18 Tribe Vemonieae 18 Elephantop~ 18 Vernonia 18 Tribe Inuleae 18 Blumea 18 Carpesium 18 lnula . 19 Tribe Plucheeae 19 Pluchea 19 Tribe Gnaphalieae 19. Anaphalis 19 Antennaria 20 Gnaphalium 20 Leontopodium 20 Tribe Astereae 21 Aster 21 Conyza 26 Dichrocephala 26 Erigeron 26 Lagenophora . 27. iv Myriactis 27 Rhynchospermum 27 Solidago 27 Tribe Anthemideae , 28 - Achillea 28 Anthemis 28 Artemisia 28 Centipeda 31 Crossostephium 31 Dendranthema 32 Leucanthemella 36 Matricaria 36 Nipponanthemum 36 Soliva 37 Tanacetum 37 Tribe Senecioneae 37 Arnica 37 Crassocephalum 37 Dendrocacalia 37 Emilia 38 Erechtites 38 Farfugium 38 Gynura 38 Ligularia 38 Miricacalia 39 Paracenecio 39 Petasites 40 Senecio 41 Syneilesis 42 Tribe Heliantheae 42 Ambrosia 42 Bidens 42 Coreopsis 42- Eclipta 43 Gaillardia 43 Galinsoga 43 Glossocardia 43 Guizotia 43 Helianthus 43 Parthenium 43 Rudbeckia 43 Siegesbeckia 43 Spilanthes 44 Synedrella 44 Tridax 44 Verbesina 44 Wedelia 44' Xanthium 44 Zinnia 44 Tribe Helenieae 44 Tagetes 44 Tribe Eupatorieae 4S Adenostemma 4S Ageratum 4S Eupatoriummes 4S References 47 Index to Botanical Names S9 Index to Chromosome Numbers of Japanese Asteraceae (1911-1996) Kuniaki Watanabe * *Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kobe University, Kobe 657, Japan Introduction In a recent census of Japanese vascular plants, 429 native including some naturalized species of Asteraceae (Compositae) were enumerated under 95 genera (lwatsuki et al. 1995). Of them, Diaspananthus Miq., Breea Less. and Stenactis Casso are included in Ainsliaea DC., Cirsium L. and Erigeron L., respectively, after Bremer(1994) in this index. The auther names for the tribes Inuleae, Plucheeae, Gnaphalieae, Helenieae and Eupatorieae and the genera Circium, Coreopsis, Galinsoga and Synedrella also follow Bremer (1994). This index contains two introduced genera, Centaurea and Zinnia, 18 species (two native and 16 naturalized) and one inter-specific hybrid in addition to those enumerated in Iwatsuki et al. 1995. The tribal classification and circumscription, and the presentation order of the tribe follow Bremer (1994). The number of genera and species examiried is given in Table 1~ Genera and species in each tribe are arranged in alphabetical order. The main table shows the year of publication of tribes and genera, the number of genera examined and the number of Japanese genera within each tribe, the number of species examined and the number of Japanese species within each genus, basic chromosome number for each tribe and genus, correct name of taxa, chromosome number, locality (Prefecture) of the specimen examined and references. The number of indi­ viduals examined is given in parenthesis after chromosome number. When the locality has not given in the original reference, its column is vacant. This index does not include chromosome counts for artificial hybrids. Chromosome number cited as nand 2n represent the gametic chromosome number recorded in meiosis and the somatic chromosome number in mitosis, re­ spectively. Ploidy level was estimated based on the abnormalities and ·size of pollen grains on herbarium specimens. Some botanical names used in the original reports have been changed and then all follow Iwatsuki et al. (1995). For dubious chromosome counts, question mark is given in parenthesis. Chromosome number survey on Japanese Asteraceae started in 1911 by Ishikawa and Tahara. Until the end of 1996 chromosome number of 379 species (84.8%) of 85 genera (90.4%) were determined by 356 references. Particularly three major schools, Tahara and his coworkers at Tohoku University, Ono and his coworkers at Tokyo Metropolitan University, and Shimotomai, Tanaka and their coworkers at Hiroshima University, have made a great 2 Proc. Jap. Soc. PI. Tax. Vol. 12(2) contribution on this progress. Chromosome number varies from n=4 (2n=8) in Crepis gymnopus and C. hokkaidoensis to n=60 (2n=120) in Parasenecio auriculata. Out of 379 Japanese Asteraceae species whose chromosome numbers