2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™ Group G Player Statistics England - Belgium 0 : 1 ( 0 : 0 ) # 45 28 JUN 2018 20:00 Kaliningrad / Kaliningrad Stadium / RUS Belgium Time played 93'18" 1 Thibaut COURTOIS Goalkeeper 1st half 2nd half Total Team total Team avg * Goal(s) scored 1 Shots 15 Assist(s) 1 Offside(s) 1 Save(s) 1 1 1 Yellow card 2 2Y+R/Red card Foul(s) committed 14 Delivery/solo runs into the attacking third 3/0 3/0 28/6 2.50/0.60 Delivery/solo runs into the penalty area 6/7 0.60/0.70 Tackles gaining/not gaining the ball 2/10 0.20/1.00 Tackles suffered losing/not losing the ball 5/9 0.50/0.90 Clearances completed/attempted 1/1 1/1 2/2 22/24 2.00/2.20 Activities 1st half 2nd half Total Team total Team avg * Total time played (mins) 45'09" 48'09" 93'18" 93'18" Zone 1: 0-7 km/h time spent (%) 91% 95% 93% 66% Zone 2: 7-15 km/h time spent (%) 9% 4% 7% 27% Zone 3: 15-20 km/h time spent (%) 1% 5% Zone 4: 20-25 km/h time spent (%) 2% Zone 5: >25 km/h time spent (%) Distance covered (metres) 2,173 2,101 4,274 106,100 10,183 Zone 1: 0-7 km/h distance covered (meters) 1,461 1,690 3,151 36,265 3,312 Zone 2: 7-15 km/h distance covered (meters) 631 351 982 47,526 4,654 Zone 3: 15-20 km/h distance covered (meters) 66 58 124 14,672 1,454 Zone 4: 20-25 km/h distance covered (meters) 15 2 17 5,752 574 Zone 5: >25 km/h distance covered (meters) 1,885 189 Top speed (km/h) 18.00 11.52 18.00 29.92 27.94 Sprints 1 1 339 34 * Team average does not include goalkeeper FIFA does not vouch for the accuracy of techinical statistics compiled in association with its competition results system partner. THU 28 JUN 2018 23:13 CET / 23:13 Local time - Version 1 Page 1 / 13 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™ Group G Player Statistics England - Belgium 0 : 1 ( 0 : 0 ) # 45 28 JUN 2018 20:00 Kaliningrad / Kaliningrad Stadium / RUS Belgium Time played 74'08" 3 Thomas VERMAELEN Substituted by 4 Vincent KOMPANY Defender 1st half 2nd half Total Team total Team avg * Goal(s) scored 1 Shots 15 Assist(s) 1 Offside(s) 1 Save(s) 1 Yellow card 2 2Y+R/Red card Foul(s) committed 1 1 14 Delivery/solo runs into the attacking third 4/0 2/0 6/0 28/6 2.50/0.60 Delivery/solo runs into the penalty area 6/7 0.60/0.70 Tackles gaining/not gaining the ball 0/1 0/1 2/10 0.20/1.00 Tackles suffered losing/not losing the ball 0/1 0/1 5/9 0.50/0.90 Clearances completed/attempted 1/1 1/1 22/24 2.00/2.20 Activities 1st half 2nd half Total Team total Team avg * Total time played (mins) 45'09" 28'59" 74'08" 93'18" Zone 1: 0-7 km/h time spent (%) 72% 71% 71% 66% Zone 2: 7-15 km/h time spent (%) 22% 22% 22% 27% Zone 3: 15-20 km/h time spent (%) 5% 5% 6% 5% Zone 4: 20-25 km/h time spent (%) 1% 2% 1% 2% Zone 5: >25 km/h time spent (%) Distance covered (metres) 4,441 2,864 7,305 106,100 10,183 Zone 1: 0-7 km/h distance covered (meters) 1,842 1,178 3,020 36,265 3,312 Zone 2: 7-15 km/h distance covered (meters) 