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Watersupply: æáõ ñÁ ÏÛ³Ýù ¿ 50 Waterislife 50 ¸ñ³ Ù³ ѳ í³ù 2011 56 Fundraising2011 57 üÆܲÜê²Î²Ü вÞìºîìàôÂÚàôÜ FinAnCiAlRepoRt Ð³ß í»ùÝ ÝÇã »½ ñ³ ϳ óáõ ÃÛáõÝ 60 Auditor«sreport 62 î³ ñ» Ï³Ý Ñ³ß í»Ï ßÇé 64 Annualconsolidatedbalance 65 سë Ý³Ï óáõ ÃÛáõÝ Áëï »ñÏñ Ý» ñÇ 66 participationbycountries 67 Ð³ß í»ï íáõ ÃÛáõÝ Áëï Íñ³· ñ» ñÇ 68 Reportbysectors 69 àêκ زîÚ²Ü 82 GoldenBooK 82 HAyAstAn All Armenian Fund 5 1992 Ãí³ Ï³ ÝÇ Ù³ñ ïÇ 3-ÇÝ, Ù»ñ ³Ý Ï³Ë å» ï³ Ï³ Ýáõ ÃÛ³Ý Ï³½ - On March 3, 1992, alongside the formation of our independent Ù³ íáñ Ù³ ÝÁ ½áõ ·ÁÝ Ã³ó, ÑÇÙÝ í»ó ѳ Ù³ Ñ³Û Ï³ Ï³Ý ÙÇ Ï³ éáõÛó, áñÝ statehood, there came into being a pan-armenian entity of unprece- ³ñ ¹»Ý »ñ Ïáõ ï³ë ݳ٠۳Ï, ѳ Ù³ËÙ µ» Éáí ѳ Ù³ÛÝ Ñ³ Ûáõ ÃÛ³Ý Ý» ñáõ - dented scope, the hayastan all-armenian Fund. In the two decades ÅÁ, »½³ ÏÇ ³é³ ù» Éáõ ÃÛáõÝ ¿ Çñ³ ϳ ݳó Ýáõ٠г Û³ë ï³ ÝáõÙ ¢ È»é - since, it has mobilized the worldwide armenian community to carry ݳ ÛÇÝ Ô³ ñ³ µ³ ÕáõÙ` ϳ éáõ ó» Éáí ¢ Ýá ñá ·» Éáí ѳñ Ûáõ ñ³ íáñ out an extraordinary mission of development across armenia and art- ÏÇ Éá Ù»ï ñ»ñ Ó· íáÕ ×³ ݳ å³ñÑ Ý»ñ, ·³ ½³ ï³ñ Ý»ñ áõ çñ³ ï³ñ Ý»ñ, sakh, by building or renovating hundreds of kilometers of roads, gas ³ñ ¹Ç ³ Ï³Ý ÑÇ í³Ý ¹³ Ýáó Ý»ñ, Ïñ Ãû ç³Ë Ý»ñ áõ Ùß³ Ïáõ ó ÛÇÝ Ñ³ë ï³ - pipelines, and water networks, and constructing or upgrading hospi- ïáõ ÃÛáõÝ Ý»ñ: tals, schools, and cultural institutions. ²Ûë ÷³ é³ íáñ ׳ ݳ å³ñ ÑÁ ÑÇ٠ݳ¹ ñ³ÙÝ ³Ý ó»É ¿ Ó»éù Ó»é ùÇ The fund has traversed this glorious path hand in hand with thou- ïí³Í` г Û³ë ï³ ÝáõÙ, ²ñ ó³ ËáõÙ ¢ ê÷ Ûáõé ùáõÙ µÝ³Ï íáÕ Çñ µ³½ - sands upon thousands of donors in armenia, artsakh, and the dias- Ù³ ѳ ½³ñ ÝíÇ ñ³ ïáõ Ý» ñÇ Ñ»ï, áñáÝó ³Ý Ïáï ñáõ٠ϳ٠ùÇ áõ ³Ý Ùݳ - pora, whose unbreakable