410 MEMOIRSOF THE NBWYORK BOTANICALGARDEN IVOL.76o, MALPIGHIACEAE (Malpighia Family) William R. Anderson Trees,shrubs, and lianas.Hairs unicellular.usually meditlxed or submedifixed(malpighiaceous trichomes). Stipules usually pr,_ scnt.Leaves usually opposite. ofien bearinglarge muJticellular glands on petiolcor bladeor both; bladessimple, usually cntirc. loberj rn ,Stigmophl'llon lilowers -l spp. subtl1,to strongly zygomorphic,bisexual: sepals 5. eglandularor. most often. the lateral 01,11 5 bearing(l)2 large multicellularabarial glands:petals 5. distinct.clarved. altcrnating with sepals,imbricate. the innermorr111u,, petalposterior and oftendrfferent tiom lateral4: stamensl0 (in ours).the anthcrsdehiscent by longrtudinalslits: gynoecir.rm .uperi,,,. (2)3 comprising frec to connatecarpels. each fertile locule containing 1 pendcntanatropous ovule, the stylesI percarpel. distinct 160p- natein somespecies of'Banclro.rru). Fruits drv or fleshy.dehiscent or indehiscent.samaroid, nutlikc, or drupaceous.Mature seerl\uith- out endosperm. Anderson.W. R. 1981.Malpighiaceae. 1n B. Maguirc(ed.). The Botanyof theCuayana Highland - PartXI. Mem. New York Bot.finp6 32: 2l -105. The following relerenceswere not consultcdin the preparationof this treatment.They are cited here at the requestof the cdiror tirrthe convenienceof thosewho needto know what else has beenpublished on the Malpighiaceaein the Guianas. Gorts-vanRijn. A. R. A. & M. J. Jansen-Jacobs.1976. Malpighiaceae. 1n J. Lanjouw & A. L. Stoffers(eds.), Flora of SurinarneII(2rr 445-450.E. J. Brill. Leiden. Jonker,F. P 1966.Malpighiaceae. -In A. Pulle(ed.). Flora of SurinameII(l): 478-480.E. J. Brill. Leiden. Kostermans.A. J. G. H. 1936.Malpighiaceac. .ftr A. Pulle(ed.). FIora of SurinameII(1): 146-2213.J. H. De Bussv.Anisrerdant. Successfuluse of the kevs kr gencraand speciesrequires an understandingof what I rneanby certainmorphologicel tcrns. The mosr importantof thesearc deflnedherel fbr more details.sec my treatmentof the Malpighiaceacof the VenezuelanGuayana (W R. .\ncierson. 2001). The ancestralinflorescence of the Malpighiaccaewas a racemeof cincinni. but in most generathe cincinni have been re.lucetlro one-floweredunits. Each flowcr is borne on a pedicet.whose base is definedbv a j oint; below thej oint the stalk is called thepr,r/rrrt L,. anrl the pedunclebears two brocteoles:the peduncleis subtendedby a singlebratt.'lhe pedunclehas been lost in severalevolutionlin liner.in uhich casethe pedrcelis describedas sessile.subtended then by a clusterofthe bract and two bracteoles.'fheflower's plane 01 \\ntnlerr\ is definedby tl'teonterior sepd and llTcposterior peIa1, which areofien differentfror.n the lateral sepcLlsand laterul petols.respectrrelr. Of the thrce styles,the anteriorlies on the plane of symmctry and is olten unique, while the posteriortwo lie to the right and leti r-ifthe planc of symmetry and are mirror imasesof eachother. Treesor shrubs.Fruits fleshy.unwingcd, indehiscent. 2. Leaf bladeseglandular. Inflorescences terminal. Styles slendcr. subulate, the stigmasminute. Fruits containingl trilocularstone. ......Btrsonima. 