PUBLISHED DAZLY under order of THE PRESIDENT of THE UNITED TTATEX by COMMITTEE on PUBLIC INFORM.ATION GEORGE CREEL, Chairman * * * COMPLETE Record of U. S. GOVERNMENT activities Vo7. 2 WASHINGTON, MONJDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1918. No. 483 BRITISH IMPORT RESTRICTIONS ARE TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED Unified System of Telephone, ON CERTAIN COINh ODITIES Telegraph and Cable Lines Is SPECIAL EXPORT LICENSES ISSUED Disc.ussed in Report War Trade Board Announces New by Mr. Vail Ruling Providing for Shipments PRESIDENT, BY RADIO, OUTLINES THE PROBLEM Without Individual Permits. ACCEPTS RESIGNATION OF MR. SCHWAB Cable Situation Is Grave General Advice to Exporters. and Calls for Immediate The War Trade Board announces in a Thanks Director General of Fleet new ruling (W. T. B. R. 390)' that the Corporation for "Invalu- Action, Says Adviser to Controller of Import Restrictions, Lon- the Postmaster General. don, has temporarily suspended all import able" Services. restrictions on the following articles: Suggests Measures Secretary Tumilty received the follow- for Aerated waters. Almonds. ing wireless from the President Saturday Improved Conditions. Aluminum, manufactures of. to be conveyed Aluminum powder. to Mr. Schwab: Apparel not waterproofed. The Post Office Department has given Apples, raw only, not canned or dried. U. S. S. GEORGE WASWINGTON. out the following communication, ad- Art, works of. Mr. CHTARLES M. SCIIWAB : dressed to the Postmaster General, from Bananas. Baskets. I accept your resignation only because ,Theodore N. Vail, in which lie inclosed a Basketware of all kinds. you wish ft and because I feel that I tentative report requested by the Post- Baths of metal. must do so in fairness master General on the subject of the tel- Birds, live. to you. You have Bonnets. been exceedingly generous in giving your ephone, telegraph, and cable: Brushes. services and they have been invaluable. " This idea of a unified system is not a Cement. Cocoa, raw. Want to thank on very cordially indeed new one. It is one with which our pub- Diatomite or infusorial earth. for all that you have done. Shall always lic is familiar, and one to which they Engravings. remember it as I am sure all your associ- have given their unmistakable approval Ey glasbes, complete (not containing gold). ates in the Government will, as a service Fatty acids. through its acceptance of all that has Fire extinguishers. of unusual value and distinction. been done in the furtherance of this idea Flowers, fresh. WooDnow WILSON. in a unified telephone system and of the Furs, raw, and manufactures of (when not hides or leather). common management of the telephone Gilt wares. and telegraph, although the latter had to Gloves of leather. PRINCE FUSIlIM AT CAPITQL; be undone under the interpretation and Hats. Hoofs. application of existing laws. Horns. GUEST OF THE VICE PRESIDENT "The present problem is how much can Incandescent gas mantles. be brought about under present condi- Ivory, vegetable. Prince Higashi Fushimi, of Japan, went Lawn mowers. tions. Linen yarns and manufactures of. to the Capitol to-day and paid his re- " What should be done to create an Mangles. ideal system can not be done because of Methyl alcohol. spects to Vice President Marshall. Later Brooms. the Vice President entertained the prince existing laws, nor would complete con- Mineral and table waters (unsweetened). solidation be justified, since to undo such Mops. at luncheon, at which the following were a consolidated system into its former Iuts, fruit, not oil-crushing or metal. Oilcloth- present: units would lead to unwarranted was.te. Perfume. The Vice President and Mrs Marshall, " There are, however, many things Photographic apparatus. Prince Fushimi, the Japanese Ambassa- which can be done which would not pro- Photographs. Pictures; prints. dor and Viscountess Ishii, Marquis Kat- duce waste, and which might by improve- Plated ware sunosuke Inouye, Lieut. Gen. Goro Shiba, nent of service help to further educate Ranges. I. J. A.; Vice Admiral Kozaburo Oguri, the public and create an actively favor- Salt. Scales, and balances of all descriptions. I. J. N.; Senator and Mrs, Saulsbury, the able attitude toward some correlation or Sewing machines. Secretary of War and Mrs. Baker, the coordination of operation and service Skins, raw, and maqufacturers of, when Secretary of Navy and Mrs. Daniels, Sena- with the control and regulation and re- not hides or leather. Soap. tor Lodge, Senator and Mrs. Hitch- striction, through some combination of Spectacles, complete (not containing gold). cock, Mr. Polk, Acting Secretary of State, governmental authority and private own- Stereoscopes. and Mrs. Polk, Representative and Mrs. ership or operation, retaining all the ad- Stoves. Straw envelopes for bottles. Flood, Mr. Breckenridge Long, Assistant vantages and incentives of both. Sugar cane. Secretary of State, and Mrs Long, Mr. " If it is within the scope of