will and boundless dedication have given óáñ¹ ÝíÇ ñáõ ÙÇ ³ñ¹ ÛáõÝ ùáõÙ ÏÛ³Ýù »Ý ³é»É Ù»ñ Ñ³Û ñ» ÝÇ ùÇ Ñ³ Ù³ñ birth to infrastructures of paramount importance to our homeland. ϳ ñ¢ á ñ³ ·áõÛÝ Ýß³ ݳ Ïáõ ÃÛ³Ý »Ý ó ϳ éáõó í³Íù Ý»ñ: The fund’s jubilee symbolizes our joint accomplishments of the ²Ûë Ñá µ»É Û³ ÝÁ ËáñÑñ ¹³Ý ßáõÙ ¿ 20 ï³ ñÇ Ý» ñÇ Ù»ñ ÙÇ ³ë ݳ Ï³Ý past two decades, our victories big and small, all of which have served Ó»éù µ» ñáõÙ Ý» ñÁ, Ù»Í áõ ÷áùñ Ñ³Õ Ã³ Ý³Ï Ý» ñÁ, áñáÝù áõÕÕ í³Í »Ý to promote the prosperity of the armenian people and the advance- Ñ³Û Åá Õáíñ ¹Ç µ³ ñû ñáõ ÃÛ³ÝÝ áõ Ù»ñ »ñÏ ñÇ ³é³ çÁÝ Ã³ óÇÝ: ment of our homeland. ²Ûë å³Û ͳé Ñá µ»É Û³ ÝÇ ³é ÃÇí ç»ñ Ù³ ·ÇÝ ßÝáñ ѳ íá ñ³Ýù Ý»ñ »Ù On the occasion of this joyous anniversary, I convey my warmest ÑÕáõÙ ³ß ˳ñ ѳë÷ Ûáõé ѳ Ûáõ ÃÛ³ ÝÁ ¢ Ù³Õ ÃáõÙ, áñ Çñ³ ϳ ݳ ݳ ß»Ý congratulations to armenians across the world, and wish that our shared áõ ½á ñ³ íáñ Ñ³Û ñ» ÝÇ ùáõÙ ³å ñ» Éáõ µá Éá ñÇë »ñ³ ½³Ý ùÁ: dream of living in a strong and flourishing homeland will come true. êºðÄ ê²ð¶êÚ²Ü Serzh SargSyan г۳ëï³ÝÇ Ð³Ýñ³å»ïáõÃÛ³Ý Ý³Ë³·³Ñ President of the republic of armenia ²ñ ó³ ËÇ Ð³Ý ñ³ å» ïáõ ÃÛ³Ý Åá Õáíñ ¹Ç, Çß Ë³ Ýáõ ÃÛáõÝ Ý» ñÇ ¢ ³Ý - On behalf of the people and government of artsakh and myself, I Ó³Ùµ ÇÙ ³Ýáõ ÝÇó Ç ëñ ï» ßÝáñ ѳ íá ñáõÙ »Ù µá Éá ñÇë §Ð³ Û³ë ï³ Ý¦ wholeheartedly congratulate the 20th anniversary of our beloved ѳ Ù³ Ñ³Û Ï³ Ï³Ý ÑÇ٠ݳ¹ ñ³ ÙÇ 20-³Ù Û³ ÏÇ Ï³ å³Ï óáõ ÃÛ³Ùµ: hayastan all-armenian Fund. ê³ Ñ³ Ù³ Ñ³Û Ï³ Ï³Ý ³ÛÝ »½³ ÏÇ Ï³ éáõÛó Ý» ñÇó ¿, áñÇ ³í³Ý ¹Á This is a singular pan-armenian organization whose role in the for- Ñ³Û Ï³ Ï³Ý »ñ Ïáõ ³Ý Ï³Ë å» ïáõ ÃÛáõÝ Ý» ñÇ Ï³ Û³ó Ù³Ý áõ ½³ñ ·³ó - mation and development of the two independent armenian republics Ù³Ý ·áñ ÍáõÙ Çñáù ³Ý· ݳ ѳ ï» ÉÇ ¿: г Ù³ËÙ µ» Éáí ³ß Ë³ñ ѳë÷ - is indeed invaluable. By rallying the worldwide armenian community Ûáõé ѳ Ûáõ ÃÛ³ ÝÁ ѳ Ù³½ ·³ ÛÇÝ ·³ Õ³ ÷³ñ Ý» ñÇ ßáõñç` ݳ Ù» ͳ å»ë around pan-national ideals, the fund contributes immensely to the Ýå³ë ïáõÙ ¿ Ù»ñ Åá Õáíñ ¹Ç ÝíÇ ñ³ Ï³Ý ÇÕ Ó» ñÇ áõ Ýå³ ï³Ï Ý» ñÇ fruition of our people’s sacred aspirations and goals, the strengthening Çñ³ ϳ ݳó Ù³ ÝÁ, г Û³ë ï³ ÝÇ áõ ²ñ ó³ ËÇ ½á ñ³ó Ù³ÝÝ áõ µ³ñ ·³ - and prosperity of armenia and artsakh, and the continual sustenance í³× Ù³ ÝÁ, г Û³ë ï³Ý -²ñ ó³Ë-ê÷ Ûáõéù »é³ ÙÇ ³ë Ýáõ ÃÛ³Ý ß³ ñáõ ݳ - of the bond of unity between armenia, artsakh, and the diaspora. ϳ Ï³Ý ³Ù ñ³åݹ Ù³ ÝÁ: In the past 20 years the fund has implemented numerous projects Æñ ·áñ Íáõ Ý» áõ ÃÛ³Ý 20 ï³ ñÇ Ý» ñÇ ÁÝ Ã³ó ùáõÙ ÑÇ٠ݳ¹ ñ³ ÙÁ ²ñ - of vital significance to our people, encompassing the spheres of high- ó³ ËáõÙ ÏÛ³Ý ùÇ ¿ Ïá ã»É Ù»ñ Åá Õáíñ ¹Ç ѳ Ù³ñ Ï»Ý ë³ Ï³Ý Ýß³ ݳ Ïáõ - way and road construction, water and gas infrastructures, education, ÃÛáõÝ áõ Ý» óáÕ µ³½ Ù³ ÃÇí Íñ³· ñ»ñ ׳ ݳ å³ñ Ñ³ß Ç Ýáõ ÃÛ³Ý, culture, and healthcare, among others. çñ³ Ù³ ï³ Ï³ ñ³ñ Ù³Ý, Ïñ ó ϳÝ, Ùß³ Ïáõ ó ÛÇÝ áõ ³éáÕ ç³ å³ Ñ³ - Today, as we celebrate this magnificent 20th jubilee, I once again Ï³Ý ûµ Û»Ïï Ý» ñÇ Ï³ éáõó Ù³Ý ¢ ³ÛÉ áÉáñï Ý» ñáõÙ: congratulate you, all members of the fund’s Board of Trustees and ex- Ø»Ï ³Ý ·³Ù ¢ë ßÝáñ ѳ íá ñáõÙ »Ù ÑÇ٠ݳ¹ ñ³ ÙÇ Ñá ·³ µ³ñ Óáõ Ý» ñÇ ecutive Board, as well as its worldwide affiliates, donors, and philan- ËáñÑñ ¹Ç µá Éáñ ³Ý ¹³Ù Ý» ñÇÝ, Ù»ñ µ³ ñ» ñ³ñ Ý» ñÇÝ áõ ÝíÇ ñ³ ïáõ Ý» - thropists, wishing you great success and further achievements on the ñÇÝ å³Ý ͳ ÉÇ Ñá µ»É Û³ ÝÇ ³é ÃÇí ¢ Ù³Õ ÃáõÙ ³Ù» ݳÛÝ Ñ³ çá Õáõ ÃÛáõÝ - road to realizing your patriotic mission.

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