THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1973 WASHINGTON, D.C. Volume 38 ■ Number 7 Pages 1263-1370 PART 1 (Part II begins on page 1333) (Part III begins on page 1361) HIGHLIGHTS OF THIS ISSUE This listing does not affect the legal status of any document published in this issue. Detailed table of contents appears inside. MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY— DoT publishes code numbers assigned to prime glazing material man- fa ctu re rs......................... ..— ~---- ---------------- — 1300 COTTON, WOOL AND MANMADE FIBER TEX­ TILES— CITA notices on import limitations from Macao (2 documents); effective 1-1-73 ____ 1 3 0 2 ,1 3 0 3 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS— Coast Guard amends rules on transportation, storage or use of certain flammable liquids and other dangerous articles; effective 4-13-73 ............ .................— _________ ___ 1276 OIL AND GAS— Interior Dept, regulation on im­ portation of No. 2 fuel oil from the Virgin Islands.. 1274 SAVINGS AND LOAN CONVERSIONS— FHLBB proposals (2 documents); comments by 3 -1 2 - 7 3 ............................................. .............. 1334 FHLBB notice extends eligibility date to 12- 31—72 or earlier„_ _______ __________ _________ ___ 1359 NEW DRUGS— FDA notices of proposals to with­ draw approval of certain combination drugs con­ taining rauwolfia alkaloids, aminophyliine, di­ phenhydramine, and ammonium chloride (2 documents); hearing request by 2-12-73. .. 1295, 1296 MUTUAL FUNDS— SEC proposal to allow group purchases for quantity discounts; comments by 3 -3 0 - 7 3 .............. ......... ........ ........ ......... 1284 PUBLIC LANDS— Interior Dept, proposes to modify regulations for simultaneous oil and gas leasing procedures; comments by 2-9-73 ......... 1281 (Continued inside) MICROFILM EDITION FEDERAL REGISTER 35mm MICROFILM Complete Set 1936-71, 202 Rolls $1,439 Voi. Year Price Vof. Year Price Voi. Year Price 1 1936 $7 13 1948 $28 25 1960 $ 4 9 ■ I 2 1937 12 14 1949 22 26 1961 4 4 H 3 1938 8 15 1950 28 27 1962 4 6 4 1939 14 16 1951 4 4 28 1963 50 5 1940 14 17 1952 41 29 1964 5 4 6 1941 21 18 1953 3 0 3 0 1965 58 7 1942 37 19 1954 3 7 31 1966 60 I 8 1943 53 20 1955 41 3 2 1967 69 1 9 1944 4 2 21 1956 4 2 33 1968 55 10 1945 4 7 22 1957 41 3 4 1969 62 11 1946 47 23 1958 41 35 1970 59 1 12 1947 24 24 1959 4 2 36 1971 97 J Order Microfilm Edition from Publications Sales Branch National Archives and Records Service Washington, D.C. 20408 Published daily, Monday through Friday (no publication on Saturdays, Sundays, or on official Federal holidays), by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and FEDERALWREGISTER Records Service, General Services Administration, Washington, D.C. 20408, pursuant to Area Code 202 Phone 962-8626 the authority contained in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Ch. 15), under regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President (1 CFR Ch. I). Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The Federal R egister provides a uniform system for filing, publishing, and making available to the public, regulations and legal notices issued by the Executive Branch of the Government. These include Presidential proclamations and Executive orders and Federal agency documents having general applicability and legal effect, documents required to be published by Act of Congress and other Federal agency documents of public interest. The F ederal R egister will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $2.50 per month or $25 per year, payable in advance. The charge for individual copies is 20 cents for each issue, o r 20 cents for each group of pages as actually bound. Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in ohe F ederal R egister. HIGHLIGHTS— Continued PESTICIDES— EPA exempts from requirement OPERATING SUBSIDY FOR CARGO VESSELS of a tolerance the use of xylene as an inert in­ CARRYING GRAIN TO USSR— Maritime Admin, gredient in pesticide formulations applicable to regulations ......... ....... ..... ......... ......... ..................... 1277 stored grain...... .......... ................ 1....... - —- - 1275 NEW ANIMAL DRUGS— FDA approves use of ENVIRONMENT— EPA proposals describing ethylisobutrazine hydrochloride injection and policy and procedures for issuing or denying per­ tablets, veterinary, as tranquilizers in dogs, and mits under the National Pollutant Discharge Elim­ bambermycins in broiler chicken feed (2 docu­ ination System...:........... .................................. —~ 1361 ments) .............. ............................ .......... ........ 1273, 1274 ANTIBIOTIC DRUGS:—FDA notice reclassifying ECONOMIC STABILIZATION— effectiveness claims for oxytetracycline hydro­ Price Commission issues instructions for re­ chloride and polymyxin B sulfate vaginal tablets.. 