2. Leaf bladesbearing abaxial glands. Inflorcscences lateral, axillary. Styles stout,of unifolm thickness. the stigrnaslarge. Fruits containing2 or 3 pyrenes.distinct or r,rnitedin center. 3. Inllorescenceselongate pseudoracemes: bracteoles with one of eachpair bearing1 abaxialgland. Petalsyellow; stamens+ alike: styles2 (or 1 throughfusion of 2), the stigmasterminal. Brott'lut.sia. 3. Inflorescencesumbels of 2-4 flowers: bracteolesboth eglandular.Petals pink or purplish;stamens heteromorphiclstyles3,thestigmasoninternalangleatapex... .....,\lcrlpithia, Lianas.Fruits dry, u'inged.breaking apart inro 3 samaras(or f'ewerif 1 or 2 carpelsabort). 4. Spccimenswith tlowers. 5. Leaf bladesmoderately to deeplycordate at base. 6. Stvlcsbearing at apexa largeroundcd dorsal appendage 1.5-2 mm lon-q.symmetrical on anterior style.unilateral onposteriorstyles. ...... Stig,rttttphtllort. 6. Stylesrounded or truncateat apex,or extendedat most into very short shalp dorsalhook. 7. Stipulesborne on stem betweenpetioles. caducous or eventuallydeciduous, leaving wide scar.Inflorescences bearing many conspicuous leaflike bracts 8-25 mm long. , Ti,rrupter.'s 1. StipLrlesbome on petiolc.well abovebase. persistcnt. lnf'lorescences without leaflikebracts. Hiraett 5. I-eafblades cuneate to roundedor subcordateat base. 8. Bracteolesglobose-cymbilbrnr. enclosing bud until flowers open.borne just below ['1ower.the pediccl absentor to 2 mm long in fruit. ,lle-ttt 8. Bracteolesnot globoseor enclosingbud, separatedtrom f'lowerby well developedpedicel. 9. Petalspink or lilac in bud and during flowering. 10. Leafbladespersistently velutinous adaxially. Bracts and bracteoles6-9 rnrr.rlong. Sepals -5-8.5mm long. distallyinflated with aerenchyma.the latelal4 eachbearing I lar_ce abaxial gland. .lLrbelrnd' 2002) MALPIGHIACEAE (MALPIGHIA FAMILY) 411 10. Leaf bladesglabrate adaxially at maturity or with hairs persistenton midrib. Bracts and bracteoles0.5-2 mm long. Sepals1.8-5 mm long, not inflated,the lateral4 eachbearing 2 abaxialglands. 1 I . Ultimate branchcsof inflorcscenceumbels of 4-6 flowers; pedicclssessile or sub- scssile,raiscd at most on peduncles0.5 mrn long; bractsand bracteolesdeciduous. Styleswith tcrminal capitatestigmas. Banisteriopsis 11. Ultimate branchcsof inflorescencepseudoracemes of 7-35 flowers; pedicelsraised on pedunclesl-3(5) mm long; bractsand bracteolespersistent. Styles stigmatic on the intcrnal angle,dorsally apiculateor short-hookedat apex. Mascagnia 9. Petalsyellow, or yellow and red, or yellow in bud turning red or orangeduring tlowering. 12. Ultimate branchesof inf'lorescencebearing (2)440 flowers in pseudoracemes. 13. Petalsglabrous; styles with terminal stigmas Bcrrtisteriop.si.s . 13. Petals(at lcastthe lateral4) abaxiallysericeous; styles stigmatic on intemalangle. .Tbtraptems. 12. Ultimate branchesof inflorescencebearing zl-6(8) flowers in umbels. 14. Stipulesborne on petiole,well abovebase. Hiraea. 14. Stipulesbome on stembetween petioles, or absent. 15. Sepalsbecoming revolute at apex during flowering. Heteropterys. I 5. Sepalsappressed during flowering. Tetrrryterys. 4. Specimenswith ftuits. 16. San'rarawith dorsalwing dominant,the nut bearingon its sidesonly shortwinglcts or crestsor qr"ritesmooth. 