OONOVAN, MARSDEN, STARK 1 C l l Y OI A IJ l t f1 l D l Ii [ ll I l A (i f. S UH V E Y , I ) <l I MALCOLM REID EMPORIUM 187-193 Rundle Street Historically, this building is significant because of its association with the firm of Malcolm Reid and Co, long established merchants of Adelaide. This building underscored the success and expansion of the firm. Malcolm Reid and Co had branches also at Port Adelaide and Broken Hill - thereby exemplifying the economic dominance of Adelaide in the South Australiai:i economy. Other branches were established at Johannesburg and London. The plans for this building for the South Australian Company were approved, 1st March, 1909. Architecturally this range of buildings is strongly related to the adjoining Austral Hotel which is similarly detailed. Tite complete range of buildings occupying a large percentage of two town acres is typical of a substantial '1boom period" terrace with stuccoed Italianate detail to strings, cornices and surrounds to openings. Environmentally this building is significant because it is a strong element in Rundle Street and because it complements the building immed­ iately to the east. The integrity of the building is high. D.M.S. 10/ 11/81 1 1 1 0 1 __~_ _J_~_IT._~-~----~--~_i_~_g_~___.._-~-~-~E-~~!-~_YE_~_~E~ET_-~y1 J~'':~ ~~!'"' _____ ._ c_A~~-s~-E~~~~~-~Yo~!JlNLY A2 CURRENT NAME OF ITEM AJ ADDRESS/ I OCAT ION Of ITEM A4 P. T.A. AB NATIONAL MAP GRID Malcolm Reid Emporium 187-193 Rundle Street 88 CO·OROINATES ·u1 CURfiENT OWNER -iffPRfDOMJN.ANT-usc·-- ·-. Malcolm Reid & Co. Ltd. Emporium A7 PRECINCT ·E1 FORMER NAME(S) OF IT M FORMER OWNER(S) CfTillirJflili"sTisf-----···--- Frame District - East End AB DEVELOPMENT ZONE JI fUSTORICAl THEME(S) GI INVI'N.TORY Economic - Commercial, emporium GRADING ---------------------------····---------- A F7.l I HISTORICAL PEAIOD(S) A9 FlJRTHER VIABILITY _1885-1913 Depression and social change tiITISTING Rf· SfUOY REOUIREO I VERIFIED OATf(SJ __, COMMf.N0£0 1909 - ACC Report Yes --------- -- - --- ------ ·-----· .. ----··-·-----·- EVALUATION COMPONENTS COMMENT r GRAOING-l lllHll.fLY lJl-J3 PERSON/ GROUP Malcolm Reid - leading merchant of Adelaide from ;;~-;,1y-·-+~~- ,- >;;! "l 1 eighties. Built for S .A. Company. I * I EVENT . ------+·j jj CONTEXT une ot the long-lIVecrcommer-ElaT es£abl.IST1m.ents-0t--···--·-- ·--~--- -- __ _:_i Adelaide - an example of the developme~~t-~f_::uch_. __________J__ * ; .DESlr.N I Kl-K6) OE SIGNER William McMinn (to the design thereo * . I i CONTRACTOR ------+---------·--··-----··-·-····· .. STYLE Italianate ·- -···-* ·--=r-.·j I : ufi°ffifN---+-1-m_p_o_r_t_a_n_t_e_x_a_m_p_l._e_o_f__ d_e_t_a_i_l·--i~gof--th.i s type. * --,-1 I I 0 1 ~-o-TN_E_-s-Rr_,-:~:_c-T~l-O--N--~-0-s-_:-~n-:~:-_:-_:-_:-_:-_-_:-_:-_:-_:-_.-_s--t--u~c--c--o--e~d---d--e--t~a--~-l-i~·n-~·-. ·-_-_-_-_--_----_---~---~-~~~-~~~- _---~--_----~~----+-~~-:~-~~~*~jj HFGRITY (ll -L2) AlTERATIONS External alterations are few - ~-;,-~th~--c~~tfiev;~~d---· - -r \""l 1-81 verandah which is compatible. * ! --· -- CONDITION The building appears to be structurai1y sound. * , I N-VtnONMENT fM1-M2) --------~-- - -- STRHTSCAPE/ A feature of Rundle Street - comple~-en-~f-~~- shops ~~-~-a-s;· - ---[-·l a strong e ement in t e street. ·-- . n LANDSCAPE 1 h ·-·-·-····- -·-·+-...