t-,;’ -.N * 0 5. T a TUESDAY, MARCH 80, fB84 ^ iPBrage^Ul^Ne^PreM Run ' V V - . ' tko Womnn'a BapCiat diacuaaed. Maztla tooomaaeaded f lo v n o L ; Sodrty of UULOomnonltp import .Order Addresses pBUicr tiul Son Nif hf Catherittg Board to Talk Ropea, Grey, Beat. f^Udge, and Cbur^ AniKMbtM Iki O ni^ Rugg, the Boaton. Sraa which has DON'T mage tale for Itoturday, -^iAl I, i handled the Issue for the high ’ST. CbmmU- tol2 Bbon. at the TMCA, 1« North achool and the Keeney Stirdet a t, Sewer Funds t 0 ^ mtM &vnt Man under the Chairmntirtp School. ntlB Plenty Of Wear Left V ■■ CUy of VVSag^ Chorm ■t t p. m. at Mrii. Walter BtUlnga, lU Town ufflolale plan a hike in b Shoea aepatrfd Here Any ertd D»m- bridge B t Memben nay bring «r- D irectors l!||By Consider tMS» water rates to p«gL..i|;or tha ^ to oerdMly itMl to »t- tidet to tha church, or if they with improvemants, including'Improve- VOL Jn X I I I , NO. 15S fOlaaalltod MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY. MARCH 31.1854 (THIRTY^O PAGES IN TWO S E C li6 !| | ) tlds macttaf. pickup, Mrt. BUlingt or Mrt. Hiring Bond Gmnsel mrtiU to the eawaga rttpoeal m YULYES Frank Carpenter, t l Adelaide Rd, plant at^Qlcott St., and reffnancHig Shoe leiialrlag of the Better H ^ ' BM|e. Mn. prcaident of the aoclety, may be To Hiiidle‘ Refinance the MM.OOd in bonds which are I Ktad brne'While Feu Walt. _ Witt, li™. OoroOiy Wohl- oontacted by telephone. due In December., ' ,_HLMAPLB STREET Mid Mn. Luellto Hiirth of The Board of Directors, will meet Opp. FIrat Natteaal Stare Eli^en PiCy Port 10*«, VFW, The Merri-Wedt. m arried informally fonlght sa wrter con»> itotoiBwy. mm nlgM amatrti th« couplet group, will hold a eupper- mlssioners tp dlacuss the PaHdag Let HprtfOM C^nty Council, VFW. at meaUng at the Second Congrega­ Shancing of Improvements to the TSlTjsTlLr'TOUR itt^iaiiMl tonfo tor Ui« patlenu tional church tomorrow at 6:90 town's aewer and water ayatems. Hurt in tho N rtirint^ Vrternns Hot- p. m., whldt promitee to be out The meeting will take place at 8 i'V piUL of the ordinary at the men are ex­ p.m. in tha hearing room of the pected to'do the ciftering. Municipal Ruildlng. A iptclt} TnecUnif )of th« Km- The group will probably con­ School Fir^ Mtm au b is called for tomorrow Cub Pa<^ No. 04i H oliU ter sider engaging a.bond counael to LECLERI j « p, m. nt Uit lakt Horn* in School, will hold it^ annual neigh< handle the Issue of bonds for the Chsektowsga. N. Y., March ■RodetWe, in honor of Mrt. A. St. borhood "white elephant" .aucUmt Called for and delivtred FUNERAL HOME W ^ ington, March 31 (A^^hairm an Lewis L. Strauss of 31 (4P)-^At least 11 per^ns, re6nanclng. At a recent meeting. the Pottr of Putnam, Ooantctlcut and cak# tale at the achool at 7 Director Helen Fitapatrick asked promptly at. .no «itra i6 Ap »lIm(^Energy Commlesion said today a hydrogen bffmb most of them school children, < Vtoitinc deputy. A mirpriaa aoclal o'clock tonight ' blAj^^ugh td’^p e out any chyjn the world now ct^'be made ArlU^rollow tht botlnast testion. / General Manager Richard Martin charga. FUNESAL were kilidd today in an ex­ Maiidiorter memben on tha com- OiTord Pariah Chapter, D ^ to gat coat eatimatea for bond StrauRi made th^statement dt President Elkenhoiver’s weekly plosion and fir4 that ripped h i: counseling from eeveral finpa of SERVICE new* conference. HeNattended the? mlttoa include Mn. John Murphy, wlU meet Thurtday at 6 p. pi. at through the ffAme annex of Mn, J . O. ITnitea, Mrt. John B. bond attomeya NNE niUMUY conference to give the public Uio home of Mra^arry M. Fraaer, Walter N, , ^artlalr'tcci **: on tha" rqe^ ----- an elementary school in this Burke, Mrt. Peter Fagan. Mrt. irspring 8 t Mrt. Prater i^U talk Martin said today he has're­ CAU Ml.t.ni4 Leclerc, vH-bomb Helen Griffin and Mrt. Dorothy ceived aeveral auch coat eatimatea Director in Oie Pacific. ' ^^Unbelievable*’ Buffalo subprban community: The Pilot WaUu^ Awny f^m This oh "Ruga -=^ Hooklng >Near and Tbs \ ARC chairman Excise Tax PravatOri. Far."' n>a hortetaea will be Mrt. but the difference between them At least 19. others ware burned on a laim ,b o n d ' iseue is very 33 Main Street, Manchester Match X And March 38 teate." or Injuted, , Thomaa Diawldnt and Mtot Mar­ . SilQCSIfpfuli^ „ and. - dsc]aiad garet Kornglebet uaalT.’