1,741 1,127 2,868 47,526 4,654 Zone 3: 15-20 km/h distance covered (meters) 583 375 958 14,672 1,454 Zone 4: 20-25 km/h distance covered (meters) 220 158 378 5,752 574 Zone 5: >25 km/h distance covered (meters) 55 26 81 1,885 189 Top speed (km/h) 29.48 23.22 29.48 29.92 27.94 Sprints 13 10 23 339 34 * Team average does not include goalkeeper FIFA does not vouch for the accuracy of techinical statistics compiled in association with its competition results system partner. THU 28 JUN 2018 23:13 CET / 23:13 Local time - Version 1 Page 2 / 13 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™ Group G Player Statistics England - Belgium 0 : 1 ( 0 : 0 ) # 45 28 JUN 2018 20:00 Kaliningrad / Kaliningrad Stadium / RUS Belgium Time played 93'18" 8 Marouane FELLAINI Midfield 1st half 2nd half Total Team total Team avg * Goal(s) scored 1 Shots 1 1 2 15 Assist(s) 1 Offside(s) 1 Save(s) 1 Yellow card 2 2Y+R/Red card Foul(s) committed 2 2 4 14 Delivery/solo runs into the attacking third 1/0 1/0 2/0 28/6 2.50/0.60 Delivery/solo runs into the penalty area 0/1 0/1 6/7 0.60/0.70 Tackles gaining/not gaining the ball 0/1 0/1 0/2 2/10 0.20/1.00 Tackles suffered losing/not losing the ball 5/9 0.50/0.90 Clearances completed/attempted 1/1 1/1 22/24 2.00/2.20 Activities 1st half 2nd half Total Team total Team avg * Total time played (mins) 45'09" 48'09" 93'18" 93'18" Zone 1: 0-7 km/h time spent (%) 53% 63% 58% 66% Zone 2: 7-15 km/h time spent (%) 38% 29% 33% 27% Zone 3: 15-20 km/h time spent (%) 7% 5% 7% 5% Zone 4: 20-25 km/h time spent (%) 2% 2% 2% 2% Zone 5: >25 km/h time spent (%) 1% Distance covered (metres) 5,690 5,440 11,130 106,100 10,183 Zone 1: 0-7 km/h distance covered (meters) 1,528 1,873 3,401 36,265 3,312 Zone 2: 7-15 km/h distance covered (meters) 2,978 2,379 5,357 47,526 4,654 Zone 3: 15-20 km/h distance covered (meters) 842 753 1,595 14,672 1,454 Zone 4: 20-25 km/h distance covered (meters) 279 309 588 5,752 574 Zone 5: >25 km/h distance covered (meters) 63 126 189 1,885 189 Top speed (km/h) 28.37 29.23 29.23 29.92 27.94 Sprints 17 17 34 339 34 * Team average does not include goalkeeper FIFA does not vouch for the accuracy of techinical statistics compiled in association with its competition results system partner. THU 28 JUN 2018 23:13 CET / 23:13 Local time - Version 1 Page 3 / 13 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™ Group G Player Statistics England - Belgium 0 : 1 ( 0 : 0 ) # 45 28 JUN 2018 20:00 Kaliningrad / Kaliningrad Stadium / RUS Belgium Time played 93'18" 16 Thorgan HAZARD Midfield 1st half 2nd half Total Team total Team avg * Goal(s) scored 1 Shots 2 1 3 15 Assist(s) 1 Offside(s) 1 1 1 Save(s) 1 Yellow card 2 2Y+R/Red card Foul(s) committed 14 Delivery/solo runs into the attacking third 1/0 1/0 2/0 28/6 2.50/0.60 Delivery/solo runs into the penalty area 2/0 0/2 2/2 6/7 0.60/0.70 Tackles gaining/not gaining the ball 0/1 0/1 2/10 0.20/1.00 Tackles suffered