1943 ·coNGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 4459 peath of Han. HARRY L. ENGLEBRIGHT, late a APPOINTMENTS IN THE REGULAR CORPS, EFFECTIVE that I heard last night of the death of Representative from the State of California. ON DATE OF OATH our colleague from California, HARRY Resolved, That a committee of four Sena­ To be assistant surgecms ENGLEBRIGHT. I regret that J was not tors be appointed by the Vice President 'to join the committee appointed on the part James Lloyd Elliott present late last evening when the an­ of the House of Representatives to attend Lloyd Frederic Summers nouncement was made on the floor of I the funeral of the deceased Representative. IN THE NAVY the House. want the RECORD to show, Resolved, That the Secretary communicate however, that I join with his many these resolutions to the House of Represent­ Capt. Laurance T. DuBose to be a rear ad­ friends both in and out of Congress in atives and tr-ansmit a copy thereof to the miral, for ·temporary service, to rank· from expressing my sorrow at his passing and family of the deceased. September 21, 1942. Rear Admiral Charles P. Snyder, when re­ my sympathy for his wife and son. The Under the second resolving clause the tired on August 1, 1943, . to be placed on the friendship between us and our wives be­ Presiding Officer appointed the Senators retired list with the rank of admiral. gan when I came here, for we lived at from California [Mr. JoHNSON and Mr. PosTMASTERS the same place for several years, and the DowNEY], the Senator from Utah [Mr. ARIZONA friendship became more intimate as time MURDOCK], and the Senator from Nevada wore on. [Mr. ScRUGHAM], the committee on the Warren D. Judd, Fredonia. HARRY .ENGLEBRIGHT was a man of the part of the Senate to join with the.com­ ARKANSAS highest character, the finest of principles, mittee on the part of the House to at­ Scott L. Kirkpatrick, Forrest City. a man w)lo Imew and understood the tend the funeral of the deceased Repre­ Harold M. Austin, Murfreesboro. value of true friendship. I shall miss him sentative. Robert L. Slaughter, Sheridan. more than I know how to express. Mr. DOWNEY. Mr. President, I wish The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes to say that in the death of Mr. Engle­ the gentleman from California [Mr. bright, California has lost one of its WELCH]. - most highly respected, able, and popular HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. WELCH. Mr. Speaker, in the Representatives. His death will be de­ passing of HARRY ENGLEBRIGHT this body, plored by all. It was a great shock to FRIDAy' lVIA y 14, 1943 the country, and particularly the people all of us who have known him. It is my The House met at 12 o'clock noon. of the Second Congressional District of intention to proceed to California myself The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera California, have suffered a distinct loss. for Mr. Englebright's funeral. Montgomery, D. D., offered the following Harry and I were elected to Congress Mr. McNARY. Mr. President, on be­ prayer: at the same time to fill unexpired terms. half of the senior Senator from Cali­ He was elected to fill a vacancy in a dis­ fornia [Mr. JoHNSON], I move that the Heavenly Father, what wilt Thou have trict once represented by his distin­ Senate do now adjourn as .a further us do? Speak, Lord. for Thy servant guished father for a number of years. mark' of respect to the memory of the heareth. We would ·be eager to Thy call He represented the mining sections of deceased Representative. and strong to comprehend Thy purpose. the State of California. His district em­ The motion was unanimously agreed We thank Thee for this beautiful world, braced nearly one-fourth of the entire to, and at 7 o'clock and 35 minutes p. m., for the flowers at our feet and for the State. It has the largest geographical the Senate .adjourned, the adjournment stellar clusters in the firmament, for the area of any district in Congress. being, under the order previously birds that sing in the sunshine and for He was born and grew to manhood in entered, until Monday, May 17, 1943, at the worlds that ~on in light, for the the section he so well represented. He 12 o'clock noon. breath of zephyr and for the blast of knew the problems of his people-the storm-wind, over all is the majesty of miners, the mine owners, and operators. CONFIRMATIONS Thy everlasting law. ~ He fought a great battle for the con­ For all our families, united or sepa­ Executive nominations confirmed by servation of the huge redwood and pine rated, we ask our Father's care; grant forests ·of the State. The Mariposa the Senate May 14 (legislative day of that all homes may be sanctuaries of May 12), 1943: grove of giant