THE STATES AND LOCALITIES February 2017 America’s urban centers face a new era of uncertainty. GOV02_covers.indd 5 1/17/17 3:23 PM Only18 % of surveyed legislators currently sit on a committee with cybersecurity as part of its mandate. Download the Cybersecurity Policy Guide at: governing.com/cyberguide Produced by: __________Designer __________Creative Dir. 100 Blue Ravine Road Folsom, CA 95630 916-932-1300 __________Editorial __________Prepress www.erepublic.com CMY grey T1 T2 T3 5 25 50 75 95 100 5 25 50 75 95 100 5 25 50 75 95 100 5 25 50 75 95 100 Page # __________Other ____________OK to go BLACK YELLOW MAGENTA CYAN VOL. 30, NO. 5 02.2017 New York City is attempting to eliminate its traffi c fatalities. STATE OF THE CITIES 38 COUNTING DOWN TO ZERO Can cities end pedestrian deaths? By Daniel C. Vock 26 THE URBAN OPPOSITION Big-city mayors have a lot to lose by confronting the 44 A LITTLE LEARNING new Republican government in Washington. Many Universal pre-kindergarten is widely admired. But of them are planning to do it anyway. it’s hard to fi nd—and even harder to fund. By Alan Greenblatt By Mattie Quinn 32 A THOUSAND CUTS SPECIAL SECTION In much of the country, state help to localities has been slashed. That won’t change anytime soon. WOMEN IN GOVERNMENT Profi les of the 25 newest members of the PHOTO BY DAVID KIDD PHOTO BY DAVID COVER IMAGE: SHUTTERSTOCK.COM By Mike Maciag and J.B. Wogan Governing Institute's leadership program for women in the public sector. See page 48. February 2017 | GOVERNING 1 GOV02_01.indd 1 1/17/17 3:31 PM __________Designer __________Creative Dir. 100 Blue Ravine Road Folsom, CA 95630 916-932-1300 __________Editorial __________Prepress www.erepublic.com CMY grey T1 T2 T3 5 25 50 75 95 100 5 25 50 75 95 100 5 25 50 75 95 100 5 25 50 75 95 100 Page # __________Other ____________OK to go BLACK YELLOW MAGENTA CYAN DEPARTMENTS 4 Publisher’s Desk 22 6 Letters OBSERVER 9 The Scott Pruitt Backlash The former AG is about to get a dose of his own medicine. 10 Prison Reform Politics What sort of stance will the new administration take? 12 Home from the Capitol CARBON VISUALS (WWW.REALWORLDVISUALS.COM) Several legislators are quitting to spend more time with family. PROBLEM SOLVER POLITICS + POLICY 58 Behind the Numbers 14 Assessments Transit systems need to fi nd ways to speed up the People want to engage in journey to work. commerce outside again. 60 Smart Management 18 Potomac Chronicle States are fi nding serious lapses in safety inspections. New politics will bring a APIMAGES.COM rethinking of LBJ’s Great Society. 61 Better Government “Political will” sometimes means being ready to lose 25 19 Politics Watch an election. Should it? Will Trump’s success tempt other celebrities to seek offi ce? 62 Tech Talk New Mexico combined analytics and behavioral 20 Health theory to reduce errors in unemployment benefi ts. It’s unclear if expanding Medicaid makes people healthier. 64 Public Money The benefi ts of sharing services may not appear on 22 Green Government the bottom line. Illustrating climate data can make it more accessible. 66 Last Look A salt shed becomes an architectural draw. 24 Economic Engines Five inexpensive urban fi xes for unpredictable times. 25 Urban Notebook Sun Belt metro areas look for a low-cost solution to congestion. FLICKR/DONNA LASATER 2 GOVERNING | February 2017 64 GOV02_02.indd 2 1/13/17 3:23 PM __________Designer __________Creative Dir. 100 Blue Ravine Road Folsom, CA 95630 916-932-1300 __________Editorial __________Prepress www.erepublic.com CMY grey T1 T2 T3 5 25 50 75 95 100 5 25 50 75 95 100 5 25 50 75 95 100 5 25 50 75 95 100 Page # __________Other ____________OK to go BLACK YELLOW MAGENTA CYAN Key lessons from the cities that learned them: Behavioral Science Philadelphia Human-Centered Design (Participating cities in the Embedding a Culture of Innovation cohort of the City Accelerator) Louisville Public Entrepreneurship Nashville Your friendlyy neighborhood public agency Jane Q. Citizen Your Town, USA Hand written addresses on big envelopes and other fi eld-tested ideas worth stealing. www.governing.com/cityacceleratorGet them now at A special initiative of: Presented by: Supported by: The City Accelerator is an initiative to speed the adoption of local government innovations to improve cities and the lives of their low-income residents. GOV16 AD Accelerator Envelope.indd 18 100 Blue Ravine Road Folsom, CA 95630 916-932-1300 10/17/16 9:18 AM www.erepublic.com 5 25 50 75 95 100 CMY grey T1 T2 T3 5 25 50 75 95 100 BLACK 5 25 50 75 95 100 __________Designer __________Creative Dir. 5 25 50 75 95 100 YELLOW __________Editorial __________Prepress MAGENTA Page # __________Other ____________OK to go CYAN PUBLISHER’S DESK Publisher Mark Funkhouser Executive Editor Zach Patton Managing Editor Elizabeth Daigneau Senior Editors Alan Ehrenhalt, John Martin Women and Power Chief Copy Editor Miriam Jones Copy Editor Lauren Harrison y wife used to be a doula and childbirth educator. In Staff Writers Liz