17. Wing of samarawith abaxialedge thickened, the veins divergingand branchingfrom it toward thinneradaxialedgc.. ....Heteroptert'.s. 17. Wing of samarawith adaxialedge thickened, the veins divergingand branchingfrom it toward thinner abaxialedge. 18. Petioles2-5-95 mm long; bladesmoderately to deeplycordate atbase. Stylesstigmatic on intcrnalangle, each bearing at apexa largerounded dorsal appendage 1.5-2 mm long. symmetricalon anteriorstyle, unilateralon posteriorstyles. Stigmaphyllon. 18. Petioles3-15 mm long: bladescuneate to roundedor subcordateat base.Styles with terminal stigmasand without any sort of dorsal appendageat apcx. Banisteriopsis. 16. Samarawith lateral wing(s) dominant,the dorsalwing smalleror reducedto winglet or crest.absent in a feu specier. 19. San.rarawith 4 discletelateral wings. 2 on each side. 20. Stipulesinterpetiolar or borne on petiolebetween base and middle, or absent. Tetrapterys. 20. Stipulesbornc on petioleneeLr its apex. Hiroea. 19. Samarawith I continuouslateral wing, or 2, 1 on each side. 2 L Stipuleswell developed,bome on petiole well abovebase . Samarasbuttcrtly-shaped with 2 discretelateralwings. ...... Hiraea. 21. Stipulesvery small and interpetiolaror bome on very baseof petiole,or absent.Samaras with lateralwing continuousto nearly distinct at base. 22. Bracteolesglobose-cymbifbrm, enclosing bud until flowersopen, bome just below flower, the pediccl absentor to 2 mm long in fruit. Mezia. 22. Bracteolesnot globoseor enclosingthe bud, separatedfrom flower by well developed Pedicel. 23. Leaf bladespersistently velutinous. Bracts and bracteoles6-9 mm long. Sepals 5-8.5 mm long, distally inflated with aerenchyma,the lateral4 eachbearing I large abaxialgland. Samaras55-80 x 35-60 mm. Jubelino. 23. Leaf bladesthinly sericcousto glabrateal matudty.Bracts and bracteoles0.5-1.3 mm long. Sepals1.8-2.5 mm long, not inflated,the lateral4 eachbearing 2 abaxialglands. Samarasto3Ommdiam... ......Mascapnia. BANISTERIOPSISC. B. Rob. Lianas(our species),vines. shmbs. or rarell,small trees.Stipules small, distinct. interpctiolar.Inflorescences: peduncle usually absent orvervshort. but well dei,elopedin a telv species.Flowels: anteriorsepal eglandular. the lateral4 (in ours) biglandular;petals yellow, pink, 0rwhtte; anthersalike in some speciesbut morc commonly strongly dissimilar: styles3, the stigmasterminal, without dorsalextensions. 4t2 MEMOIRSOF THE Nt,W YORKBOTANICAL GARDEN [\'or_.76(2) Fruits breakingapart into 3 samaras.samara with dorsalwing dominant,thickened on adaxial(upper) edge, the veinsterminating in thinner abaxialedge: much shorterwinglets or crestspresent on sidesof nut in some spectes. Gares.B. 1982.Btnisteriolt.sis, Diplopterls (Malpighiaceae).Fl. Neotrop. Monogr. 30l. l-237. Larger leaf blades4.5-9 cni long. Branchesof inflorcscenceterminxting in umbels of ul-6 flowers' bracts andbracteolesdeciduous.Petalspink. .....B stlnrunnioicles. Largcr leaf blades9.5-22 cm long. Branchesof intlorescenceterminating in pscudoracemesof i0-40 flolvers: bractsand bracteolespersistent. Petals yellow. 2. Leavcsbearing sevcral minute glands along margin of blade,plus I pair of largerglands at apexof petiole. Sepalsappressed
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