More than just machinery 05 / 2012 Conversion to CTF with HORSCH 13 The experiences of a British farmer Cleaning sprayers – the proper way 32 Practical test: HORSCH LEEB cleaning system CCS Strip cultivation and rape seeding 46 From the HORSCH demo garden Now is the best time to consider ordering your new HORSCH machine for the 2013 season. Please contact your local HORSCH dealer to discuss our out of season discount and fi nance packages. www.horsch.com terra Editorial Contents Dear reader 2012 was a successful year in agriculture as well as for the agricultural industry. For HORSCH News it was again the most successful year in the company’s 28 year history. Mainly the farming Open house 4 sector was quite satisfactorily, for in general the yields were „only“ average, but they re- HORSCH Soil Tour 2012 5 mained on a high level. In the agricultural industry sector this resulted in an increased turno- New HORSCH Leeb hall 5 ver, staff recruitment and economic success as a whole. Claas and Fachagentur 6 Thuringian Prime Minister in Ronneburg 6 But the question is: Can this development be compared to 2008, the year before the crisis? The Große Preis des On the grain market the situation seems to be quite different than in 2008. The USDA pre- Mittelstands and Future Award 7 dicts a decreasing supply of cereals. Therefore, the department hopes for a record harvest in First steps: New HORSCH farm in CZ 8 the next two years to allow the food reserves to stay at least at today’s level. This is why the DLG-Image-Barometer 11 analysts go on anticipating high prices although admitting at the same time that food con- HORSCH InnoFalcon 11 sumption has decreased and still goes on decreasing. But why? Especially in developing coun- Playing farmer 2.0 12 tries, but also in some threshold countries people cannot afford the food they need for their Farm report daily needs. Here farmers bear responsibility for these people even if they perhaps seem to be Conversion to CTF with HORSCH (GB) 13 too far away. Concretely such a responsibility means to produce food for anyone at an afford- Coming up to the expectations (DE) 16 able price. This calls for permanent weighing up between farming, the production for bio- energy, but also the considerable reduction of agricultural areas. In some developing coun- Around the world tries, however, there seems to be a positive trend. Signs, e.g. a greater demand for agricultural South Africa – unknown agricultural giant 18 machinery in Africa, show that people there learn to organise themselves and that they are Hungary: Foreigners unwanted 21 starting to produce their food themselves again. So far their opinion had been that this is not Imparting values: necessary as it was cheaper to buy wheat than to grow it in their own country. People do not LCC University Lithuania (Cornelia Horsch) 22 resign to their fate, but take it in their own hands again and try to give it a positive direction. Company insights A life according to a plan: All things considered we in our sector can still look cau- Purchasing department 24 tiously positively into the future. We will always need Everything under control (Michael Horsch) 26 food, even if the consequences of the continuing Having gained experience (Philipp Horsch) 28 economic crises in many European countries can Perfect framework conditions (Horst Keller) 30 and will affect everyone in the future – because Machinery test of higher taxes we will all be soaked in the end. Cleaning sprayers – the proper way 32 Of course, everyone will have to carry his share of the financial hole. Thus, we are prompted to Practical experience stick together and to work on it together. Processing semi-liquid manure and biogas residue: HORSCH Evo CS 36 I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy, HORSCH Foundation successful New Year 2013! Sowing music for a fulfilling life: KMK music academy 38 Herzlichst Inside HORSCH Obituary Gottfried Horsch 40 Cornelia Horsch Apprentices released into everyday working life 40 Apprenticeship Information Day 40 HORSCH Go-Kart 41 Check-In-Days 2012 42 Service & Sales Czech Republic – market with a long tradition 43 FITZ training centre From the HORSCH demo garden 46 IMPRINT terraHORSCH Edited by: Johannes Hädicke terraHORSCH is published twice a year in the following More than just machinery Articles written by: M. Bittermann, D. Brandt, M. languages: German, English, French, Polish and Russian. It is the international customer magazine of Braun, F. Ermer, T. Göttinger, A. Grauvogl, R. Harris, The magazine and all its articles and illustrations are HORSCH Maschinen GmbH J. Huber, C. Horsch, J. Hädicke, H. Keller, J. Noordhof, protected by copyright. Any utilisation outside the limits Sitzenhof 1, DE-92421 Schwandorf L. Prchal, J. Stangl, H. Wolf fixed by the copyright act