are known, 77 species (20.4%) are polyploid and additional 37 species (9.8%) include polyploid as well as diploid within species. The highest ploidy level is a decaploid found in Dendranthema crassum, D. pacificum and D. yezoense (2n=10, x=90). Aneuploidy has been found in 20 species of 7 genera: i. e., Artemisia, Aster, Circium, Crepidiastrum, Dendranthema, Eupatorium and Parasenecio. Dysploidy has been found in Artemisia (x=8 & 9), Coreopsis (x=12 & 13), Ixeris (x=7 & 8), Lapsana (x=8 & 22), Parasenecio (x=26, 29 & 30) and Pertya (x=13 & 14). Both the frequencies of aneuploidy and dysploidy, however, are very low in the Japanese Asteraceae. B chromosomes have been found in 18 species under 9 genera: i. e., Anapha/is, Artemisia, Aster, Carpesium, Dendranthema, Gnaphalium, Petasites, Sausurrea and Taraxacum. Serious disagreements between reports have been revealed in Adenocaulon himalaica (2n=46 & 48), Carpesium abrotanoides (2n=36 & 40), Pertya (2n=24, 26 & 28), Carduus crisp us (2n=38 & 40), Ligularia angusta (2n=58 & 60), Ligularia hodgsonii (2n=58 & .60), Ligularia stenocephala (2n=58 &60), Miricacalia makineana (2n=52& 54), Petasites japonicum (2n=58, 60 & 87), Senecio flammeus (2n=46 & 48) and Senecio nikoensis (2n=10, 40 & 48). Further examination is needed for these species. These are not counted as aneuploidy or dysploidy in this index. Agamosperrny have been found in the genera Eupatorium, /xeris, Erigeron and Taraxacum. Systematic position of the genus Centipeda (x=lO) in the tribe Anthemideae (x=9) may not be correct from the stand point of basic chromosome number. Table 1. Summary of survey for chromosome number of Ja.Qanese Asteraceae. number of examined genera number of examined species polyploidy/dysploidy Tribes Lnumber of Ja12anese genera Lnumber of Ja12anese s12ecies or aneu12loid~ Mutisieae 4/4 16/17 -/+ Cardueae 8/8 81/100 +/+ Lactuceae 15/17 58/68 +/+ Vemonieae 2/2 2/4 -/- Inuleae 3/3 14/17 +/+ Plucheeae 1/1 2/2 -/- Gnaphalieae 4/4 14/15 +/- Astereae 7/8 55/59 +/+ Anthemideae 11/11 55/62 +/+ Senecioneae 13/13 47/52 +/+ Heliantheae 13/19 21/36 +/+ Helenieae 1/1 1/2 +/- EUI!atorieae 313 1303 +l+ Total 85194 379L447 October 10, 1997 3 Index to chromosome numbers of Japanese Asteraceae *: year of publication. **: number of genera examined Inumber of Japanese genera ***: number of species examined Inumber of japanese species. ****: basic chromosome number ** **** Yutisjeae Lagasca (J *811, 414. x=13. 14. 23. 24) *** ****n 2n Locali ty(Prefecture) . Reference Adenocaulon Hook. (1829.* 111. x=24) himalaicum Edgew .. - 20(1) Arano 1960 - 38(1) Saitama Arano 1962b - 46(1) Arano 1965 - 48 Kyoto Koyama 1966 - 46(1) Hyogo Ituziwara 1968 - 48 Hokkaido Nishikawa 1984 - 48 Hokkaido Nishikawa & I. 1992 Ainsliaea DC. 0838. 9/9. x=13) acerifolia Sch. Bip. - 24(1) Saitama Arano 1957a 13 26 Chiba Arano 1963a 13 26 Chiba Yamanashi Arano & N. 1968 - 26 Saitama Arano 1970a apiculata Sch. Bip. - 24(1) Saitama Arano 1957a - 26 Tokyo Arano 1963a. 1965 - 26 Tokyo Arano 1968. 1970a - 26 Tokyo Arano & N. 1968 - 26 Yakushima I~ Kagoshima Watanabe et al. 1992 cordifolia Franch. et Say. - 16(1). 24(1) Chiba Arano 1957a - 26 Chiba Arano 1968 - 26 Shizuoka Arano & N. 1968 dissecta Franch. et Say. 13 26 Shizuoka Arano 1963a. 1968 13 26 Shizuoka Arano & N. 1968 faurieana BeauYerd - 26 Yakushima Is. Kagoshima Watanabe et al. 1992 fragrans Champ. 13 26 Wakayama Arano 1963a 13 26 Wakayama Arano &. N. 1968 macroclinidioides Hayata - 26 Okinawa lIiyagi 1971 oblonga Koidz. - 26 Okinawa Yiyagi 1971 uniflora Sch. Bip. 13 26 Kochi Arano 1963a. 1965. 1968 13 26 Kochi Arano &. N. 1968 4 Proc. Jap. Soc. PI. Tax. Vol. 12(2) Leibnitzia Cass. 0822. 111. x=23) anandria (L.) Turcz. - 46 Hokkaido Ifatsuura "s. 1935 - 46 Saitama Arano 1964a - 46 Hokkaido Nishikawa 1984 - 46 Hokkaido Nishikawa " I. 1992 Pertya Sch. Bip.(1862. 5 /6. x=13. 14) glabrescens Sch. Dip. - 24(1) Sait8IJa Arano -1957a - 28(1) Tokyo Arano & N.
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