PROJECT IMPACTS ANALYSIS 2015 BLAKE STREET PROJECT BERKELEY, ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Submitted to: Steve Heaton Senior Vice-President – Development Laconia Development, LLC 1981 North Broadway, Suite 415 Walnut Creek, California 94596 Prepared by: Michael Hibma, M.A., AICP LSA 157 Park Place Pt. Richmond, California 94801 510.236.6810 LSA Project No. LDV1901 June 2020 P ROJECT I MPACTS A NALYSIS 2015 B LAKE S TREET P ROJECT M AY 2020 B ERKELEY, A LAMEDA C OUNTY, C ALIFORNIA EXECUTIVE SUMMARY LSA prepared this Project Impacts Analysis (PIA) for the 2015 Blake Street Project (project). The PIA utilized information drawn from previous historical resource evaluations, property records, a site visit, and conceptual site plans. Background research and field review identified five built- environment cultural resources 40 years old or older within the project site and are described below. • 2001-2011 Blake Street; APN 55-1822-14. This resource consists of two buildings on a single parcel: a single-story single-family home constructed in 1922 at 2001 Blake Street; and a detached single-story machine shop constructed circa 1920 at 2011 Blake Street. These buildings are not historical resources under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). • 2015 Blake Street; APN 55-1822-13-4 (P-01-005187/Haney Ice Company Building). This resource consists of the former Haney Ice Company Building constructed circa 1910 at 2015 Blake Street. The Haney Ice Company Building is not a historical resource under CEQA. • 2019 Blake Street; APN 55-1822-13-2. This resource is a single-story-plus-mezzanine building constructed in 1927 at 2019 Blake Street. This building qualifies as a historical resource under CEQA, per Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 21084.1. • 2012 Dwight Way; APN 55-1822-21. This resource is a two-story multiple-family property constructed circa 1889 at 2012 Dwight Way. This building does not qualify as a historical resource under CEQA, per PRC Section 21084.1. • 2020 Dwight Way; APN 55-1822-23. This resource is a two-story multiple-family property constructed circa 1895 at 2020 Dwight Way. This building does not qualify as a historical resource under CEQA, per PRC Section 21084.1. The proposed project would redevelop the project site with a mix of new construction and re-use of the two, multi-family buildings at 2012 and 2020 Dwight Way. These buildings would be lifted off their current foundations and reattached onto new foundations. The building at 2012 Dwight Way would be relocated onto a currently vacant parcel located at 2016 Dwight Way (APN 055-1822-022), west of and adjacent to 2020 Dwight Way. The parcel that currently contains 2012 Dwight Way would become open space providing pedestrian access to the project site. The project would remove the buildings at 2001-2011 Blake Street, the Haney Ice Company Building at 2015 Blake Street, and the building at 2019 Blake Street to accommodate the construction of two new buildings. Based on the proposed removal of the building at 2019 Blake Street, which appears to qualify as a historical resource for the purposes of CEQA, LSA concludes that the proposed project would result in the substantial adverse change, as defined at CEQA Guidelines §15064.5(b),1 in the historical significance of the building at 2019 Blake Street. This would result in a significant impact under CEQA. 1 This PIA was prepared with the assumption that the City of Berkeley concurs with the conclusions of Architecture + History’s evaluations of the properties within the project site. P:\LDV1901_2015_Blake_PIA\PIA\LSA_2015_Blake_Street_Project_Impacts_Analysis_7.1.2020.docx (07/01/20) i P ROJECT I MPACTS A NALYSIS 2015 B LAKE S TREET P ROJECT M AY 2020 B ERKELEY, A LAMEDA C OUNTY, C ALIFORNIA TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................. i 1.0 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Project Location and Description ......................................................................................... 3 1.1.1 Project Location ......................................................................................................................... 3 1.1.2 Project Description .................................................................................................................... 3 2.0 METHODS ............................................................................................................. 7 2.1 Previous Evaluations ............................................................................................................... 7 2.2 Literature Review .................................................................................................................... 7 2.3 Field Survey ............................................................................................................................. 8 3.0 HISTORIC AND ARCHITECTURAL CONTEXT ............................................................. 9 3.1 Berkeley ................................................................................................................................... 9 3.1.2 Project Site History .................................................................................................................... 9 3.2 Architectural Context .............................................................................................................. 9 3.2.1 Vernacular ............................................................................................................................... 10 4.0 PROJECT SITE CULTURAL RESOURCES .................................................................. 11 4.1 Resource Descriptions ........................................................................................................... 11 4.1.1 2001-2011 Blake Street ........................................................................................................... 11 4.1.2 Haney Ice Company/2015 Blake Street ................................................................................... 11 4.1.3 2019 Blake Street .................................................................................................................... 12 4.1.4 2012 Dwight Way .................................................................................................................... 12 4.1.5 2020 Dwight Way .................................................................................................................... 12 4.1.6 Surrounding Setting ................................................................................................................. 13 4.2 Character-Defining Features Ranking.................................................................................... 13 5.0 PROJECT-SPECIFIC IMPACTS ................................................................................ 16 5.1 impact Threshold ................................................................................................................... 16 5.2 Secretary’s Standards ............................................................................................................ 16 5.3 Proposed Demolition ............................................................................................................. 17 5.4 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 17 6.0 CONCLUSION....................................................................................................... 18 7.0 REFERENCES CONSULTED .................................................................................... 19 APPENDICES A: CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION 523 SERIES FORM RECORDS B: PROJECT SITE PLANS P:\LDV1901_2015_Blake_PIA\PIA\LSA_2015_Blake_Street_Project_Impacts_Analysis_7.1.2020.docx (07/01/20) 1 P ROJECT I MPACTS A NALYSIS 2015 B LAKE S TREET P ROJECT M AY 2020 B ERKELEY, A LAMEDA C OUNTY, C ALIFORNIA FIGURES Figure 1: Regional Location .................................................................................................................... 4 Figure 2: Project Site .............................................................................................................................. 5 Figure 3: Cultural Resource Locations .................................................................................................... 6 TABLES Table A: Character Defining Features – 2019 Blake Street .................................................................. 14 P:\LDV1901_2015_Blake_PIA\PIA\LSA_2015_Blake_Street_Project_Impacts_Analysis_7.1.2020.docx (07/01/20) 2 P ROJECT I MPACTS A NALYSIS 2015 B LAKE S TREET P ROJECT M AY 2020 B ERKELEY, A LAMEDA C OUNTY, C ALIFORNIA 1.0 INTRODUCTION LSA prepared this PIA at the request of Laconia Development, LLC, for the 2015 Blake Street Project (project). An architectural historian who meets the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards in Architectural History and History prepared this PIA (36 CFR Part 61). 1.1 PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION 1.1.1 Project Location The 0.96-acre project site is located south of downtown Berkeley in Alameda County, California (Figures 1 and 2). The project site contains seven parcels. The project site is comprised of six buildings in total: three permitted as residential and three permitted as commercial, in addition to
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