THE PLANETARIAN Journal of the International Planetariu1'1'l Society Vol .. 21, No.2, June 1992 Articles 8 Graphic Demonstration of Hubble's Law ..................... David Chandler 12 Promoting the Viewing of Bright Earth Satellites ............ PauiD. Maley 14 South American Astronomical Mythology ..................... Eileen M. Starr 20 Paul Engle, 1919-1992 ................................................ Donald C. Wold 58 Gerald L. Mallon Planetarium Dedicated .......................... Joyce Towne Features 23 Mobile News Network ...................................................... Sue Reynolds 26 Computer Corner: Internet, Usenet, and Bitnet .......... Charles Hemann 30 Forum: Planetarian Background ............................... Richard H. Shores 38 Planetechnica: Auto Repair & Image Rotators ........ Richard McColman 42 Opening the Dome: Observatory at Franklin Institute ......... Jon U. Bell 44 Scriptorium: Plots and Stories ....................................... Alan Davenport 47 Regional Roundup ............................................................ Steven Mitch 50 The Balance Sheet ........................................................... Keith Johnson 52 Wh.at's New ...................................................................... Jim Manning 56 Kodalith Korner ................................................................. Georgia Neff 60 Jane's Corner .................................................................... Jane Hastings The New SKYMASTER ZKP3 T he new. modem planetarium from Carl leiss Jena. specially created for small domes of 6 to 11 meters In diameter. brings entertainment to educatIOn. And It doesn'l com­ promise the Integrity of the learning expenence. MASTERING THE LAWS OF THE UNIVERSE In schools. univerSities and navigational training. users can explore precise. true-to­ nature celestial phenomena. The Images are so vivid thaI observers qUickly master the laws of the skies: hence Its name ... SKYMASTER. 1992 DEBUT There are about 100 $KYMASTl R systems already installed around the world. This year. the versatile $KYMASH:R lKP 3 makes Its debut. For planetarium users. the SKYMASI(R lKP 3 means brighter stars with superior definition. It has enhanced didactic applications and It incorporates the latest in electronics and sophisticated computer controls. The compact instrument simulates diurnal. annual and polar altitude motions which are driven automatically and are continuously controllable. forward and back~ ward. Audio-system special effects and ancillary equipment can be easily integrated Into the SKVM.I\STER ZKP 3. BROUGHT TO YOU BY CARL ZEISS JENA Carl Zeiss Jena now produces and markets all Zeiss planetarium products. For plane­ tarium users. the company represents the world's most expenenced and advanced planetarium scientists and technological experts. working together to make your next planetarium proteCtor the finest available. FOR MORE INFORMAnON Seiler Instrument Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH ABOUT THE Dislributor of Zeiss Planetaria ZEISS Postfach 125 SKYMASTER ZKP 3 , 170 E. Kirkham Avenue Tatzendpromenade 1a SI. Louis, MO 63119 PLEASE CALL OR FAX OUR 0-6900Jena New Orleans Sales Ollice 49-3641 -588·2575 PLANETARIUM SPEClAUSTS. (800}726.8805 Fax 49·3641 ·588·2023 Fax (504) 764-7665 Germany Telex 58 74 52 The Planetarian USN 0090-3213) is '[)ul,lislhed. ..... ,,,... +,,,, .. 1,,, International Planetarium I!.;."",,..',,,,i' ... authors are pelrSO!nal o'[):ini()ns LntE~rmltional Planetarium I!.;.nl"i; "".'" 2 announcements, or other ma1tenal endorsement Planetarium Society, its officers or The welcomes items publica tion. The Editor reserves the to edit any solicited or unsolicited manu~;crilpt suit this publication's needs. TREASURER and MEMBERSHIP Ii. • " "'Ill A'", ","".A,",". Keith Johnson John Mosley Fleischmann Planetarium Griffith Observatory University of ".-,J .... I.... Reno, Nevada 89557-0010 2800 Observatory Road 702-784-4812 Los Angeles, CA 90027 702-784-4822 213-664-1181 office phone 213-663-4323 office fax 818-708-7314 home fax ADVERTISING COORDINATOR CompuServe 74156,473 Scott Niskach Internet: [email protected] Hanes Planetarium Nature Science Associate Editors Museum Drive Winston-Salem, NC 27105 Jon U. Bell Opening the Dome Alan Davenport Scriptorium MEMBERSHIP Individual Membership: $40 one two Jane G. Hastings Institutional Membership: $150 first Jane's Comer Library Subscriptions: Charles Hemann Computer Corner I. P. S. JOB INFORMATION SERVICE Laura L. K yro To receive word of new "'"'"",f".;h""'.... OOE~niJl2:S Book Reviews field, send up to six sel:f.. a(jd]~e~;ed stamrm pn,~pI4:UV:·S. Richard McColman Str,ase~nbur$l~h Planetarium Planetechnica Box 1480 .... n,r·ho.::..o1l' New York 14603 Jim Manning What's New BACKISSUESOFTHEPLANET~ Steve Mitch each. Regional