June 11, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E1105 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- them up in the House, and to all Americans, tion Act (FQPA). As you know, Mr. Speaker, TION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 1999 as a shining example of the best of America's FQPA was unanimously enacted in the 104th businesses. They exemplify the industrious Congress with bipartisan support. By its enact- SPEECH OF spirit, can-do attitude, and community involve- ment, congress intended to ensure the use of HON. FLOYD SPENCE ment that made America great. sound science in federal regulation of pes- OF SOUTH CAROLINA f ticides, replace the ``Delaney Clause'' with a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES unified standard, and institute workable protec- IN HONOR OF DR. XIE XIDE Thursday, May 21, 1998 tions of infants and children. FQPA's enact- ment was hailed, by Republicans and Demo- The House in Committee of the Whole HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH crats alike, as a remarkable bipartisan effort, House on the State of the Union had under OF OHIO after more than a decade of effort. The imple- consideration the bill (H.R. 3616) to authorize IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mentation of FQPAs goal ensures that the appropriations for fiscal year 1999 for mili- proper use of safe pesticides is a critical ele- tary personnel strengths for fiscal year 1999, Thursday, June 11, 1998 and for other purposes: ment in protecting public health and making Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor for a safe, abundant, and affordable supply of Mr. SPENCE. Mr. Chairman, during the col- Dr. Xie Xide for receiving a Doctor of Humane food. Conclusively, FQPA provided the Envi- loquy between Mr. HANSEN and myself during Letters from Cleveland State University. ronmental Protection Agency (EPA) with wide today's consideration of the National Defense Dr. Xide is a distinguished physicist, educa- latitude to adapt its regulatory system to incor- Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1999 a state- tor and internationalist. She has served as porate constantly improving scientific informa- ment was inadvertently made in error. In the Professor and Director of Modern Physics at tion as it becomes available. colloquy, which concerned the development of Fudan University, Adjunct Director of the Unfortunately, Mr. Speaker, EPA's interpre- fiber optic sensor technology in the Navy's Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, and tation of Congressional intent has many in anti-submarine warfare program, I stated that Vice President of the Chinese Physical Soci- production agriculture calling for increased the committee fully funded the Navy's budget ety. She is also a member of the Presidium of oversight of EPA actions. Congress never in- request for the development of fiber optic the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chair tended nor expected FQPA to result in major technology, including $11.3 million to complete of the Twenty-first International Conference of disruptions to U.S. agriculture or other activi- the development of the All Optical Deployable Semiconductor Physics. Dr. Xide has pub- ties which require pest control tools. EPA's ac- System. The reference to the budget request lished seventy-six papers in prestigious inter- tions have also led many to conclude that ``including $11.3 million to complete the devel- national scientific journals. She was inducted EPA was proceeding with unilateral cancella- opment of the All Optical Deployable System'' as a Fellow of the American Physical Society tions of some pesticides which could harm the was incorrect. Accordingly, I would like to clar- and the Third World Academy of Sciences. Dr. production of certain crops on millions of acres ify that the committee has fully funded the Xide was also elected as an honorary member of U.S. crophand. Navy's budget request for anti-submarine war- of the American Academy of Arts and As grower concerns heightened, the Admin- fare research and development and the in- Sciences and the American Physical Society. istration responded with a Memorandum to creased emphasis in that program on the de- In addition, she has also served as both Vice both the EPA and the USDA. The ``Memo'' velopment of fiber optic sensor technology for President and President of Fudan University. outlined four principals which would guide submarine, surface ship, and surveillance sys- Dr. Xide's efforts to foster international dia- EPA and USDA as they work together on tem sonar and other applications. logue have been recognized by twelve univer- FQPA implementation. The four principals are: f sities in Canada, England, Hong Kong, Japan Sound Science in Protecting Public Health: HONORING ROBERTA AND and the United States which have awarded Transparency: Reasonable Transition for Agri- ORVILLE TONSING her honorary degrees. Currently, as Adviser to culture; and Consultation with the Public and Cleveland State University and Director of its Other Agencies. American Studies Center, Dr. Xide promotes While the effort is laudable and has pro- HON. BOB SCHAFFER the international exchange of scholars and OF COLORADO duced new dialogue, Mr. Speaker, it is time, students. She has developed Fundan's once again, for Congress to make its wishes IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES present faculty exchange program with Cleve- Thursday, June 11, 1998 known on this truly historic legislative achieve- land State University's Cleveland-Marshall ment. Consequently, I am introducing a House Mr. BOB SCHAFFER of Colorado. Mr. College of Law. Dr. Xide has made many out- Concurrent Resolution (H. Con. Res.) incor- Speaker, I rise today to honor Orville and Ro- standing contributions to scientific research, porating the goals of the ``Memo'', along with berta Tonsing, owners of Holyoke Cleaners, education and international understanding. other guiding principals. The Resolution is for their business excellence and commitment My fellow colleagues, please join me in con- meant to re-affirm Congress' commitment to a to public service. Holyoke Cleaners has been gratulating Dr. Xide on receiving the Doctor of fair FQPA implementation. Mr. Speaker, I ask operating successfully in Holyoke, Colorado Humane Letters from Cleveland State Univer- for the support of my colleagues and for its for many years, and been a genuine asset to sity. eventual adoption. the community. f In addition to running their business, the f Tonsings have donated many dollars and INTRODUCTION OF A HOUSE CON- countless hours to their community. Roberta CURRENT RESOLUTION FOOD HONORING JOHN CHATWORTHY has served on the City Council since 1985, QUALITY PROTECTION ACT AND CHATWORTHY MOTORS and also lent her time to several town boards (FQPA) including the Variance Board, Cemetery Board, Housing Authority Board, Tree Board HON. RAY LaHOOD HON. BOB SCHAFFER OF COLORADO and Library Board. Orville, too, has been ac- OF ILLINOIS tive, serving on the Holyoke Volunteer Fire IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Department and the Rural Fire Board. In addi- Thursday, June 11, 1998 Thursday, June 11, 1998 tion, Orville also heads up ``BeCause,'' a group of residents helping other residents in Mr. LAHOOD. Mr. Speaker, today I am intro- Mr. BOB SCHAFFER of Colorado. Mr. times of need. ducing a House Concurrent Resolution calling Speaker, Fort Morgan, Colorado is a city rich It is for these reasons I happily rise today to for heightened Congressional oversight over with tradition and history. Set on the plains of honor Orville and Roberta Tonsing, and hold the implementation of the Food Quality Protec- Eastern Colorado, it is a symbol of the West. · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor..
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