Journal of Philology, History, Social and Media Communication, Political Science, and Cultural Studies Branch of Ukrainian Studies of Maria Curie-Sklodovska University in Lublin SPHERES OF CULTURE Volume X Lublin 2015 Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Ihor Nabytovych (Maria Curie-Sklodovska University, Poland), Editorial Board: Prof. Leonid Rudnytzky (La Salle University in Philadelphia, USA) Prof. Arnold McMillan (University of London, Great Britain), Prof. Siarhey Kavalou (Maria Curie-Sklodovska University, Poland), Prof. Witold Kowalczyk (Maria Curie-Sklodovska University, Poland), Prof. Volodymyr Antofiychuk (Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine) Prof. Vyacheslav Rahoysha (Belarusian National University in Minsk, Belarus’), Prof. Mihas’ Tychyna (Belarusian National Academy of Science, Belarus’), Prof. Ivan Monolatiy (Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ukraine) Prof. Ihor Sribnyak (Borys Hrinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine), Prof. Teresa Chynczewska–Hennel (University of Bialystok, Poland), Prof. Agnieszka Korniejenko (Jagellonian University, Poland), Prof. Valentyna Sobol (University of Warsaw, Poland), Prof. Yuriy Peleshenko (Ukrainian National Academy of Science, Ukraine) Head, Editorial Office Iryna Nabytovych Scientific Reviewers of Volume Х: History and Cultural Studies Prof., Dr hab. Maryna Paliyenko, Ukraine Prof., Dr hab. Serhiy Seheda, Poland Prof., Dr hab. Vitalii Telvak, Ukraine Political Science Prof., Dr hab. Ivan Monolatiy, Ukraine Prof., Dr hab. Arkadyush Adamczyk, Poland Philology Prof., Dr hab. Borys Bunchuk, Ukraine Prof., Dr hab. Stefan Kozak, Poland Prof., Dr hab. Valeriy Korniychuk, Ukraine Prof., Dr hab. Liubov Froliak, Poland Prof., Dr hab. Oleh Tyshchenko, Poland Language Editing: English (Iryna Nabytovych), Polish (Lubomyr Puszak), Ukrainian (Dzvenyslava Nabytovych), Belаrusian (Siarhey Kavalou), German (Tetiana Monolatiy) PERMISSION TO REPRINT. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopy, recording, or otherwise without prior written consent of the Editor-in-Chief. The editors assume no responsibility for statements of fact or opinion made by contributors. ISSN 2300-1062 (print) ISSN 2353-7841 (online) Copyright © 2015 by the Branch of Ukrainian Studies of UMCS & Ihor Nabytovych Lublin 20-0431, pl. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, 4 / 433, Poland www.spheresofculture.umcs.lublin.pl All rights reserved Printed by Ingvarr, Lublin, Poland CONTENTS Philology Carlos Pitel García. The Lozana Andaluza: Dialectal Identity and its Link to the Picaresque Genre 12 Olha Bandrovs’ka. The Aesthetic Regime of Art of the Modern Era 20 Tetiana Monolatii. The Features of Author’s Artistic Competence (The Case of Intertextuality of Joseph Roth’s Fiction 28 Yevhen Makhankov. Dynamics of Author’s Narrative Strategies in Gayto Gazdanov’ Small Prose of 1920’s – 30’s 36 Svitlana Nisevych. The Сonflict of an Artist and the Society in the Play by V. Vynnychenko Black Panther and White Bear and the Novel by S. Maugham The Moon and Sixpence 44 Tetiana Lytvynenko. The Mythological Aspects of Literary Word 52 Kateryna Kozlova. The Comprehension of the Musician Image in the Canadian Postcolonial Novel The Lyre of Orpheus by R. Davies 59 Zoriana Dubravska. The Representative Strategies of the Narrative-Communicative Discourse: Martin Amis’s Prose 67 Maryna Kovinko. Autobiographical Author’s Mask in Series of Short Stories by Serhiy Zhadan Big Mac and Zakhar Priliepin Sin 75 Uliana Fedoriv. The Problem of Genesis in Socialist Realism 83 Olena Konovalova. Literary and Critical Reception of Anatoliy Shyіan Works in Soviet Periodicals 93 Antonina Tsaruk. A Step Beyond the Measures of the Socialist Realism: The Creative Genius of Anatoliy Moroz 101 Mariya Foka. Subtext in Тheatre and in Сinema: Сommon Рaradigm 110 Olha Hedzyk. The Transformation of Christian Myth in William Butler Yeats Religious Drama: the Ukrainian Context 118 Svіtlana Stezhko. The Tempo-Rhythm of Epoch in the Dramaturgy of Ivan Mykytenko 128 Mariya Hutsol. Reception of the Traditional Plot About “the Creation of an Artificial human” in Modern Ukrainian Dramaturgy 137 Anna Korzeniowska-Bihun. The Image of an Ukrainian Insurgent Army Soldier in the Modern Ukrainian Drama 143 + 5 + Spheres of Culture Nataliya Veselovska. Psychologization of Modern Drama Through Short Narrative 152 Khrystyna Vorok. Dreams as Natural and Cultural Phenomenon, its Role in Fiction 160 Snizhana Zhyhun. Genre System of the Ukrainian Neo-Realism 170 History Andriy Kryskov. Economical Consequences of the January 1863 Uprising for Polish Landlords in Right-Bank Ukraine 180 Yulia Riznyk. Women in the Рostal and Рost and Telegraph Service of the Right-Bank Ukraine in the Post-Reform Period 187 Pavlo