--+---+ --+--I '::·· .ANOMARK Though an important and strong element in the streetscape I ' this item * I , ----~--------------·-·--···---···-···----····--···--·-·-·--··--······--- ~---+-~-i--·----j ornrn COMMENT I . _I _J __ _ .I I AGE 01 NATIONAL TRUST 02 NATIONAL ESTATE OJ ;; TA TE fl £B I TAGE 04 OTfif.A 05 lOMHAC LISTING Tl NG ENDORSEMEN r TUS - - - - To: The South Australian Heritage Committee From: Senior Historical Architect Subject: REGISTER NOMINATION REPORT ~ MALCOLM REID EMPORIUM, 187-193 Rundle Street, Adelaide Date: 21 May 1982 Summary This report has been prepared as part of the Heritage Conservation Branch's processing of City of Adelaide items reviewed by the Lord Mayor's Heritage Advisory Committee for possible inclusion on the State Register. This item was recommended by the Lord Mayor's Advisory Committee's consultants and subsequently recommended by the Lord Mayor's Heritage Advisory Committee as well. Historically, the Malcolm Reid Emporium is important because of its association with the compan~, Malcolm Reid & Co., a leading merchant from the 1880 1 s. Branches were established both Interstate and overseas. Architecturally, the Malcolm Reid Emporium is strongly related to the adjoining Austral Hotel which is similarly detailed. The complete row is typical of a substantial "boom pedod 11 commercial terrace with stuccoed Italianate detailing. Environmentally, the Malcolm Reid Emporium is significant as a major element on the Rundle Street East streetscape. It is also architecturally one of the best and largest facades. The Integrity of the Malcolm Reid Emporium is high, although the lower shop front and verandahs have been modernised. The Malcolm Reid building is not on the National Trust or National Estate Registers but has been recommended by the Lord Mayor's Heritage Advisory Committee. Recommendation It is recommended that the Malcolm Reid Emporium, 187-193 Rundle Street, Adelaide, be placed on the Register of STate Heritage Items and be categorized A2, A3, 11'3. ~ .·· 5-:J e~G.~~'Tr-\• , Barry G. Rowney ·,·,,,~ IN:JD 2(1/0 7./:37 LI:::.111.JCi FOR t.. JOMINATION -- TO BE Et"ffEREL· Ill THE INTEF:IM LI:3T I I --1 'i NAME OF PLACE MALCOLM REID EMPORIUM 014414 303001010901 NOMI NATI 0t"·J - TO BE ENTEF:.ED IN THE H~TERIM LI ST LOCATION/BOUNDARIES: 187-195 RUNDLE STREET AND 28-36 YORK STREET, ADELAIDE. TITLE INFORMATION: NOT A'.)A I LABLE f:;TATEMENT OF SI GNI FI CANCE: HI STOF:. I CALLY f:; I GN IF I CANT AS PART OF A COMPLEX OF SHOPS EF:.ECTED IN T(!JO STAGES FOR THE SOUTH AUSTRALIA COMPANY, ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT COMMEF:.CIAL ENTERPRISES IM THE ECONOMIC DEt.)ELOPMENT OF ::;;oUTH AUSTRALIA, AND FOR ITS LONG ASSOCIATION WITH THE ADELAIDE MERCHANTS MALCOLM REID ·~( co. AF.'.CHITECTURALLY SIGNIFICANT BECAUSE THE DEl)ELOPMENT IS UNU::;UALLY L~RGE AND DISTINCTIVE FOR ADELAIDE. THE WHOLE WAS DESIGNED IN OUTLINE BY AN IMPORTANT ADELA I DE AF:CHITECT, L·J MCMINN, l;JHO l;.JAS ALSO RESPm,J:::;I BLE FOF: THE ERECTION OF THE FIRST STAGE. THE FACADE EXHIBITS THE DETAILING TYPICAL OF THE BOOM PERIOD AND IS IMPRESSIVELY DESIGNED AND EXECUTED. THE INTERIOR AND REAR FACADE THOUGH NOT OF PARTICULAR ARCHITECTURAL OUAL I TY ARE UNUSUALLY t... .!ELL PF:.ESEF:. 