997 TOPOGRAPHICAL INDEX EUROPE Penberthy Croft, St. Hilary: carminite, beudantite, 431 Iceland (fsland) Pengenna (Trewethen) mine, St. Kew: Bondolfur, East Iceland: pitchsbone, beudantite, carminite, mimetite, sco- oligoclase, 587 rodite, 432 Sellatur, East Iceland: pitchs~one, anor- Redruth: danalite, 921 thoclase, 587 Roscommon Cliff, St. Just-in-Peuwith: Skruthur, East Iceland: pitchstonc, stokesite, 433 anorthoclase, 587 St. Day: cornubite, 1 Thingmuli, East Iceland: andesine, 587 Treburland mine, Altarnun: genthelvite, molybdenite, 921 Faroes (F~eroerne) Treore mine, St. Teath: beudantite, carminite, jamesonite, mimetite, sco- Erionite, chabazite, 343 rodite, stibnite, 431 Tretoil mine, Lanivet: danalite, garnet, Norway (Norge) ilvaite, 921 Gryting, Risor: fergusonite (var. risSrite), Wheal Betsy, Tremore, Lanivet: he]vine, 392 scheelite, 921 Helle, Arendal: fergusonite, 392 Wheal Carpenter, Gwinear: beudantite, Nedends: fergusonite, 392 bayldonite, carminite, 431 ; cornubite, Rullandsdalen, Risor: fergusonite, 392 cornwallite, 1 Wheal Clinton, Mylor, Falmouth: danal- British Isles ire, 921 Wheal Cock, St. Just-in- Penwith : apatite, E~GLA~D i~D WALES bertrandite, herderite, helvine, phena- Adamite, hiibnerite, xliv kite, scheelite, 921 Billingham anhydrite mine, Durham: Wheal Ding (part of Bodmin Wheal aph~hitalite(?), arsenopyrite(?), ep- Mary): blende, he]vine, scheelite, 921 somite, ferric sulphate(?), gypsum, Wheal Gorland, Gwennap: cornubite, l; halite, ilsemannite(?), lepidocrocite, beudantite, carminite, zeunerite, 430 molybdenite(?), pyrite, sulphur, tach- Wheal Muttrell, Gwennap: cornubite, 1 hydrite(?),talc, tamarugite(?), thenar- Wheal Maudlin, Lanlivery: danalite, 921 dite, 172 Wheal Phoenix, Lin]cinhorne: cornub- Blaen-y-Nant, Nant Francon, Caernar- ire, 1 vonshire, North Wales: chlorite, gar- net, pyrosmalite, 242. Cumberland Gunnerton, Northumberland: stevensite, Gold, 420 pcctolite, 218 Caldbeck Fells: gold, lxxxiii Rutland Cavern, Matlock Bath, Derby- Driggith mine, Caldbeclc Fells: beudant- shire: rosasite, lxxvi ite, carminite, cerussite, mimetite, galena, 428 Cornwall Dry Gill, Caldbeck Fells: beudantite, Bodm';n Wheal Mary, Lanivet: alaban- baryte, azurite, olivenite, 428; coro- dine, bornite, helvine, 921 nadite, 343 Eudellivn: bindheimite, 664 Embleton quarry, Cockermouth: alunite, Geevor mine, Pendeen, St. Just-in- dickite, thaumasite, zunyite, 418 ; Penwith: uraninite, 654 thaumasite, lxxvi Levant mine, St. Just-in-Penwith: danal- Grains Gill, Carrock Fell: arsenopyrite, ire, seheelite, 921 beudantite, beaverite, carminite, bayl- New Tolgus shaft, Redruth: axinite, donite, mimetite, 428; gold, 420 danalite, garnet, 921 Higher Roughton Gill, Caldbeck Fells: Old Treburgett mine, St. Teath: beudant- beudantite, beaverite, carminite, ite, carminite, mimetite, scorodite, cerussite, chrysocolla, galena, jarosite, 432 plumbojarosite, 430 998 TOPOGRAPHICAL INDEX Ingray Gill, Caldbeck Fells: beudantite, SCOTLAND carminite, pharmacosiderite, scorod- An Leth Allt, Sgi~rr an Airgid, Ross-shire, ire, 429 fuchsite, 179 Netherrow Brow, Caldbeck Fells: beu- Tormore shore, Arran: andesine, 587 dantite, beaverite, arsen!osiderite, Tyndrum, Perthshire: uraninite, 654 mimetite, arsenopyrite, carminite, mottramite, pharInacosiderite, plum- Argyll bojarosite, scorodite, 429 Potts Gill mine, Caldbeck Fells: cornub- Cnoc Rhaonastil, Islay: dolerites, ]40 ire, 2 ; arsenopyrite, beudantite, Glenmore, Ardnamurchan: arkose & blende, carminite, chalcopyrite, ga- pelite, metamorphism & metasomat- lena, 1611ingite, pharmacosiderite, ism by dolerite, 866 scorodite, 429 Wanthwaite ,nine, St. John-in-the-Vale, Edinburgh Threlkeld: beudantite, carminit~, Dunsapie: 'iddingsite', 823 pharmacosiderite, plumbojarosite, Holyrood Park: pseudomorphs of hemat - seorodite, 430 ire & chlorite after olivine ('iddings- ire'), 324 Devon Harris Bedford United mines, Tavistock: eor- nubite, 2 Bay Steinigie, South Harris: chondrod- Ford mine, South Tawton: scheelite, 921 ite, humite, 910 Meldon aplite quarry, Okehampton: Chiapaval, South Harris: pegmatite with bavenite, 577 muscovite, microcline, columbite, Meldon limestone quarry, Okehampton: monazite, zircon, gahnite, kasolite, scheelite, 921 betafite(?), 373 Ramsley mine, Sticklepath, Okehampton: Lock a' Sgurr, Loch Langevat, South scheelite, lxxviii, 921 Harris: pegmatite with epidote, zir- Red-a-yen Brook mine, Meldon, Oke- con, spessartine, allanite, nraninite, hampton: helvine, 1511ingite, scheelite, thorite, monazite, uranophane, 367 921 Loch Vallarip, Rodilpark, South Harris: pegmatite with zoisite and oligoclase, Nottinghamshire 376 Bulwell: cerussite, galena, wulfenite, Sletteval, Loch Langevat, South Harris: uranifcrous asphaltite, 705 pegmatite with biotite, microcline, Kirkby in Ashfield: malachite, wulfenite, thorite, thorogummite, 367 uraniferoas asphaltite, 705 Limekiln Wood, 2f ewstead: galena, wul- Inverness fenite, 705 Sgurr of Eigg: pitchstone, sanidine, 587 Mansfield: baryte, uraniferous asphalt- Skye: tobermorite, xonotlite, lxvii ire, 705 Echoing Rock, Fir Breugach, The Quir- Papplewiek: cerussite, chalcopyrite, ang, Skye: red thonlsonite ('plinth- galena, malachite, 705 ire'), 455 ; ' red mesolite' (analcime -!- Shirebroo~: uraniferous asphaltite, 705 thomsonite), 457 Portree, Skye: tacharanite, tobermorite, Shropshire xonotlite, mesolite, calcite, saponite, Cwm-mawr: chlorite, 257 thomsonite, 745 Woodgate: chlorite, 251; unidentified The Quirang, Skye: red analcime, red expanding-lattice mineral, 251 thomsonite, & mixtures ('p]inthite'), 455; 'red mesolite' (analcime), 456; Yorkshire 'rock soap' (thomsonite), 458; plinth- Cusworth Park, Doncaster : galena, urani- ite, 455 ferous asphaltite, 705 The Storr, Skye: red analcime (' plinth- Eskdale: p-veatchite, 500 ire'), 455; 'red mesolite' (analcime§ New Eddlington, Doncaster: galena, thomsonite), 457 ; 'rock soap' (thom- uraniferous asphaltite, 705 sonite), 458 Scalby: kaolinite, 902 Uig, Skye: chlorite § 455 ; South Bay, Scarborough: scarbroite, zeolites, 458; analcime, thomsonite, hydroscarbroite, 353 gyrolite, and 'uigite' (thomsonite+ Woodsetts: galena, 705 gyrolite), 340 TOPOGRAPHICAL INDEX 999 Renfrewshire Tievebulliagh, Cushendal: bauxite, bole, Inverkip: wollastonite reaction-skarn, 26 lithomarge, xlvi Port Glasgow: chabazite ('glottalite'), White Mountain: mordenite, 509 421 Wolf Hill, Legoniel: