Nl;;\'! YOHK Tnms, Sun::lay, 2 July 1967 The announcement here !laid that the plane had landed at an A.Jgerlan airflel~ and that the crew and passengers were found to be aliJJled. All are under the surveUlance of Algerian security for mterrogaUon, it said. TJ!e Belgian and Spanish onbf.$ tHe arrivhere aldeclined of the c~~=~~!j!~~~~~~T party. The Congo has matlc representation In J • _..t ~ I _ • I !_ " t I I ' r ~ r,- ~ · : ., . '"" . - -- ~ NEF YORK TTI-1ES , Honday, 3 July 1967 mains valid. He had been charged with treason. [Informed sources in Kinshasa said, ac- . cording · to Reuters, that .the Minister of State, Bernard Dia­ ka, would fly to Algiers to. dis~ •· c_uss Mr. Tshombe's extradi- l tion.] .· .. ~- _ . Algerian officials, suggesting The Algerian Government there had been a hijacking radio said Mr. Tshombe and SOUGHT BY CONGO said yesterday . that . severai some Europeans on the plane, ~t;rcenary soldiers and Belgian whi<:h m~de an unscheduled c1t1zens w~re on the plane with : landmg In Algeria Friday Mr. T_shombe. They denied that : night, were . under the . 1'sur­ Ex-Premier, Under a Death Aigena _had arranged for the ! velllance" of the Algerian pl~!le to ~a~d at the Boufarik : security pollee for questioning. Sentence at Home, Is 1 m1htary a1rfreld, 17 miles west 1 The radio confirmed yester- of Algiers. day that a plane carrying Mr. Questioned iJJ Algeria Reports reaching Paris from / Tshombe and a group of Euro- Aigi~rs quoted a spokesman of p_cans .h~d landed at an Alge­ . Pres1d~nt Houari Boumedlene 1 nan a1_rf1eld . · as saymg his Government was j Fore1gn news reports had 1 taken by surprise by Mr · suggested that the plane was · .Tshombe's arrival · hijacked and forced to land In These reports ~aid the Gov- Alg~ria Friday night while on emment had not yet decided a flight from Palma de Majorca what to do with the three Brit- to Ibiza-the Spanish Holiday . ish s~bjects aboard the plane- Islands, ~!-bout 200 miles off the pilot, co-pilot and hostess the Algerian coast. · The pilot · and co-pilot we~e There have been conflicting identified as Capt. David Tay- , repo~ on the number and na­ lor, and Capt. Trevor Copple- : tlonahtles of those aboard Mr. ston, both formerly of the Tshombe's chartered .plane. Royal Air Force. The hostess · ~~- Sw!ss and Belgian Em- was not identified. , : basstes satd .they were seeking The plane was on charter : news about the crew and pas­ from · Gregory Air Services of , seng~rs ~rom the Algerian Denham near London . ·. Fore1gn Mmlstry. · · PI ' · · The .Swiss are In charge of · ane Reported Full .. British Interests here in the ab- Kenneth Gregory, head of the ; sence of diplomatic relations airline, said in London the : between Algeria and Britain. twin-jet Hawker-Siddeley 125 ; Mr. Tshombe and the others was on a five-day charter to 1 on the plane were kept incom­ a firm_ identified as Sedefl a : municado and their whereabouts tourist promotion agency ba~d : in Algeria was not known. in Madrid and Liechtenstein. He Beyond the terse announce­ said the flight started 1n Ge- ments by the ·Algerian radio, neva and had been expected to there has been no official com· cross Spain, France Italy and · ment on the status of Mr. Belgium. - . ' ·. .. · Tshornbe. The plane wAs set up .. to . - --- - - carry a two-man crew arid ·seven passengers. · I . M~. ·· Gregory said that, · ac­ cording to messages he had re­ ceived, the plane was full when it landed in Algeria. He said he did not know Mr: Tshorribe would be a pasSenger. · · Th~ Belgi!ID charg6 _!i'affafres, Maunce Vrussl~re, went tO the Algerian Foreign Ministry· to s~~k the. release of ..the .Belgi!lJl Citizens on board. .; ·.· .. , -- ... Interrogation Continues ' · Speclal to Tho New York Time• / ALGIERS, July 2 - Algerian security ·officials continued to- ~· day to interrogate former Premier Tshombe. · President ot the Security COUDCU Nev York Frclll: MiJlaf'tet Ki.D.ahaaa Regret to 1utom you tbat the Dellocratic Republic ot the Congo is at present, the obJect or agpesaion~£Zdi 'm*d by the Western coloa1alist imperialists. In short, the situation is as follon. Sane t:llle aso, acts ot sabotage were cCIIIIIitted in Kate.Dga by C"'Pal'doa traiDad aDd staticmed in Ansola. FollawiJls the arrest ot TshCII'be, we bave received intormation that Ccwpandos would be sent to ~ _.territary to provoke disturbance!