1..,.tED. THE HOTEL lv-'ERANDAH, OF A LATEF.: DATE, I:;:: AU:;o !,.JELL PRESEF.'.l.)ED, AND AN EXCELLENT EXAMPLE OF ITS UND. THE WHOLE IS AN IMPORTANT ELEMENT OF THE STREETSCAPE. ASSOCIATED PERSONS: DATE OF CONSTRUCT I ON: MCMINN 1,.,1 1883 DES 1 Gt'.. JEF~ DE~:CR I PT I ON: THE WHOLE COMPLEX OF THREE STOREY IS WELL CONSTRUCTED OF SQUARED SAND­ STONE WITH STUCCO STRINGS AND SURROUNDS TO OPENINGS, THE DETAILING IMPF.:E:;:;:;:;p.JELY' CAF:RI ED OUT. THE STYLE REFLECTS McMINN·'::;; APPF:ECIATI OH DF CLASSICAL ELEMENTS IN PARTICULAR SEMI-CIRCl.:JLAR OPENINGS At"·lD ITALIANATE COF:t"~ ICES CONDITION: MALCOLM REID'S WAS SUBSTANTAILLY ALTERED FOR THEM IN 1909, AND THE SANDSTONE HAS BEEN PAINTED. THE SECTION AT THE REAR OF THE STORE HAS BEEN VIRTUALLY REBUILT. ALSO PEDIMENT REMOVED. INTERIOR OF LITTLE INTEREf::T, ALTHOUGH FLOORING SUPPORTED BY CAST I RON COLUn.. JS. 81 BL I OGF:.APHY : CITY OF ADELAIDE HERITAGE STUDY VOL 2 DEPARTMENT OF CITY PLANNING, 1983, pp 1, 82-85. ~c...M ~cos El"'~•uf"'t 6iS 28 .. U S7Cf 5 June 1986] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1493 SOUTH AUSTRALIAN HERITAGE ACT. 1978 Proposal (or the Entr.J' of Items on the Register of State Heritage Items · INTERIM LIST PURSUANT to the provisions of the South Australian Heritage· Act. 1978. I. Don Hopgood. Minister for Environment and Planning and Minister for the time bcmg administering the said Act. hereby give notice that I propose to enter on the Register of State Heritage Items the items described in the schedule hereunder. The items listed in the schedule have been placed on the Interim List in accordance with the provisions of Section IS of the South A�stralian Heri'!l�e A�t. 197�. Exc�pting items owned by the Cr�wn and those within the area· of the Corporation of the City of Adelatde. the remammg Items hsted m The Schedule are now subject to Part V of the Planning· Act, 1982. Items within the Corporation of the City of Adelaide. are subject to the provisions of The City of Adelaide Development Control Act, 1976. r shall consider all written objections to the proposed entry of items on the Register of State Heritage _Items that are received on or before 5 p.m. 7 July. 1986. _ Objections may Qe addressed to the Manager. State Heritage Branch. Box 667. G.P.O. Adelaide ..S. A. 5001 THE S<'HEDULE Name Address Corporation of tbe City of Adelaide South African War Memorial .. North Terrace. Adelaide 5000. Crown land. District Council of Blyth Hoyleton Railway Goods Shed. .. ....... ... Hoyleton 5463. Railway Reserve, Hoyleton. Hundred of Hall, D.P. No. 267. Corporation of the City of Brighton Dwelling-'Townsend House'. King George Avenue, Hove 5048. CT. volume 3932, folio 7, portion of allot­ ments 12 and 13 of section 237. Hundred of Noarlunga. Corporation of the City of Burnside Dwelling-'Woodley House' . 13 Blyth Street, Glen Osmond 5064. CT. volume 4153, folio 681. portion of allotment SA of portion of section 29S. Hun9red of Adelaide. Winery-'Woodley Wines Cnr Blyth and Bagot Streets. Glen Osmond 5064. CT. volume 354S, folio 58.
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