Volume 42, Number 5 May 2012 BBC Seattle re-flagged Swift maneuvers for service under MSC charter New AMO jobs with AMSEA on second BBC cargo ship The U.S.-flagged high-speed vessel (HSV 2) Swift and the French warship Adroit recently performed steaming exercises together. The Swift is operated for the U.S. Navy’s Military Sealift Command by Sealift Inc. and is manned in all licensed positions by American Maritime Officers. AMO aboard Q-max LNG carrier Aamira American Maritime Officers mem- bers working aboard the LNG car- Photo: Captain Bud Conroy rier Aamira in April, here during a transit of the Suez Canal headed The U.S. flag was raised aboard the for Milford Haven, Wales, included newly renamed multipurpose cargo Third Assistant Engineer Matthew ship BBC Seattle on April 28. The ship’s Arnold and First Assistant re-flag team consisted of First Assistant Engineer Tom McCarthy. AMO offi- Engineer Kevin Hogle, Port Engineer cers sail in senior and junior posi- Matt Burnett, Chief Engineer Matt tions aboard LNG carriers in the Campbell, and Chief Mate Peter Kirk. Nakilat fleet operated for Qatargas The BBC Seattle will be fully crewed in by Shell Ship Management early May and will enter service under Limited. The Aamira, among the charter to the U.S. Navy’s Military world’s largest and most advanced Sealift Command later in the month. Q-max LNG carriers — with a General Dynamics American Overseas capacity of 266,000 cubic meters, Marine is providing crew management was delivered to Nakilat and services for the BBC Seattle and BBC Qatargas in May of 2010. Houston. American Maritime Officers represents all licensed officers working Photo submitted by Matthew Arnold aboard both ships and the SIU repre- sents the unlicensed crew members. How to accommodate Jones U.S.-flag requirement for AMO Essentials Act critics in key markets Ex-Im Bank cargoes has STAR Center course Page 2: Critics of the Jones Act are probably served our nation well ◆ schedule: Pages 8-9 encouraged by the Energy Information Administration’s apparent aversion to accuracy Page 3: In separate letters responding to a recent STAR Center registration regarding the capabilities of the domestic fleet. In editorial in the Washington Post, American Maritime ◆ application: Page 11 its report on the likely consequences of a Northeast Officers National President Tom Bethel and AMO refinery coming off line, the EIA undercounted the Legislative Director Paul Doell corrected the record domestic tank vessel fleet by a whopping 50 per- on the importance of reauthorization of the U.S. ◆ AMO directory: Page 10 cent by including only self-propelled ships in its Export-Import Bank and the maintenance of the fleet total. Despite acknowledging the error, the U.S.-flag requirement for transportation of Ex-Im ◆ AMO membership meeting agency has refused to amend its report. Bank financed cargoes. schedule: Page 12 Copyright © 2012 American Maritime Officers ■ 601 S. Federal Highway ■ Dania Beach, FL 33004 ■ (800) 362-0513 ■ editorial@amo-union.org 2 • American Maritime Officer May 2012 How to fuel Jones Act Remembering the life and critics in key markets work of Gordon Spencer By Tom Bethel The problem at this point is that this National President could happen again this year. Many analysts expect another drawdown from the oil If I were a stockpile during the summer driving peak in businessman or a an attempt to defuse increasing gasoline lawmaker hoping prices as a Presidential campaign issue — to crack the Jones despite the minimal impact a new SPR Act in the oil and drawdown would have on the market and petroleum product the price at the fuel pump. The SPR repre- trades, I’d be sents a relatively small amount of crude, and encouraged by a this oil must be refined and delivered before federal agency’s it can be sold as fuel — it would take a long, apparent aversion long time for gasoline and other petroleum to accuracy with products made from SPR crude to reach respect to the American consumers. domestic tank ves- If a new SPR drawdown gets the go- sel fleet’s capabilities. ahead, public and private interests promot- The agency in question is the Energy ing a new round of waivers would most like- Current and former members of Congress, family members and maritime Information Administration, which appears ly contend again that are too few Jones Act labor leaders gathered at the Capitol Hill Club April 24 for a memorial hon- willing to accommodate Jones Act critics on vessels to move the crude — just ask the oring the life and work of the late Gordon Spencer, who held union book this front. As we report elsewhere in this Energy Information Administration. #S-2. Spencer was among those recruited by the late, legendary Seafarers issue, the EIA refuses to own up to its mis- After last year’s Jones Act waivers, International Union of North America President Paul Hall to build the taken conclusion last February that there Congress approved what American Brotherhood of Marine Engineers in New York City as an affiliate of the may not be enough Jones Act tank vessels to Maritime Partnership called “new require- SIUNA. The BME evolved into the union known today as AMO. Among those deliver gasoline and other fuels from the ments … intended to increase the use of speaking at the memorial was Congressman John “Jimmy” Duncan (R-TN). Gulf Coast to the Northeast if a U.S.