Biletskyi. Foreign Entrepreneurs Participation in Food Industry Enterprise Development of Podillia Province in the Second Part of the 19th Century – at the Beginning of the 20th Century 193 Oksana Semenova. Development Transformation of Leather Handicraft Industry in the Late 19th – First Half 20th Centuries in Middle Overdnipro Land 204 Ivan Monolatii. Ukrainian Legion (1914 – 1918): Political and Military Activities (Part 2) 213 Anton Kryzhevskyi. Classical Studies at the St. Volodymyr University in the Сontext of Introduction of Subject System Education (1906 – 1917) 225 Vitalii Telvak, Vasyl Pedych. Lviv Historical School of Mykchaylo Hrushevskyi: the Culture of the Conflict 234 Serhiy Trubchaninov. The Standing Committee Activities Compiling the Historical-Geographical Dictionary of the Ukrainian Lands 1919 – 1933 242 Vasyl Dudar. Features of State and Church Relations in the Second Polish Commonwealth the Context of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Activity in 1920’s – 30’s 251 Mariya Voytovych. Ihor Svieshnikov – Researcher of Corded Ware Culture of Sub-Carpathian and Volhynian Region 257 Pavlо Melnyk. Legal Marginalization of Ukrainian Population in 1960’s 266 Oleksandr Yakubets. Volodymyr Shcherbytskyi and Perestroika: Something About Reasons of Political Longevity 273 6 + Volume X, 2015 + Cultural Studies Volodymyr Aleksandrovych. Zamość Painters’ Milieu in the Times of Jan Zamoyski (Part 2) 288 Liliуa Tereshchenko-Kaydan. Cyrillic Manuscripts Heritage of 17th – 18th Centuries in Greek Reserves: the History and the Current Status 305 Olha Ovcharuk. Cultural Concept of a «New Person» In Ukrainian Art of the Early 20th Century 312 Inesa Palumbo De Vivo. The Peculiarities of Historical and Cultural Development of Precarpathian Region of the Second Half of the 20th Сentury 320 Irуna Нolub. The Analysis of Modern Uкranian Visual Art Concepts and the Individuality of an Artist 329 Volodymyr Bodnar. Bio Art – Transcultural Paradigm of Science and Art 336 Olexandr Yakovlev. The Strategy of Transnational Cultural Development of Ukraine 344 Tetiana Kotyk. Conceptual Approaches to the Goal of Teaching the Native Language in Primary School 352 Yuriy Zavalevskyi. Peculiarities of Teacher’s Competitiveness 358 Yuriy Kalichak. Organization of New Types of Preschool Institutions in Arcadiy Zhywotko’s Pedagogic Inheritance 367 Politology Vitaliу Kotsur. Ethno-Political Conflicts within Politological Discource 378 Yana Zolotariova. Us Human Rights Initiatives During the Madrid Meeting of “Helsinki Process” as a Manifestation of Reagan’s Foreign Policy Towards the Soviet Union 387 Reviews The First Intellectual Biography of Alexander Lototskyi Halyna Mykhaуlenko, Olexandr Lototskyi (1870 – 1939): Intellectual Biography of the Historian [In the Ukrainian language], Kherson: Helvetyka 2014, 312 рр. (Viktoria Telvak) 396 Our Presentations Olha Kobylianska, Collected Works: In 10 Volumes / Edited by Volodymyr Antofiychuk, Сhernivtsi: Bookrek 2013, 472 pp. [In the Ukrainian language] 402 + 7 + Spheres of Culture CONTENTS Philology Carlos Pitel García. The Lozana Andaluza: Dialectal Identity and its Link to the Picaresque Genre 12 Ольга Бандровська. Естетичний режим мистецтва доби Модерн 20 Тетяна Монолатій. Особливості художньої компетенції автора (на прикладі інтертекстуальности прози Йозефа Рота 28 Євген Маханьков. Динаміка авторських оповідних стратеґій у малій прозі Ґайто Ґазданова 1920-х – 30-х років 36 Світлана Нісевич. Конфлікт мистця і суспільства у п’єсі В. Винниченка Чорна пантера і білий медвідь та романі С. Моема Місяць і мідяки 44 Тетяна Литвиненко. Мітологічні аспекти художнього слова 52 Катерина Козлова. Осмислення образу музиканта в канадському постколоніяльному романі Р. Дейвіса Ліра Орфея 59 Зоряна Дубравська. Репрезентативні стратеґії наративно-комунікативного дискурсу: проза Мартіна Еміса 67 Марина Ковінько. Автобіографічна авторська маска у циклах оповідань Сергія Жадана Біг Мак та Захара Прiлєпіна Гріх 75 Уляна Федорів. До проблеми ґенези соціялістичного реалізму 83 Олена Коновалова. Літературно-критична рецепція творчости Анатолія Шияна у совєтській періодичній пресі 93 Антоніна Царук. Крок за межі соціялістичного реалізму: творчість Анатолія Мороза 101 Марія Фока. Підтекст у театрі та в кіно: спільна парадиґма 110 Ольга Гедзик. Трансформація християнського міту в релігійній драматургії В. Б. Єйтса: український контекст 118 Світлана Стежко. Темпоритм епохи в драматургії Івана Микитенка 128 Марія Гуцол. Рецепція традиційного сюжету про «створення штучної людини» сучасною українською драматургією 137 Anna Korzeniowska-Bihun. Obraz żołnierza Ukraińskiej Powstańczej Armii we współczesnej dramaturgii ukraińskiej 143 Наталія Веселовська. Малі наративи як спосіб психологізації сюжетів
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