Chapter 4: CULTURAL RESOURCE STATUS OF DHUPGURI BLOCK 4.1. Introduction Human resource of an area is considered to be of prime importance is achieving the overall efficiency and sustainability of natural resource management. Better human resource can utilized its natural resource base for the benefit of the society in a sustainable manner. Thus human resource often considered as the focal theme of assessing cultural resource of an area (Human Development Report, 200 I; WB Human Development Report, 2004). As mentioned earlier that the Dhupguri block consists of two parallel administrative set-up from the point of view of development planning under the light of 73'd and 74lh Constitution Amendments i.e., the PR!s that encompasses the rural area consisting of 16 gram pancheyets (GP) and ULBs that consists of Dhupguri municipality encompassing more urbanized area divided into 16 wards. An attempt has been made in this chapter to visualize the socio-economic status and the level of human resource development of Dhupguri block in the perspective of development planning. The data for such a study has mostly been accessed from the NRDMS centre Jalpaiguri, CCA village registrar and from the office of District Magistrate, Jalpaiguri. Necessary field verification has been carried out under standard format. Data has been analysed using standard statistical methods. 4.2 Socio-economic Status of Gram Paucheyets 4.2.1 Population and Family set-up The total population ofDhupguri block was estimated to be 309,729 according to CCA survey conducted in the year 2003-2004. Out of which 161, 511 (%)has been identified as male population and 146,218 (%) female population thus the gender ratio stands as 905.31 female population per 1000 male which is still lower than the national average. The total number of family in Dhupguri block has been identified as 70,350 thus the average family size has been estimated to be 4.40 persons per family. The gram pancheyet wise detail distribution of population, family size and gender ratio has been tabulated in table 4.1. 52 Table 4 I Gram Pancheyet wise Populati on, Family and Gender rati o of Dhupguri block. Name of Gram Population Family Gender Pancheyets Male Female Total % Number Size ratio Banarhat I 11 377 9732 2 1109 6.82 6008 3.51 855.41 Banarhat II 11 416 10427 2 1843 7.05 4246 5.14 913.37 Barogharia 10737 9945 22682 7.32 5826 3.89 926.24 Binnaguri 13338 13642 26980 8.71 5041 5.35 1022.79 Chamurchi 15848 15365 3 12 13 10.08 6062 5.15 969.52 Gadang I 10167 8928 19095 6. 17 4081 4.68 878.14 Gadang II 6269 585 1 12 120 3.91 3300 3.67 933.32 Gadhairkuthi 9285 7858 17 143 5.53 4688 3.66 846.31 Jhar Altagram I 11 364 10255 21619 6.98 4971 4.35 902.41 Jhar Altagram ll 6376 5732 12108 3.91 2277 5.32 899.00 Magurmari I 7838 6902 14740 4.76 3768 3.91 880.58 Magurmari II 9188 7853 17041 5.50 3654 4.66 854.70 Sakojhora I 13499 11 233 24732 7.99 6425 3.85 832.14 Sakojhora II 9728 8848 18576 6.00 3822 4.86 909.54 Salbari I 7570 6855 14425 4.66 336 1 4.29 905.55 Salbari II 75 11 6792 14303 4.62 2820 5.07 904.27 Total 161511 1462 18 309729 100 70350 4.40 905.31 Based on CCA reporl & Vrllage Regrslrar 200-1-2008, NRDMS Centre, Jalparg urr Figure 4.1 demonstrates gram pancheyet wise fami ly size in Dhupguri block. It is interesting to note that the ST dominated gram pancheyets exhibits larger family size than that SC dominated areas. The largest family size of 5.35 persons per fami ly has been found in Binnaguri GP fo llowed by 5.32 in Jhar Altagram II , 5. 15 in Chamurchi, 5. 14 in Banarhat II and 5.07 persons per family in Salbari II gram pancheyet. Partially urbanized Banarhat I GP recorded the lowest number of 3.5 1 persons per fami ly and this has been fo ll owed by 3.66 in Gadhairkuthi and 3.67 in Gadang II gram pancheyets which are predominately agrarian area dominated by SC population (Figure 4. 1). Fam ily Size (Number per Family) In Gram Pancheyets In Dhupcurl Block ... I"" .i!: I"" I"" ~ s I!" .. I"" I"" .. ':;;- 4 ~ .. ~ c: ,... !"" ~ ; l Q.. 0 j 1. E z" l .... .... .... .... 0 - - Figure No. 4. 