-flag vessels in future Strategic Pennsylvania refinery closes later this year Petroleum Reserve drawdowns.” — a real possibility at this writing. In response, the administration told In its report on the likely conse- AMP that no decision had been made on quences of this refinery coming off line, the whether to open the SPR again. The EIA undercounted the domestic tank vessel administration also said the White House fleet by a whopping 50 percent by including — pledged to “faithful implementation” only self-propelled ships in its fleet total. of the Jones Act — would “continue to The agency overlooked or ignored a sizable operate consistent with the Jones Act” and number of tank barges capable of meeting comply with the new Congressional man- Northeast energy needs if necessary. dates if more oil is released from the SPR The American Maritime Partnership this year. — a coalition of Jones Act vessel operators, The phrase “continue to operate con- dredging companies and shipyards — point- sistent with the Jones Act” implies that the American Maritime Officers National President Tom Bethel greets Casey ed this out to the EIA, and the agency law had been followed with respect to the Jones, husband of Megan Spencer, Congressman Walter Jones (R-NC), acknowledged its error. But the EIA ulti- SPR shipments a summer ago, but it didn’t and Glen Downs, chief of staff for Rep. Jones, at the memorial held for the mately held fast to its flawed initial finding go that way. The “faithful implementation” late Gordon Spencer in the Capitol Hill Club April 24. and refused to amend its report in the inter- of the Jones Act would not have left quali- est of a fair, accurate and complete public fied Jones Act vessels at coastal docks while record. the SPR cargoes moved freely between U.S. As a result, it is not inconceivable that ports under foreign flags — one inventive advocates of Jones Act rollback or repeal way around the Jones Act could lead easily will capitalize quickly on the Energy to another. Information Administration’s obstinate, dan- Seagoing AMO members should see gerous position. They can zero in with a these developments as credible threats that vengeance on the Jones Act as it applies to could escalate and, in time, put every energy shipments by arguing a Jones Act domestic coastal, Great Lakes and inland deficiency that doesn’t exist. If these advo- waters AMO job at real risk. In the deep-sea cates are called out on their claims, they can sector, every lost Jones Act billet would simply cite the EIA’s slipshod statistics. mean three lost jobs for our union, and every This stunning development followed lost Jones Act billet in every trade would the far-from-settled flap over the Jones Act mean lost employer contributions to the and the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. AMO benefit funds that serve all AMO Last summer, the administration members and their families. waived the Jones Act at least 48 times to With so much at stake, I ask again that allow foreign-flagged tankers to carry crude everyone in our union join me in support of oil drawn down from the Strategic the American Maritime Officers Voluntary Petroleum Reserve directly between U.S. Political Action Fund to the greatest possible ports — despite the availability of suitable extent so that AMO has its traditionally Jones Act tonnage for these shipments. strong voice in any new Jones Act debate on These waivers were eased by the Capitol Hill. Department of Energy, which set the As always, I welcome comments and Seafarers International Union Executive Vice President Augie Tellez rep- required minimum per-voyage cargo load at questions from AMO members everywhere. resented the SIU and addressed those gathered for the memorial at the a level just a bit higher than the capacity of Please feel free to call me on my cell at (202) Capitol Hill Club. the largest single available Jones Act tanker. 251-0349. American Maritime Officer (USPS 316-920) Official Publication of American Maritime Officers 601 S. Federal Highway Dania Beach, FL 33004 (954) 921-2221 POSTMASTER—Send Address Changes To: Periodical Postage Paid at American Maritime Officers — ATTENTION: Member Services Dania Beach, FL P.O.
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