This meeting will be taped Please turn off all electronic communication devices and place cell phones on vibrate Ogle County Board Meeting Agenda Tuesday, May 15, 2018 at 5:30 p.m. Ogle County Boardroom - 3rd Floor - Courthouse Call to Order: Roll Call: Invocation & Pledge of Allegiance: Sparrow Presentation: Economic Development - Roger Hopkins - Hopkins Solutions LLC Consent Agenda Items – by Roll Call Vote 1. Approval of April 17, 2018, Ogle County Board Meeting Minutes 2. Accept Monthly Reports – Treasurer, County Clerk & Recorder and Circuit Clerk 3. Appointments - 1. Civic Center Authority Board - Thomas K. Smith - R-2018-0501 2. Byron Museum District - James M Hess - unexpired term - R-2018-0502 4. Resignations - 1. Zoning Board of Appeals (1st Alt) - Mark Hayes - R-2018-0503 5. Vacancies - 1. Mental Health 708 Board - 2 Vacancies 2. Board of Health – 2 vacancies - One applicant must be a dentist 3. 911 ETS Board - 5 Vacancies 4. Byron Museum District - 1 Vacancy 5. Housing Authority Board - 1 Vacancy 6. Civic Center Authority Board - 3 Vacancies 7. Franklin Grove Fire Protection District - 1 Vacancy Application and Resumé deadline – Friday, June 1, 2018, at 4:30 p.m. in the County Clerk’s Office located at 105 S. 5th St – Suite 104, Oregon, IL 6. Ogle County Claims – o Department Claims - April 2018 - $11,950.64 o County Board Payments – $143,491.48 o County Highway Fund – $161,163.52 7. Communications - o Sales Tax for February 2017 was $25,988.98 and $57,453.63 o Sales Tax for February 2018 was $28,675.04 and $57,453.88 o ComEd Vegetation Management - Ogle County o Vegetation Management - Transmission Corridor o 2018 Jail Inspection Report Zoning - #1-18 AM - Webb - O-2018-0501 #1-18AM - Austin W. & Randi R. Webb, 2209 3rd St., Oregon, IL 61061 for an Amendment to the Zoning District to rezone from B-1 Business District to R-2 Single-Family Residence District on property described as follows and owned by the petitioner: The Southerly 46.57 feet of Lot 8; Lots 9 &10; and, the Northerly 38.33 feet of Lot 11, all in Block 21 of the unincorporated village of Daysville, part of the East Half (E1/2) of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) of Section 15 Oregon-Nashua Township 23N, R10E of the 4th P.M., Ogle County, IL - P.I.N.: 16-15-281-012 & 16-15-281-010 - Common Location: 2209 S. 3rd St., Daysville Zoning - #2-18 AM - Glendenning - O-2018-0502 #2-18AM - Michael & Julie Glendenning, Trustees of The Glendenning Family Trust, 732 Heritage Way, Belvidere, IL for an Amendment to the Zoning District to rezone from AG-1 Agricultural District to IA Intermediate Agricultural District on property described as follows, and owned by the petitioner: Part of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) of Section 21 Marion Township 25N, R11E of the 4th P.M., Ogle County, IL, 14.99 acres, more or less. P.I.N.: 05-21-400-014 - Common Location: 5700 Block of McCormick Rd. Public Comment – Reports and Recommendations of Committees – The following committee minutes have been placed on exhibit: Executive o Vacation of Sixth Street o Local Workforce Innovation Area Finance o Ogle County Elected Official's Salaries - O-2018-0503 Long Range Planning: o Long Range Invoice - R-2018-0504 Unfinished and New Business: Chairman Comments: Vice-Chairman Comments: Adjournment: Motion to adjourn until Tuesday, June 19, 2018, at 5:30 p.m. Agenda will be posted at the following locations on Friday after 4:00 p.m.: 105 S. 5th Street, Oregon, IL www.oglecounty.org The monthly Ogle County ETSB was called to order by Chairman R. Mott on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 at 5:00pm. Members Present: T. Carls R. Mott D. Sawlsville S. Sullivan B. VanVickle S. Thomas Members Absent: G. Bennett M. Typer C. Tveit Others present: Brian Symons, Ogle County Telecommunicator There was no public comment. Tower project: Sheriff VanVickle reported Com Ed will install the transformer for the tower on May 7th. Sheriff Van Vickle also reported that two options are available for a temporary generator for the new tower. The first is to use a generator that runs off natural gas and the second is to use the generator off the old tower. New Business: A motion by B Van Vickle and seconded by S. Thomas to pay the proposed bills. The motion carried on a voice vote with no opposition. Other Business: S. Sullivan reported that customers using DNA Communications, a VOIP service provider, in Ogle county have been unable to call 911 for the past week. The customers have not had phone service of any kind. When contacted, representatives from DNA said 911 was working. However, Rochelle dispatch tested 911 from someone with DNA and found that they could not