is illegal without the approval Telefon: +49 9431 7143-0 of the publisher. Fax: +49 9431 41364 Photos: HORSCH archives, Photographie Petra Kellner, [email protected] J. Hädicke, J. Noordhof Layout concept: MarkenGrün www.horsch.com Translations: English: H. Wolf; French: S. Proust, Layout: Otterbach Medien KG GmbH & Co S. Vanderhaeghe; Polish: B. Dudkowski; Russian: Responsible for the content: M. Sinichenko Print: Vogel Druck, Würzburg Cornelia Horsch 3 terra News Open House themed “Technology meets music“ n July the HORSCH Maschinen GmbH tion desks about career and apprentice- building, however, can accommodate organised an Open House themed ships at the HORSCH company, an ex- one hundred employees. The total in- “Technology meets music“. It was not tensive program for kids with bouncy vestment sum amounts to about 6 mil- only intended for adults but for chil- castle, kicking a football at goal, face lion Euro. Idren as well as the fascination of agri- painting and much more. Numerous Beside technology and engineering cultural machinery and engineering al- employees took the opportunity to music played an important part at the ready starts in childhood and never show the company to their relatives. Open House. There were several live ends. Moreover the HORSCH headquar- On the occasion of the factory tours performances of the Czech folk group ters in Schwandorf has developed con- the new HORSCH logistic centre with its Chodovanka who entertained the siderably in the past years so that modern high rack storage area was guests with pleasant Bavarian-Czech HORSCH wanted to show the new items shown to the public. It was put into op- folk music. The highlight of the evening and innovations to the public. The num- eration at the end of 2011 and the costs was a concert of the Konrad-Max-Kunz ber of visitors amounted to about 8,000 amounted to approx. 10 million Euro. In music academy. The concert was the of- people and exceeded all expectations. the afternoon Helmut Hey, Schwan- ficial opening of the music academy. There was an extensive program for dorf’s mayor, inaugurated the HORSCH This event, too, attracted more visitors the visitors. The whole day machines ACI. The Agricultural Centre of Innova- than expected. The HORSCH hall had were shown in practical use: demonstra- tion is the new test and research build- been prepared for an audience of 250 tion and presentation of machines with ing at Sitzenhof and another clear com- people. Thanks to the good weather tractors provided by all large manufac- mitment to the site in Schwandorf. So chairs could be put up in front of the turers, helicopter sightseeing trips, far there are approx. 40 employees hall so that in the end the audience con- guided factory tours, several informa- working in the R & D sector, the new sisted of 400 people! Opening concert of the Konrad-Max-Kunz music academy Kids program Guided factory tours Inauguration Machines in of the ACI practical use 4 HORSCH Soil Tour 2012 rom mid June to mid August The representatives of each manufac- Finally the visitors used the opportu- HORSCH together with the Bay- turer briefly spoke about the character- nity for personal discussions with the Wa, (the HORSCH sales partner in istic features of their products before representatives of the manufacturers. Bavaria), organised a special cam- the practical demonstration in the field We would like to thank our guests for Fpaign with focus on site-specific soil began. The visitors, then, critically ex- coming and the interest they showed. conditions and the correspondingly ad- amined the work. apted technology. After the demonstration Michael The events took place at the sites of Horsch and Kurt Glück spoke about the the Baywa in Ansbach, Bamberg, Nab- current situation of agriculture and the burg, Donauwörth, Fürstenfeldbruck, perspectives for the future. Dietfurt, Eggenfelden and Giebelstadt. Although is was high season in agri- culture we welcomed an average of 300 visitors at each event. At the beginning of each event the machines were presented – about 10 rigs consisting of HORSCH machines with Fendt and Massey Ferguson trac- tors. Among the HORSCH machines were Joker 3 CT, Cruiser 5 XL, Terrano 3 FX, Terrano 5 FM, Terrano 4 MT, Express 3 TD, Pronto 3 DC, Pronto 6 KR, Sprinter 4 ST as well as Maestro 8.75 CC. The companies Fendt and geo-konzept showed parallel guidance systems. Gütt- ler presented appropriate front tools for sowing with Pronto DC and Express TD. Opening of new HORSCH Leeb hall t the end of September the the water which is necessary for testing employees and the guests had lunch new HORSCH Leeb service can be re-collected. The hall is also together. At the suggestion of Gerhard and test hall in Landau was equipped with an overhead crane.
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