Farmer, Alan Greenblatt, Mattie Quinn, her classes, she would begin by asking the women Daniel C. Vock, J.B. Wogan to describe a previous birthing experience. Most of Correspondent John Buntin Contributing Editor Penelope Lemov the ones they described were negative, thanks to bad M Columnists Katherine Barrett & Richard Greene, Scott Beyer, interactions with doctors or hospitals. As the women told their William Fulton, Mark Funkhouser, Peter A. Harkness, stories, they began to see that personal experiences they had Donald F. Kettl, Justin Marlowe, Alex Marshall, Tod Newcombe, thought were unique were actually common. They were engaged Aaron M. Renn, Frank Shafroth in what feminists in the 1960s and 1970s called “consciousness raising.” They were discovering that the personal is political. Senior Editor, Governing.com Caroline Cournoyer The deep connections between personal experience and larger Data Editor, Governing.com Mike Maciag social structures have real consequences when you consider that Chief Content Offi cer Paul W. Taylor women are greatly underrepresented in our political leadership. Institutional sexism is embedded in our culture and politics. Chief Design Offi cer Kelly Martinelli Gender balance isn’t about optics or symbolism or even simple Design Director & Photo Editor David Kidd fairness. It is about the exercise of Graphic Designer Kimi Rinchak power on the lives of individuals. Production Director Stephan Widmaier Increasing the number of Founder & Publisher Emeritus Peter A. Harkness women holding state and local elected office is the goal of the Advertising 202-862-8802 Governing Institute’s Women in Associate Publishers Jennifer DeSilva, Paige Helling Government Leadership Program, Director of Business Development Noel Hollis which launched three years ago. Offi ce Manager Alina Grant Marketing/Classifi ed [email protected] Each year the institute chooses 25 elected offi cials to participate in a e.Republic Inc. year of leadership development. CEO Dennis McKenna Membership is not meant to be President Cathilea Robinett merely an award or recognition. Executive VP Alan Cox CFO Paul Harney Mark Funkhouser, Publisher In selecting individuals for our CAO Lisa Harney program we consider performance, leadership, integrity, commitment to public service and concern Reprint Information about the role of women in government. The program’s class of Reprints of all articles in this issue and past issues are available 2017 brings to 75 the membership of this network of people com- (500 minimum). Please direct inquiries for reprints and licensing to Wright’s Media: 877-652-5295, [email protected] mitted to “paying it forward” by working to help other women win elected offi ce. Subscription/Circulation Service The academic adviser for the program is Kelly Dittmar, an as- Eenie Yang [email protected] sistant professor at Rutgers University and scholar at the Eagleton www.governing.com/subscribe Institute’s Center for American Women and Politics. As she Governing (ISSN 0894-3842) is published monthly by e.Republic Inc., with offi ces reports, research shows that women in leadership positions pri- at 1100 Connecticut Ave. N.W., Suite 1300, Washington, D.C. 20036 and at 100 Blue oritize diff erent issues than men do, particularly those that involve Ravine Road, Folsom, CA 95630. Telephone: 202-862-8802. Fax: 202-862-0032. Email: [email protected]. Periodical postage paid in Washington, D.C., and children and families. They take a more collaborative approach at additional mailing offi ces. Copyright 2017 e.Republic Inc. All rights reserved. to leadership and a more bipartisan approach to governing, and Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher is prohibited. Governing, Governing.com and City & State are registered trademarks they often are the public offi cials most accessible to marginalized of e.Republic Inc.; unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. Postmaster: Send address or underrepresented populations. changes to Governing, 100 Blue Ravine Road, Folsom, CA, 95630. Subscribers: “The conversations really are diff erent when women are at the Enclose mailing label from past issue. Allow six weeks. Member: BPA International. Made in the U.S.A. table,” says Betty Yee, California’s state controller and one of the members of this year’s Women in Government Leadership class. By helping us to identify outstanding women to include in our ongoing program, you can help to change the conversation. To nominate an individual, please visit governing.com/womeningov. 4 GOVERNING | February 2017 GOV02_04.indd 4 1/17/17 3:34 PM __________Designer __________Creative Dir. 100 Blue Ravine Road Folsom, CA 95630 916-932-1300 __________Editorial __________Prepress www.erepublic.com CMY grey T1 T2 T3 5 25 50 75 95 100 5 25 50 75 95 100 5 25 50 75 95 100 5 25 50 75 95 100 Page # __________Other ____________OK to go BLACK YELLOW MAGENTA CYAN __________Designer __________Creative Dir.
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