call 911. S.Sullivan has been in touch with Glenna from Dekalb Co So. Glenna will file a report with IL Commerce Commission on behalf of 911. Respectfully submitted, Brian Symons, Telecommunicator The monthly Ogle County ETSB was called to order by Chairman R. Mott on Wednesday, March 14, 2018 at 5:00pm. Members Present: T. Carls R. Mott D. Sawlsville S. Sullivan C. Tveit M. Typer Members Absent: G. Bennett S. Thomas B. VanVickle Others present: S. Beitel, 9-1-1 Coordinator and Secretary Brian Symons, Ogle County Telecommunicator There was no public comment. S. Beitel introduced Brian Symons to the board. Brian will be learning about the ETSB and the process as he will be attending the April meeting and taking care of the bills as S. Beitel will be out of the country. M. Typer and C. Tveit both stated that they would not be present for the April meeting. S. Beitel will send out an email to see if there will be a quorum present for that meeting. Tower project: S. Beitel reported that Sheriff VanVickle had received a quote from P & H Electric for the generator for the new tower. The total cost is $50,520.00. Sheriff VanVickle stated that when he returns from being out of state, we will discuss this and maybe look at alternatives. Correction to February Bills: S. Beitel informed the board members that on last month’s bills, there was a bill listed for Call One, Inc for $910.00. After the meeting and approval of the bills, it was realized that the bill had already been paid by a credit card payment. The bill was removed. The correct amount for the total bills was $26,527.07. New Business: A motion by C. Tveit and seconded by S. Sullivan to pay the proposed bills. The motion carried on a voice vote with no opposition. M. Typer reported that the committee meetings he attended there was no business affecting this board. Coordinator’s Report: Ogle County ETSB Wednesday, March 14, 2018 page 2 S. Beitel reported that next week is the DeKalb County Hearing in Springfield with the Administrative Law Judge. It is Wednesday, March 21, 2018 to be held at the Illinois Commerce Commission Building. S. Beitel also reported that last week the Sheriff’s Office hosted Powerphone Active Shooter training. S. Beitel worked with the Law Enforcement Mobile Training Unit for our area and the MTU director was able to secure funding for the class for any telecommunicator in MTU #1. The cost of the class is $229.00 per person. Between Ogle County and Rochelle PD 11 people attended. The ETSB paid for refreshments which was less than $100 for both days. This was a very large cost savings for the ETSB plus the convenience of having the class local. Other Business: C. Tveit inquired about the current Liberty Hill Radio tower. He stated he was at a meeting in which someone asked about the tower and made a statement about the tower being owned by the City of Oregon. M. Typer stated to the best of his knowledge the tower is owned by the County and the land is owned by the City of Oregon. S. Sullivan provided the design layout for the new furniture/consoles for the Police Department Communications Center. This project was put on hold several years ago and the current consoles are from the mid 90’s. They will be going to 2 consoles instead of 3 due to the larger size of the Sheriff’s office and that if the county dispatch needs to relocate, they have the mobile command post that will be utilized. S. Sullivan will be contacting the company to begin construction. Motion by D. Sawlsville and seconded by T. Carls for adjournment. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 5:28pm. Respectfully submitted, Sandy Beitel, Secretary Bruce Rauner John Baldwin Governor Acting Director The Illinois Department of Corrections 1 301 Concordia Court, P.O. Box 19277 • Springfield, IL 62794-9277 • (217) 558-2200 TDD: (800) 526-0844 April 26, 2018 Sheriff Brian E. Van Vickle Ogle County Sheriff’s Department 103 Jefferson Street Oregon, Illinois 61061 Laura J. Cook Ogle County Clerk 105 S. 5th Street – Suite 104 Oregon, Illinois 61061 Dear Sheriff Van Vickle and County Clerk Cook: A copy of the recent inspection report for the Ogle County Jail is enclosed. The Illinois Compiled Statutes [730 ILCS 5/3-15-2(b)] mandates the Illinois Department of Corrections to inspect each county jail annually and to make the results of such inspections available for public review. Your offices should make this inspection report available for public review in the records of Ogle County and you are encouraged to give notice to the citizens of your county, by news release or other means, that this inspection report is available for the public’s review.
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