1297 porting profit margin overages on form, pend­ ing revision.....................................„ ...................... 1269 MOTOR VEHICLE EXEMPTIONS— Pay Board/IRS rulings on escalator clauses in DoT notice of exemption granted General wage increases........................ .............. .......... ...... 1270 Motors from front seat restraint requirements on 1,000 Chevrolets..... ........................... .......1298 DoT notice of temporary exemption granted M EETIN GS: DoD: CONARC Advisory Committee, 1—30 to 2-1, ’73.. 1287 Lotus Cars, Ltd. from compliance with side NASA: NASA Life Sciences Subcommittee, 1—23—73.. 1311 door strength requirement........... ........ ..... 1299 COMMERCE— Education Committee of Advisory Coun- cil for Minority Enterprise, 1-19, 20-73.................... 1295 PROCUREMENT— GSA regulations on bidding Management-Labor Textile Advisory Committee, and forms for building service contracts............. 1276 1-17-73 .......... ............... ............................................... 1295 Contents AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD DEVELOPMENT HOUSING MANAGEMENT Notices Notices OFFICE Hearings, etc.: Director and Deputy Director, Of­ Schenker & Co. Gmbh and fice of Housing; redelegation of Notices - Schenkers International For- a u th o rity ___ _____ :__________ 1287 warders, Inc •______________ 1302 Regional Administrators et al.; Standard Airways, Inc_________ 1302 redelegation of authority re­ AGRICULTURAL MARKETING garding loan and contract serv­ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION SERVICE icing -------------------------- ----------- 1298 Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations Excepted service: Navel oranges grown in Arizona ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Agency for International Devel­ and California; handling limi­ opment ____________________ 1269 tation ____ L______ __________ 1270 Rules and Regulations Environmental P rotection Conduct of employees; solicita­ A g e n cy _____ _______________ 1269 Proposed Rule Making Occupational Safety and Health tions and indebtedness________ 1271 Milk in the St. Louis-Ozarks mar­ Review Commission_________ 1269 keting area; recommended deci­ Contract clauses and administra­ Treasury Department___ ______ 1269 sion and opportunity to file writ­ tion of cost-type contract or ten exceptions________________ 1281 procurement activities; disputes COAST GUARD c la u s e _______________________ 1276 Rules and Regulations AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Miscellaneous amendments to Transportation or storage of ex­ See Agricultural Marketing chapter _____________________ 1271 plosives or other dangerous Service; Commodity Exchange articles; prohibition of motor Authority; Soil Conservation Notices vehicles containing gasoline in Service. Oak Ridge Operations Office; closed containers_____________ 1276 trespassing on Commission COMMERCE DEPARTMENT ARMY DEPARTMENT property — -------------- 1301 Notices See Import Programs Office ; South Carolina Electric and Gas Maritime Administration; Mi­ CONARC Advisory Committee to Co.; availability of final state­ nority Business Enterprise U.S. Army Institute for Military ment on environmental consid­ Office; Textiles Office. Assistance; public meeting____ 1287 erations _______________ 1301 (Continued on next page) 1265 1266 CONTENTS COMMITTEE FOR THE IMPLE­ Notices FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE MENTATION OF TEXTILE California Financial Corp.; re­ ceipt of application for approval Rules and Regulations AGREEMENTS of acquisition of control of Sport fishing on certain national Trans-Coast Investment Com­ wildlife refuges: Notices pany _______ _________ :------- — 1303 Carolina Sandhills, S.C------- —- 1280 Macao; entry or withdrawal from Federally insured mutual savings Lacreek, S. Dak_______ _______ 1280 warehouse for consumption: and loan associations; change in Tamarac, Minn_______________ 1279 Certain cotton textiles and cot­ distribution record date for ton textile products------------- 1302 plans of conversion__________ 1359 FOOD AND DRUG Certain wool and man-made First Texas Financial Corp.; re­ fiber textile products---------- 1303 ceipt of application for permis­ ADMINISTRATION sion to acquire control of First Rules and Regulations COMMITTEE FOR PURCHASE OF Savings and Loan Association'— 1304 New animal drugs: PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OF Bambermycins----------------------- 1274 THE BLIND AND OTHER SE­ FEDERAL MARITIME Ethylisobutrazine hydrochlo­ VERELY HANDICAPPED COMMISSION ride ______________________ - 1273 Notices Notices
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