_and~~s1bly to attempt to rea~1Uike7· This morning, at 6: }0, ~·.local tiDle two lmidentified aircraft landed at Kisangani airpOi"t, dropp1D8 groups ot merc--.rifJS by para­ chute. At. the saae tiae, so called volunteer. enpsed ~id by the :O.OCJ'&tic Repbblic ot the Congo but untortunately in leape with the hired killers M who ha4 been dropped by parachute attacked the valiant troup of our national &l'IQ'• This coutitutes real assression tl'CIIIl outside. While clashed were reported at, mercenaries ot Belsian, French and ori~~ in concert with Kata.Dgtse ex-se'Qderas, also opened ho&Uit{Jat Bulcaw. We draw the aui... l the serious attention fit the fteoui.lty ComcU to the fact that this situation is calcalated to tJeope.rdize peace in Central A:f'rica. It is for the CouncU to call to order the Western · COUiltries wboae mercemries have been sent to the Conso to proYoke 41atUrbances, in cODfOl"JDity with resolution No.226 ot 14 October 1966 stating that •the Security Council, baviDS heard the nat•ents of the represartative ot the Delllocratic Republic ot the coaso and lh ot the repreaeatative of Portupl, taklns note ot the stateaent ot the representative ot the DIMcratic Replblic of eonso Mlli tbat ADsolA UDder Port'U8\leae edmin1at1"&tion is being used as an operaticmal baae for foreip aercenaries With a View to interference in the dcmeatic affairs of the DemODr&tic Republic of the COJ38o, taldns note also ot the stateaent of the representative ot Portupl tb&t there are fin Angola no merceD&ries, caapa, or war me.teri&l inteDdecl to disturb the peace in the ne.ocratic Republic ot ccmso, deeply concerned at the course ot events in the reston, recalling the relnant resolutions of the Security councu &Del the Genel'al Asaebly; l. urses tea Pe• the Portugese GOTel"DDleD't, in Tiew of ita own atat•ent, not to pel'llit foreign aerceuaries to uae qola aa an operational baae for interference in the danestic af'tairs ot the Democratic Republic ot the Conso; 2. lnvites all states to ref'raiD or desist ~ 1Dteneni.Da in the dcaestic attairs of the Democratic Republic of the Congo; }. requeata the Secretar;r~ral to follow closely the impl•entaticm ot this reaolutiCD. ~ On the basis ot tbia resolution, the Democl"&tic Republic of the Canso, fi.nd'lns itself the Victim ot aggression, co.aitted by cdonist, imperialist powers, Will not shrink from~ sacrifice to ensure the peace, tranquility and security ot its people. The disastrous conaequence of these ennts can be the responaibility Glll.7 or their authors who are supporting the tlunlq ot the iaptrialist YhCIIl it is abhorrent to us to nu.e. We therefore count upon. the energetic intervention ot the Security Coantil to eneure that these acts ot banditry cease ilmedlately. Hishest consideratioo. SE/12. Lieutenant General J. n.· Mobuto, President ot the Democractic Republic of the canso. Unot:ricia.J. Tre.nala.tion i"rca French Permanent Mission ot the Democratic Republic ot the Conso to the United Nations TI/va No. 0753/67 Rev York, 5 July 1967 Sir, I have the honour to forward to you herev1th a cable addressed to you by B.E. Lieutenant-General Josepll-Desire MCBlJ!'U, President ot the Democratic Republic ot the Congo. The agsression caaaitted &&ainst the Democratic Republic ot the Conso by the agents ot intematiOft&l. 1,mfer1al1a is a pre-meditated act invol­ Ting the responsibility ot a number ot Western powers. I shall be grateful it you, as this month • s President ot the Security CCNDcil, w1ll, as requested in the ssase traR the President ot the Democratic Republic ot the Ccmso Member Sta es, particular~ the Powers concerned, ot their obligations under the relevant provisions ot the Charter. Accept, Sir, the assurances ot my highest consideration. (Signed) Theodore IDZUNBUIR Allbassador ExtraordiDary and Plen1potentiar;y Permanent Representative Ht-E. L.E. MAKONNEN President ot the Seeur1ty Council lfev York 17, N.Y. NEW YORK TIMES, Wednesday, 5 July 1967 olBe 'I'shQmbe, former Premier of the Congo and previously leader of the rebellious Katanga Province, bas fallen into the hands of bitter enemies-the Al­ gerians. This is one suspicious aspect of his sensa· Uonal kidnapping in the sky while on a flight during which his chartered plane was seized and taken to a military airbase near Algiers. Mr. Tshombe is the victim of an extraordinarlly nurky and complicated machination that makes the 'ictional plots of thriller novels seem tame. The Con­ JOlese Government wants him back in order to execute the sentence imposed when he was belatedly con­ ~emned to death for treason last March. That is their business, even if it is a barbaric one. After all, fol­ lowing the Katanga secession and Mr. Tshombe's first ~eriod of exile, he was recalled to Kinshasa (Uopold­ rille) and was Premier for fifteen months. What is outrageous is the naked aerial piracy that nade him captive. This was not an ordinary incident. fhere are all sorts of lurid threads in the pattern­ :he hostility of the Algerians; the pro-Tshombe senti­ nents of the Belgians who own the rich Katanga :opper mines; the white mercenaries who beat down 1 rebellion for the Congolese Government; and most of all the persistent rumors that Moise Tshombe bas ~een hiring more mercenaries in Europe, buying arms, md plotting his return to Kinshasa.
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