Roundup Georgia Neff Kodalith Komer Donna Pierce Gib bous Gazette The Planetarian is designed at the Griffith ()hlUl>1"u~tln1"U Sue Reynolds Printing by Victory Printing and Van Mobile News Network Richard Shores Forum Vol. 21, No.2, June 1992 The Planetarian p. s. President' Treasurer Elections Committee Chairmaln John Pogue Keith Johnson Thomas Stec 1410 Paris Drive Fleischmann Planetarium Central Bucks East School Grand Prairie, Texas 75050 University of Nevada 214-264-4731 Reno, Nevada 89557-0010 702-784-4812 President-Elect 1992 Conference Chairman Awards Committee Von DeIOtamberlain Phyllis Hansen Planetarium The Adler Planetarium 15 South State Street 1300 S. Lake Shore Drive Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 USA Chicago, Illinois 60605 USA Past-President 801-538-2104 312-322-0319 Terence Murtagh 500 Chesham House 1994 Conference Chairman 150 Regent Street Michael Hutton London WIR2, England B. C. C. Planetarium IPS Permanent N1a:1l1rH' Brevard Community College Executive Secretary 1519 Oearlake Road International Planetarium "'A'"'1Dt"" Katherine Becker Cocoa, Florida 32926 USA Hansen Planetarium 5103 Burt Street Omaha, Nebraska 68132 HistorianIPhoto-Archivist 15 South State Street 402-556-0082 John Hare Salt Lake Utah 84111 402-280-2140 fax Bishop Planetarium 20110th Street West Bradenton, Florida 33505 USA 813-746-4132 s. AFFILIATE Association of French-Speaking Planetariums Great Plains Planetarium Association (GPPA) Planetarium Association (APLF) Terry Walker Ian McGregor Agnes Acker Tiel Sanford Museum McLaughlin Planetarium Planetarium Strasbourg 117 E. Willow Street 100 Queens Park Universite Louis Pasteur Oterokee, Iowa 52402 USA Toronto, Ontario M5S 2C6 Canada Rue de L'Observatoire 712-225-3922 416-586-5736 6700 Strasbourg, France 88361251 Italian Planetaria's Friends Association (AADP) Association of Mexican Planetariums Loris Ramponi (AMPAq c/o avid Musei de Scienze Planetarium Ignacio Castro Pinal Via Ozanam 4 Mtlseum of the Rockies Museo Technologico C.F.E. 25128 Brescia, Italy Bozeman Montana 59717 USA Apartado Postal 18-816 406-994-6874 CP 11870 Mexico Giy, D.f. Mexico Middle Atlantic Planetarium (MAPS) 406-994-2682 fax 277-5779 Steven Mitch Benedum Natural Science Center Southeastern Planetarium Associ,Hllon British Association of Planetariums (BAP) Oglebay Park Robert Tate Undine Concannon Wheeling, West Virginia 26003 London Planetarium 304-242-3000 Marlybone Road 304-242-7800 fax London, England United Kingdom NW1 5LR Nordic Planetarium Association (NPA) Lars Broman Solutlll w(~sb~rn Association Broman Planetarium (SWAP) Association (EMPA) Fjiiderharvsg 87 Donna Pierce Dennis Simopoulos 5-42466 Goteborg-Angered, Sweden HH'hl:~n<i Park Ind. School District Eugenides Planetarium +46-2310177 (phone) Syngrou A venue-Amfithea +46-2310137 (fax) Dallas, Texas 75205 Athens, Greece 214-526-4800 94-111-81 Pacific Planetarium Association (PP A) Lonny Baker Great Lakes Planetarium Association (GLPA) . Morrison Planetarium Dayle Brown, Pegasus Productions California Academy of Sciences 713Cushmg Golden Gate Park South Bend, Indiana 46616 USA San Francisco, California 94118 USA 219-282-1885 415-750-7325 4 JOURNEY INTO THE THRILLING DIMENSION OF Sensational Full Dome 3-D Experience • Utilizing Lasers & New Chroma Depth Technology Far the first time in a darned theeter images "POP" aff the screen and are suspended in mid-eir! Audio Visual Imagineering. Inc. 7953 Twist Lane • Springfield. VA 22153 For further information contact Joanne McCullough at [703J 569-7646 Fax [703J 569-97BO men! that "all the other elements are loose jumble of should as belittling the value of starshow visual my was to has a critical role in as Affairs Committee for I sent a letter to Fair ria............ ""' .... the use of the term "Planetarium" for their column It mocks the true mean- of the term central to our work. I was startled and ~VJ'Jl'-'A..F."''''-'':> are '-'AA"~"'''''' .;:...... ~ ..... ..:>i. that ..... ,' ... .., ..... isolation letter of January 15. The column, quence of modem cnr'lof"" is with our readers, has carried the title Christine Brunello's article a year. It is too to change even if we Education: Are had the desire to do so. Michael Lutin's witty tone is unique 1992), on the other among astrologers, and he draws heavily on the movements and conjunctions of planets for his predictions. Beyond that, there is a certain playful license in the title, which can be found throughout the magazine. Sincerely, Wayne Lawson, Executive Literary Editor live and Mr. Hunt asks the rhetorical Effective Shows gave a plametar'imn equal It was with considerable interest that I read Jeff Hunt's March 1992 Planetarian piece entitled UPlanetarium Visuals: Research Questions and Proposals". His article
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