apophyllite, 508 Sutherland Allt a Mhuilinn: epidiorite, 767 Tipperary Bad nah' Achlaise, Ledmore: cromaltite, Knockanroe and Ballygown South mines, 767 Silvermines district: pyrite, marcasite, Lettermore quarry, Loch Loyal: nord- arsenopyrite, blende, galena, baryte, markite, 389 dolomite, cerussit~, anglesite, smith- Loch Bad ham Ban, Lochinver: biotite- sonite, hemimorphite, ehalybite, 136 diorite, 767 Shallee and Gortadyne mines, Silvermines Loch Stac]~: molybdenite in amphibolite, district: pyrrhotine, arsenopyrite, pegmatites, sphene, 344 chalybite, pyrite, blende, chalco- Scourie: dolerite, garnet-plagioclase pyrite, tetrahedrite, gudmundite, amphibolite, hornblende-schist, 848; marcasite, bournonite, boulangerite, amphibole, clinopyroxene, ortho- goethite, sericite, galena, baryte, pyroxene, almandine, andesine, ortho- ankerite, chalcocite, covelline, mala- clase, epidote, 848 chite, azurite, linarite, hemimorphite, Sgor Chaonasaide, Loch Loyal: nord- 128 markite with pegmatite veins, ama- France zonite, magnetite, sphene, allanite, montmorillonite, stilbite, harnmtome, Puyvalador, Qudrigut, Pyrenees: dolo- unidentified rare-earth mineral, 389 mitic marble, tremolite, sepiolite, phlogopite, 412 IRELAND Spain (Espafia) Flush Hall, Newtownards, Co. Down: thaumasite, 416 Pontevedra: bolivarite, 419 Vallecas: sepiolite, 53 Antrim Plinthite, red zeolites (miscalled plinth- Italy (Italia) ire), 455; aragonite, zeolites, calcite, Capo di Bore, Rome: cahnite, 666 apophyllite, chalcedony, garronite, Pantelleria: anorthoclase, 587 505; zeolites, 202 Piano del Lavonchio, Craveggia, Val Baird's Brae, Rouyhfort: calcite, 609 Vigezzo, Piemont: tanteuxenite ('de- Ballyclore: calcite, 609 lorenzite'), 308 Ballycraigy, Lame: dolerite-chalk con- tact, xlvii; vaterite, 535; calcite, 609 Czechoslovakia (~eskoslovensko) Belshaw's quarry, White Mountain: Ctidru~ice, Moravslc~ Bud~jovice: stokes- laumontite, 516 ire, cassiterite, tourmaline, 673 Bengore Head: calcite, 609 ; thomsonite, Zettlitz: kaolinite, 38 506 Berk Hill: apophyllite, 508 Black Cave, Islandmagee: mordenite, Yugoslavia (Jugoslavija) 5O9 Grade~nica, Macedonia: kaolin, 39 Carnmoney Hill, Belfast: calcite, zeolites, S]co~aj, Croatia: kaolin, 39 609 Giant's Causeway: heulandite, 506 Glenarm: chabazite (var. herscheli~e), ASIA 513 Heddles Port, Islandmagee: calcite, 609 Ceylon Keady Mountain: calcite, 609 Fergusonite, 392 Kinbane Head: calcite, 609 Rakwana: fergusonite, 392 Langford Lodge borehole: calcite, sapon- ire, zeolites, 526; calcite, 609 India Portadown: calcite, zeolites', 609 Randalstown: thomsonite, 505 Andhra Pradesh Roughfort: apophyllite, 508 Avagudem: jacobsite, 337 Templepatriek: thomsonite, 505 Devada: jacobsite, 337 1000 TOPOGRAPHICAL INDEX Garbham, Vizagapatam: epimorphs of Kenya pyrolusite over cryptomelane, 169, Kenailmet, Turkana: samarskite, 722 334 Kokusan, Turlcana: samarskite, 722 Garividi: jacobsite and hausmannite Morulcong, Turkana: samarskite, 722 (' vredenburgite'), 337 Kodur: jacobsite, 337 Tanganyika Mautia Hill, Kongwa, Mpwapwa Dis- Bihar trict: kyanite, talc, yoderite, 282 Kadakora, Singhbum: hornblende (green Panda Hill, Mbeya:
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