what you The-recording instrumicnts of all kinds, and John Barrett, ask me movements and parts thcixeof (not including Mrs. Thomas F. Walsh. to do, my suggestion is: watches). At 4 o'clock this afternoon the prince Organization. Toilet preparations (not containing spirits). and his party attended the otcial film Vacuum cleaners. "That first, to create a comprehensive Weighing machines. production given under the direction of Wood flour. the Military Division. General staff, to operating organization by which all the Wringers. which all the higher officials also were in- properties can be brought under one ex- Tabulating machines. vited. ecutive operating head through whom all In view of the foregoing, the War To-night the prince's party will be en- operations should be conducted, subject Trade Boiwd has issued a special ex- tertained at dinner by the Japanese Am- to the Postmaster General. (Continued on page 2.) bassador. (Continued on page 3.) 2 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1918. RULING ON EXPORTS TO EAST Exporters No Longer BRITISH IMPORT RESTRICTIONS COAST OF SOUTH AMERICA Need Fill Out Certain ON CERTAIN GOODS SUSPENDED Supplemental Sheets Procedure for Obtaining Ocean (Continued from page 1.) Following the announcement made by Shipping Preference the War Trade Board on November 22, port license, effective immediately, " No. Outlined. 1918 (W. T. B. R. 339), the board now RAC 62," authorizing the exportation, announces in a now ruling (WV.T. B. R. without individual export licenses, of the 1. After a reconsideration of the ex- 368) that they will no longer require ex- commodities on the above list. Shippers port situation as affected by the signing porters to fill out and file the following should note that it is unnecessary to ap- of the armistice, and after consultation supplemental information sheets, as the ply to the War Trade Board for permis- with the shipping control committee of use of these is no longer necessary: sion to export under Special Export Li- the United States Shipping Board, the War X-5. Articles containing wool. cense RAC 62. and no special document Trade Board announces, in a new ruling X-9. Caustic soda in exchange for glIy- issued by the War Trade Board is neces- (W. T. B. R. 303), that in place of the eine. sary in connection with such shipments. plan of ocean shipping preferences made X-10. Caustic soda for use of sugar It is necessary merely to note on the package, if shipment is made through the public on November 11, 1918 (W. T. B. mills, etc. R. 301), the following procedure has been X-13. Wool, mohair, etc., to United mails, or on the export declaration, if adopted, effective December 8, 1918, for Kingdomu, France, and their colonies. shipment is made by express or freight, the rssignment of ocean shipping prefer- X-10G. Journal waste. the following: ence for exports of any commodity (ex- X-17. Caustic soda to Far East, etc. 1. " Shipped under special license RAC cepting coal and fuel oil) which are X-26. Commoditics on Schedule " XP." 62." destined via the east coast of South X-28. Phenol (carbolie acid). 2. Name and address of shipper. America to Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, X-107. Spain. 3. Name and address of consignee. or Uruguay. X-108. Portugal (copper and its prod- 4. Statement of contents. 2. This procedure has been made neces- nets). Shipments under RAC 62 may be made sary by the great shortage of shipping X-118. Ocean shipping preference to only when the goods are destined to, and ,tonage to the east coast of South Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Bra- for consumption in, the United Kingdom, America. zil. and it does not apply to any shipments 3. " Shipping Preference No. 1" will X-204. Questionnaire: Steel plate to to the colonies thereof. It should be fur- be awarded, in exceptional cases, when, Canada. ther noted by exporters that, while it is ii the opinion of the War Trade Board, X-205. Mineral oil. not at present necessary for them to pro- prompt shipment is of the utmost import- X-208. Report on caustic soda contracts. cure a British import license or a British ance. X-212. Questionnaire: Chlorate of pot- permit to purchase number on this list The shipping control committee will ash. of commodities, the British Government give facilities for shipment of commodi- X-213. Report on caustic soda carried in may at any time in the future withdraw ties covered by licenses marked " Ship- stock for export. this privilege as to a part of or the whole ping Preference No. 1" in priority to all X-216. Statement of commodities con- of this list, and exporters should keep other shipments. taining gold. carefully informed as to the British im- Licenses Dated Prior to November 12. port requirements before making ship- ments; as otherwise, if the goods are 4. In order to expedite the completion shipped in contravention of such import prior to licensed subsequent to December 8.
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