1 Gram Pancheyet wise family size in Dhupguri block 53 Figure 4.2 demonstrates gram pancheyet wise gender ratio in Dhupguri block. The most favourable gender ratio has been noticed in ST dominated Binnaguri gram pancheyet which has been estimated to be I 022.79 female per 1000 male population. The most unfavourable gender ratio is identified in Sakojhora II GP with only 832.I4 female per 1000 male population. This is followed by Gadhairkuthi GP with 846.3I, Magurmari II with 854.70, Banarhat I GP with 855.4I and 880.58 female per 1000 male population in Magurmari I GP. Gender ratio has been found more favourable in gram pancheyets like Chamurchi with 969.52, Gadang II with 933.32 and Barogharia gram pancheyet with 926.24 female per I 000 male population (Figure 4.2). NumberofFemalePopulatlon per 1000 Male In Gram Pancheyets in Dhupguri ~lock l 4.2 .1.1 Caste Composition Schedule Caste (S~) community constitutes the largest share of families in Dhupguri block which accounts for 50% of the total. This has been followed by Schedule Tribe (ST) community accounts for another 22% of the total. The minority community contributes to 13% of the total family of the block. This is closely followed by other backward communities (OBC) with 7% and Caste Hindu with only 8% of the total family. Large majority of families accounting for 83% of the total has been identified as backward community (Figure 4.3). The gram pancheyet wise caste composition of families ofDhupguri block is tabulated in table 4.2 and also diagrammatically represented in figure 4.4. It is interesting to note that the northern tea garden dominated gram pancheyets are dominated by schedule tribe (ST) population i.e., Banarhat II with 70.44%, Chamurchi with 63.6I% followed by Binnaguri with 46.44% and Banarhat I with 38.47%. While, SC population has 54 C aste Composition of FamUy in Dhupgurl Block • sc • ST OBC • M mor it y • Caste Htndu Figure 4.3. Caste composition of fa milies in Dhupguri block been found to be dominated in the agrarian gram pancheyets of Dhupguri block. Such as SC population constitute 86.65% of the total popu lation in Gadhairkuthi gram pancheyet which is followed by Gadang II gram pancheyet with 78.15%, Jhar Altagram I with 77.17%, Jhar Altagram II with 69.65%, Barogharia gram pancheyet with 66.53%, Magurmari I gram pancheyet with 66.30%, Sakojhora II with 61.02%, Salbari I gram pancheyet 59.68% and Gadang 1 with 54.68% of the total famil y ofthe respective gram pancheyets. T a bl e 4 ..2 G ..P WI Se ca s t e compost 10n off: a miT 1 es m. Dh up gun. bl oc k Name ofG.P. sc ST OBC Minority Caste Hindu Total Banarhat I 1363 2311 820 474 1042 6008 Banarhat II 475 2991 134 204 398 4246 Barogharia 3876 66 239 1507 138 5826 Binnaguri 416 2341 400 1513 371 5041 Chamurchi 429 3856 67 1 210 896 6062 Gadang I 2239 48 89 1 875 28 4081 Gadang II 2579 38 286 255 142 3300 Gadhairkuthi 4062 22 1 34 325 46 4688 Jhar Altagram J 3836 339 286 255 225 4971 Jhar Altagram II 1586 438 90 37 126 2277 Magurmari I 2498 118 38 1 654 117 3768 Magurmari II 2777 146 99 505 127 3654 Sakojhora I 3002 1251 564 539 1068 6425 Sakoj hora II 2332 148 270 992 60 3822 Salbari I 2006 598 60 414 283 3361 Salbari II 1524 451 128 198 519 2820 Tota l 35 000 15361 5353 8957 5586 70350 Based on CCA report & Village Registrar 2004-2008, NRDMS Centre. Ja/pa/guri The largest concentration of other backward communities (OBC) has been identified in Gadang I gram pancheyet wh ich accounts for 21.83% of the total family in 55 Dhupguri block. Thi s is closely followed by Banarhat I (1 3.65%), Chamurchi (11. 10%) and Magurmari I (I 0.11 %). The largest concentration of minority population has been identified in Binnaguri gram pancheyet wh ich accounted for 30.0 I% of the total population. This is fol lowed by Sakojhora II gram pancheyet with 25 .95% ofthe total family of the GP followed by 21.44% identified in Gadang I gram pancheyet. The largest concentration of caste Hindu fam il ies has been identified in Salbari II gram pancheyet which accounts fo r 18.40% of the total fami ly in the respective GP. Th is is closely foll owed by Banarhat I ( 17.34%), Sakojhora I (16.62%) and in Chamurchi (14.78%). Castt Composition in Grnm P:mdttytts ofDhupglui Block 7000 • SC • ST 08C • Minority • C•ste Hindu 6000 - ~ E:- 5000 ~ ~ IIIII I I ~ ~ :1000 / Ar- 0 / f- - r- r- r- r- l r- r-- i )000 f- f- ,__ / r-- r- r- r- z 2000 f- f- f- f- f- f- 1- !000 / / f- f- f- f- f- f- 0 7 Figure No.
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