Pravin K. Shah :  !     : !"#

Pravin K. Shah :  !     : !"#

: Pravin K. Shah : ! : !"# $$% &' Pramod M. Jain ([email protected] ) !!"#$%!"&'().*.''" +,-./)0' &1'$,234 56"*)"$7) 6"*)"& 4-"8$8" &'(*34&-'!89 !"#$%!"#%","$ :)-" ).4*2$'8);<=;3&4&'($,;>?$,;>4@> Pravin K. Shah 8; $ )2< " = " 4 6 " * ) " &'(1,.7D"$7)=;3'($;>,?'8 $!"%4"> ;0=.<4E","-"8,F!=;3$0;3>-0.?1,.7D" &'(6"*)"$7))?!")$,"8;>F)!>8"0 !"#$%!"?0'4,.?4")&1');< $#,"(;%=;3G!&1'4")=;3;$7));< ).4*2&1'$'8);<8;HF!&1'*4=") 2!"#$%!" &'().*.''" +,-./)0' !"#$%!"&1')*-)&,0 $,38%"0 )!"&,0%)+I4 .-!=;3 9 )!" 43 *-)).*.''" +,-./)0' &1'*-) '.4 2 .-!=;3 10 )!" 44 %)+I4 .-!=;3 19 )!" 59 HF!&1'0,"??#,("%",>P$7)=0=")=;3G!8?-"8,F!)!") 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Shah 509 Carriage Woods Circle Raleigh , NC 27607-3969 USA Telephone and Fax - 919-859-4994 Email - [email protected] Email - [email protected] Website y $,"*%-"8$ :)4=") =")*"8",+*).?*))6"*)"$7)!")0",6I0Q" @>?,%"H")0",06'+I4(0,,80",6I0Q"6"*)"$7) *8"#.)XP& 40",6I0Q"6"*)"$7) @>="4$,"G!"8=;3>F!"4!) 2 =6&0=0=")=;3=6)$#23*,,#*.-P=;3-,G!,.? -"8$8"0," $#23-"7;-=.<4 '">*"8",+E",4>F,-80.)G!!->-"8$ :)0$ :)%zI340.)&'(0.) *,,$*,D)-"8$#;>,#>">"8 &'(0",*4$*,8)0",G87!-"8,)&,4 0",101{0QP,.0Q"*34&-'!8 $#23X,,87"&'(*348;7;-23)|=;3!4"6.>#I34#"zI340.) &'(0.) *,,$*,D?'=;3G!E"$))7;-"8&)-="40",G8?,@W*348;7;- &'('($-!)%"0*,"$8,.> & ' ( *3 4 $ * # =.< 4 1 - 4 &)-="41}?.);<$1Z)&,4?.)"'%&0$,"G!&'$ :)-"8%,4)-"8*.8#.)XP40",G87!-"8, )&,4 &'(&)-="4=;3#-0$,"G!$'200,(=E" '.00",E"$))7;-=;3'($-!)%"00",?,@W7;- $ ,23 4 23 8 & ' 0 ~ 'P &'(>"$*#$0I<)%"0$ H'%,>X,,8&'("="46;'X , , 8 ?'=;38;-"8$#;>,#>">"8G80,(=E".),">*.-P &'()$4=.<4="40"> ="4% &'(-DD" &'(>.4 ';0$';3>40",7!H'W.P*)!"%"0*.-P=.<4 '"> $7) $)2<1'" G0 G )<E"HI<4 $)>* (Ghee) )8 $)> G6,;8 H'W.P%"0)8H4 >80 H!"G 8 )*.-P &'($,234 ).4 ?'HF!).<)G!'($-!)%"0*",$*#=01,($W= $7) $,234238&'0~'P &'(>"$*# 8">$ 8;,">4")%"00",1,(78=;3 YJA and YJP -"$>"-7)=;3).?+26"*)"$7)%E")-)8"00-" 10 % ?,@W" ",8.4*-,..<4&1 .6. 2000 ).4*2#8#P )->,PG=8*P ( `?.?$2)'"8 2005 ) ,">4")-"8;7"-$8,0.)8"00-" 0'!"))?,@W" ",8.4*-,. 3 +!>E"& 4-"8$8" ?'=;3G87!-"8,)&,4 &'(8;-"8$8"*348;7;-23)>88;-"8$8"&0)$4 !->$ );< ?').<)%I4#!)%"0?"1 &'(-"8=0P $#,"($"*"8",+,.0Q"$*,;W"#4)$4G-!G! 6"*" 8 "-;,( $,"-,1}$*X0",8;7;- "0-"*347;-23)!4$%:?1-=0P=,8")$#23 !$,"G!8;7;->F 8 "8( ")X; 6"*)").<)1,8.+P *) !0!"-G1*F-"8$1Z)#;3)!40.)48-'8)Q>P=.<4 '"> &'($ :)-"*348;7;-=.<4 '">8;"=.$=;>8$="0.?=") "%",>P)").0 !#-0$,"G!*-W"-)" !" 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