- ' ' ■ ■■ ■ - -■ Call Mi>9-$869 bodiaa of Uie-11 knowntdcafl When the ra&nancing was last Read Herald Advf. "itooAM^potenttal hat bean addM w m found in the ruins of the one- Slasli Held Our lAdy of Victory Mother* to our^ilitary poatOrL,"* story building: Firemen probed for Circle will meet tomorrow at t IteWtc Tart Uncentrelled oUiera • HALTS Hb (tepled reports that the first i It. was believed tome teachers p. m. a t u e home of Min. Thomas blast,. wht(^ exposed a number id i Trade Spur R. Brdwn, tit Jensen S t Members ' — ' . Herald Photo. might liiave been among the caaual- Headquarters _ . jmlnded to bring their d.ona- AmericinA Jepaheeo and Merriiall I Uea There were no Immediate "Fundamental to the American way ia a good relationship between fathers and. sons.” Hugh. Greer IdandM far from the expIcniOn i ■ffc' FOR jtis for the Batter bbahet Elec-, told membera'>'of rthe South Methodist Church Men’s CHib last night at the church. The successful Gofdfish We Are acene w'"hot’’ oahes, virent out of Identiflcetiona. Washington, March 31 Wino' tion of offlcen vdll take place at University pf Connecticut basketball coach was the speaker for the aimual Father and Son Night. codti'StX /'. The explosion occurred ehortly —^President Eisenhower sai(l tbit‘meeting. BeDch President fbkiert Spencer of the Men’s Club said more thAi 300 fathers apd sons were present Greer "It waa, h Btupendoua blart," before clasees we|« due to be dia- today he will sig^ the 99j3 was introduced to tha gathering by Herald Sports Editor Earl Tost Sole Sforts f ' p ' / " - ' " ' , Open All Day Strauae aaid. "But at no Ume miiMd for the luhch. hour; Nearby issuM, it wi A meeting of the committee of «>uf of control.” reaidente said it made a soft, Biillion dQllar excise tax cut day, f(N- the Cub 8< ^ t Pack 130 will be held bill and believes it willyhelp All, Saints Mothers Circle will Herman Wise and PhUtil D. The Infant Jesus of Prague 'He mid tn* power of the ''ex- booming sound and that flames sons charted this evening at 7:30 in the lunch Wed. Morniilg Wednesday ptoeion was about twice what ,dclen- rolled out of the building to a stimulate business. / : room of S t James’ achool. meet tomorrow at 8:30 p, m., with Feltman, tekal, druggiate, have Mothers Circle will meet tomorrow L ties in connectii Michael Treschuk, 06 Lenox been honored by Rexall Drug Co., night at the home of Mra Fred tiata had exptoted—a mar^n iof height of at least 50 feet ^ The President told his news Oct. 5,1958, Wii error not uouaual.'he added, in teat- conference he will put his signa­ tnaitort who ^litake part in St. Memben are requested to for their outstanding record during B am tt. 84 Bower* S t The meet­ One rce^e worker told a news­ pal elKictiidns. bring articles for both the aucUon lug "a totally new weapm." man that the bodies were all found ture to the- measure later in the the Ad'^iice for Chrirt program at the company’s 50th anniversary ing will beigin at 8:30, in order Special Wednesday Values An unexpected ehlft in the wind The warrants warn Lutheran Church will 'n d the Easter basket. year of 1953. Each has been that members may attend the mis­ in one room of the building. day. He added he has evitry rea- Bnianuel ‘^torried atomic particlea to. tho oon to. beUeve enactment,of the terday ry Superioi*- have a supper meeting In LutlW awarded a specially inscribed gold sion at St. Bridget’s Church. Mem­ MEATY LEAN SHOULDER LEA ^f "It appeared that after the fire Wiulam J. Shea, but the Mrs. Ruth Spenedr of the Spencer mea vdiere a Japohese fishing tax reduction will be a stimulating haU a f 6:30 this evening. watch at a persona] memento of bers are reminded to bring clothes ^nm^r ' waa cfuis^, strauat broke out, the chitdreii attempted mert t drat witUkcld untU they Johnson of Cranston, R. I., /and Rubber Products Co. la spending the occaaioh. for the auction. to get out of the windows, since factor in the American economy. Eisenhower d'ecided to sign the turned over to police for several membert of the loci^pom- a week with hhr father in St. Pe- l^MB CHOPS STEWING ULMB S tra m Said the teaU bring the moat of the bodies were near the They charged mittee will apeak. Supper > a l be tenburg, Fla. window wall of the room," he bill' into law—the cuts will be ‘" Oommiailon "very much nearer" effective tomorrow—evert though the use of abaintee ballota A Hto V served by inembera of the' Dorcas to agUafying the requirementa rt aaid. • non-partlaaa voting last October. Society. The Rev.
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