redwoods, the largest and love and happiness. Stimulat~ all our oldest ~iving things upon this earth, is in UNITED STATES TARIFll' COMMISSION people with those IJlasculine virtues-the his district. Lynn R. Edminster to be a member of the obligations of freedom, the spirit of . So devoted was he to the interests of United States Tariff Commission for the term charity and the sense of personal respon­ the people he represented that the order expiring June 16; 1949. sibility. Give strength to men who are closing the gold and other mineral mines SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION beset by sharp temptations and to lov­ of his district for the duration of the war Sumner T. Pike, to be a member of the ing women seeking spiritual beauty tor bore heavily upon him. Some of these Securities and Exchange Commission for the home and world. mines extending to a depth of a full mile term expiring June 5, 1948. Dear Lord, a capable and loved· Mem­ into the bowels of the earth are threat­ UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE ber has passed through the valley and ened with destruction, for when once TEMPORARY PROMOTIONS IN THE REGULAR CORPS, shadow of death; the presiding spirit of flooded with water they will be irrev­ EFFECTIVE FROM MAY 1, 1943 a happy home has gone beyond the veil ocably lost, and the miners who have To be temporary medical directors of earth; from his honest and intrepid followed this work for generations will Marlon R. King · soul came a ·character which all men have lost their means of livelihood. As a Walter G. Nelson delighted . to honor. Comfort all to mining engineer, HARRY ENGLEBRIGHT To be temporary senior surgeons whose lips has come the cup of a great knew this as well, or perhaps better, Austin V. Deibert Otis L. Anderson sorrow and give them peace. In our than any man in this Nation. Herman E. Hilleboe Frank F . Thweatt, Jr. Redeemer's name. Amen. The men who own and operate those Lee C. Watkins Ivan W. Steele The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ mines and the men who were engaged in John A. Trautman John R. McGibony terday was read and approved. this hazardous employment have lost a John R. Heller, Jr. true and sincere friend. THE LATE HONORABLE HARRY LANE To be temporary surgeon'! The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes ENGLEBRIGHT Waldo B. Edwards the gentleman from California [Mr. Robert A. Hingson Th~ SPEAKER. The Chair desires at TOLAN]. To be temporary passed assistant surgeons this time to recognize Members who were Mr. TOLAN. Mr. Speaker, Hon. Richard K. Winston Ralph R. Nix not here yesterday afternoon, and who HARRY ENGLEBRIGHT died yesterday and I. Ray Howard Trawick H. Stubbs desire to speak on the ·life and character we were all deeply shocked and grieved To be a temporary dental director of our late colleague. at his passing. An intimate and personal The Chair recognizes the gentleman friend of mine for many years I deem it William T. Wright, Jr. from Texas [Mr. THoMASON]. · a personal loss. · To be a temporary dental surgeon Mr. THOMASON of Texas. Mr. Harry was one of the ·kindest, finest, Edwin· M. Short . Speaker, it was with profound sorrow and gentlest gentleman I have ev~r 4460 CONGR·ESSIONAL RECORD-1-IOUSE MAY 14 known in my life. His high position as friend. Heedless of his personal welfare Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts. Mr. minority whip for many years required he labored faithfully to the last. Speaker, reserving the right to object, I him to assemble Members for roll and No Member of Congress, House or understand .this is the bill that was in­ quorum calls and to acquaint Members Senate, has ever been held in higher troduced by our colleague the gentle­ with pending legislation. These duties esteem, more beloved, or highly re­ woman from Ohio [Mrs. BoLTON]. · made him one of the best known and spected by his colleagues than HARRY Mr. BULWINKLE. This is the bill that most loved Member in the House. ENGLEBRIGHT. By reason of his passing, was introduced by her. I never heard him say an unkind word the people of California and the Nation Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts. Will of another. Harry is gone. We will fol­ have suffered a great loss. We join in the gentleman explain the bill to the low him, but while here, his life will be sharing the grief of his family and ex­ House? · an inspiration to us in determining how tend to them our deepest sympathy. Mr. BULWINKLE. This bill, Mr. best to carry on. The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes Speaker, provides for the training of Harry called hundreds of Members to the gentleman from Mississippi [Mr.
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