losing/not losing the ball 0/1 0/1 5/9 0.50/0.90 Clearances completed/attempted 3/3 1/1 4/4 22/24 2.00/2.20 Activities 1st half 2nd half Total Team total Team avg * Total time played (mins) 45'09" 48'09" 93'18" 93'18" Zone 1: 0-7 km/h time spent (%) 58% 63% 61% 66% Zone 2: 7-15 km/h time spent (%) 30% 28% 29% 27% Zone 3: 15-20 km/h time spent (%) 8% 6% 6% 5% Zone 4: 20-25 km/h time spent (%) 3% 2% 3% 2% Zone 5: >25 km/h time spent (%) 1% 1% 1% Distance covered (metres) 5,621 5,398 11,019 106,100 10,183 Zone 1: 0-7 km/h distance covered (meters) 1,464 1,756 3,220 36,265 3,312 Zone 2: 7-15 km/h distance covered (meters) 2,409 2,333 4,742 47,526 4,654 Zone 3: 15-20 km/h distance covered (meters) 1,134 748 1,882 14,672 1,454 Zone 4: 20-25 km/h distance covered (meters) 471 415 886 5,752 574 Zone 5: >25 km/h distance covered (meters) 143 146 289 1,885 189 Top speed (km/h) 29.92 27.90 29.92 29.92 27.94 Sprints 27 24 51 339 34 * Team average does not include goalkeeper FIFA does not vouch for the accuracy of techinical statistics compiled in association with its competition results system partner. THU 28 JUN 2018 23:13 CET / 23:13 Local time - Version 1 Page 4 / 13 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™ Group G Player Statistics England - Belgium 0 : 1 ( 0 : 0 ) # 45 28 JUN 2018 20:00 Kaliningrad / Kaliningrad Stadium / RUS Belgium Time played 93'18" 17 Youri TIELEMANS Midfield 1st half 2nd half Total Team total Team avg * Goal(s) scored 1 Shots 2 2 15 Assist(s) 1 1 1 Offside(s) 1 Save(s) 1 Yellow card 1 1 2 2Y+R/Red card Foul(s) committed 2 2 14 Delivery/solo runs into the attacking third 1/1 2/1 3/2 28/6 2.50/0.60 Delivery/solo runs into the penalty area 1/0 1/0 2/0 6/7 0.60/0.70 Tackles gaining/not gaining the ball 0/3 1/1 1/4 2/10 0.20/1.00 Tackles suffered losing/not losing the ball 2/1 1/1 3/2 5/9 0.50/0.90 Clearances completed/attempted 22/24 2.00/2.20 Activities 1st half 2nd half Total Team total Team avg * Total time played (mins) 45'09" 48'09" 93'18" 93'18" Zone 1: 0-7 km/h time spent (%) 54% 58% 56% 66% Zone 2: 7-15 km/h time spent (%) 36% 34% 35% 27% Zone 3: 15-20 km/h time spent (%) 8% 7% 7% 5% Zone 4: 20-25 km/h time spent (%) 2% 1% 2% 2% Zone 5: >25 km/h time spent (%) Distance covered (metres) 5,599 5,496 11,095 106,100 10,183 Zone 1: 0-7 km/h distance covered (meters) 1,373 1,407 2,780 36,265 3,312 Zone 2: 7-15 km/h distance covered (meters) 2,866 2,930 5,796 47,526 4,654 Zone 3: 15-20 km/h distance covered (meters) 952 883 1,835 14,672 1,454 Zone 4: 20-25 km/h distance covered (meters) 333 243 576 5,752 574 Zone 5: >25 km/h distance covered (meters) 75 33 108 1,885 189 Top speed (km/h) 26.10 26.28 26.28 29.92 27.94 Sprints 16 13 29 339 34 * Team average does not include goalkeeper FIFA does not vouch for the accuracy of techinical statistics compiled in association with its competition results system partner.
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