HE ISION T VWindsor High School Early May 2009 Volume 12, Issue 5 Two high school parents step in Leech makes his way to Boston to fill board seats Running marathons, building furniture and keeping bees are just Sharon Swan and Mike some of the many hobbies that keep this English teacher busy Dubis seek positive change for the Windsor district by Andy Tuano Staff Writer Making a change for the better: this is the goal of two Windsor school district parents who decided to run for school board. Mike Dubis and Sharon Swan have been elected to Windsor’s school board, and both are ready to make some changes. Mike Dubis has seven children in the school district, including Senior Zach Dubis. “I feel like it is my respon- sibility as a par- ent to improve the school they attend,” said Dubis. Dubis would like to see more busi- ness-based edu- cation in our school district. He feels that it is important that kids learn and improve in financial educa- tion. Dubis would also like to see more hands-on education, such as welding and engineering to help kids who want jobs out of high school and aren’t going to college. “I am excited to work with the photo contributed by Joy Leech school board, the teachers, and the parents, in order to continue Windsor’s Last month, high school English teacher, John Leech, qualified and ran in the Boston Marathon. He was one of over improvements,” said Dubis. 25,000 to qualify to run. His time of 3 hours, 20 minutes and 55 seconds was something to smile about. Sharon Swan is the mother of four children, including Junior Ethan Swan and Freshman Steven Swan. Swan is by Megan Franklin teacher who can relate to his hopeful for the Staff Writer students,” said Senior Javan Mc- future achieve- “You can always count on leaving Guire “You can always count on ments of Wind- To say “you can’t judge a leaving his class with something sor. One of her book by its cover” couldn’t be his class with something to laugh to laugh about.” goals includes more fitting than when describ- Leech graduated from Kirk- w o r k i n g t o ing high school English teacher, about.” wood High School in 1986. Soon maintain a pro- John Leech. This 17-year-veteran -Senior Javan McGuire after, he began attending Mizzou. fessional work- teacher thrives on challenges Originally, he was going to be- ing atmosphere and new experiences, most of come a technical writer, writing for the teachers, which would surprise many of manuals and instructions. After and developing a learning environ- his students and colleagues. his time, and though this was not spite numerous bee stings, he receiving his bachelor’s degree, ment that upholds high standards in Leech’s latest challenge, the his first marathon, it was by far persists at this unique hobby. he decided to stay and get his education. Boston Marathon, was a long- his favorite. “I had a blast and From his father, Leech devel- master’s degree. “I want to be an active board time goal of his. “I like running look forward to doing it again,” oped a fondness for woodwork- “My soon-to-be wife and I member that is sensitive to the needs marathons because it’s a chal- said Leech. ing and prides himself on the were dating at the time, and I of students, teachers and parents. In lenge, and it’s something differ- Leech has always worked out fact that he made a crib, as well knew long-distance relationships order to be effective, I will strive to ent,” said Leech. “I like the fact and stayed in shape. As a junior as other furniture, for his then- rarely work out, so I didn’t want have a balanced approach as I respond that it requires a lot of discipline in high school, he met a group of infant daughter, Rachel. And any to move back to St. Louis; that’s to the concerns of parents, teachers, to run that far and to train to guys that were lifting weights. student who has sat in Leech’s when I decided to go to ‘teacher district employees and taxpayers,” run that far. Also, it’s something “I was convinced I was going to class for a week can undoubt- college.’” said Swan. that’s physical; everything I do at be the really big body builder,” edly recall numerous “Rachel” Leech started at Windsor in Swan and Dubis began at the April school is mental.” Leach said smiling. stories. 1991, the year this building was board meeting. Leech was one of 25,000 that In addition to running mara- Combined with his unique opened. “It did not look anything qualified to run in the 26.2-mile thons and keeping the English teaching style, these not-so- like this,” said Leech. race on Monday, April 20. He department in line, Leech also typical experiences translate into In the future, Leech plans finished with a time of 3 hours, 20 dabbles in beekeeping and great material for his classes and to continue teaching English at minutes and 55 seconds, averag- woodworking. Beekeeping was help make him a student favor- Windsor High School. And who ing roughly 7 and a half minutes a hobby he picked up from his ite. knows, maybe he’ll take up un- per mile. He was “elated” with “crazy Uncle Charles” and de- “Mr. Leech is a down-to-earth derwater basket weaving! INSIDE OUR VOICE HIGHLIGHTS PLAY HARD AFTER-HOURS Trust me...Facebook and From diners to clothing Skateboarders kick it at P.J. ranks the top ten Myspace are the new stores, these hidden the Battle of the Berrics episodes of The Office ways of communication hotspots are worth the trip – page 3 – page 7 – page 4 – page 6 [email protected] Please recycle Early May 2009 INDEPTH [email protected] 2 THE VISION-ISSUE 5 Organ donation is an important life-saving Love or abuse? decision, but some may lack the facts Many teenagers may not doctor working is generally specialized in it on the back of their license or permit. realize that they are in an by Kaitlyn Cilufo certain areas and has nothing to do with “I put it on my license that I am an organ Staff Writer what happens to the body and its organs donor,” said Sophomore Tess Barnes, “I agree abusive relationship afterwards. with it because if I have no way of living, I Eighteen people die each day due to a “I think that i t ’ s want to be able to save another life.” My boyfriend gets really jealous shortage in organs. Even though becom- good that peo- p l e Older people have a similar issue, except they when I talk to other people; he must ing an organ donor is a simple process that are will- ing to often think that they are too elderly to donate really love me. WRONG. People in can save many lives, many people hesitate their organs. There is no cut-off age; there abusive relationships often mistake because they are not fully informed. have been successful transplants ranging in controlling behavior as being loving Sophomore Heather Zagar and her the seventies and eighties. Older or caring when it is actually a form family have always believed in organ age does not always mean that of abuse. A strong relationship is one donation. Zagar’s older sister and former they have poor health or a weak that is based on trust and respect, not Windsor student, Shari Zagar, died in a body; it just means that they are suspicion and control. car accident in January this year. Shari simply older and some parts may Studies show one in three had previously expressed her wish to not function as well as when they t e e n a g e r s h a s experienced be an organ donor. Her and her family were younger. abuse in a dating relationship. find comfort in knowing that something Having a disease or a bad organ Junior Taylor Nixon admits she positive could come from such tragedy. also stops people because they has been in a verbally abusive rela- “It’s nice to know that Shari was able assume that if one thing is wrong tionship. to help others,” said Heather Zagar. with them then everything in their body “My ex-boyfriend would get really Misconceptions about organ do- help oth- is useless. All of the organs that can be used angry with me and start fighting with nation seem to be one of the biggest ers by donating include: the kidney, heart, liver, lungs, pan- me. He would call me names and reasons why individuals decide something like that, but I creas, intestines, cornea, skin, bone, and bone say really mean things about me to not to become organ donors. won’t put it on my license marrow. Just because you have a bad heart or other people,” said Nixon. “It got to The number one myth is that because I have no idea what kidney does not mean that all of your other the point where I couldn’t hang out if a person in the hospital is is involved in donating or- organs are useless. The rest can be perfectly with any of my friends, especially severely injured, possibly gans,” said Sophomore Zach healthy and used to save others.
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